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Power Grip Shaft combines the direct dorsal vein\nerve anatomical pressure point service, made famous by our horseshoe cockrings, combined with the super engorging powers and elastic constriction of our Penis Jelqing rings, to create the world’s most advanced direct on penis ring. Power Grip Shaft (PGS) is ideal for serious high pressure penis workout scenarios, for growing and enlarging the penis, and also delivers to its wearer a laundry list of supercharged sexual performance factors.

Also check out our Power Grip Erector... it’s the same kick-ass ring technology as a cock-and-balls ring.

Pressures created by the ring are tremendous, and swell organ size to new levels of EQ (Erection Quality). Erections produced by the ring are gigantic. Allowing men to experience super sized super hard penis action, with the focus of sexual energy channelled directly into the penis. Staying power produced by the ring is fantastic, allowing men to deliver amazing bed shaking, headboard thumping performance every time, thrust after thrust, with exceptional ejaculation control that gets your lover the cock powered multiple-orgasms she’s been wishing for, and gets you the unyielding devotion and sexual cred you deserve.

For penis enlargement, stellar sex and mind blowing masturbation. Like all our Power Grip and Flex Fit technologies PGS unifies static and elastic pressure strategies into a single ring that is both solid and stretchy at the same time. Since the introduction of our Power Grip Erector, the run-away cockring success of this year, we’ve heard your excited requests for a companion version of the ring that would have the same amazing features but in sizes well suited for going directly on the penis, as a penis shaft ring. Power Grip Shaft (PGS) of course, is our response to that request.

By combining static pressure (solid parts) and elastic pressure (stretchy parts) into a single ring body, this ring is able to boast solid pressure point service while also creating a continuous inward penis clamping force. This is to say, even if your penis isn’t growing to fill the ring, the ring will be contacting on its own to meet you penis, and to activate a powerful penis clamp and the best erection of your life. The Power Grip technology is ideal with regard to constricting key areas of blood outflow in the erection. The ring, with its powerful gripping force, adjusts automatically to shifts in your erection quality (EQ) by shrinking to chase maximum enhancement if the hardness of your penis starts to reduce and by expanding as the pressure produces a super engorged super-sized erection.

Power-Grip Shaft Photos!
Now our Power Grip technology is available as a direct on-shaft penis ring. Ama...Incredibly stylish and fantastically super-sizing, your lady will love your co...Great for Jelqing and Clamping workouts this ring combines great with our Jelq...Awesome ring colors! But nothing will outshine how big your dick becomes when...Take the male enhancing and super-sizing pressure to the next level by giving...Take the male enhancing and super-sizing pressure to the next level by giving...Chris is wearing his Power Grip Shaft in French Vanilla Mega Grip Latex&hellip...The Ultimate Male Enhancement Super Store!


Power Grip Shaft by HARDWEAR brings our high pressure auto “GRIP” technology to you as a direct on-penis ring (a ring worn on the penis shaft). The ring utilizes the same engineering principles as our Power Grip Erector, which is worn behind the cock and balls together, but Power Grip Shaft (PGS) offers a form factor engineered for your shaft. As such, the PGS ring can be used in a host of high pressure penis enlargement (jelqing, clamping) workout scenarios, like our Penis Jelqing Rings (and in combination with our Penis Jelqing Rings for that matter). And of course PGS delivers amazing on the spot erection enhancement for sex and masturbation. The ring delivers a continuous inward force through its auto “GRIP” that combines with the outward force of the sexual organs filling the ring. HARDWEAR is world recognized for its groundbreaking designs, and our Power Grip family of products are the only hybrid metal\elastomer male enhancing rings in the world.

Stealth Horseshoe PENIS RING (Bionic as it is 70% Metal—Liquid Metal—and 30% Silicone Elastomer hybrid

Who else could completely re-imagine the shape of mechanical male enhancement and shattered the limits of erection support world wide? No one, but HARDWEAR of course. The Power Grip Shaft (like the Power Grip Erector) is a Bionic Stealth Horseshoe. Bionic means that the ring unifies a metal skeletal system with a super strong elastic outer body. Stealth implies that at first glance it might not look like a horseshoe, but in fact employs every principal of our world famous horseshoe design, and the laundry list of innovations in penis ring technology that have earned our horseshoe cockrings such nicknames as "The Swiss Army Knife of Sexual Enhancement". Power Grip Shaft offers all this in a powerful made-to-sit-directly-on-the-penis-shaft design.

Our Patent Pending Power Grip technologies offer the only gripping metal cockring experience on the planet.

Easily spotted, in the form of the 3 balls present in the Power Grip Shaft design, is the male enhancing trinity (or tripod) shape factor found in a number of our rings. The top most ball of course will provide stellar anatomical button press, compressing the dorsal vein and triggering a “boner” reaction in the male through this pressure point interaction. The lower pair of balls serve as stabilizers, while the arch between them provides a “cum through” channel. The arched bar and overall grip of the ring will produce a high degree of ejaculator control, while the arch itself accommodates the flow of semen once it begins to flow.


Male Enhancement Approach:
Auto “GRIP” Constriction + Male Anatomical Pressure Points and Constriction

The ring's shape expresses a powerful design aimed at supporting and supercharging the male organ. The parts of the ring are precision engineered to trigger powerful enhancements in size and hardness in the male. The dorsal pressure ball being pulled toward the arched bar with flanking double balls, places an inward Auto “GRIP” force that will compress the dorsal vein in the male and trigger an enhanced "boner" reaction, thus promoting a harder, larger and stronger erection. The arched bar and balls will interact and constrict the Vas Deferens and the Urethra to slow the climb to ejaculation, and enables an enhanced semen load by making it easy for men to edge. Explosive high-flying ejaculations are easy to experience by creating a "pinched hose" effect in the male plumbing, and this ring is fully capable of doing just that. Noting that blood flows into an erection primarily on the sides and escapes mostly through the top and bottom we can easily see how the Bionic shape enforced by Power Grip Shaft takes advantage of the male anatomy to its fullest, by delivering more relaxed constriction on the sides courtesy of the elastomer body and extraordinarily powerful constriction on the top and bottom where the metal components are being drawn together.

Configurations: Penis Ring+

The ring is presented in 8 sizes, in eighth inch increments. The ring can be worn for sex\masturbation, for high pressure workout, and for all day constriction. Of course you may desire different thicknesses of the ring to accommodate your different uses. The calculator will direct you toward a size applicable to sex\masturbation. You may go one size smaller for intense jelqing\clamping workouts, and 1 or 2 sizes larger for all day wear. Each man has his own comfort levels of course, so this is just a baseline.

Power Grip Shaft rings are volumetric in terms of sizing, which means they have a shape and form factor that is designed for maximum enhancement and to allow the impressive Auto "GRIP" feature. Power Grip rings expand vertically of course, stretching out to a maximum stretch greater than the ring’s defined size. When you are wearing the ring it will neither be in the starting or max stretch state, it will form a union with your body in its attempt to return to the starting shape, and this continuous interaction is what ensures a maximum enhancing clamp and creates the Auto “GRIP” the ring is famous for.



Full Metal Structure and Designer Structure

This feature fills the entire ring body with a metal endoskeleton to intensify the level of constriction, and thusly bring the male enhancing pressures to an even more fantastic level. Functional and sexy, the full metal styling also looks incredibly handsome riding on your Johnson.

Colors\Materials Including Mega Grip Latex 

Power Grip Shaft is compatible with Mega Grip Latex French Vanilla, Mega Grip Latex Black, and all standard color options: “Mist” (Semi See-through White), “Electric Blue” (Semi See-through Blue), “Tuxedo Black” (Solid Black), “Brick Red” (Solid Red). Once you place the item in your cart you’ll be able to select which awesome color you want.

Handlebars for PGS (seen above on the left)
Keeps your fingers out of the ring while putting on\taking off the ring, allowing guys to wear a more intense fit. Handlebars look awesome, are body ergonomic, and can be rotated above board for visual bling or behind your balls where they are invisible.

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