Ready For The Dos and Don’ts of DIY Sex Toys For Men? If you’ve ever lay naked on a satiny mattress and ground your hard cock into the pliant surface, or crammed a pillow down between your legs and humped the heck out of it, then you’ve already explored DIY Sex Toys to an extent. The acronym DIY stands for Do It Yourself, meaning homemade and\or improvised. And when you humped that pillow—known as pillow humping—you transformed it into a DIY Male Masturbator. As it turns out, homemade masturbation toys are the easiest to improvise when it comes to homemade adult paraphernalia. Safety is always an important topic, because we can assure you that, despite how horny you may be, not every object just laying around your house is meant to be used in a sexual way. The best option will always be real sex gear from a brand you trust. Some DIY Male Sex Toys are very dangerous and thusly a very bad idea. There are a few we can shoot down right out of the gate.
The DIY Penis Pump
AKA DIY Cock Pumping
Just don’t even try. It’s always dangerous. If you stick your cock in the vacuum cleaner and then wonder why the skin got sucked off your sausage, don’t say we didn’t warn you. There is no way for the average guy to improvise a DIY penis pump with items that would be found in the average home.
(You can get a real Penis Pump right here.)
The DIY Penis Plug
AKA DIY Cock Sounding
Stop, return to something safe and innocent like pillow humping. If you could see the flat line mouth and wide disbelieving stare on this cock coach’s face, you’d have all the answer needed. Penis plugs and cock sounds are devices that you insert into your penis. Plugs being shorter and sounds generally being longer. This can be fun and rewarding as a practice, but absolutely requires professionally made gear.
(You can get a real Penis Plug right here.)
The opposite of the DIY Cock Pump where nothing but a vaccuum in the standard home can even emulate this kind of sex toy. There are any number of things around your house (too many) that will actually fit if you are looney tunes enough to, for example, strip the paper off of a crayola crayon, lube it up, and stick it in your dick hole. That’s a terrible idea, but nothing will prevent you from doing it.
That said, you CAN NOT, unless you’re an engineer and have all the right tools, make a safe and sanitary DIY Penis Plug or play at DIY Cock Sounding. These kinds of sex toys need to be made of surgical steel or medical grade silicone. That crayon we talked about is filthy and just itching to give you a urinary tract infection. And that’s the least of the negative outcomes that are possible with trying to DIY this kind of gear.

We interrupt this exploration of DIY Cock Toys to point out, that no homemade erection ring is ever going to produce wood (we’re talking raw, big and hard cock power) like a genuine Hardwear Cock Ring. The Safest, most advanced and sophisticated, and simply the best cock rings on the planet. Hardwear is required male gear!
The DIY Cock Ring
Okay, so less fatalist than the pumps and plugs and also for the penis, the DIY Cock Ring is our next discussion piece from the world of DIY Sex Toys For Men. This kind of device (in other words any kind of homemade penis ring that you’ve macgyver-ized together has a natural tendency to be either somewhat dangerous for use on your penis, or else somewhat useless). Our penis performance coaches have heard a number of horror stories from guys, with regard to some household item they were playing with in the absence of a real cock ring.
Ideas have included…
Rubber bands. Bad idea, guys. Very bad. Stay away. What kind of rubber is that you’re putting on your dick? It was made to bind things like pencils together, not to control blood flow to your cock. Irritation is common. The rubber is often rough, often toxic, always too thin, which might lead to snapping (and that doesn’t feel good). Real cock rings placed on the penis for constriction are made to a certain gage (we’re experts here at, we know all about this). Homemade bands that are two thin can actually bruise and even damage blood vessels.
Hair Ties (Scrunchies). So these are the soft fabricky, often colorful hair control ties that women wear… and dudes too, if you’ve got long hair. If it’s a fatter, softer tie it’s probably harmless. And if you don’t care if it really does much, but you’re just going for a pop of color on your cock, this can be okay as a decoration. It’ll get sweaty and dirty and need to be disposed of, it’s obviously not made of silicone or latex or anything with sex and sexuality in mind. Beware of thin hair ties. They are too thin and have all the same issues as rubber bands.
Condom Rings. Okay, so every condom comes with a simplistic penis ring built into it. Cut that baby off and you’ve just made a DIY Cock Ring. Condoms are made of Latex usually and are meant for penis wear obviously. The rings built into condoms are not industrial, it’ll make a fun and safe play ring, but it’s not going to seriously enhance your cock.
So that brings us to the idea of shoe laces. Please buy new laces if you’re going to do this. Do not take some filthy-ass, ratty, tracked all over the east side of hell laces off of your sneakers and put them anywhere near your penis (LOL). That’s just too dirty for words. With new laces you can play some fun games of tying up your cock. You can tie however tight you want, but remember that shoe laces are slender ropes. You can get a rope burn from them if you’re careless. The fabric will get sweaty and stinky, of course. It’s not waterproof, it’s not made for this. We see laces as more of a fun DIY cock bondage thing really. With laces in fun colors you can definitely bind your little soldier up in some cool looking ways.
Conclusion: If what you want is the most stupendous erection mechanical science can give you, you need real cock gear. If you’re looking for colorful cock decoration, a fun diversion to kill some time, and maybe a way to learn a few new boy scout knots lacing your cock, then scrunchies and especially shoe laces are worth a try.
The DIY Male Masturbator
Okay we’re getting into some safer waters for a moment. While improvising sex gear, in general, tends toward risk, there are actually lots of ways to accomplish homemade masturbation. We’ve already explored male pillow humping, which was easy and totally safe. But have you fucked your couch lately?
When you’re ready for the ultimate male masturbator, the Sexxxtrainer Real Sex Simulator for men is ready to get you off, get you better in bed, perform in every real sex position, and be your sex partner on demand! Nothing DIY can compare...
Cushion Fucking (Couch Fucking) - Male Pillow Humping the next generation.
Have you noticed that, where couch cushions line up, where they butt together, if you try you can easily slide your hand between, and easily also thrust your cock? That’s right, either in missionary on top of the couch, or on your knees from the floor fucking the cushions sideways, either approach works with most couches. Get a plastic bag of adequate size. A new trash bag will work. New is cleaner than some old grocery store plastic bag that previously had who knows what in it. Lube the inside of the bag, place the bag between the cushions with some overlap so your cock is not getting friction with the cushion but with the lubed up bag, and thrust your way home. It’s a fun and kinky way to masturbate. You can also use a condom larger than what size you need (so that you slip around in there a bit), in the place of the bag.
Making A Fifi AKA Slip-N-Slide Friction Humping A Hefty Bag
This is one we’ve been demonstrating for years in some of our videos aimed at teaching better thrusting techniques. Now obviously, we make a Real Sex Simulator, The Sexxxtrainer, which offers unmatched sexual thrusting and sex position options. But as a fun addendum to that, and for guys who might be saving up for their Sexxxtrainer, the following steps can get you started. Taking a new Hefty bag and placing one or two folded towels inside it, tape it into the shape of the towels with all the tape on the back side, so it forms a neat rectangle that’s roughly two feet by three feet (or whatever dimensions you like). Next, squirting a bunch of lube all over it can do wonders. Essentially, you’ve made a Slip-N-Slide sized just for humping. Strip off your clothes and grind all over it.
Feeling Hungry And Horny, Lets Fuck Some Fruit
This one has been done with grapefruit, with watermelon, with pumpkins, etc. It can, of course, be a little messy when you cut a hole in a watermelon and fuck all the juice out all over your bed. But then seriously, the first time you had real sex you were probably surprised by how “juicy” that was too. The instructions are pretty basic, it’s not brain surgery. Pick your favored fruit, whichever one is looking sexy to you, cut a cock sized hole into the hull of that bugger, slip a condom on, and bang that thing senseless. The size and weight of pumpkins and watermelons make them very fuckable in a hands-free kind of way. A grapefruit being much smaller is more of a handheld delight.

So… we’re about to talk about the prospects of sticking plungers, cucumbers, and even a toothbrush in your butt. Is any of this really a smart move? No. And wouldn’t you rather have something high-tech, sleek, and sexy like The HARDWEAR Heat Seeker? This baby has got your hands-free back door anal and prostate action covered, and it’ll keep you hard too. It’s serious gear for serious male power and pleasure.
Homemade Anal Toys:
Homemade Dildos
Guys are such horny things, straight or gay you’ve probably improvised this one before. Yes, we’re talking about finding some household item and sticking it where the sun don’t shine. Statistically speaking straight guys are for more likely to have played with homemade anal toys than an actual dildo. It’s logical if you think about it. A dildo is premeditated, where that plunger handle just happens to catch your eye one day. You weren’t planning to sit on it, but now that you look at it in a different light, it’ll clearly fit up your yang hole. So, without further delay let’s explore the possibilities.
A plunger as a Homemade Dildo
So, we were serious about this one. Your average old-fashioned wooden plunger handle is rounded at the end and relatively smooth. The same is true of most wooden broom handles. No, you don’t want to just stick it up your ass and go to town. Come on, let's get a little creative here. If we wrap some paper towels around the end we’ll be able to give that broom handle a soft on the outside, solid on the inside feel, kind of like a real dick. If we wet those paper towels, we’ll be able to mold the shape to our liking. And the soft layer of paper towel wrapping extends the application to plastic handles that have a more irregular shape. By covering the handle, the shape underneath no longer matters so much. We’ll want to cover all the wood or plastic, mold the shape down and squeeze most of the water out. Now put a condom over your creation, lube it up, lube your butt... and fuck yourself senseless.
Remember homemade dildos are not real dildos. In this case it’s still a handle underneath, and it will never yield or bend, your ass will break first. Don’t insert it any deeper than five or six inches (or whatever is comfortable). For deep anal play you need to get a real dildo. Don’t trip and fall and tear your ass and anus apart, again this thing is a piece of wood (or very solid plastic) underneath. Don’t ever skip the condom, you can’t just press wadded tissue paper in your ass without the possibility of clogging something. And don’t ever put a naked piece of wood up your crack, that’s a good way to get an infection, cause anal tears, or get splinters in your ass hole, etc.
A candlestick as a Homemade Dildo
Jack be nimble; jack be quick; Jack just fucked himself with a candlestick. Yes, Jack actually can. These babies come in all different lengths and girths. They are made of wax which is… not the worst material for this kind of DIY Dildo action. They are relatively smooth. We’d recommend slipping a condom on your waxy bed mate before you spread your cheeks for it. But, yes, you certainly can fuck yourself with a candlestick.
Homemade Anal Toys:
Homemade Butt Plugs
So here’s the deal, but plugs are traditionally leave in and walk around kinds of toys. That’s just not really going to be an easy match with something you just scrounge up from around your house. True homemade butt plugs are difficult or impossible to make. Just for fun however, Ice is a cute idea. And it’s totally body safe, assuming it’s clean ice. If so, you can slip ice cubes in your hole all day if you like, but they are obviously going to melt.
You can stuff a cucumber in your rear entry (condom over it please). But if you decide to be fucked by a member of the fruit or veggie family it had better not be too ripe. An electric toothbrush is another option, definitely a different toothbrush is required for your hungry back door from the one you place in your mouth. We’d recommend a condom over it again, and assuming you can reach the on switch, however you insert it, it’ll be a vibrating toy.
Final Thought:
Why Boys Should Get Real Sex Toys And Leave Homemade Sex Toys Alone...
So, you wanted ideas for DIY Male Sextoys and we gave them to you big time. Is any of this actually a good idea? No, not really. The homemade fifi (that’s the lubed up hefty bag that you can use like a slip-n-slide and hump) is pretty safe, and the ice in the butt is harmless. But honestly, DIY sex toys are dangerous. Real sex toys are made of body safe materials, they are made to specifications with certain tolerances in mind, they have been tested and this is the real way to go when you want to explore the world of gear based gratification.
Have we exhausted all the options for DIY sex gear? No. By no means. There are even more, and we’ll do a follow up soon. But however many possibilities there may be, nothing will change the fact that rummaging to find homemade sex toys is a bad idea in general and dangerous in almost every case. There are some things, your penis, your anus, etc, that you don’t want to be ultra cheap about, because you only get one. You should be looking for the best gear, not just any old scrap that will fit.
The term DIY comes from the construction world, and even in that world, countless injuries arise, fires are started, and even lives are lost when unqualified people attempt “do it yourself” projects that should have been left to professionals. An electrician should run the wiring in your home, and a sex toy engineer should craft your bedroom gear. At the end of the day, it really is that simple.

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Str8 Knights: Trending Gear
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Every knight gets to raise his sword at If you’ve got a cock we’ve got the gear to supercharge it! So, like the Billboard Hot 100 of cock gear, lets see what awesome male sex toys are hot this month. And with 70+ amazing products to unleash your inner porn star, this top 10 is only the tip of the iceberg.

Gay Knights: Trending Gear
Top Gay Sex Toys: Cock Powered Gay Sex Shop
Forward Gay Knights! It’s time to raise our swords, get our cocks super hard and super large and storm the back gate. In other words, this is, home of the best male sex toys in the universe, and obvioulsy the best gay sex toys for men. Here, we’ll take a peek at what trending this month.