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The Colossus Mega Hanger is the amazing modular penis weight lifting system from HARDWEAR. Expanding on our ring centric penis enlargement design and taking our pendulum style weights to the next level with incremental load, the Colossus is the most advanced penis stretcher technology available. Designed to get you the serious inches you crave, to shatter plateaus, to keep your penis growing, and to do it all in the safest, most balanced, most sophisticated way possible... guys everywhere are raving about this amazing new technology and you will be too. The Colossus smoothly guides guys into the world of heavy weight penis hanging, training your favorite organ up from .5lbs (a half pound) all the way up to 8lbs (eight pounds) of weight in a single body ergonomic device.

Also check out our Stacking Pendulum Weighted Cock Ring... which shares the same high-tech stack-on weights and lets you take your weights on the go, under your clothes.

And this is just the beginning. For men at the advanced and extreme end of the penis stretching and enlargement, the Colossus takes you into the world of extremely heavy weights with ease. Hanging two Colossus stacks easily takes you up to 16lbs. If you already have our existing pendulum ball style weights, they can easily be attached to your colossus. Even an olympic weight plate can be safely and securely attached to your Colossus stack, making the heaviness of the gear completely unlimited. From a half pound up to and beyond 30lbs (yes that’s right we said thirty pounds) is easily possible. This system can go heavier than your penis can, so all your male enlargement needs are met with this gear.

* Colossus Sets come with everything you need to get started: 1 Colossus Mega Hanger Ring, 1 penis comfort shield (regular or relaxed fit), 1 Colossus weight stacking T-bar (weighing .75lbs itself), 1 to 14 penis weight plates (0.5 lbs each), 1 future expander ring\chain to add additional Colossus stacks, and the “Basic Penis Weight Lifting DVD”.

The Colossus weight stacking T-bar and Weights

At the center of the Colossus system is the weight stacking T-bar and weight plates that allow a man to stack up incremental load plate by plate, for the smoothest graduation from light weights to swinging a heavy load from his male organ. Only the Colossus by Hardwear can take a guy from .5 to 8lbs in a single ergonomic system. For the record, on day one, unless you are already advanced, you should NOT try to go up to 8lbs. The gear is incremental and modular for a reason, so that you can ease your penis into heavy weights and into growth. And once you are advanced, the sky's the limit with Colossus.

Being the most expandable penis weight system in the world, there is no true upper limit on how heavy it can go, certainly way heavier than your penis can--LOL. The Colossus will let you strap on additional weights, or another weight stack to seamlessly go up to 16lbs and beyond. And at every stage, this system will let you adjust in small steps just by adding or subtracting one of the Colossus weight plates so that you can shatter any growth plateau.

The Colossus Mega Hanger Ring

The Ring is comfortable and Industrial by design, featuring a strap strength rating that is in terms of hundreds of pounds, and steel triggers to latch onto virtually whatever you want to hang from your dick - LOL. The truth is we have no idea how heavy you can really go. We’ve tested up to 30 lbs and we can’t see any reason why a guy would ever need to go beyond this, though we have no doubt the ring can go heavier.

Yes there are guys hanging 5lbs, 10lbs, 20lbs, etc, indeed we made this device in answer to requests we received for high quality heavy hanging gear that would at least have a 20lbs threshold. Many advanced PEr’s (Penis Enlargement enthusiasts) feel that weight hanging, particularly with heavy weights is one of the most effective ways to go beyond plateaus, allowing a guy to continue to stack on the inches beyond his initial growth spurt. Whatever the case though, as with everything penis training related a certain degree of patience and good sense is required. If you are new to hanging start slow.

Colossus Photos...
Using a routine that included 4 workout days at 30 minutes per day (escalating...Taking the awesome design of our Python Ring and making it even better, The C...The highest quality penis weights available, our Pendulum weights have always...There are a number of ways to use your Colossus Ring in all day penis stretch...The Ultimate Male Enhancement Super Store!


Male Enhancement Approach: Penis Weight Lifting (incremental), Penis Enlargement with Weights (incremental),
and Hands-free Penis Stretching via Continuous Traction

The Colossus is the exceptional new modular penis weight system that allows a man to grow his penis by hanging weights from the organ with load tolerances from .5lbs (a half pound) up to 8lbs on a single modular stack, and then all the way up to 30lbs and beyond by adding additional weights and weight stacks. The Colossus system can also perform as a rod-less all day penis extender. It is fully compatible with our Anaconda Extender system and because of its heavy duty nature the Colossus hanger ring can produce much higher penis stretching tensions than the Anaconda hanger ring. So this technology can be used in set\session based penis weight exercise, penis stretching exercise, and in either capacity it can take its show on the road as an ADW\ADS\ADE (All Day Penis Weight, All Day Penis Stretcher \ All Day Penis Extender) device. The system accomplishes its penis lengthening goals by exhibiting excellence in the following three very well known penis health and enlargement dimensions:

#1) The Colossus increases length by encouraging cellular replication. The male organ reacts to continuous traction, which behaves as a catalyst in the male anatomy that triggers cell division and tissue growth. The Colossus technology excels here by providing a graduating free-weight system for the penis, all a man needs to do to up the level of stress the organ is under is slide on another weight plate. As in bodybuilding, weights use gravity to their advantage and produce a high level of muscle confusion (variance in workout stress). In the case of penis weight lifting, the tension produced by weights under the influence of gravity will always involve some degree of variation. This is the essence of “confusion,” and in the case of penile tissues, it’s the perfect approach to keep workouts from becoming stale and to keep your organ growing. The effect of body modification are well known, and can be seen in a number of different situations: from neck stretching (complex) to ear lobe augmentation (simple) and\or ball stretching. In terms of difficulty, the penis is neither the hardest nor the easiest body part to successfully grow (men’s ball sacks and the ear lobes are pretty easy stretching targets, while stretching your neck is pretty darn tricky.) Like any other organ, the penis is comprised of cells and it will respond to traction based exercise, cells within the region subjected to stress will divide and over time men will see an increase in phallic tissue and the result: a longer penis.


#2) Suspending weight from your penis exercises the Suspensory and Fundiform Ligaments. What the heck are these? These ligaments connect your penis to your pubic bone, I.E. they secure the organ to your body. But these ligaments are over engineered for the task, and in fact are also concealing length inside your body. There’s actually hidden inches of your penis (that’s right, extra penis) being held hostage inside your body (unnecessarily by these ligaments). Penis Enlargement enthusiasts will be very familiar with this concept as there are only a few penis size surgeries available and by far the most popular is the “Porn Star” surgery, which involves the surgical snipping of these ligaments in order to allow these extra inches to join the rest of your penis in the outside world. Colossus can lengthen and loosen your suspensory ligaments over time to help reveal your hidden penis.

#3) Lastly, the Colossus’s penis weight lifting approach is excellent for the overall conditioning of the organ. In normal life a penis has no way to get exercised other than to have an erection (in sex or masturbation), this fact is one of the primary reasons male sexual dysfunction is such a problem. Many men have a lethargic (lazy and out of shape) penis. Unfortunately, when your penis is lazy it doesn’t get fatter, instead, it works poorly and effectively becomes skinnier and shorter. Any part of your body that is denied exercise will see a reduction in performance. With the Colossus a guy can work his penis out in a dynamic and intense fashion that will keep the organ fully conditioned. The result of which will be better circulation throughout the organ and better adoption of growth from all your forms of penis exercise.

The more your penis is encouraged to be in its extended form versus its shriveled form the better your overall gains are likely to be all around, so definitely take your workout on the road with one of the all day scenarios provided by Colossus (or Python (or Anaconda)) as well. This does not mean you need to keep your penis stretched 24 hours a day 7 days a week (some common sense is needed with this as with all male enhancement gear.)

What this does mean is that you now have a means to create additional states of being in your penis. Where the typical male stays soft more than 90% of the time and hard less than 10% of the time it is easy to see where there is an enormous amount of room for penis health and penis size gains to be lost... your penis is only being exercised when it is under some form of pressure be that internal (an erection) or externally sourced. Colossus can create a state of very intense weight lifting pressure for the penis, and it can also produce a state of all day stretching and extension (with pressures anywhere from moderate to extremely powerful). By adding these states to your sexual lifestyle just 10% - 15% of the time you will dramatically change your body dynamic. Now you are only soft 75% - 80% of the time, 10% of the time you are erect and 10-15% of the time your penis is weighted or being actively stretched) and you’ve introduced entirely new and fresh types of traction exercise to the organ.

Configuration: Penis Extender\Stretcher (Primary), Secondarily the Comfort Shield can be used as a high pressure direct-on penis shaft ring.

Men will see an increase in both length and girth with Colossus, with length being the focus. Courtesy of the included cone shaped comfort shield it is possible to do some girth specific exercises. By reversing the comfort shield (which is ultimately a type of penis ring) so the larger opening faces your body the cone ring can be placed on the penis shaft and used in a host of pressurized jelqing and or clamping routines. It is not nearly as specialized or as high pressure as our Jelqing Rings are, but it is a nice feature that you can use the Colossus shield to get in some girth specific workouts in too.


The Colossus Mega Hanger Ring is fully adjustable, it can be tightened down to fit all male geometries. When you select sizing you are actually selecting a size for the Comfort Shield which is included with the Mega Hanger Ring for free.

  • - Up to 4 Inch Girth: Get Regular Fit
  • - 4 Inch Girth and above: Get Relaxed Fit


Get additional T-Bars to hang 2 or more Colossus stacks at once. Get additional weight plates to add more weight to your Colossus.

100% compatible with our Python weight system, the two even share the same hanger ring style. The Colossus Mega Hanger ring has been updated so that it tightens down to hold skinny penises more easily, but if you already have a Python ring that works great for you, you can use it with a Colossus weight stack.

100% compatible with our Anaconda Penis Extender, if you already have any of leg-strap based stretching gear, you can use the Colossus Mega Hanger ring with its amazing load capacity in conjunction with the Anaconda strap system to go heavier and more intense in your all day extender sessions than ever before.

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