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Combining our world famous horseshoe technology, our fluid rope ring technology, and introducing our brand new “Infinity Adjuster” system… the absolutely spectacular: INFINITY CLAMP HORSESHOE COCK RING is here. Code named H70 because it’s the 7th generation of our horseshoe male enhancers, the Infinity Clamp is stunningly handsome, super masculine, and super sexy. But once you get beyond how great it looks, you’ll really be blown away by how amazingly it works.

Capable of delivering super high pressure erection clamping, for levels of erection quality (largeness and hardness) that you’ve only dreamed of, the Infinity Clamp (H70) features a groundbreaking fully integrated sliding ratchet, allowing the ring to be dynamically tightened or loosened on the fly for as much enhancing pressure as you are craving. So you can count on the world famous “Hardwear Hard” supersized boner, even the ability to be hard after ejaculation, and if you want to take this gear on the go under your clothes, just loosen it a few ticks and your ready to take your Infinity Clamp out as an (ADR) all day cock ring too.

Brand New and Improved: For the first time ever, The Infinity Clamp (H70) is available with Magnetic Structure. Just add this awesome option to your ring once you've placed it in your cart.


Answer: Unbelievably Hard. With complete control of the amount of erection engorging pressure and the penis supercharging horseshoe form factor—complete with dorsal vein “boner button” anatomical pressure point, this ring can control blood flow with an unprecedented level of power and pressure. EQ (Erection Quality) of as much as 130% have been recorded in our tests. The ring (as the name Infinity Clamp implies) is the ultimate adjustable penis clamp, and wearers should be prepared for the best erections of thier lives.


Answer: However long you want to last. The Infinity Clamp (H70) offers complete control of the sexual enhancing pressure. Jacking up the pressure results in increased staying power (as well as a super sized rock hard cock). Not only is premature ejaculation a thing of the past with this gear, but the H70 even enhances your ejaculation increasing semen volume, shoot distance, and orgasm sensation. When you’re ready to blow your load you can either leave the pressure on, thrusting through the tension and exploding like a volcano… or simply pull the quick release pull cord to experience your orgasm with the pressures relieved. This gear covers all a boy’s needs.


Answer: This gear is perfect for ADR all day cockring wear, for sex and for masturbation too. The Infinity Clamp (H70) offers the most advanced on-the-fly size adjustment system ever incorporated into a male enhancing ring. As a result the ring can be whatever size you need it to be for whatever scenario you have in mind. This technology is extremely comfortable under clothing, perfect for showers and growers alike. It’s the ultimate perfect fit cockring.

Photos of the Infinity Clamp...
The Infinity Clamp (H70)... Version 7 Hardwear Horseshoe is here and spectacula...Your cock can be its biggest and baddest too. Infinite adjustability equals in......Of course your Infinity Clamp is compatible with Full Metal Structure, the awe...Magnetic Sturcture delivers everything that Full Metal Structure does, plus th...Do you like a heavy cock ring? The Infinity clamp has you covered there too. J...Your mad penis-scientist buddies here at allknight.com like to think of everyt...The Ultimate Male Enhancement Super Store!


Todd in Asheville said: If you don’t think a cock ring can change your life, then clearly you’re new to what these allknight.com boys have going on. I am always amazed by the level of thought and design that goes into their products, and with this Infinity Clamp they have totally outdone themselves. I got the smoke color with full metal structure and bigger boner button (the works basically), and the ring is so freaking nice looking that I must have spent about fifteen minutes just looking at it.

Well, then of course I put it on my junk… around the cock and these balls, and let me just say, when they talk about enhancing pressure they are being absolutely serious. I’ve never felt anything like it. My cock was so big and fat and hard I thought I was dreaming, but my wife’s screams of ecstacy, the scratch marks that are still healing on my back (LOL), and the futon we broke because we were fucking so hard, all these were proof that I was wide awake and sporting the biggest hardwear-powered dick of my life. You guys are awesome and you make me awesome, thanks so much.” ---- Todd, Age 49, Asheville NC.


Stevie in Tampa Said: You guys make the best cock rings in the world, just thought I’d drop you a couple lines to shout that at you. So, I’m young and dumb right? I’ve got these buddies I’ve been jacking off with since I was about fourteen. I’m twenty three now. It’s not a gay thing, we just throw on some porn and sqeeze one off together. I’m sure that seems weird to some people (not to you guys, you seem pretty open about living your best sex-life and all). Anywho, we’ve kind of turned it into a contest of who can shoot the furthest lately. All three of us kick twenty bucks into the pot and the winner walks away with sixty. But if nobody shoots further than three feet, nobody wins. Then the money rolls over till next time. So the pot had gotten up to $240. And so I knew once I saw the video for your H70 that this would be my secret weapon. Cock rings are allowed in our little contest, but where everybody is sporting some dimestore shit, my cock rolled out in the Ferrari of cock rings.

Now, the thing about this super-duper Infinity Clamper that you guys made is that it kicks ass, feeling so good, pumping my cock up so big, and making me cum like a fuckin firehydrent just popped. Both my friends were blown away. They had both stopped spanking their own meat and were just watching me beat mine. Long story short, roaring like some kind of jungle animal I blew jizz far and wide and walked away with a big pile of money in my pocket. And you guys are to thank, you big brain, big dick, brilliant mother-Fers. I love your gear and you’ve got two new customers headed your way cause both my buddies want to go to infinity and beyond with your rings too. ---- Stevie J, Age 23, Tampa Florida.


Color Choices For Your Infinity Clamp (H70)
Once you place the H70 ring in your cart you’ll be able to select which of the 5 awesome color you want.

Infinity Clamp supports Full Metal Structure and Full Magnetic Structure
This feature fills the entire ring body with a metal endoskeleton to intensify the level of constriction, and thusly bring the male enhancing pressures to an even more fantastic level. Functional and sexy, the styling also looks incredibly handsome riding on your Johnson.

Put some weight on your Infinity Clamp Ring
Using the on-board expansion jack, you can snap on .6oz, .10oz, 1lbs, or 2lbs of serious cock ring weight. Go heavy when you want and light when you want with our optional gloss-black teardrop weights for H70.

Pick your pull cord “Sensitizing Ring”
The Infinity Clamp pull cord feels great bouncing around while you thrust, and the bigger sensiting pull cord ring you select, the more you’ll feel it and the easier the pull cord will be to grab.

H70 is even Bigger Boner Button Compatible.
Every Rope Ring has a ball (1) or balls (3) positioned at the top to interact with your dorsal vein. This pressure point on the top of your penis at the root that speeds erection response and increases erection quality. We call this the “Boner Button” and making your rings Boner Button bigger looks hot stylishly and increases the anatomical pressure point service.

*All these fantastic options will appear in your shopping cart once you’ve placed the Infinity Clamp (H70) in your cart.

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