You might think your interest in having a massive ejaculation is unusual, but actually, wanting to go the distance (literally) with bigger loads and longer, farther flying ropes of semen is a desire of many men. It’s also something many women have an interest in experiencing with their man. Guys in general want to know how to shoot cum farther, how to ejaculate more and produce a high-flying long distance cumshot. Of course, it can be easy for the uninitiated, especially if you don’t have a penis, to question what the fascination is.
These tiny negatives aside, boys everywhere love their sexual eruptions—and we want them bigger. Compared to the many awesome benefits of being a sperm whale, the messiness (if you call it that – keep in mind that some people love being slathered down in ejaculatory fluid) resulting from a massive load is an easy matter of throwing your sheets in the wash. In this guide we will dive into the miracle of man-milk, assessing why we crave huge loads, exactly what those manly explosions are good for, and how you too can get your jizz flying far, high, and wide.
Why Do We Love our Loads?
Here’s the deal. Big loads feel amazing… yes physically, but also (and maybe even moreso) psychologically. The more ropes of seed and the farther those ropes fly, the more satisfying the experience is to the person ejaculating. The finale, while it isn’t the entire show, echoes back to enrich the entire episode from the masculine vantage. Why is this?
On The Cover: Check out Fireman Dan soaking the place—controlling the blaze—with his water cannon. And yet, when the male population looks at an image involving a big hose unleashing a massive blast… we instantly think “Cum Cannon” because our brains are wired to crave enhancement, which in the cumshot space equals explosive ejaculations featuring bigger loads and huge ropes of semen. This article is all about why we’re wired this way, and how to get your cock (or is it your balls) loaded for your own far-flying long distance ejaculations.
Too often the things that are misunderstood or tricky to understand about male sexual preoccupations and self-interest are blamed on porn. Men like big dicks because we’ve seen it in porn (before the visual age, we must have wanted tiny little rice crispy dicks swinging between our legs—NOT). Men like huge ejaculations because… you guessed it… we see it in porn (before adult video was invented, we were all praying for a thimble full of jizz or less, and if we ended up with enough to fill a shot glass, we were straight-up pissed—NOT). Does anybody else get tired of the porno catchall blame game? We certainly do. Every sexual behavior that guys have did not originate from viewing X-rated content.
Porn did not make men… MEN MADE PORN.
Adult content has evolved to be the way it is because it caters to male desires (instinctual sexual self-image desires and others). The donkey dicks and super soaker ejaculations we find on the silver screen of sex are there because "we" the majority of the audience like seeing those things. Those aspiring to be male porn stars train themselves, exercise their anatomy, feed their cocks for performance, hone their personal genetics, and sometimes seek surgery to perform the way they do. Which is to say, they exude the male factors that stimulate and arouse us… as heterosexual men, as homosexual men, as men in general. Man created adult video not the other way around. If these visual representations didn’t appeal to the audience, then those images would have gone the way of the dinosaur instead of persisting decade after decade. So, the editors and coaches at are here to tell you that demonizing porn for celebrating the penis-factors that men are fascinated by is just plain silly. The conversation really has nothing to do with porn at all.
What's The Real Reason...
Men Want To Blast Massive Spunk?
At the end of the day our primal brain remembers something our modern brain sometimes overlooks. Speaking instinctually, the squirt is really what sex is all about. Whether we are gay or straight or have any interest at all in making babies or not, the act of copulation and the squirting of “baby batter” all exist in the interest of projecting our DNA into the future in the form of procreation. Seeing our seed actually "feels" good, and seeing a lot of it feels even better. Now, lets overlay this fact with the much more obvious fact, that every angle of male sexuality is visual—
When you look at these simple realities, the answer becomes clear. Male sexuality is visual (period). Not because we’re a bunch of brainwashed Pornhub addicts, but because that’s how nature made us. Every aspect of the male sexual performance is right in our faces and highly animated on the stage of life. And this is why it is more psychologically rewarding to have a big cumshot. Mentally, a big load speaks to our primal selves, boosts our male egos, and makes us feel like our job fertility-wise is done. The visual feels good mentally and emotionally.
Physically speaking, ejaculation is a series of micro-muscle contractions in the plumbing of the penis and the greater male reproductive system. Those contractions feel good too (amazingly good)… every spasm sending erotic, orgasmic shocks... each one bringing us closer to gooning out completely. For men who either naturally shoot big loads, or who have learned how to shoot thier jizz farther with practice, each pulse can often be tied to a rope of ejaculate. The more semen we pump out and the farther it flies, the more contractions are required and the stronger the flexing of the apparatus needs to be in order to produce such an impressive ejaculation. When you combine the mental and the physical you get fireworks in the form of a spitting cock, and an awesome ejaculatory experience with a powerful sense of satisfaction. Let's not fool ourselves, mother nature wanted to be sure we could never grow tired of sex (because if we did the species woud vanish). So, she wired us to respond on many levels to many aspects of the machinery of fucking, from within looking at ourselves and from without looking at our mates. Male ejaculatory self-interest is just one of many of those "looking within" aspects.
And these are the real reasons why high-power pop-shots are in demand (and will always be in demand).
And Now, About The How…
How To Cum Like A Porn Star (Better Yet A Titan)?
To build champion cum spitters, the kinds of mega-load boys showcased here, a man needs to focus on three concerns. Three areas of male enhancement that the performance coaches here at are always instructing our trainees to address…
An awesome big, hard cock, with spectacular semen volume for an amazing cum explosion is why you should power your male engine with
Semen Volume: A boy needs a lot of cum, a big manly load, to perform at the level we are showcasing. You might think you would be able to shoot a little bit of spunk a long way, but really more goes farther.
Semen Consistency: Your junk-juice needs to be JUICY… the jizz can be thick and white, which is highly desirable, but it MUST remain a liquid. Ejaculate that is too clumpy will not work. Clumpy semen simply will not shoot.
Semen Propulsion: Once you’ve got your balls filled to overflowing (really your Cowper's gland and prostate, but it feels like its in our balls) with perfectly viscous, liquid cock-snot, you’ll need strong male machinery—a powerful cum cannon—to fire your seed long distance and to keep it pumping for massive multi-rope volcano loads.
With these three concerns addressed, some of which you may have under you belt naturally, all of which we can train for—but with these three bases covered your homeruns will be all the more explosive and exciting.
7 Tips To Shoot Your Seed Right… And More
If you haven’t watched the awesome video at the top of this page, you’ll want to watch it now, and then explore each point here in the full write-up for more detail.
Tip 1 – Get an awesome Hardwear Cock Ring. If Volume and Consistency are already in place, the right ring will instantly enhance your shoot. This is based on the principal of fluid dynamics in a tube (where the fluid is your groin gravy, and the tube is your dick). Just like a garden hose will spray farther if you pinch the hose, Hardwear rings are anatomically designed to pinch the hose of your manhood just right and increase the distance and power of your shoot.
Our rings amplify the male sexual apparatus, making the penis larger and harder, allowing you to last longer, and focusing more erotic energy into your genitals than can be achieved any other way. All this equals a state of super-arousal and the response from your anatomy will be a major bump-up in baby batter production.
Tip 1 Part B – Get a Sexxxtrainer Sex Simulator for Men. Practice really does make perfect, and practice by another name is exercise. Masturbation, specifically in the form of edging is a fantastic training tool for the man who wants to unload massive far-flying ropes of semen. The Sexxxtrainer turns your ordinary jackoff into a real sex experience, and the realer the experience the stronger the cues will be to your body to ramp up semen production. As a bonus, when you fuck the Sexxxtrainer, you’ll also be building sexual stamina and staying power, as well as mastering sophisticated sexual thrusting and positioning. It’s a win\win situation.
Tip 2 – Edging is the art of keeping yourself in a heightened state of sexual excitement for longer periods of time before allowing yourself to ejaculate. Basically, edging is making your sex-sessions and\or your self-pleasuring sessions last. As the video on this page informed us, this is a great way for a boy to "really fills his balls with cum." Longer sessions of masturbation and\or sex, where you build up to the climax and even hold off, keeping yourself in a heightened state of arousal for longer, will prompt your body to make more man milk.
Now about filling those balls… technically, only a small portion of semen is produced in your testicles (mainly the sperm). The rest is manufactured\stored in the prostate and the Cowper’s gland. But the point is, when we ejaculate it tends to feel like our nuts are exploding (in a great and wonderful way). And wherever the heck semen gets made, do you really care as long as you pump out a lot of it?
Tip 3 – Drink 3 liters of water daily, that’s twelve 8oz glasses. You’ve seen the photos and the video. You know we’re talking about shooting out a serious river of fluid. If you want to be able to hose your lovers down like this, you’ll need to put serious fluid in. Your body makes semen around the clock and even more so whenever you are aroused, however, your body will sacrifice making jizz in a heartbeat if you are dehydrated or if you don’t have the minerals and nutrients on hand to work with. So, water is your friend, be sure to stay hydrated.
Tip 4 – Train the beast and feed the beast. Of course the beast is your dick, and we’ve been talking about training him with Edging, with awesome sex simulation, with Hardwear Cock Rings. We mentioned that your body needs water and various minerals and nutrients to achieve maximum seed production. So, get yourself some of our OptiMale TNT XL, male support formula. Officially, it’s a penis size formula, erection enhancer, and testosterone booster… but make no mistake, it’s good for mega loads too.
Tip 5 – Take your time getting sexed up, but right before climax as you’re getting near, pick up the pace. Fast strokes if you’re jerking or fast thrusts if your fucking, will make your ejaculatory response stronger. It’s like the friction from all those rapid strokes lights a bigger fire under your cannon. Bigger fire… bigger boom!
Tip 6 – The more aroused you get the more explosive the ejaculation will be. We’ve been focused on tactile arousal aimed at the penis, which is the most direct way to train and exercise your manhood for more male fluid. But don’t forget about your nipples, your taint, your ass, etc. Whatever you favorite “hot buttons” are, pressing them will surely contribute to bigger loads. The body increases semen production the hotter you get. So, these “hot buttons” can certainly include those of the mind. Fetishes and fantasies that get your more aroused. Things you like to wear or like your partner to wear such as leather harnesses. For some guys just the smell of leather is a turn-on. Porn of course can assist. Playing dress-up and\or roleplay with your partner. Whatever gets you hotter will again stoke a bigger fire under you cannon.
Tip 7 – Wearing a Hardwear ring is great for the main event, the actual sex or masturbation, for all the reasons we already described. And wearing an ADR (All Day Ring) under your clothes can increase your jizz production all the time, by keeping you in a more sexualized and\or sexy state. The weight and feedback Hardwar rings produce when worn throughout the day feels amazing while boosting libido, blood flow, and semen volume… to name just a few benefits.
* (Tip 8) – If you’re wondering why we haven’t mentioned doing pelvic floor strengthening and Kegels exercises for men... no, we did not miss this detail. Indeed, these exercises are a great workout for guys with an aim of shooting farther. This topic, however, is a little more than just a tip. It deserves more coverage than we have space for in this article, with insight into what gear a guy can use to get the most out of his Kegeling. Watch this article in specific (and this site in general) for links to a future update with much more on this topic.
Final Word
Armed with this awesome guidance you should be well along the way to better, more super soaking jets of man-milk. This article is a great primer for getting you going on your journey, and of course we’ll have more articles coming (pardon the pun) on this topic in the future. Certainly, you can always reach out to one of our Penis Performance Coaches for more specific training on this and a host of male sexual topics.
In this article we learned that wanting a big explosive money shot is normal, understandable, and even logical in that it feels good to the body (all the high-powered orgasmic contractions needed to produce a spectacular ejaculation), and it feels good to our psyche (seeing those jets and globs of white fluid… baby batter… and knowing that we did our potent best to project our DNA into the future).
We learned that society likes to blame porn for every male sexual preoccupation, and they really shouldn’t. When a tree falls in the forest and there’s nobody there to hear, it does indeed still make a noise. And before there was internet porn or any other kind, horny boys, straight and gay alike, were enamored with their dicks… they didn’t need to see dicks on a TV or computer screen to become interested in a part of their anatomy that every guy is born with.
To the point of this discussion, aside from the effect of having an erection (which is pretty darn fascinating), the second most exciting trick the male organ performs is its highly visual ejaculation… so of course guys want to squirt big. And a lot of potential mates, both female and male, appreciate and enjoy when their lovers cum big too. These are just facts. And being a dude and wanting a bigger load isn’t a thing where “blame” should be involved. No “shame” either, which usually goes along with blame. Wanting your male machine to perform at its best, at stud levels, is normal and healthy. And these days, the science to improve ourselves is real and available. Last we checked personal enhancement (learning, improving, being and performing better) was what life was all about.

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Pro-Resource Guide
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