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When people say GO FUCK YOURSELF… Don’t be offended, be excited instead! These days the old three word mantra has an entirely new meaning. And these days, with this awesome gear, you can actually do it. Our new Human Powered Fucking Machine is nothing short of amazing, and nothing less than exactly what you’d expect from your mad scientist buddies here at allknight.com. The same team that brought you the SEXXXTRAINER Sex Simulator For Men. Featuring spring loaded thrusting and a design clearly inherited from a supercharged pogo stick (but so much cooler), all you gotta do is get this baby’s dick or prostate massager (it comes with both) lined up with your hungry hole; plant the support against any surface: the floor, the wall, the footboard, the mattress, the arm of your sofa… push down ever so slightly… and then start moaning as this amazing device trusts back, penetrating you, pleasuring you, milking you, fucking you senseless.

The GFY is the perfect gear for filling your favorite hole and fucking yourself into a pleasure daze.

If you want a machine that lets you stick your dick in and do the fucking, check out the SEXXXTRAINER Sex Simulator For Men.


For every lady’s lusty vagina, and every boy’s hot and hungry backdoor hole, this gear is ready to bring on the orgasms, the training, the pleasure, and more. You could call it the ultimate “Ass Trainer” (you might have thought we would, given our other sex simulator’s name). You could call it the “Long Stroke Automatic Love Maker,” “The Pleasure Pole,” or the “Pogo Stick Pussy and Ass Pounder” (uhm, yeah, that one’s a gem… laugh). But what the GFY “GO FUCK YOURSELF” UNIT is all about, is what it lets you do that couldn’t be accomplished without it. With no wires and no electricity required, entirely human-powered and wickedly spring-loaded, this gear lets boys and girls fuck themselves (and more).

Keep reading below to learn why straight guys, gay guys, and ladies alike are raving about this awesome device.

G.F.Y. Fucking Machine Photos...
Anal Masturbation opens up (your butt—LOL—and) an entirely new worl...Great for him and great for her too! The “Go Fuck Yourself” Fucking...Fantastic for male maintenance this device is perfect for prostate massage and...New to backdoor play, prostate massage and milking? The 2-Stage Prostate Milker...The Ultimate Male Enhancement Super Store!

Whose using the GFY Fucking Machine and what do they say?

Christian in Dallas said: ”Wow! I am always amazed by you guys, by how open and awesome you are, and how you seem to know exactly what a guy is looking for. I’m straight, engaged to a wonderful woman, and I love this piece of equipment. I’ve always been curious… is that the right word? Curious about getting fucked, about what a penis would feel like in my ass. Now I need to be clear. I’m not really into guys, I’m into dicks. Is that weird? I don’t know but I don’t think so. I love my own dick and want to make it bigger (which is how I found your awesome site… and your amazing penis enlargement gear). Did I mention I dig how you guys have taken your male organs to such amazing levels of size and hardness?

Anyway, what I’m really writing to say is I love your Go Fuck Yourself Sex Machine so much, I can barely even explain it. With this machine, should I call it a toy? No, it’s so much more. I’m able to answer my curiosity. I’m able to fuck myself, like for real. Just like in the photos where the guy is laying on his back and his GFY is going in for the long stroke. That’s my favorite position. I brace the GFY on the wall behind my bed, I flip around, lube up, spread my legs and let the magic happen. It’s almost hypnotic how good it feels. I push down on the GFY and when I let go it thrusts back on its own. Oh my god, it’s amazing. That thing has fucked the cum out of me so many times now. My girl has even watched me get fucked by it and I’ve watched her… and we have so much fun. We love your site and all the amazing sexy inventions you make possible.” --- Christian J, Age 34, Dallas TX.

Josh in Rye said: ”So, you’ll be pleased to know that I throw the most awesome parties with this thing😊. Yeah my parties involve fucking machines or whatever hot gadgets I can get my hands on. And if you’ve never gotten a bunch of horny guys together, ones in need of blowing off some steam, who've had a few too many drinks and so are all feeling a little loose, and suggested “anybody want to try this new sex toy I bought?” Well, if you haven’t tried it, you should because the results are a total blast. I bought 5 of your fantastic GFY Fucker machines, so obviously I had it in mind to throw just this kind of party. In fact, your cock rings make awesome party favors too, and actually that’s where I started with my friends a couple of years ago, suggesting we all review a bunch of your rings, like having our own round table talk with our cocks out. Your rings got all our cocks so hard and we had so much fun that now the guys expect me to introduce them to new male gear all the time. Good thing I love doing it. Alas, I’m an exhibitionist at heart, a nudist, a horny gay boy, etc.

This party I threw was me and four friends, two other gay guys for a total of three including me, and two straight boys. It was totally awesome, all of us spreading out a bunch of comforters on the floor, dropping our drawers and spreading our cheeks. We used my sectional to kick-off of, you know to plant the GFY against so it would have something to push its fuck against. At first one of my straight buddies, he’s always the first to try new cock toys but he wasn’t quite ready to take the plunge of being fucked by your pogo-fuck stick, so he just kind of watched in drunken amazement. Meanwhile the other one was totally willing as long as we put the prostate butt plug on his unit and not the dick. It’s great that it comes with both options.

There was so much moaning and groaning and cumming… (and laughing and learning too). After about 15 minutes the shy guy was ready to try it too. I’m pretty sure watching us bang ourselves had got him all horny, or else he just felt left out seeing how much feel-good fun we were having. Anyway, apparently, he’d never done anything much with his hidey-hole, so we had to help him lube and tell him about his prostate, and all this. And when, with a room full of naked helpful friends, he felt that probe thrust against his prostate for the first time, the moan he let out, the gasp, and the way his whole body shuddered, it was like I was feeling those sensations again for the first time myself. Just wanted to let you know your Fuck Machine is freakin’ amazing. Me and my pals have played with em’ for hours, blew our loads, reamed our butts, and had a blast. ” --- Josh Age 26, Rye NY.