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We merged our Hardwear Pendulum technology (our groundbreaking genital weight system) into the Power Grip Erector (the season’s runaway erection ring success: the world’s only Auto Gripping hybrid metal cock ring) and yet another marvel of modern male enhancement was born. The Power Grip Pendulum has all the powers of a Power Grip Erector ring and at the same time its available in three male enhancing weight factors (half pound, full pound, and two pounds).

When we set out to make the world’s heaviest cock-and-balls ring so that penis enlargement trainees could reap the benefits of a new and stellar size workout approach, and so that couples could enjoy an extraordinary new sexual experience, and so that men suffering from various forms of sexual dysfunction could experience the benefits of weight therapy we had a prime directive. The ring had to boast impressive weight and yet it had to remain sleek.

Firstly, every Power-Grip Pendulum incorporates a Power-Grip Erector as the primary body of the ring, with your choice of .5lbs or 1lbs or 2lbs suspended pendulum weight.
NEW OPTION: Color Choices For Power-Grip Rings
Now all Power Grip Rings are available in either “Mist” (Semi See-through White), “Electric Blue” (Semi See-through Blue), “Tuxedo Black” (Solid Black), “Brick Red” (Solid Red). Once you place the item in your cart you’ll be able to select which awesome color you want.

NEW OPTION: Handlebars For Power-Grip Rings
Keeps your fingers out of the ring while putting on\taking off the ring, allowing guys to wear a more intense fit. Handlebars look awesome, are body ergonomic, and can be rotated above board for visual bling or behind your balls where they are invisible.

The Power Grip Pendulum is fully compatible with the Heat Seeker Prostate Massage Clip for a Hands-free prostate massage experience that’s taken to an entirely new level with the amazing penduluming weight system, look no farther.

Power-Grip Pendulum is 100% Doorknocker Cockring compatible.
In fact Power Grip based rings are the only horseshoe cock ring that will work with our Doorknocker Hinge system, allowing it to become a double cockring.

These options will appear in your shopping cart once you’ve placed the Power Grip Erector in your cart.

How do you get a half pound, a full pound or two pounds of weight into a cock-and-balls ring without adding tremendous mass to the ring itself? Of course you're mad scientist buddies here at allknight.com found a way to do it, and the answer is the Hardwear Pendulum technology. In short, we didn’t put the mass in the ring, we swung the mass below the ring, like a 3rd testicle and with this groundbreaking patent pending design we are able to get the best of all worlds in a super heavy, yet super sleek and body ergonomic design.

The Power Grip Pendulum enjoys unprecedented body ergonomics with its 180 degree forward and back range of motion and its 90+ degree side to side range of motion. This means that while you walk, fuck, masturbate or otherwise move around the weight will actually swing, swerve and cooperate with your body’s natural movements. Only our Pendulum technology can do this. The Pendulum’s movements stimulate penis growth, triggers erection and even indirectly stimulates the prostate through the exterior pressure point known as the perineum. All these benefits are stacked on top of the already amazing list of supercharging powers of the standard Power Grip Erector.

Why go super heavy with a cockring?
Weight is well known to have a size increasing effect on the male organs, also weight has been shown to have therapeutic and rejuvenating qualities with regard to men with various types of sexual dysfunction. In sex, the feedback produced by the weight of this ring has been shown to improve sexual thrusting by an amazing factor. In all day usage, in addition to the obvious penis size training features, the ring has been found to keep the male more holistically in-touch with his penis and in a generally more sexual state. Load increase, enhanced staying power, enormous erections and a bigger soft hang are all benefits of the technology.

What are wearers saying about the amazing weight therapy?
“So I thought you guys could use a lady’s point of view, I love your site. My fiance and I spend hours with you guys sometimes. All the guys and girls in your world are so hot, and the whole thing is so professional (like a catalog for dick stuff) and so sexy. Anyway, Martin (my fiance) got one of your weighted Pendulum cock rings. I had three thoughts all at once when I saw it: #1 that is so cute (really it’s so clever), #2 that is so f’in hot (it’s sexy as hell), #3 does it hurt (laugh)... Martin assured me it felt great and so I could scratch #3. Sex with that thing on him is wild, first it’s like a 3rd person in the bed with us slapping my ass (it’s not a hard slap, just a fun one, like if he had really big balls that slapped around, but it feels so exciting). The other thing is, it makes him move different (and I do mean in a very good way). I love my man but he’s no Salsa dancer. Somehow this thing tells his body how to move in ways that are a lot more interesting, sensual, stimulating and orgasm-triggering than without it. Yes it keeps him bigger and harder, and I’m not sure how you guys pulled this one off, but he’s bigger even when he’s not wearing it. As always you guys are the best. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next.” ---- Veronica, Age 34, Atlanta Georgia.

Power-Grip Pendulum Photos!
The Power Grip Pendulum is available in 3 different weights and 8 different rin...The world’s most advanced weighted cockring features extaordinaryly body...Every Power Grip Pendulum is also a Power Grip Erector ring, but with a fully i...The back door is yet another anatomical region of enhancement and health points...The Ultimate Male Enhancement Super Store!

The Power Grip Erector (PGE) by HARDWEAR introduced the world to our auto “GRIP”, the capability within a hybrid metal ring to exert a continuous inward force that unifies with the outward force of the expanding sexual organ to accomplish new and stellar levels of super engorgement. The Power Grip Pendulum (PGP) fully incorporates a PGE in every unit and adds the dimension of super heavy weight to the equation, in the form of our Pendulum weight system. The result is another dynamic and revolutionary male enhancing design from the world’s foremost maker of high tech penis gear.

Classification: Weighted Pendulum Cockring, Stealth Horseshoe, Featuring a bionic design that incorporates metal (Liquid Metal) and Silicone Elastomer

A pendulum is a weight suspended from a pivot so that it can swing freely. When a pendulum is displaced sideways from its resting, equilibrium position, it is subject to the restoring force of gravity that will accelerate it back toward the equilibrium position. In the case of the Power Grip Pendulum Cock Ring by Hardwear, the Pivot is your body at the point where ring and Pendulum intersect behind and beneath your ball sack. In addition to gravity there is also the pseudo-centripetal force your body will create through movement, be the motion as a result of walking or of sexual thrusting.

The result of all this science applied to a cock ring is A) a cock ring that remains slim and sleek while being able to brag that it is singularly the heaviest cockring in the world (with pendulum weight selections at .5lbs, 1lbs, and 2lbs). And B) a ring that exhibits all the behavior you’d expect of a pendulum, which as such makes a counter move to every move the wearer makes. The result is a stellar degree of sexual, therapeutic and training weight, an awesome degree of stimulation and sensory feedback, and an entirely natural and ergonomic sense that the ring is an extension of the wearer's body. Indeed, in all cases: in sex, naked and thrusting, and in all day wear under clothing, the movements of the ring are quite natural and simply blend with the organic movement of the male genital components (indeed, while you may never have thought about it before, your penis and also your ball sack are pendulum-like in nature).

The Power Grip Pendulum supports two profiles, the “Standard” shape where the bar extends down to the weight ball in a straight line, and the “Curl Morph” where the bar has been curved. The Standard version finds the ball suspended roughly four inches below your body, while the Curved version is specifically engineered, still to suspend the ball directly below the ring, but much closer to your body (not more than an inch of distance), while still enjoying all the pendulum behavior and the additional benefit of reversibility, and an easier fit into certain pants.

The Auto “GRIP” capability (patent pending) blends perfectly with the Pendulum capability (also patent pending) to create a powerful union. The auto “GRIP” creates fantastic erections in the sexual context and also ensures that in all cases, the swinging, penis training weight, is nicely supported.

The ring is a Stealth Horseshoe of course, which implies that it features all the male enhancing principals of our horseshoe brand while on first look, it may not appear to be a horseshoe. Visualizing the horseshoe heritage of the ring is actually easy if we look at the place where the Elastomer legs connect to the T of the Pendulum weight. If we imagine there being a physical gap there we will be able to see the virtual horseshoe shape of the ring.

Configurations: Weighted Cock-And-Balls Ring (Door knocker Double Ring and Hands-Free Prostate Massage Ring options available)

The ring is available in 3 weights (.5lbs, 1lbs, 2lbs) and presented in 5 standard base ring sizes and 3 additional custom giant ring sizes for those ultra-big boys out there. The Power Grip Pendulum is also also available in half sizes by selecting to “go intense” once you’ve placed a ring in your cart you can turn a 2” ring (for example) into a 1.875”.

Primarily The Power Grip Pendulum is a super heavy (yet sleek) cock-and-balls ring, it can be transformed into a weighted Doorknocker double ring by combining it with a shaft ring using our Doorknocker hinge connection system. And it can easily offer a weighted hands-free prostate massage by adding our Heat Seeker clip to the equation. The dimension of a pendulum (swinging) weight applied to a hands-free prostate massage arm creates entirely new and mind blowing types of stimulation.

What are wearers saying about the amazing weight therapy?
"My son told me about allknight.com and about Hardwear cockrings and products. He’s twenty-eight (oh to be twenty-eight again) and apparently seriously into penis enlargement and what he calls penis perfection. And he swears by your products as the absolute best in the world for everything to do with the penis, which is high praise, he’s not the kind of guy to exaggerate so I had no doubt that your gear worked for him. The thing is however, I’m old, and I also have a serious form of erectile dysfunction brought on by disease and age, and I really didn’t want to get my hopes up. He wanted to get me back on the dating scene and I was like ‘young man, Dad’s penis doesn’t work anymore, my dating days are done.’

Of course I was wrong and he was right, and you guys are every bit the sex gear gods he claimed you were. I got myself a coaching plan and shared my condition with the coach who helped be become a tester for the Power Grip Pendulum before it was on the market, as he felt weight therapy would be ideal for me, and that ring with its swinging silver ball between my legs has completely kick started my sex life again. My son is a penis perfectionist, he says he’s grown 2 inches with your gear (I refuse to look at his before and after phone pics, too weird, some things a dad doesn’t need to know - LOL). I’m not a penis perfectionist, I just want my dick to work and that's exactly what your gear has done from me. Where my penis used to do nothing, it now lives again. It is fuller and longer, but I'm not measuring. Like I said, I just want it to get up now and then, get a little P, and your Pendulum did that for me. I should mention I got both the 1lbs and the 2lbs variety, I wear it four hours daily (started with the 1lbs, graduated to the 2lbs), it feels amazingly sexual when I'm wearing it and honestly even if it hadn't worked for me, just the experience of wearing it durring the day put me back in touch with my sexual self, and would have been worth the price of admission. The gear is amazing." ---- Donald, Age 64, Tallahassee Florida.

Size Details:
Power Grip Pendulum rings are volumetric in terms of sizing, which means they have a shape and form factor that is designed for maximum enhancement and to allow the impressive Auto "GRIP" feature. Sizing is the same for Power Grip Pendulum as Power Grip Erector. These rings have a squashed elliptical starting shape that is typically smaller looking than the ring’s size, but will in fact accomodate. Power Grip rings expand vertically of course, stretching out to a maximum stretch greater than the ring’s defined size. When you are wearing the ring it will neither be in the starting or max stretch state, it will form a union with your body in its attempt to return to the starting shape, and this continuous interaction is what ensures a maximum enhancing clamp and creates the Auto “GRIP” the ring is famous for.

  • 2.50" (Starting Shape: 2.50” wide x 1.50” high) Max height 3.75” stretched
          - elastomer length used 7.85” AKA a 2.50” circle if it were circular.
  • 2.25" (Starting Shape: 2.25” wide x 1.375” high) Max height 3.25” stretched
          - elastomer length used 7.07” AKA a 2.25” circle if it were circular.
  • 2.00" (Starting Shape: 2.00” wide x 1.25” high) Max height 2.75” stretched
          - elastomer length used 6.28” AKA a 2.00” circle if it were circular.
  • 1.75" (Starting Shape: 2.00” wide x 1.00” high) Max height 2.25” stretched
          - elastomer length used 5.5” AKA a 1.75” circle if it were circular.
  • 1.50" (Starting Shape: 2.00” wide x .75” high) Max height 1.75” stretched
          - elastomer length used 4.71” AKA a 1.50” circle if it were circular.

What are people saying about the Auto "Grip"?
"When I read that it would grip my dick, I was like okay I have to try this. Let me say I was completely blown away by how powerful the grip really was and my dick became fatter, longer and harder in this ring than I’ve ever seen it before. I can fuck forever in this ring and huge only turns to gigantic the longer the sex goes on for. This ring is the shnizzzz!" ---- Tommy, Age 26, Abita Springs Louisiana.

Male Enhancement Approach: Weight Therapy with Auto “GRIP” Constriction + Advanced Male Anatomical Pressure Points, Constriction and Motion

This ring is the only Pendulum based cock ring in the world, its motion dynamics produce a unique type of body feedback that in active sex actually tell the wearer how to move his body more effectively for exceptional sexual motion. The ring’s movement triggers more male anatomical pressure points than you would immediately guess… it is able to deliver a perineum massage with its movements stimulating the male prostate through the body of the male. Of course it is compatible with the Heat Seeker prostate massage arm for those who want direct stimulation of the gland.

The core ring shape is a Power Grip Erector, which of course is expressly designed with the male anatomy in mind and its parts precision crafted to trigger powerful enhancements in size and hardness in the male. The bar with flanking double balls, being pulled inward by the Auto “GRIP” will compress the dorsal vein in the male and trigger an enhanced "boner" reaction. Applying pressure to this anatomical pressure point promotes a harder, larger and stronger erection. The opposing double ball bar where the weight intersects, will interact and constrict the Vas Deferens and the Urethra to slow the climb to ejaculation, and thus promotes an enhanced semen load by making it easy for men to edge. Explosive high-flying ejaculations can be created by forming a "pinched hose" effect in the male plumbing, and this ring is fully capable of doing just that.

"All I can say is holy Shit! I was hooked the first day I took this ring out for a stroll and felt that weight swinging between my legs. It’s so much fun and so sexual, and it really charged me up. More cum. Thicker heavier genital hang even when I’m not wearing the ring. The design is flawless. You might think you would have to free ball (AKA go commando with no drawers) to do this ring, but not so. I wear briefs and the pendulum will drop down right through the leg hole of my briefs. I get an awesome bulge, and that fantastic weight. Fucking with it on is like somebody telling your ass how to move, it’s crazy and amazing. I have the standard morph and the curl morph, and the experiences in sex are different and awesome for each. You get more continuous weight and swinging with the curl morph because the ball is higher. You get more drag against the bed with standard morph. Depends on the sex position you’re in of course, but both are great, which is why I had to have both profiles. I wanted every experience and let me say great experiences night and day is what you guys have given me. " ---- Pedro, Age 20, Mexico City, Mexico.

Specialties: Sex and\or Masturbation and\or Bulge Enhancement and\or Penis Enlargement

Exceptional in sex and masturbation and all day wear, the ring will produce super-sized erections that defy whatever your maximum size might have been. Penis Enlargement enthusiasts have long raved about the applications of all day constriction for enhanced circulation and also all day weight for physically growing the tissues. The Power Grip Pendulum is a groundbreaking technology that incorporates both.

Of course, as with all our rings the tightness of ring you wear for all day Vs. for sex has a good chance of not being the same. Some guys can wear the same size, but others can not. Your all day ring should obviously not be too tight, also your genitals in some state of softness will be smaller than in sexual scenario. Many guys will get a sex sized ring first, play with that, and then they’ll have an idea of what size they need to go with for all day.

Worn under clothing the ring create a eye catching silhouette from a more pronounced crotch bulge. The ring excels at producing better erections, delivering awesome staying power, bigger penis size, and delivering orgasms of staggering intensity. You can talk to one our Penis and Male Improvement Coaches about helping you unlock all the capabilities of the Power Grip Erector.

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