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The Bathmate line of water powered penis pumps uses water as the fluid in its vacuum tube instead of air (which is how conventional air penis pumps work). As with all penis pumping systems, the unit works by evacuating fluid (air, or in this case water) from its cylinder while your penis is inserted, essentially the pressure around the penis, inside the tube, is reduced and the imbalance causes the penis to expand. The Bathmate penis workout is good to go in the bath, in the shower, in a rain forest (laugh) okay so you probably won't be in a rain forest anytime soon, but the point is that this awesome hydro male size workout is good to go wherever things get wet, which makes it super easy to include in your daily routine because the tool can be incorporate right into your normal washing routine. Your Bathmate workout is recommended to be performed for 20 minutes daily and the rest is just a matter of logging your gains.

Bathmate works like a plunger, the accordion shaped black rubber fitting at one end fits against your groin as the penis inserts inside the tube. Water is removed from the tube to create a vacuum by pressing the unit into yourself or by thrusting your pelvis forward against the accordion shaped fitting. As the accordion closes water is pushed out of the nozzle at the opposite end of the device and a vacuum is created inside the tube.

Bathmate works well in combination with HARDWEAR cock rings. By putting the ring on AFTER (not during) your pumping session your penis will be maintained in the pumped-up state for longer and gains can set in more quickly.  There are 2 Bathmate models to choose from Herculese, which is great for beginners and the Hydromax which produces 30% stronger vaccume force.

Photos: Bathmate Penis Pump In Action
Awesome size workout for you penisWorks wherever water is on handThe Ultimate Male Enhancement Super Store!


10 inches in inside length with an opening of 2.125 inches