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Ingenious, sexy, and as stylishly versatile as it is boldly original The Satyr Gear Neck Tie by Hardwear (under our new Satyr Gear brand) has been called a game changer in the realm of men’s neckwear. This incomparable piece of gear is fashioned from our Viper Weave fabric blend, boasts a stunning arsenal of chrome bling and one of 6 center piece lab engineered gemstones. Taking its inspiration from the BDSM community and elevating the esthetic to fine art, The SG Neck Tie delivers a look that is macho, hip, urban and cool, that manages to play well in the office, at the nightclub, in the dungeon and every where in between.

Also check out our SG Cock Jock... Looking for an awesome Cock Harness that works with all you Hardwear Cock Rings and matches your SG Neck Tie. Check this out.


Even without any pendant at all The SG Neck Tie, with its glinting chrome hardware and ts dazzling 10mm gemstone is stunningly handsome. The gems are dazzling lab created: diamond (white bling), sapphire (blue bling), amethyst (purple bling), ruby (red bling), emerald (green bling) and abalone (multi-color bling). The two D rings bumpering above and below the gemstone imply the timeless visual shape of an infinity symbol with your gem of choice at the center, and form a naturally attractive focal point for the neck piece.

Pendants add even more character and personal flavor to your SG. Once you’ve added your SG to your cart you will be presented with options to select one or more pendants to go with your SG.


The SG is compatible with any pendant or padlock. We offer 2 pad-locks, the large black and chrome one seen on the left, as well as a small gold model. Both are real locking padlocks that come with keys and are quite useful if you want to use some of the SG’s more exotic features such as the fact that it can be used to form a pair of handcuffs (read more about this in the “Playing in the Dungeon” section below). Both our padlocks look completely kick ass while inferring a subtle BDSM nod. We also offer 2 dog tag options, engraved silver flames and the word soul in silver on black, both are stunning. They look great alone or adding texture alongside your own personal dog tags which may be actual military tags or any other variety. Lastly, for a more spiritual vibe we offer a handsomely crafted swerved cross in onyx and silver, and also a military inspired winged star.

SG Neck Tie Photos...
Stunningly versatile, and able to be bold and minimalist at the same time, the...Pendants can be utilized at all the connection points of this amazing piece of...(A) How far down does it go? All the way. A double Bolo setup lets you dress yo...Incredibly multi-function, the Bolo Neck Tie can literally be taken from around...Our Viper Weave fabric is strong (BDSM strong, as in strap strength is rated at...Behold our 10mm lab engineered gem stones are breathtaking. In gem speak a 10mm...Combine the Bolo Neck Tie with our Heavy Duty Wrist\Ankle Manacles to create a...The Ultimate Male Enhancement Super Store!

Playing In The Office\On The Town

Seen on the left is the standard symmetrical wearing style, where a single pendant (in this case our deliciously beefy black and chrome pad-lock) hangs down the center of your chest. Additional pendants can be hung either from the same D ring as the pad-lock, from the one above it, or from the sliding adjuster shown on the left in the photo (but which can be slid to the left or right side of this awesome neck gear). This allows additional pendants, tags, emblems and\or charms to be hung asymmetrically as well. With full adjustability you can wear the SGNT inside your shirt and select which pendants to show off on your neck line through an open collar at different eye catching angles. You can wear it over any shirt, including a collared shirt where it will literally hang a lot like a tie, for a look that is always stunning.

Day: Depending on your office setting the large padlock may be too bold a statement for your workplace if you are wearing the SGNT on top of your shirt (inside will be just fine). The cross on the other hand is perfect for just about any workplace. Want another workplace idea? Is your job one of the ones where they give you a security badge to open various doors, and the badges are typically hung on goofy neck chains that look like brightly colored yarn or on a belt pulley. Put your security card on The Satyr Gear Neck Tie instead and be the envy of the office, combine with pendants for a cool look.

Night: The SGNT looks great in every afterhours setting. It looks great going out for drinks and it looks great in the locker room. It looks great with clothing, it looks great when you take your clothes off. All the pendants look fantastic and you can use different pendants to accent your moods or outfits.

Playing In The Dungeon:

So we told you the inspiration for The SGNT came out of the BDSM community. Did we mention it’s a Transformer? What the heck do we mean by that? So you’re a Dom (A Dominant personality in the bondage games you play), did you know your SGNT turns into a very effective wrist restraint system? That’s right, so if you happen to bump into one of your night-life submissives outside your dungeon you can literally take your neck chain off and restrain him\her with it, and if that doesn’t make you one Bad Ass Master we don’t know what will.

On the other hand if you are a Sub (A Submissive or Slave personality in the bondage games you play) how handy and sexy would it be for you to be wearing a device that doubles as wrist shackles around your neck all the time, a constant reminder. The Satyr Gear Neck Tie is also a fully functional choke chain, I.E. by attaching a lead to it, it becomes a leash complete with sliding neck adjustment. Uncompromising in its design the SGNT is quite literally a micro BDSM Harness in disguise. So well disguised that it just looks like a sexy-as-hell piece of neck gear, and it is, but it also much more.

With 6 Connection points it is well equipped for on-the go BDSM play with hitch points that will let you hang dog tags so your slaves don’t forget their slave names, interconnect it to a cock harness or chastity device, and much more. With so many options this dazzling neck chain, if you can call it that, actually comes with a DVD to show you all the different ways to wear and use it.

And these are just a few of all the things there are to love about the stunning new Neck Chain from Hardwear.