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The DIY Cock Ring And More DIY Sex Toys For Men

Ready For The Dos and Don’ts of DIY Sex Toys For Men? If you’ve ever lay naked on a satiny mattress and ground your hard cock into the pliant sur­face, or cram­med a pil­low down bet­ween your legs and hum­ped the heck out of it, then you’ve al­ready ex­plored DIY Sex Toys to an ex­tent. The ac­ronym DIY stands for Do It Your­self, mean­ing homemade and\or im­provised. And when you hum­ped that pil­low—known as pil­low hum­ping—you trans­for­med it into a DIY Male Mas­turbator. As it turns out, homemade mas­turba­tion toys are the eas­iest to im­prov­ise when it comes to homemade adult para­pher­nalia. Safety is al­ways an im­por­tant topic, be­cause we can as­sure you that, de­spite how horny you may be, not every ob­ject just lay­ing around your house is meant to be used in a sexu­al way. The best opt­ion will al­ways be real sex gear from a brand you trust. Some DIY Male Sex Toys are very dan­ger­ous and thus­ly a very bad idea. There are a few we can shoot down right out of the gate.

The DIY Penis Pump
AKA DIY Cock Pump­ing

Just don’t even try. It’s al­ways dan­ger­ous. If you stick your cock in the vacuum clean­er and then won­d­er why the skin got suc­ked off your sausage, don’t say we didn’t warn you. There is no way for the average guy to im­prov­ise a DIY penis pump with items that would be found in the average home.

(You can get a real Penis Pump right here.)

The DIY Penis Plug
AKA DIY Cock Sound­ing

Stop, re­turn to some­th­ing safe and in­no­cent like pil­low hump­ing. If you could see the flat line mouth and wide dis­believ­ing stare on this cock coach’s face, you’d have all the an­sw­er needed. Penis plugs and cock sounds are de­vices that you in­sert into your penis. Plugs being short­er and sounds general­ly being long­er. This can be fun and re­ward­ing as a prac­tice, but ab­solute­ly re­quires pro­fes­sional­ly made gear.

(You can get a real Penis Plug right here.)

The op­posite of the DIY Cock Pump where noth­ing but a vac­cuum in the stan­dard home can even em­ulate this kind of sex toy. There are any numb­er of th­ings around your house (too many) that will ac­tual­ly fit if you are looney tunes en­ough to, for ex­am­ple, strip the paper off of a crayola crayon, lube it up, and stick it in your dick hole. That’s a ter­rible idea, but noth­ing will pre­vent you from doing it.

That said, you CAN NOT, un­less you’re an en­gine­er and have all the right tools, make a safe and sanita­ry DIY Penis Plug or play at DIY Cock Sound­ing. These kinds of sex toys need to be made of sur­g­ical steel or med­ical grade silicone. That crayon we tal­ked about is filthy and just itch­ing to give you a urina­ry tract in­fec­tion. And that’s the least of the negative out­comes that are pos­sible with try­ing to DIY this kind of gear.

Guys are horny, so it’s only natural that we explore the world of DIY Sex Toys For Men, pillow humping and throwing thirsty glances at household items. But no DIY Cock Ring you cobble together can match the power of a genuine Hardwear Cock Ring. Delivering serious Hardwear Hard Erections and super sized cock power, the world’s best cock ring is so bad ass it’s a more that a male sex toy. It’s required male gear.

We in­ter­rupt this ex­plora­tion of DIY Cock Toys to point out, that no homemade erec­tion ring is ever going to pro­duce wood (we’re talk­ing raw, big and hard cock power) like a genuine Hardwear Cock Ring. The Safest, most ad­vanced and sop­histicated, and simp­ly the best cock rings on the planet. Hardwear is re­quired male gear!

The DIY Cock Ring

Okay, so less fatal­ist than the pumps and plugs and also for the penis, the DIY Cock Ring is our next dis­cuss­ion piece from the world of DIY Sex Toys For Men. This kind of de­vice (in other words any kind of homemade penis ring that you’ve macgyver-ized togeth­er has a natur­al ten­den­cy to be eith­er some­what dan­ger­ous for use on your penis, or else some­what useless). Our penis per­for­mance co­ac­hes have heard a numb­er of hor­ror sto­ries from guys, with re­gard to some household item they were play­ing with in the ab­s­ence of a real cock ring.

Ideas have in­cluded…

  • Rubb­er bands. Bad idea, guys. Very bad. Stay away. What kind of rubb­er is that you’re putt­ing on your dick? It was made to bind th­ings like pen­cils togeth­er, not to con­trol blood flow to your cock. Ir­rita­tion is com­mon. The rubb­er is often rough, often toxic, al­ways too thin, which might lead to snapp­ing (and that doesn’t feel good). Real cock rings placed on the penis for con­stric­tion are made to a cer­tain gage (we’re ex­perts here at al­lknight.com, we know all about this). Homemade bands that are two thin can ac­tual­ly bru­ise and even damage blood ves­sels.

  • Hair Ties (Scrunch­ies). So these are the soft fab­ricky, often col­or­ful hair con­trol ties that women wear… and dudes too, if you’ve got long hair. If it’s a fatt­er, soft­er tie it’s pro­bab­ly harmless. And if you don’t care if it rea­l­ly does much, but you’re just going for a pop of color on your cock, this can be okay as a de­cora­tion. It’ll get sweaty and dirty and need to be dis­posed of, it’s ob­vious­ly not made of silicone or latex or an­yth­ing with sex and sexual­ity in mind. Be­ware of thin hair ties. They are too thin and have all the same is­sues as rubb­er bands.

  • Con­dom Rings. Okay, so every con­dom comes with a simplis­tic penis ring built into it. Cut that baby off and you’ve just made a DIY Cock Ring. Con­doms are made of Latex usual­ly and are meant for penis wear ob­vious­ly. The rings built into con­doms are not in­dustri­al, it’ll make a fun and safe play ring, but it’s not going to serious­ly en­han­ce your cock.

  • So that br­ings us to the idea of shoe laces. Please buy new laces if you’re going to do this. Do not take some filthy-ass, ratty, trac­ked all over the east side of hell laces off of your sneak­ers and put them an­yw­here near your penis (LOL). That’s just too dirty for words. With new laces you can play some fun games of tying up your cock. You can tie howev­er tight you want, but re­memb­er that shoe laces are slend­er ropes. You can get a rope burn from them if you’re careless. The fab­ric will get sweaty and stin­ky, of co­ur­se. It’s not waterproof, it’s not made for this. We see laces as more of a fun DIY cock bon­dage thing rea­l­ly. With laces in fun col­ors you can de­finite­ly bind your lit­tle sol­di­er up in some cool look­ing ways.

Con­clus­ion: If what you want is the most stupend­ous erec­tion mech­an­ical sci­ence can give you, you need real cock gear. If you’re look­ing for col­or­ful cock de­cora­tion, a fun di­vers­ion to kill some time, and maybe a way to learn a few new boy scout knots lac­ing your cock, then scrunch­ies and es­pecial­ly shoe laces are worth a try.

The DIY Male Mas­turbator

Okay we’re gett­ing into some safer wat­ers for a mo­ment. While im­provis­ing sex gear, in gener­al, tends toward risk, there are ac­tual­ly lots of ways to ac­complish homemade mas­turba­tion. We’ve al­ready ex­plored male pil­low hump­ing, which was easy and total­ly safe. But have you fuc­ked your couch late­ly?

When you’re ready for the ul­timate male mas­turbator, the Sexxxtrain­er Real Sex Simulator for men is ready to get you off, get you bet­t­er in bed, per­form in every real sex posi­tion, and be your sex partn­er on de­mand! Noth­ing DIY can com­pare...

Cush­ion Fuck­ing (Couch Fuck­ing) - Male Pil­low Hump­ing the next genera­tion.

Have you noticed that, where couch cush­ions line up, where they butt togeth­er, if you try you can eas­i­ly slide your hand bet­ween, and eas­i­ly also thrust your cock? That’s right, eith­er in mis­siona­ry on top of the couch, or on your knees from the floor fuck­ing the cush­ions sideways, eith­er approach works with most co­uc­hes. Get a plas­tic bag of adequate size. A new trash bag will work. New is clean­er than some old groce­ry store plas­tic bag that pre­vious­ly had who knows what in it. Lube the in­side of the bag, place the bag bet­ween the cush­ions with some over­lap so your cock is not gett­ing fric­tion with the cush­ion but with the lubed up bag, and thrust your way home. It’s a fun and kinky way to mas­turbate. You can also use a con­dom larg­er than what size you need (so that you slip around in there a bit), in the place of the bag.

Mak­ing A Fifi AKA Slip-N-Slide Fric­tion Hump­ing A Hefty Bag

This is one we’ve been de­monstrat­ing for years in some of our videos aimed at teach­ing bet­t­er thrust­ing tech­niques. Now ob­vious­ly, we make a Real Sex Simulator, The Sexxxtrain­er, which of­f­ers un­matched sexu­al thrust­ing and sex posi­tion opt­ions. But as a fun ad­dendum to that, and for guys who might be sav­ing up for their Sexxxtrain­er, the fol­low­ing steps can get you star­ted. Tak­ing a new Hefty bag and plac­ing one or two fol­ded towels in­side it, tape it into the shape of the towels with all the tape on the back side, so it forms a neat re­ctangle that’s rough­ly two feet by three feet (or whatev­er di­mens­ions you like). Next, squirt­ing a bunch of lube all over it can do won­d­ers. Es­sential­ly, you’ve made a Slip-N-Slide sized just for hump­ing. Strip off your clot­hes and grind all over it.

Feel­ing Hung­ry And Horny, Lets Fuck Some Fruit

This one has been done with grapef­ruit, with water­melon, with pumpkins, etc. It can, of co­ur­se, be a lit­tle messy when you cut a hole in a water­melon and fuck all the juice out all over your bed. But then serious­ly, the first time you had real sex you were pro­bab­ly sur­prised by how “juicy” that was too. The in­struc­tions are pre­tty basic, it’s not brain sur­ge­ry. Pick your favored fruit, whic­hev­er one is look­ing sexy to you, cut a cock sized hole into the hull of that bugg­er, slip a con­dom on, and bang that thing sen­seless. The size and weight of pumpkins and water­melons make them very fuck­able in a hands-free kind of way. A grapef­ruit being much small­er is more of a han­dheld de­light.

Not just an amazing globally respected cock ring, but now with a built-in ass lock, the HARDWEAR Heat Seeker is a work of art that no DIY action can compete with. While it may be fun to talk about homemade cock rings, homemade anal toys, homemade dildos and homemade butt plugs, and all that. Obviously sticking a toothbrush in your ass is not going to match the experience delivered by a sexy and sleek piece of gear like this. A homemade dildo, prostate massager, or whatever will always be whatever it is underneath. A cucumber. A plunger. Stop. Just stop. There is obviously no way to compare.

So… we’re about to talk about the pro­spects of stick­ing plung­ers, cucumb­ers, and even a toothbrush in your butt. Is any of this rea­l­ly a smart move? No. And would­n’t you rath­er have some­th­ing high-tech, sleek, and sexy like The HARDWEAR Heat Seek­er? This baby has got your hands-free back door anal and pro­state ac­tion co­vered, and it’ll keep you hard too. It’s seri­ous gear for seri­ous male power and pleasure.

Homemade Anal Toys:
Homemade Di­ldos

Guys are such horny th­ings, straight or gay you’ve pro­bab­ly im­provised this one be­fore. Yes, we’re talk­ing about fin­d­ing some household item and stick­ing it where the sun don’t shine. Statis­tical­ly speak­ing straight guys are for more li­ke­ly to have played with homemade anal toys than an ac­tu­al dildo. It’s log­ical if you think about it. A dildo is pre­meditated, where that plung­er han­dle just hap­pens to catch your eye one day. You weren’t plann­ing to sit on it, but now that you look at it in a dif­ferent light, it’ll clear­ly fit up your yang hole. So, with­out furth­er delay let’s ex­plore the pos­sibilit­ies.

A plunger as a Homemade Dildo

So, we were seri­ous about this one. Your average old-fashioned wood­en plung­er han­dle is roun­ded at the end and re­lative­ly smooth. The same is true of most wood­en broom han­dles. No, you don’t want to just stick it up your ass and go to town. Come on, let's get a lit­tle creative here. If we wrap some paper towels around the end we’ll be able to give that broom han­dle a soft on the out­side, solid on the in­side feel, kind of like a real dick. If we wet those paper towels, we’ll be able to mold the shape to our li­k­ing. And the soft layer of paper towel wrapp­ing ex­tends the applica­tion to plas­tic han­dles that have a more ir­regular shape. By co­ver­ing the han­dle, the shape un­der­neath no long­er matt­ers so much. We’ll want to cover all the wood or plas­tic, mold the shape down and squeeze most of the water out. Now put a con­dom over your crea­tion, lube it up, lube your butt... and fuck your­self sen­seless.

Re­memb­er homemade di­ldos are not real di­ldos. In this case it’s still a han­dle un­der­neath, and it will never yield or bend, your ass will break first. Don’t in­sert it any de­ep­er than five or six in­ches (or whatev­er is com­fort­able). For deep anal play you need to get a real dildo. Don’t trip and fall and tear your ass and anus apart, again this thing is a piece of wood (or very solid plas­tic) un­der­neath. Don’t ever skip the con­dom, you can’t just press wad­ded tis­sue paper in your ass with­out the pos­sibil­ity of clogg­ing some­th­ing. And don’t ever put a naked piece of wood up your crack, that’s a good way to get an in­fec­tion, cause anal tears, or get splint­ers in your ass hole, etc.

A candlestick as a Homemade Dildo

Jack be nimble; jack be quick; Jack just fuc­ked him­self with a candles­tick. Yes, Jack ac­tual­ly can. These bab­ies come in all dif­ferent lengths and girths. They are made of wax which is… not the worst materi­al for this kind of DIY Dildo ac­tion. They are re­lative­ly smooth. We’d re­com­mend slipp­ing a con­dom on your waxy bed mate be­fore you spread your cheeks for it. But, yes, you cer­tain­ly can fuck your­self with a candles­tick.

Homemade Anal Toys:
Homemade Butt Plugs

So here’s the deal, but plugs are traditional­ly leave in and walk around kinds of toys. That’s just not rea­l­ly going to be an easy match with some­th­ing you just scroun­ge up from around your house. True homemade butt plugs are dif­ficult or im­pos­sible to make. Just for fun howev­er, Ice is a cute idea. And it’s total­ly body safe, as­sum­ing it’s clean ice. If so, you can slip ice cubes in your hole all day if you like, but they are ob­vious­ly going to melt.

You can stuff a cucumb­er in your rear entry (con­dom over it please). But if you de­cide to be fuc­ked by a mem­b­er of the fruit or veg­gie fami­ly it had bet­t­er not be too ripe. An electric toothbrush is an­oth­er opt­ion, de­finite­ly a dif­ferent toothbrush is re­quired for your hung­ry back door from the one you place in your mouth. We’d re­com­mend a con­dom over it again, and as­sum­ing you can reach the on switch, howev­er you in­sert it, it’ll be a vib­rat­ing toy.

Final Thought:
Why Boys Should Get Real Sex Toys And Leave Homemade Sex Toys Alone...

So, you wan­ted ideas for DIY Male Sex­toys and we gave them to you big time. Is any of this ac­tual­ly a good idea? No, not rea­l­ly. The homemade fifi (that’s the lubed up hefty bag that you can use like a slip-n-slide and hump) is pre­tty safe, and the ice in the butt is harmless. But honest­ly, DIY sex toys are dan­ger­ous. Real sex toys are made of body safe materi­als, they are made to specifica­tions with cer­tain toleran­ces in mind, they have been tes­ted and this is the real way to go when you want to ex­plore the world of gear based gratifica­tion.

Have we ex­haus­ted all the opt­ions for DIY sex gear? No. By no means. There are even more, and we’ll do a fol­low up soon. But howev­er many pos­sibilit­ies there may be, noth­ing will chan­ge the fact that rum­mag­ing to find homemade sex toys is a bad idea in gener­al and dan­ger­ous in al­most every case. There are some th­ings, your penis, your anus, etc, that you don’t want to be ultra cheap about, be­cause you only get one. You should be look­ing for the best gear, not just any old scrap that will fit.

The term DIY comes from the con­struc­tion world, and even in that world, co­untless in­ju­ries arise, fires are star­ted, and even lives are lost when un­qualified peo­ple at­tempt “do it your­self” pro­jects that should have been left to pro­fes­sion­als. An electrician should run the wir­ing in your home, and a sex toy en­gine­er should craft your be­droom gear. At the end of the day, it rea­l­ly is that sim­ple.


Real HARDWEAR Cock Rings take man's penis powers to the next level, and a bigger, harder dick are just the tip of the iceberg.

World's Best Cock Rings

Get A Cock Ring—Super Char­ge Your Cock

Want your dick hard­er, strong­er, thick­er and lon­ger—long­er in length and long last­ing when it’s time give the old bed spr­ings a wor­kout too? Im­proved or­gasm con­trol and mind-blowing ejacula­tion are also stan­dard with this gear. Ex­plore our 40+ genuine Hardwear Cock Ring de­signs, equip your cock and un­leash your inner porn star tonight.


Want to see whats trending right now in sex toys for men… penis stretchers, penis hangers, and cock rings are at the top this month for straight knights. Check it out...

Str8 Knights: Trending Gear

Top Sex Toys For Men: Male En­han­ce­ment Sex Shop

Every knight gets to raise his sword at Al­lKnight.com. If you’ve got a cock we’ve got the gear to super­char­ge it! So, like the Bi­llboard Hot 100 of cock gear, lets see what awesome male sex toys are hot this month. And with 70+ amaz­ing pro­ducts to un­leash your inner porn star, this top 10 is only the tip of the iceberg.


Whats hot in gay sex toys for men? Well… the heat seeker prostate massager jumped on top again, with winners in cock rings, ball stretchers, penis plugs, and fucking machines rounding out the month for our gay knights. Check it out...

Gay Knights: Trending Gear

Top Gay Sex Toys: Cock Powered Gay Sex Shop

For­ward Gay Knights! It’s time to raise our swords, get our cocks super hard and super large and storm the back gate. In other words, this is Al­lKnight.com, home of the best male sex toys in the uni­ver­se, and ob­vioul­sy the best gay sex toys for men. Here, we’ll take a peek at what trend­ing this month.