Cock Stretching (otherwise known as Penis Stretching) is the application of stretch focussed exercises for the penis, with the aim of promoting an increase in the length of a man’s organ over time. The penis is an organ consisting of a number of tissues, most notable for the purposes of penis lengthening, the two columns of erectile tissue known as the corpus cavernosum. These being the same spongy apparatus that fills with blood to make your dick hard when you are having an erection). A second area of interest would be the suspensory ligaments that actually connect a man’s penis to his pubic bone. Great, you don’t want the one-eyed monster falling off, the only problem is those dang ligaments do such an efficient job that anywhere from 1 to 4 inches of hidden penis are contained within a man’s body, unavailable for showing or thrusting or anything.
So then, Cock Stretching comes to the rescue as a boy’s goto workout motif (yes, a workout for your penis) with the goal of expanding the corpus cavernosum so that the actual body of the penis will become longer, and for stretching the suspensory ligaments so that more of your hidden penis can project outside your body.

The Science Is Seen In Penis Lengthening Surgery
Indeed, there are penis enlargement surgeries that a man can undergo (one popularly called “The Male Porn Star Surgery”) in which those annoying ligaments will be snipped altogether, allowing all of a boy’s hidden penis to hang out. And no, your dick won’t fall off if you cut those ligaments. It won’t stand up and point north if it ever did, but big dicks tend to be south pointers anyway. Surgery always brings a risk factor, though. And Penis Surgery is the most invasive solution to a problem that can be addressed naturally with Penis Stretching Exercises. And get this, even if you did go under the knife to have your ligaments snipped, you would still need to perform those exercises in follow-up, to keep the ligaments from healing back. That’s right, if you cut the ligaments surgically instead of training them over time to be more relaxed, the result will certainly be faster but your body will recognize your cut ligaments as an injury in need of correction. And sometimes the ligaments will heal back tighter than before a man’s penis surgery, thus resulting in more of his dick being hidden. WTF?
Yes. WTF—for real. So if you want to grow your member longer there is no substitute for stretching your cock. Even if you take a medical route to a longer penis, you’ll still have to keep your organ stretched away from your body for a series of months to be sure it heals long. So, before you fork over the big bucks to go under the knife you might as well implement those exercises into your lifestyle and accomplish your big dick naturally.
So, Here’s How to Make Your Penis Longer Naturally
There are basically two ways to stretch your dick: Manually (with your hands, but while you’re stretching your sausage you won’t be doing much else), and much more effectively with Hands Free Penis Stretching Gear such as our amazing Soldier Boy System, our Anaconda Extender, our Payload Weighted Glans Ring, and our Colossus Weight Hanger. These gear choices represents: A) The absolute state of the art in terms of all day lengthening systems, where “all day” is a term that describes building up to a period of at least 4 hours under tension daily; and B) The state of the art in set-based heavy hanging, where for a period of 30 minutes to 1 hour daily, a man will place his penis under a heavy load, obviously starting light and building his way up over time.
Cock Stretching 101 - So Here Are the Pointers
For Hands Free Systems such as The Soldier Boy, The Anaconda, and The Payload: be sure to start slow and at home.
Day 1: You’ll be excited to try it out, so go right ahead. But for your first time wearing the device just go for twenty to thirty minutes. Get a feel for it. Do this at home where you can freely be naked, with access to a mirror so you can see how everything is hanging (LOL… pun intended).
Day 2 - 14: Increase your wearing time by fifteen minutes every couple of days. When you get to two hours of wearing time, you can now take the gear out of the house, maybe go grocery shopping, a walk in the park, etc.
Day 14+: By this point you will have built-up to the vicinity of 4 hours, and now you can wear the gear wherever you want. To work. To your night classes. Wherever it makes sense for you to do so. You can continue to increase the wearing time as you like. Many guys wear their system for much longer spans than four hours. At this point, the rest is up to your judgement and comfort. Many guys like to do either Soldier Boy or Anaconda for 4 hours and switch off to the Payload Weighted Glans Ring after that, for continued stretch. This can be a very nice approach.
For Set Based Systems such as The Python and The Colossus, aimed at growing a man’s dick by training him to hang heavy weights from his organ for a set amount of time (somewhat like physique and muscle training), be sure to start light and slow. The approach can be very beneficial but your penis is not a muscle its an organ so slow and steady will certainly win the race.
Day 1 - 5: You’ll be excited to try it out, so pop that hanger ring on your dick and put a little weight on there. We do mean a little weight. If you’re new to hanging let’s just start with 1LBS for thirty minutes. For the sake of this article we’ll assume you’re using our incredibly popular Colossus system which will let you add weight in easy half pound increments up to 8LBS.
Day 6 - 10: Increase the weight by a half pound every five days, so in the second week you will now be hanging a pound and a half, still for thirty minutes. Feel free to watch TV, read a magazine, you can walk very slowly if you must get to the phone or something. But basically set-based penis workouts are designed to be done in one location.
Day 11 - 15: Increase the weight again by a half pound. Now at the end of the second week into the start of the third week you will be at 2LBS and here is where you are free to start exercising your own judgement. Many men will stay at 2LBS for the next 15 days at least, and add another half pound. This approach of adding a half pound every 15 days can be continued until you reach a point where the weight feels very heavy, then you can increase hanging time instead of weight.
The Colossus System makes sliding weights on and off so easy that you can certainly experiment with going higher on the weight whenever you like. Ultimately you are building toward a full stack of 8LBS for not more than 1 hour session. For many men building to 8LBS will take around a year. And all the while you’ll be having fun and your penis will be growing.