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The word Nefarious means diabolic and dangerous, characteristics any good Dom should exude... and will in this exceptional Mens BDSM Harness. It is the ultimate master’s rig, blending threat with off the hook sexuality to a tune that is perfection. Your submissives will be dripping wet between the legs from the moment you strut onto the scene, but you won’t let the little puppies cum will you… not until master says so. The Nefarious Deluxe is a multi-dimensional design (meaning it features layered component harnesses, one overlapping the other to create a look that takes bad-ass-ness to the next level). Every part of the harness is adjustable so that the fit can be tailored to your body’s exact dimensions. Of course the rig is industrial strength, rendered in our Viper weave fabric that boasts amazing strap tolerances of up to 800lbs. As always, Satyr Gear represents a new high quality benchmark in BDSM Harness Technology.

The Torso:

All 3 Levels of this harness (STANDARD, DELUXE AND SUPER) have the full torso treatment. So let’s work our way out from the core to explore all the parts of this amazing harness. Centrally the Nefarious is 3 harnesses interlocked to create a look that is unmatched machismo. At the bottom layer is a slim-line (.5 inch strapping) X chest harness featuring slides, a number of connection points, jeweled rivets, and front snaps for easy on\off action. Layered over this is a beefy 1” X style chest harness built around a super macho 3” mid-chest ring and farther endowed with our dazzling chrome seat belt style “Dungeon Of The Future” buckles. Every component is of the highest quality, ever strap is interwoven into the rig with our high-end precision box stitching. Working our way down from the beefy X harness we find an inverted T style abdominal harness boasting a slightly smaller but still major abdominal ring, with 2 more DOTF buckles, snaps, height adjustability, and more connection points...

The Cock:

DELUXE AND SUPER versions of this harness come with the optional cock ring down strap. Beefy adjustable length down strap outfitted with a DOTF buckle converts the T of the abdominal rigging into a + (plus) and connects to your cock ring of choice for a total harness experience that has your entire torso, cock zone included, in the game.

The Extremities:

- STANDARD version of this harness does not come with any of the gear for your extremities.
- DELUXE version comes with the collar and cock ring down strap mentioned above.
- SUPER version gets you the works.

Starting at the top, an asymmetric collar boasts full adjustability for fitting every neck and a dazzling “Dungeon Of The Future” Buckle sits beside 4 eye catching steel rivets. 3 D-ring connectors travel around the collar (perfect for chains, leashes and what have you) with additional pairs of rivets seated between each. The look is absolutely awesome. Arm bands have the same components as the collar and are interchangeably as either arm bands or collars. Wrist cuffs are a smaller design with 1 DOTF buckle, 2 D-rings are present for gettin’ cuffed, chained, roped, etc, and 3 pairs of rivets travel the band. Thigh bands are a matching design to the arm bands only in sizes appropriate to the leg. Ankle cuffs (not shown) are a matching design to wrist cuffs appropriately sized to the ankle.

The Drawers:

* The Leather boxer from our Hard-boy underwear line (and many of our underwear styles) can be incorporated seamlessly and sexily with this and all Satyr Gear harnesses. Want this man’s drawers for yourself? You can add the Leather Boxer to any version of the harness easily once you add the harness to your shopping cart.