Do you have a 10 inch penis? Do you aspire to have one? Some guys are born huge and some guys must train their way to massive size. In either case this article is for you. If, like most of the male population you were born with a penis much smaller than this, it may or may not be realistic for you to sport a monster dick of these proportions (we have to look at your starting point… but every starting point can be bigger in its own right). And if you are sporting a massive cock, you know what smaller guys do not, that while you probably wouldn’t trade that big dick in for the world… it does indeed have some unique challenges. We’ll talk about those in this article as well, and some ways of overcoming them.
The 10 Inch Dick: Monster 10 Inch Penis Owners Guide
Bet this is a guide you didn’t see coming. But why not, when the fascination with male size is prolific, ancient, and profound. It’s no accident that we decided to start the first of our Penis Owners Guides with a size 10 discussion. A real life 10 inch dick is irrefutably huge and still statistically realistic that a spectrum of the male population comes equipped this way. A cock of this length is also in the realm of attainability through penis enlargement products and male enhancement principals, depending of course on your starting size, your level of dedication, and so on. This is the perfect place to begin this kind of discussion because the target is both rare and realistic, it tickles the ideal in our psyches without firing our senses into the asteroid belt.
So, whether you’re straight, gay, huge, aspiring to be huge, just an ordinary guy who finds such topics intriguing, or a horny size queen (or king) looking for the secrets to monster meat, this guide will be of interest. Ultimately the conversation of living with, looking for, accommodating, worshiping, or just strutting a big dick is always interesting. We’re all about our dicks here at, with a mission of helping guys everywhere with theirs, so it’s a topic we find near and dear.

Q&A1: How many guys have 10 inches?
Answer 1 (born this way): There are a number of studies out there, and these tend to have conflicting results. But there is no question that being hung with a length of ten inches is rare. Some conservitive estimates place the likelihood of being born this hung at 1 in 1000 men. For those who like percentiles, the findings would indicate that roughly 0.7% of the male population is genetically disposed to 10 inch or greater erections in sexual maturity.
Answer 2 (male enhanced): Now if we take the additional dimension of men who were not born so endowed but who have used penis enlargement techniques to accomplish their size we could safely bump this number up to the 2% range. This is a number that could be much higher, but many men don’t understand the potential.
Q&A2: What is the potential for me to grow my male organ into a 10 Inch Monster Cock?
You would be surprised how many guys call our male enhancement coaches and ask something crazy like, “How can I get an eighteen inch dick?” Our answer is always the same. “Well, is your penis at least fifteen inches now?” Every man can grow, and it's a much more realistic goal looking at a size 10 than something shoe sizes don't even regularly come in. So, what are your chances of getting there?
Answer: (oh damn it’s another question-LOL)—But don’t worry it actually is the answer, just keep reading...
Q&A3: How many guys have 8 inches?
Also considered extra large and very well hung, this level of endowment is more common, with 5% of the male populace (5 in 100 dudes) being born with the natural capacity for 8 inch dick action in adulthood. Men with 8 inches or greater to begin with have very good odds of reaching 10 inches through penis enlargement, male enhancement, penis exercise and gear. Men with 7 inches (an even more common above average endowment) are also in the range of reaching the big 10. But for smaller guys, an expectation of more than 3 inch gains, while it can happen, might be setting oneself up for disappointment. And honestly, if your penis is 4 inches long right now wouldn’t you be happy seeing it leap to 7 inches? Does it really matter that the 10 inch ideal may be out of reach? And we should not forget that once you reach the lean 7 you'll then be in range, and you can always set a new goal.
PERSPECTIVES: Being Hung With A Ten Inch Dick
“Big” Jimmy
(Gay White Male - 10”)
I’m 27 years old, a white male, and I have a 10 inch dick. I'm talking about my hard cock... when I’m soft it’s around 6 inches, so in the question of grower vs shower, I’m both a shower as well as a grower. How many guys have 10 inches? Not a ton. How many guys have 8 inches for that matter? Being gay, I love cock and have had the opportunity to explore. To be honest, even among the gay men I encounter with 8 inches, many more of them seem to have used male enhancement products to accomplish the goal. So, being that I was—as Lady Gaga sings—born this way, I count myself as lucky. Other specs about me include that I stand just under six feet tall, wear a size 10.5 shoe and, no, the measurement from my wrist to the tip of my middle finger does not match my erection length. My boner is longer.
So, I guess I do feel pretty special. No it’s not a perfect thing but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I realized I was hung in my mid-teen years. In gym class guys started pointing out that my softy was like “everybody else's” hard-on. Word spread, which led to a lot of show and tell sessions. Do I think big dicks have more fun? Yeah, I do. I like talking about my dick and it’s gotten me a lot of hand jobs and blow jobs. It may or may not surprise you to know that a lot of times even straight guy friends will want to touch it, sometimes suck it. People hear about it, ask to see it, and then something about a huge penis makes them do things they might not consider otherwise.
I’ve been wearing cock rings since I was twenty. Even when my dick is hard it can get harder, high pressure rings like the Power Grip work great for getting it maxed out. So, erections are more challenging at my size. That’s just a fact. Anal sex can be a challenge, I’m 6.5 in circumference, so that’s 10x6.5, and some bottoms have actually turned me away for fear of their asses being unable to take it. More often they are captivated and want to take on the challenge, but I’ll be completely honest and just admit that when I was younger, for a while I thought I was too big to fuck. Really, as it turns out, I was too damn eager. Lube is key. Going slow is key. I’m always honest about it. I put it out there right on my Grinder profile, “rocking with 10 inches.” I get lots of weird offers, sometimes for money, I’m not really into that.
Do I ever go commando? Well, I don’t even consider myself an exhibitionist or anything like it, but I do go freeballing sometimes. It just feels good. When you have a big dick you can feel it bouncing when you go up a flight of stairs. You can feel it rubbing your leg, whichever side it’s on. It keeps you synced up with your sexual self. And sure, if you’re a shower like me, then it shows. And sometimes eyes bulge and jaws drop, like if you’re wearing sweatpants. A big dick in gray sweatpants or gray shorts always gets noticed if you’re into that kind of thing.
Do I like big dicks? Yes, I can’t deny. My world view is skewed I think. I know I’m big, but it just seems regular to me. I usually look for guys who have 8 inches or more. I’m versatile but like topping over bottoming, so when I’m looking at partners a nice muscled ass trumps a big dick. And honestly the person is pretty important too, I might have a big one and like my men with big dicks swinging between their legs, but I don’t want the fellow to himself be a “big dick”.

We interrupt these 10" perspectives to tell you about our amazing high pressure Hardwear Cock Rings that are the perfect erection support for your big bad one-eyed monster. Famous for the "Hardwear Hard" dick power this gear unleashes, these rings not only help you get and keep the hardest wood you’ve ever seen, but produce a penis exercise level of pressure that, over time, even grows the male organ.
Charles “The Choo-Choo”
(Straight Black Male - 10”)
I’m 34 years old. I’m black, and I have a 10” BBC (Big Black Cock - laugh). It didn’t start out this way, naturally I was 7.5” (almost 8 inches) and after about 5 years of serious penis stretching and penis hanging I’m at 10.25. I’m straight. I stand five-foot five, wear a size 11 shoe, and I’m super happy with my progress.
Do I know that I was already technically considered well hung? Yeah, I know it, but see here’s the thing. I’m short, and trying to get girls as a short guy, I can promise you, is a handicap. The ladies are wired to respond better to tall guys. A short guy needs to be packing, for his own confidence and that big dick energy that he needs. Also to have something extra to keep the girls from running off to the first taller guy that pops up. That shit's real. The height thing is a bummer. If I was taller, maybe I would have felt like seven and a half inches was enough. People try to act like compensation is a bad word or a bad thing, but I just call it playing life’s game.
I’m also black and very proud of it. But let me inform you that the expectation of a big dick is way higher for black guys. In my experience black guys do have bigger dicks. I’ve done lots of sports, I’ve been in the military, and I like a good swinger party—in other words I’ve seen loads of naked dicks even though I’m straight. In my experience seven and a half inches wasn’t that extraordinary for a black dude. From what I’ve seen, 7 out of 10 black guys are some level of well endowed and for white guys it’s more like 3 out of 10.
Do I feel like stretching my way to a 10 inch dick has helped my pickup game? (He smiles knowingly) Yeah, man, absolutely. I mean, listen. Girls these days they know what they want, and they want that dick. They want it hard and they want it big. I’m a good looking dude but the height thing was a hurdle. And now, packing all this in my pants, I know there’s something that will stand out (stand up too), something the ladies will remember. They always text me back. My DMs stay buzzing, because they all want to roll again. It’s all love, it’s all good.
Do I wish I had been born with ten inches from the start, instead of having to work my way there? No. Totally no. Effort makes you appreciate a thing, and see... even though I was hung on some level, statistically speaking. My real life experience at seven and half inches wasn’t like ‘Wow, dude is packing.’ Now it is.
Now I notice every little thing because I had to work my ass off to make this happen. Inside a woman, when your balls deep and you press the head of your cock into her backmost wall, into her cervix, and you pressure your way forward slowly, taking that long stroke to a place where only an extra-long dick can go, like entering a second pussy... you feel that shit, man… it’s like a drug… and she feels that shit… and the earth moves for both of you. And you know that it’s something not every other dude can do. Maybe one in a hundred. Maybe fewer. And whatever effort it took to get you there, it’s worth it.
Am I shower or a grower? I guess I’m a shower mostly. My shit hangs these days, like around seven inches. That’s crazy right? Like, basically, my old erection length is my new soft length.
Do I get a lot of attention in the locker room? Yeah, I do. I workout with a bunch of guys from my job and they all call me “Choo-choo” because my dick is long like a train. Silly, right? And yet, that shit pumps you up.
Do I find it more challenging getting hard with such a big dick? No, and you know what, I know guys who were born with nine and ten inches and they do. See but I had to workout this dick with hanging weights, with wearing all day penis stretchers, I was jelqing with jelqing rings… everything. My dick is a bodybuilder (he laughs). I pump iron with that shit. And see, I'm aware there are no technical muscles in a man’s penis, but just the same you can have a flabby penis (one that’s lazy and doesn’t work so well) or a He-man kind of dick that’s ready for action. When you workout any part of your body, your penis included, it’s healthier and more responsive. And even though I get hard just fine, I do sometimes wear a cock ring because those gadgets will keep you hard and pumping forever. And like I said, girls these days they want that dick and they want those multiple Oh my God moments. They like it thick and long and long into the night.
Q&A4: Grower vs Shower - Does having huge erect length make you a shower?
Answer: In the case of both these men’s perspectives the answer is yes. A six inch swinging softy for Jimmy and seven inches swinging for Charles is definitely showy. There are no absolutes in the world of male genitalia. Obviously, having a longer erect length increases the odds of having a longer flaccid length. Ultimately there are huge erections that spring unexpectedly from visual growers, but the bigger a penis is erected, especially as we move beyond the seven inch mark, the more likely it is to show more inches soft. We should keep in mind that most men who are showers are actually both. It is much more rare to find a guy whose penis hangs soft at essentially the full length of the erection but only thickens and hardens.
Q&A5: Does having a big dick make you an awesome fucker?
Answer: No. And if you think it does, your partners are probably less than satisfied. Having extra inches does give a man an advantage in bed, in fact being well endowed comes with many advantages. Hung men have an opportunity for sexual dynamics that guys with smaller penis stats can’t easily duplicate. But having advantages does not equal a free pass, and opportunity can always be squandered, especially by the lazy.
Being awesome in bed takes know-how, good pacing, good sexual rhythm, and a slightly empathic nature to feel the vibrations of how your partner wants to be fucked. Read on to understand the advantages and disadvantages of your size, and start learning how to really be an awesome fucker for real.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Long On Inches
A lot of guys with cocks in the 8", 9", and 10" range (and larger) will make the mistake of being lazy in bed, thinking that all it takes to satisfy a woman (or a man) is a big cock. To be as big in the satisfaction department as you are on inches, you should first know what advantages and disadvantages there are for your endowment...
(Drum Roll...)
(ADVANTAGE) Psychological: So, that big dick is a mind-blower. It makes your partners believe sex with you is going to be special right out of the gate. If your partner is a total size queen or king, you might be able to skate by lazily, because the brain is the biggest sex organ, and if her or his head is souped enough by your endowment, even if your form and skill suck, the dick will be big and fully worshipable.
(DISADVANTAGE) Psychological: That big dick is a mind-blower. No there isn’t an echo. Some of your partners may be afraid of an organ as large as what you’ve got coming off your groin, expecting the sex to be painful. You’ll need to reassure them that you know how to use it, how to go slow, that even though your cock is huge you realize there are other parts of your body that can be sexual, and that you know what a bottle of lube is.
(ADVANTAGE) Physical: Stroke length to the maximum. Okay Captain Cock-Length, here is the deal. If a size 10 dick is compared to a size 5, the math makes it quickly apparent that the bigger of the two has twice as many inces to work with. The first thing to realize is that you don’t have to use all of it, and certainly not on the first thrust. The potential here however for shifting your body to the left, right, north, south, and using your cock like a lever is powerful. With this many inches even small movements in your hips will shift major meat compared to the less endowed guy who needs to throw his entire body into the movement to work his fuck well. His balls deep is just half of your penis. Your thrusting potential and stroke length is twice his. And a technique of increasing depth as the intensity of sex increases can be a great way to keep the drama climbing, a level of drama that averages joes will have a hard time matching (certainly not in the same way).
(ADVANTAGE) Physical: Depth (Vaginal). You really can go where no man has gone before. Now, deep thrusting is to be built up to, not jumped on right out of the gate. In the case of vaginal sex, the cervix will be reachable with a long rod like yours. You’ll be able to trust against and ultimately experience a sensation often called "Cervical Penetration." You can’t really penetrate the cervix, though it feels like it. It’s all a bit of bodily smoke and mirrors in which you are really pressing the head of your cock against the cervix. In another article we’ll explore this fully, but the cervix is another erogenous zone in a woman and one that smaller guys can’t reach.
(ADVANTAGE) Physical: Depth (Anal). In gay sex or any anal sex, the anus is a narrower working hole than the vaginal entry. Going through the backdoor, here again, all those inches at your disposal will be able to reach deep places where shorter cocks can not tread. There is the initial sphincter, a second sphincter which is not far beyond the first (all this happens within 4 inches), and then the bend in the sigmoid colon is encountered with variance from person to person at 6 to 8 inches in. This is somewhat parallel to hitting the cervix in vaginal sex. The bend is pliable and to get beyond it, if your partner has an obsession toward accommodating all 10 inches, may require different bodily positioning. Cowboy might be a good one to try for. As with all deep penetration explorations, go slowly and use a lot of lube.
(DISADVANTAGE) Physical: Big Inches Need Big Blood Flow. This one is obvious and well known. The bigger the penis, and a 10 inch penis is very big, the more work it is to get and maintain an erection. Get yourself a HARDWEAR Cockring and discover how big, rock hard, and huge you can be when everything you've got is taken to the max.
(DISADVANTAGE) Physical: Potential to cause pain. Typically, pain in either the case of vaginal or anal sex is a sign of an inexperienced big dick going too fast, too deep, not using enough lube, and so on. This is where that slight empathic bit comes into play, as not every partner is going to be able to handle your entire length, certainly not at first. It may take many rounds of lovemaking, and not every partner may want you probing all the way into what, to them, feels like their stomach. Having that big organ is fun, but you need to recognize that everything in life has tradeoffs. The need for patience with your partners learning to accommodate your size is one of those tradeoffs.
Final Thought
There’s not much to say in conclusion. Is 10 inches a good size? It's safe to say that no guy ever wants a trade in on this kind of penis. And yes, some guys at size 10 are actively pursuing penis enlarging exercises and teqniques to be even bigger. Check back frequently to see when this article is updated, and also be on the lookout for our next Penis Owners Guide… where we’ll be taking a deep dive into everything about the eight inch penis.
Until then a few words of penis wisdom in parting should keep you walking the right path. If you are among the blessedly endowed never take that blessing for granted, never forget that great penis size is also a great responsibility. And if you are on the smaller end of the spectrum, aspiring to be larger, know that effort builds character, and never forget that you don’t have to hate your penis to seek improvement in it. In fact every guy should love his penis… and tomorrow, when it’s an even bigger, badder, and better member, you’ll just love it that much more.

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Got inches, great! But do you have a place to stick them, thrust them, pump your hips and swivel out your fuck in every real sex position? You do now, with SEXXXTRAINER, the perfect tool that lets you practice and master every move. Like a treadmill for a man’s sex-mojo, you’ve seen this awesome device featured in a host of our videos… and now you can train to be a sex stud too!

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Guys with big dicks need to know how to use all that endowment, how to move their ass in bed, control all those inches, and make the experience amazing? In this DVD your favorite male enhancement coaches will teach you to be an awesome fucker. Learn to hump stronger. Don’t just satisfy your partner, blow her mind.