There’s just no way that any man has lived his entire life without wondering whether or not his dick size is any good. When it comes to the Big Dick Vs Small Dick Competition and Debate, it doesn’t matter how much or how little sex you’ve had, and sexual orientation is also irrelavent. Inherant in the male animal, and rising out of a place of instinct, is the need to measure.
If you’re a straight guy, you want to know that what’s between your legs is big enough to satisfy the women you’re with. Problem is, you already know that you’ll never get a straight answer if you ask them. Most of the girls you hook up with are just going to tell you what you want to hear, and then say something different (and truthful) to their girlfriends, keeping their dissatisfaction with your size to themselves until the matter boils over in some other form, possibly until she moves on to a more satisfying lover with a bigger dong. Yes, it happens.
If you’re a gay guy you’ll be more likely to get straight-talk (ha, pun intended) from your partner on the topic of male size. Naturally, it is easier in a man-to-man conversation, even amongst lovers, for the truth to come out about male endowment. You both have boy bits swinging between your thighs. You’ve both been in locker rooms, seen other guys, etc. Still, the question: “does my size satisfy you?” is not likely to get an honest answer. If your partner cares for you, straight or gay, they are going to try to spare your feelings. And if you are long-term dating or married to someone, an honest answer becomes less likely still. Your wife\husband or girlfriend\boyfriend may even go out of their way to tell you that you’re the biggest they’ve ever had, which would be great if it were only true; but in many cases a man can tell when his partner is blowing smoke up his wazoo. The fact that you are questioning your partner’s level of sexual satisfaction and questioning your sexual endowment in that same light, says that there are signs that you are picking up on. The only way a guy can really know is by figuring some things out for himself, chiefly if his life would be different—better—if he had a bigger sausage instead of a smaller one! The answer to that question is sometimes surprising and always illuminating.

The guys here at are always ready to whip it out and prove that reaching the perfect penis size is just a matter of gear and dedication. We don't just make the best male enhancement gear on the planet we use it. Are you ready to unlock your biggest and best D ever.
On The Cover: Two Well Trained Big Dick coaches and One Small Endowed Trainee, just starting out on his enhancement journey. When it comes to the bump and grind of penetrative sex, there is no question that having a larger bat equals swinging with more friction, more orgasm potential, and stronger more intense sexual stimulation. Optimale TNT XL can get you going on your enlargement journey. They don’t call it “Big D in a Bottle” for nothing...
For this sausage showdown these guys are both wearing Hardwear Horseshoe Rings for the hardest and largest showing possible!
Horseshoe Cock Ring
In this article…
We will define the criteria we are basing the words “perfect size” on. In brief, we are not talking about the best size for strutting in the locker room (which would be a no-brainer… bigger equals more confidence naked). We are talking about functional size… I. E. size for max-friction, for generating vaginal orgasms in your female partners and anal\prostate orgasms in your male sex partners. We are talking about the best size for fucking and being praised as an awesome fucker.
(Read all the details in the next section).
We will define some metrics around what a small male organ is, and what an average one is, and how to transform a low-volume specimen into a bigger, badder, high-volume scream inducer. In other words we’ll tell you how to take your small or ordinary sausage and make it extraordinary.
What's the Perfect Penis Size?
Size does matter, but the simple fact is that there isn’t a singular perfect size to be had. Looking at the matter from the perspective of the keyhole that the key will be slid into, one woman’s massive cock is going to be another girl’s micro penis, a lot of it has to do with what sizes she’s been exposed to. There is an old saying, that size queens are not born they are made, and the old saying holds true. Also, every vagina is different and the dick that makes it feel the best is always going to be subjective. The same is true when the love tunnel in question is an anus, and the G-spot being stroked is in fact a P-spot (prostate). And still, there are a range of sizes apt to promote the most successful penetrative love making experiences, particularly in terms of generating more friction for powerful orgasms.
If you were to find all of the men in the world, the fantastic lovers who have “fully satisfied” the greatest number of partners (with their boners alone), you would find that all of their cocks are in a certain range of sizes. Bigger isn’t always better, but the smallest dicks on the planet are never going to be the most satisfying in bed. Sex is, after all, a game of friction, so the old mantra about size not mattering is way off base. The size and sturdiness of the boat does indeed have as much influence on the successful sexual voyage as the motion in the ocean. Now, men, if we are taking into account our mouths (oral sex) and our fingers (digital sex) and our inventiveness with toys (dildo, vibrator, and other sexy toy sex), then a lesser hung guy can level the playing field a lot. But if we are talking about laying down awesome love making with your bone alone, there are certain anatomical realities that really are a… reality. And honestly, pretending otherwise, as is popular in some circles, is just silly.
While there is no true “perfect size” there is a number of inches that comes up repeatedly in conversations about sexual perfection. In most surveys that look into matters of size, many that women have responded to, many that gay men have responded to, and even as a barometer that we tend to see in porn, the most favored number is 8. Eight inches is the amount of endowment most often referred to or thought of as the “perfect size.” Big enough to be undeniably big but perhaps not so large as to be terrifying (laugh).
While we are looking at popular wisdom, there is another number of inches tossed around repeatedly as being average. And this one, the measure a man needs to reach to be considered standard size is of course 6 inches. If you don’t know what 6 inches looks like, it’s as long as a US dollar bill, and this is the “popular” or “pop cultural” expectation for the standard D. So, if you’re yang is shorter than a dollar bill you are smaller than average. Yes, statistically, average can have a spread all the way down to four inches. But let’s be honest with ourselves. Can a 4” D and a 6” D both be average? These two specimens are not in any way volumetrically similar. So, at the very least one has to be the smaller side of average and the other the larger side. It’s clear that, over the years, these terms and stats have been fiddled with to make men feel better about their size, in the same way that loving partners do not tell the absolute truth when guys ask, “are you happy with the size of my cock?” In an article dedicated to answering some honest questions about big versus small male endowment and looking for the “perfect” size in the context of our society's perceptions (and more importantly, aptness for friction), we obviously need to understand and agree on the parameters.
For the purposes of this article, we will NOT lock our sights on 8 inches as a goal, we will simply say that the top performing penises are bigger than average. That’s a fact, and it’s also a fact that many men fall below that size. Specifically, the range we’ll be considering Average is 5” to 6.5”. If your junk measures less than five inches on the hard and veiny fucker scale (sure, why not throw in a little humor) then you are small. Nothing to be ashamed of, just something we need to understand. If you just made it into the realm of “average,” given that popular wisdom favors 8 as the most magical number, then it's clear you were not born with a magical dick (laugh). You might be able to bring the magic, but it will not be because of your size. If you aren’t safely above average (at least seven inches) then you were not born with the “perfect size” for penetrative sex. In other words, the ever-elusive perfect size, as near as anyone can estimate—perfect being measured as enough pipe to generate maximum friction for orgasmic sensation—is likely a range between 7 and 9 inches, which would explain why the number 8 is so popular, being that it falls right in the middle.
So, Hung Dudes Have
the Advantage But…
This does not mean that all is lost! Quite the opposite, these facts equal an opportunity for overachieving males of every starting size to become great lovers. We could file this advice under “if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em.” But really, the enhancement minded male can both join and beat out the sexual competition. Only about 25% of men are born with above average boner size in the range we’re discussing. Of those, as many as half are big D klutzes and don’t know how to use the size they were given. Just because you have an advantage doesn’t mean you automatically win the game; many underdogs in countless arenas have come out on top. Many naturally well-endowed men botch the huge anatomical size advantage nature gave them with clumsy technique. What you are learning right now, what so many guys don’t know, is that a man does not have to be born with it… he can build it; and when he does, through that process he also learns to use it properly. If you are willing to put in the work and get the right tools, you can take your size from less than satisfying to mind-blowingly fulfilling for any girl or boy you choose to give it to.

This perfect super large, super hard wood is being powered by The HARDWEAR Illusion male enhancing ring… just one of over 40+ hardwear designs...
Invisible AKA Clear Erection Rings
Join ‘Em and Beat ‘Em Too!
A Little Help Is All It Takes
So, first things first, a man with harder wood is a man with bigger wood. If you have erection issues this must be addressed as the first line of enhancement always. Also, if you’re right at the edge of the big dick vs small dick competition then it doesn’t take a whole lot to push yourself over the edge—the nudge from average to above average, from ordinary to extraordinary. With constriction technology that can take a man’s hard size up to 120% EQ (Erection Quality), Hardwear Cock Rings are the perfect tool for those guys who get their women right to the pearly gates of orgasm but just can’t get them over the threshold. These are the girls that force themselves into you, grinding for all they are worth trying to get you just a few fractions of an inch deeper, trying to find that last bit of length needed to make them explode. If you don’t have that final extra inch to take the sex across the finish line and into mind blowing orgasm-land, it can be quite a letdown—quite an almost but no cigar sort of feeling.
Never fear, your buddies at are here to help you find that last inch and more. Hardwear Rings wrap around the base of your organ or else around your cock and balls together, in either case trapping all of the blood in your organ so it can’t escape. These rings create an environment of super engorgement in your erection, where inter-organ pressure climbs and climbs from the enhanced blood flow; and more those pressures build the bigger your dick becomes! The enhancement is more than enough to make you Mr. Big D for the night and every night for that matter. In this gear your super engorged male organ will be hard enough and big enough to give any girl a leg shaking vaginal orgasm without having to learn special acrobatic sex moves or the use of dildos to get her off. Just slip on your Hardwear Ring at the start of the love making, while soft or semi, and it will continue to make you bigger and bigger all the way through the session, until you’re both sweating and screaming and dizzy with sexual pleasure.
About awesome rings for your erection—Can there be any question the Magneton H80 will supersize your boner? Just Watch the stud in this video as his Magnetic Cock Ring Powered Waving Dick Lifts Weights and Explodes Cum! Or check out Blake's demonstration, after which he hailed the Magneton H80 as The Best Cock Ring Fuck Ever!
Hardwear Male Enhancement and Enlargement Gear has been keeping guys rock hard and growing their junk for years. However many inches you have today, this equipment will help you have more tomorrow. So you can rock the bed springs with the longer, stronger, harder and larger stud boner you deserve.
Lots of Ways to
Keep Her Coming Back
The best thing about a good cock ring is that you have plenty of options to transform your small ding-a-ling into the prefect hero bone! Indeed, this gear works for all sizes, so even if you are huge already, you can take your boner into titan territory with one of these rings. There’s a magnetic option (The Magneton) that’s easy to put on and effortlessly stays on until you blow her mind with your perfect cock. There’s also an invisible erection ring (The Hardwear Illusion) that you can slide on before she gets her eyes on you, and she may have no idea at all why you’re suddenly so good tonight, but she’ll be more than happy to accept the fully filled up feeling you’re giving her. If you want to make it as tight as it needs to be to get the best result, you might try The Infinity Clamp. This is a ring that you can adjust on the fly to give yourself the hardest erections and biggest dick of your entire life! Not only will all of these rings get you the hardest you’ve ever been in your life, they are world famous for being comfortable, sleek, body ergonomic and incredibly handsome. It really doesn’t get much better than this, just pop on your ring of choice, and get ready to enjoy the moans filling your ears and the expression of full satisfaction on your lover’s face as you bang it home.
Make an Even Bigger Change
For guys on the smaller end of the spectrum, you might need a little more help in getting the dick you really want. The rings will enlarge on the spot, and even over time promote growth, but there are devices and techniques aimed specifically at growing your junk. For those men that can’t stop thinking about the hung vs not so hung debate because they can tell flat-out that their size is not satisfying their women (or men). These are the partners who just kind of let you do your thing without trying very hard to feel their own pleasure. They lie sweetly, and say it was good, but you can just tell that your lover wishes you had more to offer. The upside of this sad situation is that now you do have more to offer! You just need to get your hands on a good penis stretcher. These devices are meant to stretch out your sausage in a permanent way that will have your lover begging you to pull back after you give it to her. You’ll have to put in some work, as these devices work like exercise equipment for your male organ, but it’s going to be more than worth it in the end. You’ll finally be able to look at your cock in the mirror and see a hung piece of meat that any woman (or man) would have to be crazy to pass up!
Looking for an awesome Anytime\Anywhere All Day Stretcher? The Soldier Boy is so verstile you might even be able to Stretch Your Penis While You Sleep. If you're new to the enarlgement world, however, start with the All Day Penis Hanging Device Basics.
Find the Best Method for You
There are a few different approaches to going from “smaller than you would like to be” to “the perfect cock size.” Each device has its own method to make you bigger, and you should go with the option or options that make the most sense to you. The Soldier Boy, for example, is a ring stack system that leaves you hanging free and clear while in use. You simply add rings as your D gets bigger to keep it stretching. Then there’s the Samurai. This is basically a rod and sliding glans ring system. Featuring the sliding glans ring which fits behind the head, and another ring that goes at the base, all you have to do is lock in the stretch you want. As you grow, just increase the distance to keep getting longer, stronger, and potentially straighter too. Finally, there are penis weights (aka hanger system) that work just how they sound. You attach a high-tech weight to your junk and let gravity do its thing. No matter which enlargement approach you go with, you’ll end up with a much bigger, better dick that you can be proud of!
Final Thought:
The Answer and The Big Secret
Big dicks have an advantage. Visibly the bigger organ is more exciting, and functionally it is more likely to kick up crazy friction and thus have an easier time generating orgasms, multiple orgasms, making a girl squirt while you’re fucking her, making a guy cum while you’re fucking him, and all that. The Big D does have it easier. Its all tactile really; a bigger organ touches more surfaces in the love tunnel its sliding around in. These are exciting facts, and even more exciting are all the different ways you’ve learned to make your cock bigger. So, the answer in the big cock vs small cock debate is that bigger is better... but don't run off half cocked (laugh). The big secret is that you only need a bigger dick if you believe you do. A Ferrari is better than a Honda almost in the same subjective way a huge male organ is better than a small one. The Ferrari is just damn sexy, and yes it has better performance out of the gate. Ultimately, it has more potential, and yet a terrible driver can still run straight into a tree driving a Ferrari and loose the race to a boy in a Honda. Size is a real and important thing... but having a big bannana alone does not make you the king of the sexual jungle.
How about a seafaring analogy: Having a big-ass boat is great for crossing the sea of love, but let’s not forget the Titanic sunk. To be a truly awesome fucker it takes cock power in terms of enough size and thrusting power in terms of the right motion in your ocean (AKA the way a boy moves his ass in bed). The SEXXXTRAINER Sex Simulator teaches ordinary guys to be love making studs...
What a guy must have, is knowhow. He needs to know how to use the size he has! If you’re small, but really, really good at using what you’ve got (your tongue, your fingers, what’s between your legs and everything), then your partners won’t have to lie when they say the sex was great. In fact, if you’re small and gifted with sex skills you can be more desirable and satisfying than the guys with bigger cocks who have no idea what to do with them. Being big is an advantage but it does not win the race on its own. And clumsy bad sex with a big D can be painful, compared to clumsy bad sex with a little dick which is typically just boring. And lets face it, just about everyone would rather ride with a guy driving an ordinary Honda who gets you were you’re going with skill, as opposed to the guy in the Ferrari who slams into a tree five seconds after stepping on the gas.
And of course the Super-duper Big Secret is this. The ultimate fucker (I.E. the bestest lovers) are the hug guys who also know how to use their monster meat. The simple reality is that at least half the naturally well-endowed men think their inches alone make the sex magical. Big D klutzes are the reason we still hear ladies and gay guys sometimes complaining about
terrible big dick sex. Do we hear this as often as we hear about unsatisfied sex partners who couldn’t feel their small-endowed lover moving around so they just faked it? No, we hear small boredom stories more often than big horror stories, and yet we hear both. But when the worlds align—which is what you want for yourself—we hear about those lovers whose godly cocks were big and whose asses knew just how to swivel that meat around, and in short, the guys who had the advantage and knew how to use it too. The ultimate winners in this debate work on being bigger and better too. The perfect tool for the “better” part is a Sexxxtrainer!
How Sexxxtrainer makes you a winner?
The way the SexxxTrainer works is as ingenious as it is simple. It’s a long masturbator framework that turns any jerk off session into a real sex simulation, with every real sexual position being available to train you for greatness. You can use it with your hands or set it down and pound it into submission. It even comes with a strap and counterweight, if you want! You can hang it from your neck and use it to learn how to get into the kinds of positions lazy lays never even think about. Note: you don’t want to be a lazy lay, even with a big cock it’s not a good look. Best of all, The Sexxxtrainer teaches you how to last longer! If there’s one way to truly satisfy a woman with your dick alone, it’s making it last as long as possible before you explode and lose your wood. No matter where you fall on the size spectrum, if you can last as long as it takes to get your partner to an orgasm, you’ll be showered with praises.

Penis Guides
Ever wonder what life would be like with a 10 incher? Maybe you know the answer. Or else you've got a PE goal of joining the big 10 club. Whatever the case, here’s the owner’s guide that goes with your ten inch sausage.

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Hardwear has been making the best male gear for years. A longer, thicker, stronger, super hard erection, awesome size, orgasm control and mind-blowing ejaculation are all standard with this gear. Explore our 40+ genuine Hardwear Enhancing Ring designs.

Best Male-Masturbators
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Don’t be a lazy lay… the ultimate sex simulator can teach you to be a full-on stud in bed. Get ready to pump, pound, and swivel out your fuck in every real sex position with SEXXXTRAINER. Like a treadmill for a man’s sex-mojo, you’ve seen this awesome device featured in a host of our videos… and now you can train to be a sex stud too!