What is Precum? Even if you think you don’t know the answer already, your penis certainly does, so instead of just telling you, we’re going to flip this around and ask you a few questions first. Does your cock drool when you get horny, perhaps even before you’re fully hard? During masturbation and sexual foreplay do you find a glistening bead of gooey goodness being pulsed from the opening of your urethra, as though your penis decided to provide you with a little on-the-spot natural lube? That sexy drip is called Precum, and like so many male endowments, the presentation differs widely from male to male with some men producing puddles of the stuff (enough to wet the front of their pants), with others producing just enough to moisten the head of their dicks, and still others seeming not to produce any at all.
Before You Cum There’s Precum... But What’s It For?
Otherwise known as pre-ejaculate, and more simply thought of as cock drool, is produced in the Cowper’s (AKA Bulbourethral) glands which are located near the true root of your penis. That is, not the external root where your organ hitches to your groin, but the root inside your body. In the way-back-there-land of your “hidden penis,” these glands are situated alongside the urethra. When the male is aroused, they produce a viscous clear fluid that flows through the urethra and is ultimately secreted from the head of the penis. This is pre-cum (AKA pre-ejaculatory fluid), and the true purpose of a man’s pre-ejaculate is to neutralize any acidity that may be lingering in the urethra, left over from urination. Sperm are sensitive to acidity in their environment and precum works to protect your little swimmers. All men produce this neutralizing fluid, but many men do not produce it in sufficient quantity for it to overflow their penis and be noticeable. Many guys who do not visibly “drip” seek out ways to increase the amount of fluid they produce, and we’ll be talking about that shortly.
It’s easy to see how this weighted ring is supersizing Marcus’ junk, but look how the weight rides behind his balls and massages his taint. This gear is awesome at helping guys get their pre-ejaculate drip going!
On The Cover: What makes a huge and hard cock even hotter than it already is? How about a delicious trickle of pre-ejaculate drool. Like your mouth waters when you’re hungry... for many men, when their penis gets good and horny it oozes precum. When your veiny beast is visually salivating the effect can be a major turn-on for partners (female and male alike).
Nature’s Lube:
Fresh-Squeezed from The Cock
Indeed, there is a secondary functional benefit to the presentation of a drooling dick. The primary benefit, as mentioned, is to create a neutral non-acidic environment in the urethra (the fat tube on the underside of your penis) through which all fluids leave the organ, including semen\sperm during ejaculation. Once this mission of paving the road for your semen is accomplished however, for men whose dicks proceed to salivate, exuding precum from the tip—for these guys a bonus self-lubing super power is unlocked (laugh). The words may have a funny ring but are 100% true, and many men and their partners have commented that the texture of a boy's cock slobber, with just enough slip and slide and just enough stickiness, is ideal and better than any store-bought lubricant for sexual friction.
Why Doesn’t My Cock Drool?
Like so many other male sexual special effects, penis drip does not present in the same quantities (or even at all) for every man. Indeed, where some you men discovering themselves will readily find themselves asking “Why is my cock drooling?” Others, who do not experience the seminal drip, will find themselves thinking that the lore of drooling man-meat, is either A) metaphorical (simply meant to illustrate the idea of a dude being so hard and horny that his junk is salivating) or B) referring to the ejaculation itself, where every man’s organ gets a chance to spit. Similar to the way you might think the world is flat just based on observation, because you can never see far enough to realize the immense land curves to form a ball. Similarly, if you do not personally produce a visible penis drip, drooling dick, etc… then, unless you have the opportunity to be around other aroused men (gay guys ultimately will, but straight guys not so much unless masturbating with friends or something like that)—it’s easy to understand how a guy who doesn’t produce a drip could think the phenomenon was something mythical that didn’t really exist. But precum is indeed real. One of the benefits of porn as information is that, as men, through the wonder of the internet, we are able to see all the possible presentations of manhood. So, the world is round and pre-ejaculation is real. And even if you don’t produce a drip it’s still happening inside your penis, to neutralize the passage for sperm, just not to the point that it overflows and makes itself apparent.
Another Spectacular Male Sexual Special Effect
Like all things cock related that can be measured, having precum in abundance is seen as a representation of virility, potency, powerful sexual energy, and epic manhood. Cock drool is often fetishized along with and in relation to huge cum loads. It plays well into the picture of animal horniness where the male’s erection is throbbing so hard that he feels his arousal as an ache; where even as he’s panting and sweating, his dick is also producing a trail of lustful drool. The imagery is powerful and certainly the experience is like that for some men but not for all. If it’s not like that for you, you might feel shortchanged on the drooling erection effect. But perhaps you got a really big dick in the deal, which is the most widely desired and fetishized male super power. Maybe you got big multi-rope semen blasts when you cum. Or maybe you're one of those Mr. Marathon Lover guys, and you can pump out the long stroke all night long. When you look at the various male “super powers” like this, now it’s easy to see that maybe there’s a guy who is only, say, four and three-quarter inches rock hard (so, not that big), but maybe he’s got an awesome sexy male-drip going for him. It’s a special effect that his schlong can pull off, and it balances—somewhat at least—the fact that his size is modest.
Of course, there are guys who have all the superpowers: big on inches (long/thick), big on cum, they can last in the sack and even before they get hard their dick is already drooling big glistening strands of pre-ejaculate. They are specimens of penultimate manhood and probably they’ve been training with us for a while, doing all the right male enhancement moves to perfect their mojo on every level. And on the other side of that coin toss, there are guys who are not exhibiting any of the more "special" effects of male sexuality, and feel very average or below average in their sexual experience. If that’s you, lift up your chin and recognize that where you are tomorrow can be better than where you are today. Self-Improvement AKA Male-Improvement is just a series of choices away. You can grow your dick if it’s small, the art of doing so is called Penis Enlargement (PE). You can have harder erections through erection enhancement. You can have bigger cumshots at the end of awesome rounds of sex that can certainly last longer than what you are accustomed too. And yes, you can even work on making your cock drool more, enough so that you and your lovers can see and appreciate the drip. This is the age of fixing shit (laugh)—make note, the age of fixing shit only if you feel it’s broken to begin with, but if you do, you don’t have to settle for it. We’re men, warriors, knights actually—this is allknight.com right—but more importantly we’re all a work in progress… and that’s part of the fun.
How to Increase Precum (Pre-Ejaculate)
It should come as no surprise that men, who are very often obsessively interested in methods of training bigger penis size and bigger semen loads, would also be very interested in training bigger pre-ejaculate loads. It’s yet another visual display of a guy’s manliness and his sexuality, and if this intrigues you there are several things you can do…
For starters you’ll want to be sure you are drinking enough water. More than 64oz (2 liters) a day… and something in the neighborhood of 96oz (3 liters) would be even better. Semen and also pre-ejaculatory fluids contain water as the main ingredient. Your body for that matter contains water as the main ingredient with 60% of your anatomy being made of water. If you are dehydrated, you can trust that your body will see all forms of cum—pre-cum and cum-cum (laugh)—as being expendable.
A good way to train for a better precum showing is to do so while masturbating… and while you can try to accomplish this with your hands alone, getting a cock ring will make teaching your cock to slobber A) easier and B) more hands-free. The penis has many anatomical pressure points that trigger various responses. Our HARDWEAR rings are famous for pressing the dorsal vein (what we call the “boner button”) which triggers a powerful enhanced, bigger and harder, erection response. This alone will amplify a man’s arousal and may get the faucet flowing. However, directly behind your balls and under your body is another man-zone hotspot.
Remember we said the Cowper’s glands, which produce the glistening fluid we seek, are located on either side of the urethra at the root of our hidden penis. Yes, your penis continues inside your body, and we can essentially massage the Cowper’s glands through our body with a little reach around under our balls.
The area between your balls and your anus is called the perineum in proper terminology and the taint in more casual settings. With your fingers you will want to massage your taint with one hand while masturbating with the other. And already it should be easy to see where a Hardwear Cock and Balls Ring can do this job for you, continuously and more effectively. The bottom of the ring will hit exactly where we are suggesting you should massage with your fingers in the absence of a ring. Directly behind your scrotum, our aim is to apply pressure to the region where the back of your ball sack connects to your body. In this zone, inside your body, is where the Cowper’s gland(s) is located… and yes, we can attempt to massage the little bugger into giving us some more juice.
As we talk about masturbation we are not talking about speed-jerking. If you want your meat to drool and it hasn’t been doing so, give edging a try. Edging is the practice of prolonging masturbation or sexual intercourse into much longer experiences by stimulating yourself to the edge of climax but not allowing yourself to reach the point of no return (PONR). Again, masturbating with a cock ring will make control easier as well as keep all your male pressure points fully stimulated.
If you generally jerk off in under 10 minutes and you never get a visible trickle of pre-ejaculatory fluid, it doesn’t mean you don’t have any. You might need more time to strike oil. Set a goal of making your masturbation session last a minimum of thirty minutes (in other words you will not let yourself reach climax, which is the general focus of edging). You may find out that you’ve been a precummer all along but that you’ve been rushing your arousal cycle. If thirty minutes doesn’t get it, strive for an hour… there are guys who edge for many hours (heck, there are guys who do advanced cock edging across days).

This ultimate male enhancement formula is fantastic for harder erections, increased penis size, ramped up testosterone levels and even bigger muscles. Did you know many of the ingredients in OptiMale TNT XL are great for increased man juice too? Semen volume, sperm, and pre-ejaculate may all see improvement with the use of this awesome male stack. Click to learn all about it...
What Does It Feel Like To Have Dripping Precum?
So, a lot of guys don’t realize it's happening. Say for example they are watching a little porn, and then they shift in their seat and realize things have gotten extra slippery and maybe a little sticky in their shorts. This is one common experience. Having your cock drool is not like having your cock spit, and by this we mean pre-ejaculation does not at all feel like having an ejaculation. One is subtle and one makes you groan out loud while your face contorts and your ass cheeks clench and your toes curl.
All that said, if you produce a copious amount of pre-ejaculate fluid there will be a feeling associated with it being issued from your penis. Moving in viscous beads like little blobs, you can feel your penis very subtly pulsing the stuff out. Typically, if you run your fingers along the channel of your urethra you will be able to squeeze more out, more quickly. If you are standing up, gravity will assist with the drip. Ultimately, it’s a seeping feeling... a slightly tingly slow leak sensation, as of some liquid much thicker than water moving through the tube underneath your penis. The movement is in slow motion compared to the passage of urine and semen which moves very quickly. The sensation associated is subtle enough that you can miss it, but if you are paying attention there is a very real, very sensual feeling. Yes, it feels good... because just about everything centered around the penis that produces any stimulation will feel good. It also feels sexual because it is sexual; your body is getting the inside of your penis primed for you to shortly bust a nut. It is enjoyable, and if having a drooling cock is one of the ways you regularly present arousal, it will become as familiar and beloved a part of your arousal chain as the levitation of your limp noodle to become a big veiny boner.
Can Precum Get A Girl Pregnant?
The fact that you are asking this question, suggests you might be thinking of using the old “Pull-Out” method of birth control. To save any confusion, we’ll just let you know the answer to the question is, YES. Indeed, your man-goo, even the stuff that comes before the formal ejaculation can potentially get a girl pregnant. It’s true that pure pre-ejaculate fluid, as it comes from the Cowper’s gland, does not contain any sperm. It’s also true that in a perfect world this fluid, nature’s lube, being absent of sperm, would not be able to impregnate anyone. This, however, has never been a perfect world and sperm can leak into your pre-ejaculate as one option as to the reason studies have found live motile sperm cells in the pre-ejaculation fluid of men. Another scenario would be where the man in question has recently masturbated or had sex, and there are left over sperm in his urethra. Consider that hundreds of millions of sperm, being the micro-swimmers that they are, can fit into a few drops of semen. Even as you grunt out a big load and it is propelled from your body, there can very easily be sperm left behind in your cock tube—the same tube you pee through, and the same tube your pre-ejaculate moves through.
How long can orphaned sperm live in your urethra? It’s a subjective question… they can live inside a woman for up to five days… long enough to reach her egg during ovulation even if she wasn’t ovulating on the day she had sex. So, it is sufficient to say that if you bust a nut in the morning, and then have sex in the afternoon, your precum could mop up some sperm left behind from your morning spurt and get your partner pregnant with it around lunchtime. If you urinated in-between would that flush the leftover sperm? Probably, but that still doesn’t mean your cock drool will not be potent enough to impregnate, remember there are other ways sperm might leak in. And honestly, all the different scenarios that allow your pre-baby batter fluid to potentially make babies is not fully understood. The simplest thing to keep in mind is this. Nature’s take on sex is that the whole point is to make babies. Nature doesn’t see sperm leaking into your Cowper’s gland fluid as a mechanical flaw. It doesn’t see leftover sperm being swept up by the pre-nut slobber of your next session as any kind of overstep. It sees all this as efficiency and advantage and as seizing every opportunity to project your DNA into the future. Nature wants you to make babies when you fuck (laugh). However that happens, whichever spurt does the trick, all that is incidental. This is why the pull-out method is a poor approach to birth control—not to mention guys are notoriously bad at pulling out in time anyway.

This perfect super large, super hard wood is being powered by The HARDWEAR Illusion male enhancing ring… just one of over 40+ hardwear designs...
Invisible AKA Clear Erection Rings
Final Thought
In this modern age in which we have such musical neo-classics lighting up the Billboard Hot 100 as Cardi B’s WAP (Wet Ass Pussy… yes, there’s really a song all about Wet Ass Pussies; and, maybe not so surprisingly, it’s quite catchy)—these days it’s okay to talk about our body’s natural responses, even the sexual ones. It’s okay even to celebrate these aspects of ourselves. The true equivalent to a WAP would be a HAD (Hard Ass Dick), something we’ve been helping guys power-up and achieve for years. But, gentleman, our erections are not our only arousal response. There are changes to our breathing, to our heart rate, swelling as well as lifting in our scrotums, and for many of us our dicks begin to salivate.
Always one step ahead, our bodies react to the stimuli in our environment in order to get a jump on and get us ready for the activity at hand. When we smell cooking food and it makes us hungry, our mouths water. When presented with erotic stimulation, visual or tactile or whatever, it gets us horny and makes our cocks drool. Your Cowper’s gland activation to produce precum is analogous to the way your saliva glands activate when you smell tasty food cooking on a nearby oven. It’s perfectly normal and obviously very sexy, as it’s part of the natural male sexual response system. And even if you don’t get a visual drip, secretly your penis is producing pre-nut goodness inside your urethra to make way for the formal expulsion of semen and its sensitive payload of sperm.
So, there it is. If you’ve been wondering what’s with the drip, now you know what it’s all about. If you don’t get a drip, now you understand that it’s still happening, just on a much more modest non-visual level inside your penis. And finally, of course, as we’re all about every angle of male enhancement, we’ve discussed a number of good approaches that can get your cock slobbering in no time.

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Men's Medical: Super Semen Volume
Hyperspermia: Massive Ejaculations with Too Much Cum
Can a dude have too much cum? Not in the eyes of most guys. Most of us want huge loads. We know a massive ejaculation when we see it and we want the crazy orgasms and highflying ropes of man-milk for ourselves. Hyperspermia is the medical term for mega money shots, and in this article we’ll learn all about it. |

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