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(1 Hours 37 Minutes!) Men want everything big. More is better, and the size of a man’s cum load is no exception. Heavy semen volume and high flying ropes of man milk are the signature of the virile and sexually fit male, not to mention cuming big feels amazing (the bigger your load the more earth shaking the orgasm sensation). Now, with this amazing full length DVD you’ll learn the secrets of the money shot masters. And in no time you’ll be overflowing your condoms, soaking your partners and generally unleashing the biggest, best feeling cum loads of your life.

Evander’s amazing semen volume and ejaculatory force have been amazing his fans for years, now in this detailed DVD he answers the cum questions every guy wants to know (but doesn’t know who to ask – LOL) and delivers the one-on-one coaching you need to “cum like Evander.” This DVD is fantastic whether you’re looking to increase your semen volume and potency to become a dad, whether you and your lover are into cum-play and she want’s to be slathered down in your man milk, and\or you want to experience the tremendous orgasms (and prolonged sensations) that go along with having a huge multi-rope ejaculation. Cuming big is macho, it feels awesome, and in this full featured Disc we teach you how to do it.

Cum Primer:
(Dribblers, Gushers, and Cannons)

In this opening discussion we’ll illuminate the different types of ejaculation males exhibit so that you can identify which kind of cum shot you generally have. We’ll discuss the difference between semen volume, sperm production and ejaculatory force, and we’ll interconnect all of these points with the different reasons men have for wanting to supersize their semen load. It is in this segment that we will lay the groundwork, based on how you cum currently and what your load goals are, for how you should proceed with the lessons on this disc toward reaching those goals.

The Edge Master Workout:
Training Your Cum Cannon

Evander leads you through a tailored edging session with a full discussion of how edging should be performed to train your body for awesome semen production. The Hardwear Horseshoe cockring will be used and fully discussed during this session for the many ejaculatory benefits it brings. Short term and long term approaches will be explored so that you can begin to enjoy increased semen volume immediately while training your bodies internal cum cannon for the long haul as well.

Tick, Tock, Squirt: (Your Ejaculation and Timing)
Loading Your Cum Cannon

There is no area of more debate and confusion in the discussion of semen load size than the question of how much distance in terms of time a man should be placing between his loads for optimum semen production. In this discussion we’ll cut through the miss-information and teach you a thing or too about time and how to make sure you’ve got that bugger on your side when it comes to making a wet spot big enough your lovers will be swimming in it.

Milking Your Prostate - The Workout:
Training Your Cum Cannon

Your prostate gland is responsible for the production of male seminal fluid, in this segment we’ll talk about general prostate health and ways that you can excite your prostate into producing titan sized loads. A number of tools will be explored including the Hardwear Heat Seeker. Instructor led demonstrations will illustrate how to find your prostate and how to stimulate it.

Feed Your Load:
Loading Your Cum Cannon

You are what you eat is the old saying, and in many regards the statement rings 100% true. The topic of semen production and load volume is certainly one of these areas, and in this segment we’ll talk about what you should be eating and drinking if filling your balls up for a porn star style money shot is important to you. Of course we’ll talk about what not to eat and drink in this segment as well.

Mixing the Baby Batter

Is it a super soaker you’re loading, or are you mixing a great big bowl of baby batter?. For the dude that’s aiming to knock-up the special lady in his life there are some particulars to be aware of. Semen volume is a clear and definite contributor to a man’s fertility, but not the only contributor. You’ll need to be concerned with sperm quality and motility as well just for starters. We’ll discuss topics of interest for all the daddy’s-to-be out there who are mixing their milkshake not just for the orgasmic ecstasy of big cum ropes and the sexualiy of semen… but also for making babies.

A Damn Good Milkshake

LOL… and you didn’t know there were so many colorful colloquialisms for jizz did you? Well it shouldn’t be such a surprise, cum fetishes are among the most popular for men and women alike. Semen is sexual and visual and exciting. And, the experience of swimming in and\or swallowing cum can be greatly enhanced by altering the flavor of your Johnny Juice.

Fun with Cum:
Facials, Creampies, Cum Swapping, Bukake and more

So your super soaker is locked, loaded, and it’s time to get wet. But do you know all the different ways to have fun with that thing? We close the disc with a visual discussion of all the fun fetishes there are around cum, cum play, cum eating, etc. And with that you can consider yourself educated. By the end of this disc you’ll know how to train your body to produce its maximum load size. You’ll know how to feed your body so that it has the right resources to stockpile your semen supply. You’ll be able to amplify your shoot, and with hose in hand you’ll walk away with all sorts of new and crazy ideas for how to have fun with your cum cannon.