Cock Rings Make A Boy Bigger and Better, Harder and Larger. These wonderful devices, sometimes also called dick rings and\or (penis or erection rings), are mechanical male enhancement tools capable of transforming a man’s sex life through the power of tremendous erections, correcting various sexual dysfunctions, and even promoting enlargement in the male organ.
A boy’s ring is ready to boost his mojo in a number of scenarios: in the bedroom, obviously, where cock ring sex serves up a huge long-lasting hard-on; in the office, where the gear delivers a pumped up bulge under his slacks to keep him looking sexy; and certainly in the locker room after work, where he becomes the envy of the crowd as the other boys get a gander at his hot new gear (and his big sausage swinging in it).
Not Just Any Ring…
Having been leaders in the world of male sexual gear for now approaching fourteen years, the question “What does a cock ring do?” is one that our Penis Performance Coaches and Male Enhancement Experts have answered a thousand times, and one we’re always happy to answer in detail. There are, in fact, so many good reasons to wear these enhancers that we’ll take it zone by zone.
In just a moment we’ll start in the bedroom, but first let’s just mention that this kind of male gear can be worn in a number of exciting ways. The first thing a man might want to consider is what kind of ring he wants to wear. We could call this section a tale of two great male enhancement styles, but really there are more than two kinds of bracelets for your boy parts. For instance there are ones that go directly on a boy’s ball sack with an aim of stretching his nuts low, and ones that are double and triple designs that can cage your junk from every angle at one.There are those worn round a man’s full package, behind the frank and the beans, which is often referred to as a cock and ball ring (C&B). Or alternatively, there are gear stles that slip onto the male organ and sit at the root, which is typically referred to as a shaft or penis ring. There are still more configurations, but these styles being the most popular, will be the primary focus of this article.

Enjoying bigger erections, bigger loads with explosive orgams, better staying power, awesome sex, masturbation, and ADR wear, with the Infinity Clamp: H70. The amazing fully adjustable male ring by Hardwear.
Cock and Ball (C&B) Ring Vs. Dick Ring
By far, the two most popular types of male rings are those that fit around the penis and the testicles together, like a bracelet around a man’s full package and those that fit on the shaft directly infront of the testicles. The full package format is the most popular overall, delivering a great wearing experience for erection support and enhancement, staying power, size, etc. And the second most popular format, often seen as the easiest way to get started with male enhancement gear is the Dick AKA Penis Shaft Ring. As the name implies, this design slides onto the genitalia, sitting at the base or root of your organ, right in front of the scrotum. You don’t have to worry about getting your balls encircled with this style, and this makes this format perfect for beginners. And the Dick Ring still produces very powerful erection support, long lasting sex action, size, etc.
While both kinds work exceptionally well, the feel of the wearing experience, the intent of wearing for sex and masturbation versus extended (ADR All Day Ring Wear), the orgasms sensation and ejaculations produced, and the focus of male sexual energy during usage are very different between the two designs. This is why most men who are avid ring wearers have designs in both categories that they select based on their mood and\or the scenario they are about to jump into.
How to Put On a Cock Ring
Dick Rings are very straightforward; you just slide them on from tip to root. But the C&B format encircles a man’s full package, the frank and the beans, and as such, is a little more involved. Worth the extra knowhow it sometimes takes to get into these rings, they offer design and enhancement perks over the direct on-shaft variety. Greater male orgasm and ejaculation enhancement is one of the perks full package designs offer over shaft designs. Of course Hardwear revolutionized C&B Ring design by introducing horseshoe rings that ope and are adjustable like our awesome 7th generation Infinity Clamp. But if we are looking at a classic solid non-opening full package designs, the trick is to begin with your balls not your dick.
A man should slip the lower hanging nut into the ring first, wiggle the remaining nut in after that, and finally pull his penis through and into the ring at the end. And as to, how to take your full package gear off, you simply reverse these steps. So the penis is pulled out first and then the balls. It’s actually pretty easy once you know the steps.
In The Bedroom: Amazing Cock Ring Sex
In the bedroom or whatever room a boy gets some sex, the sex will be amazing when he’s wearing gear! A super-sized erection is the primary reason for getting your groove on with a ring on. Hardwear rings are famous for the “Hardwear Hard-ons” they produce. Other benefits of being butt-ass-naked with a well dressed dong are: increased staying power so you don’t cum too quickly, increased libido so you hit the sheets hornier, increased semen volume so that when you bust it’s like a volcano, and finally Hardwear rings are sexy. So much so that your partners won’t be able to keep their lips, hands, and other parts off of your dressed-up junk.
All Day Cock Rings (ADR):
For Penis Bulges and Penis Enlargement at The Office, The beach, or Wherever
With Hardwear male enhancers being presented in over 40+ styles and every style being offered in a host of sizes, it’s easy to get yourself equipped for an awesome ADR (All Day Ring). Looking for a nice streamlined bulge? Go with any of our full package designs (The Infinity Clamp, The Erector Rope, Hardwear Ice, The Hardwear Unity, or The Hardwear Industrial Horseshoe are a few options). If, on the other hand, you want a huge bulge go with one of our double or triple rings (The Spider, The Scorpion, The L-Ring or The Reverse L-Ring all come to mind).
Benefits of extended wearing are much more than the bulge, though. Super-pumped erections durring sex and increased circulation throughout the day, lead to a bigger dick in general… even when you’re not wearing your gear. More Semen and a higher Libido are other good reasons to sport a piece of HARDWEAR under your underwear.
Final Thought
We could really go on and on, as honestly, the reasons to wear these male enhancers are more than just a few. Hardwear Male Rings excel at helping men overcome sexual issues like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido, low T, low sperm count, low confidence, etc. But even stud-boys with no problems at all are bigger, harder, longer-lasting and more studly when they slide into thier Hardwear. So, if you’re a guy (or you know a guy) who wants to be a bigger and better man in bed or wherever your dick gets some play, and you want to look and feel sexier today than you did yesterday, then this is the perfect gear for you.

Male Enhancing Rings
Erection Rings & ADR Rings: Power Your Manhood
Want your dick harder, stronger, thicker and longer? Improved orgasm control and mind-blowing ejaculation are also standard with this gear. Explore our 40+ genuine Hardwear designs, equip your junk and unleash your inner porn star tonight.

Str8 Knights: Trending Gear
Top Sex Toys For Men: Male Enhancement Sex Shop
Every knight gets to raise his sword at If you’ve got a one-eyed monster we’ve got the gear to supercharge it! So, like the Billboard Hot 100 of male gear, lets see what awesome male sex toys are hot this month. And with 70+ amazing products to unleash your inner porn star, this top 10 is only the tip of the iceberg.

Gay Knights: Trending Gear
Top Gay Sex Toys: Cock Powered Gay Sex Shop
Forward Gay Knights! It’s time to raise our swords, get them super hard, super large, and storm the back gate. In other words, this is, home of the best male sex toys in the universe, and obvioulsy the best gay sex toys for men. Here, we’ll take a peek at what trending this month.