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By creating a penis enlargement technology based on ring stacking, one that distributes grip along the shaft of your penis, we’ve been able to combine penis extension, penis stretching, and penis weighting all in one dynamic training system that is also progressively expandable.

The Soldier-Boy Penis Stretcher (Soldier-Boy or SBPS for short) uses our dynamic Chaz snapping strap to unify and hold its rings in place. The system is completely versatile allowing rings of different size, and even entirely different types of rings to be mixed into your stack at the same time.

As the name implies, the Soldier-Boy comfortably keeps your penis at its full “soldier” length for extended periods of time. Each ring in an SBPS stack adds weight and stretch… for example a 20 stack of 1.5 inch rings (the most popular saize) weighs one and a half pounds, and a physical length of five inches. Suspended, this stack can easily stretch out a six or seven inch soldier with its combination of weight and traction. This is an excellent place for most guys to start their free-swinging Soldier Stretcher training, but this is only the beginning. (Keep Reading Below)

* The Soldier Boy comes with everything you need to start growing your penis. Sets come with 20 rings of whichever size you select and a snapping chaz strap that connects them in a stack, and disperses the grip of the stack at key points along the penis shaft.

Penis Stretching Photos...
Never before has a guy been able to stack up rings on his penis like this! Usin...Super comfortable the Soldier Boy allows your penis to swing freely while stay...Whatever position you are in, standing, sitting, laying, the Soldier Boy keeps...Capable of gripping the male organ all along the shaft, and super expandable,...You’ll want to drop your jeans, shorts, drawers or other the next time y...You’ll want to drop your jeans, shorts, drawers or other the next time y...The Ultimate Male Enhancement Super Store!


Because the Soldier Stretcher grips and holds the penis so well, any number of additional rings can be stacked above it. Also by combining sets \ Chaz Straps you can easily extend up to a ten inch soldier (or for that matter any length). Wanna grow your dick down to your knees with this system, you can... its endlessly upgradable. The longer your dick becomes the more rings you can add. Creating, what in scicence is called a "positive feedback loop". In other words, the bigger your dick gets the more rings you can stack, the heavier you can go, thus the more rigorous the workout can become.

Unlike rod based extension systems, the SBPS is comfortable. More than just comfortable, the combination of swinging weight and stretch feels erotic and energizing, promoting more and stronger erections, higher semen load and increased libido… all this is on top of the obvious penis enlargement gains.

Comprised of a stack of weighted rings and a snapping chaz strap (os traps) that unifies the rings, you will immediately be amazed at how organic and ergonomic every part of this system is. Allowing the penis to swing freely, and involving no rods, and evenly distributing its grip across the entire body of the penis, this gear is amazing. Under clothes, this system goes effortlessly wherever you want it to. If you are wearing tight-fitting pants and are concerned about the texture of the rings showing through you can easily wear a sock over your junk, which will mask the shape of the rings and show nothing but the visible penis line of a “shower” type big sausage.

This system also combines with our other stretching systems fantastically. With our line of heavy weighted cock rings, The Payload and The Load Ring, also The Front Pendulum and Pendulum, these super heavy rings can be directly incorporated into your Soldier Boy stack. With our other stretchers: The Anaconda and The Python, you can alternate workouts to keep your penis under different kinds of tension, for continued growth through varied exercise.


What wearers say about the
Soldier Boy Penis Stretcher?

Terrence C in Richmond VA Said: The crazy thing is I didn’t even know what I was looking for when I found this awesome product. I had done a search for soulja boy penis or dick or something like that. Yes the rapper, who everybody says is packing, and I’ve seen his bulge a dozen times and wanted to check out his naked dick :) see if he really deserves the tag “big soulja.” I remember this exactly because such a silly thing, just playing around on the web, changed my life.

I ended up on allknight.com, which has nothing to do with SB’s junk. Though, on the topic of junk, y’all are rockin’ some big-ass dicks, so I got an eyeful. A very impressed eyeful! And then y’all had me buggin’ out over this awesome-ass penis stretcher you make—The Soldier Boy (spelled the military way not the hiphop way). Instantly it reminded me of how, in Africa or South America, the members of various tribes have a practice of stretching their necks with rings, and I was just like “oh $hi!, I gotta try this for my dick.” I was totally new to all this, but I got somebody on the phone to help me with sizing and I ordered the soldier boy kit right then on the spot.

That was seven months ago and my dick has grown an inch longer and a little under a quarter of an inch fatter. I can’t believe how awesome this thing is, or how looking for celebrity dick pics could mistakenly land me in a spot that would change my life for the better. This was exactly what I needed without even knowing it, and I’m loving what this stretcher is doing for me, how it’s gettin me stoked to take my own bad-ass cock selfies, nevermind looking for anybody else’s. So now instead of just being average, now I’m “BIG” Terrence and it feels great. And really, truly, I can’t thank you enough for being geniuses and making something so great. Your humble fan for life, T.

—Terrence C, Age 29, Richmond, VA.


Sizing for The Soldier Boy  is easy!

When measuring for the best fit of the soldier boy rings, simply measure around your penis in a soft to semi-hard state (doesn’t need to be fully hard), but enough to give your penis room to thicken up while you are wearing the gear. Just wrap a tailor style tape measure around your shaft to get the circumfrence (the measurement around your junk) in seconds.

  • - Under 3 Inches: Get 1.0 rings
  • - 3 to 3.5 InchesGet 1.125 rings
  • - 3.5 to 4.5 Inches:Get 1.25 rings
  • - 4.5 to 5.5 Inches: Get 1.375 rings
  • - 5.5 to 6.25 Inches: Get 1.50
  • - 6.25 to 7 Inches: Get 1.75
  • - 7 and up: Get 2.00
  • * If your soft penis is bigger than 8.5 Inches around, and you require a larger size send us a message for pricing.

Easily chain multiple Soldier Straps together, get an additional one to make a ball stretcher to go with your penis stretcher, or tighten your rings by strapping two Soldier Straps together. Now with 3 new lengths for a total of 6 strap options.

Every Soldier Boy set comes with 20 rings to start stretching your soldier with. But you can get additional rings for your Soldier Boy in whatever size you would like, allowing you to stretch even longer, and also allowing you to stagger or tighten the fit as needed.

Add a Power Grip Payload
3/4th lbs glans ring

The Soldier Boy’s awesome strap system can accommodate many different rings, including our super heavy rings. Adding a payload is a perfect way to add almost a full pound in a single ring.

*All these fantastic options will appear in your shopping cart once you’ve placed the Soldier Boy Penis Stretcher in your cart to purchase.

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