The Magnetic Scorpion by HARDWEAR is available in two awesome ring styles. Standard and Full Tilt.

In the Standard style, which is the default, the front and back rings of this awesome triple-cock ring will open and auto-latch magnetically, while the middle ring retains a stretchy Power Grip esthetic. Classic triple rings are hard to put on, but our design makes it very easy.

The Full Tilt style is an upgrade that delivers the ultimate in easy on, easy off, instant access for your cock. By allowing the middle ring to also open and auto-latch magnetically, the entire triple ring is able to unfold into “full tilt” mode. The entire three-ring system literally opens like a transformer and reforms around your dick in an instant. There is nothing else in the world like this technology, but then you’re used to that by now. This, of course, is a state-of-the-art HARDWEAR cock ring.

Both styles look and work great. Both are lightyears beyond other triple rings in terms of styling, easy access, and male enhancing power. Whichever you choose, a man can never go wrong with the Magnetic Scorpion by HARDWEAR.