The term Limp Dick refers to a man whose penis cannot get hard when he needs it to be. Instead of becoming engorged, erect, and ready for sex, his dick remains soft (in other words limp), thus giving him a “limp dick,” the opposite of a “boner.” Limp Dick Syndrome (LDS) would be the chronic form of the disorder, where the male in question is unable to get an erection on a very regular basis. Yes, this is a more streetwise and less clinical synonym for Erectile Dysfunction (ED), but here at we've learned that the labels men use to discuss sexual performance topics and issues are far less important than the fact that they do discuss them, get help, gear, coaching, etc.
Slang Definition (Insult): For years the term has been thrown around as an insult to describe a male who is not good for much. Someone soft, unskilled, unmotivated, incompetent, and weak, who can’t really be relied on to get anything done. It’s easy to see how the slang meaning evolved out of the very real impact of LDS, when a penis can’t perform as a penis needs to (I.E., when it lays around like spaghetti when there is a perfectly good, steaming love tunnel it could dive into, if only it would stiffen up, stand up, and take the plunge). In the slang context, when someone (mainly a male) is being lazy, shirking his duties, and not doing what he is supposed to do, especially if it’s a manly task that he’s failing at, this is where someone overseeing him might shout, “You’re such a limp dick! Why can’t you ever do what you’re supposed to?” Obviously, this isn’t a nickname you want applied to you. It’s basically saying that the target of the insult is as useless as a soft cock when you need a hard on, also that the target is not much of a man (and probably can’t get it up because he can’t get his other duties done right).

Sometimes a guy will start to hate his flaccid penis when he has problems getting erect, but don’t. Love your soft cock and your hard cock too. We’ll help you take the right steps to get back in gear, going from limp to stiff with ease, so you can love all the phases of your junk.
On The Cover: Having your sausage stuck in soft-mode, when you need that sucker hard and thrusting, is no fun… but it’s also not a life sentence. A man has got to take action sometimes to keep his cock game rolling, and this article is all about the definition, the causes, and the fixes for Limp Dick.
The next time you go for the sausage reveal, be confident that you can take it from limp to stiff. We’ve got the knowledge, gear, supplements needed to overcome all your erection issues. Check out our...
OptiMale TNT XL - Ultimate Male Enhancement Formula
This stud is boosting his T-levels and souping up his soft cock size, with a stack of our amazing
Ball Stretcher Rings. And for monster rock hard meat, he’s enhancing with
The Infinity Clamp.
When you hear the insult tossed around, if you don’t fully get what is being said, you may think the suggestion is that real men walk around with raging erections twenty-four hours a day. That, of course, just isn’t possible and it’s not what the term is talking about. Understanding the definition, we recognize that it refers to a man who can’t get hard when he’s supposed to. In better words, it’s describing a guy with Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Yup, LD, LDS, and ED are all the same thing when you break it down. And in this regard, the popular usage of the “limp dick” insult, by assigning it to guys that are lazy screwups who never do anything right, gives guys with erection problems a bad name. Of course, this harshness stems from how, as men, we beat ourselves up when we have dick problems.
The Limp Penis Nightmare Scenario
Imagine there’s a beautiful woman in front of you (straight guys), or a hot muscle jock just now stepping out of his jock strap (gay guys), in either case, this unbelievably sexy someone is drooling with anticipation, thirsty for what you’ve got in your pants. It’s your lucky day. But when you look down, to your horror you find your male equipment is as soft and flaccid as it can possibly be. It seems like the smallest dick ever—a baby D (maybe even the d should be lower case). This is the moment when you’re supposed to rise. You should be rock hard and throbbing, ready to pound away until your lover begs you to stop. That is, of course, what being a man is all about, right? But you can’t make it happen. You’re just a floppy cock with nothing to offer the hot naked someone in front of you… or the world. And that feeling is ultimate, emasculating defeat. But now, let’s look at some hard facts about having a soft sausage.
Real World Hard Facts:
About Being Stuck With A Soft Penis
Fact 1: The nightmare scenario will happen to every man (not just you, but all of us) at some point in life. Penises are not perfect. The plumbing gets out of order every now and then.
Fact 2: For many men, this scenario will recur with frustrating frequency. When you have erectile dysfunction, this scenario can be maddeningly common, but know that you are not alone. There are millions and millions of men suffering from LD, LDS, ED or whatever you want to call a cock that won’t get cocked.
Fact 3: Your penis is important—super important. No kidding about that. But listen up, we are still men even when we have erection issues. You still have plenty to offer the world and your lover… and yourself. Just because your dick is lazy does not mean that you are. And because we know you’re not lazy, and we know you’re in fact super motivated to get your wood up (or you wouldn’t be here at, we’re going to show you how to stiffen up your Mr. Limpy.
Fact 4: Men feel defeated when they can’t perform, but the real defeat comes when you stop trying to get you cock game up. Never stop trying. Occasional bouts of limpness should be brushed off and forgotten. Chronic problems should be faced head-on. In either case: gear, supplements, exercises, a visit to your urologist… there are so many actions a man can take to fix his too-soft limp penis, that inaction is the only wrong choice.
Diagnosis: What Kind of Limp Dick Do You Have?
First off, fixing your penis problems isn’t a one size fits all matter. It’s important to know what type of LD you have. The better you understand your situation, the better equipped you’ll be to fight against it. Here’s a quick overview of the four major patterns of limpness we encounter:
LD-GL: Goes Limp. Which is the frustrating case of getting erections, but not being able to stay hard long enough to complete a round of sex, and certainly not good sex. I.E. losing your wood along the way.
LD-SEMI: Semi Limp Action. Which is another frustrating case where your dick is kind of hard but never at its full hardness, and so never big and stiff enough to reach greatness. Sex is about friction, and it’s a fact that many guys who feel too small are in fact not even fully erect.
These are the four different ways that soft penis problems can impact a man and none of them are any fun. The first (LD-OL) results in you having partners wanting to have sex with you, but you’re unable to service them reliably. You might have a raging erection one day, then nothing the next. It’s extremely aggravating, but it’s nothing compared to the second definition. This one (LD-GL), is when you can get a hard on at the kickoff, but you lose it right in the middle of fucking, and thusly never make the touchdown. This is often even more humiliating and frustrating, because everyone has gotten all hot and bothered—the fire has started but you are not equipped to hose it down. The third definition (LD-SEMI) is similarly a middle of the road scenario, where you get semi-stiff, stiff enough to penetrate, but the friction is disappointing. You feel small inside your partner, and you know that these weak erections are not your full cock rocket by any degree. Many of our trainees and customers looking for penis enlargement are, in fact, suffering from half-assed erections that are not nearly as full as they could be. Erection enhancement is always a first thing to look at before size enhancement, because a harder penis is automatically a bigger penis. And finally, our last definition (LDS or LDS-Total) is obviously the worst. This is the full syndrome of the condition, when you can’t get hard for anything, and the problem happens just about all the time. This is clearly when you need the most help as urgently as possible, because penis atrophy is a serious risk. You have to use the plumbing to keep it working, and if you stop using it, whatever problems are present always get worse. Many cases of LD progress to LDS-Total because the guy in question has such a bruised ego that he stops trying to use his junk. But if you ever want your use it again, that is the wrong solution.
Limp Dick Causes
Now we can start to talk about the different things that can cause limp dick. There are lots of them and not all of them are going to apply to you. Some of them will though, and these are the things you need to focus on correcting. The sooner you get the problems fixed, the faster our remedies will start to work for you. And yes, we’ve got awesome remedies ready to get you rock hard. So, lets figure out what’s causing your limpness and get your male equipment on the mend.
One of the biggest soft penis causes is disease and that’s a tough one. If you have diabetes, heart disease, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, MS, or a whole host of other ailments, you might have medicine effects to deal with, direct effects from the disease itself, or both. However, even if we can’t fix the disease, we can find ways to empower your penis to better cope with the effects. Mechanical enhancers have shown extremely positive results with these kinds of erection challenges. Our HARDWEAR Erection Rings, Penis Pumps, and the combination together can step in, and: A) get you an erection (even by force, by pumping your erection up in severe cases where your body can’t get the blood where it needs to be); and B) by keeping you hard with our advanced cockrings, famously the world’s most powerful mechanical erection aids. Every erection you get, makes every next erection easier to get, and this simple fact is wisdom. The more work you put into using your male machinery, the better results it will give you. And a disease does not have to shut down you sex life, it may require adjustments, but you can still perform and find sexual happiness with a dick that will likely end up stronger for all the new kinds of exercise it gets.
Seen here, a boy should love his D in all its phases. The right gear can get you to the place where you can’t wait for your next sausage reveal, because it looks delicious soft and you’re equipped to make it even more delicious as it plumps up to a raging rock hard erection.
You can rock an awesome third leg too! Big and swinging when its limp, then huge and hard enough to stand on when its stiff. Check out our
All-Day Cockrings for keeping your softy big and juicy, and our
Horseshoe Cockrings for takign your erection to the stratosphere.
Over Counter Meds and More Causes:
There are plenty of soft penis causes that don’t have to do with disease. Medications that you’re taking even for cold and allergy symptoms could be causing or contributing to your soft penis issues. Sudafed (Pseudoephedrine) being an excellent decongestant and a well-known bone killer, just as an example. Indeed, you might have to choose between a stuffy nose and a chubby cock on certain days. You really should never take any decongestant in the vicinity of attempting to have sex. Some meds, however, you will not be able to just stop taking, those for high blood pressure for example. But you can consult your doctor about switching them to ones that are less mojo deflating. Beyond meds there are other things you may be putting into your body, if you smoke for example, if you drink heavily. Cigarettes in particular pump toxins into your body that, over time, reduce blood flow to your penis. In a number of studies Cigarettes have been found to cause male shrinkage. If you are having problems getting or keeping wood, and you’re a smoker, you’ll want to think about this. In all these cases, even if you can’t change the factor that’s working against you, you can definitely work on your penis to make it harder in general, and hard when you need it to be hard. This can be a lot of work, but your buddies here at are here to help you out. There are plenty of products to help you get super stiff again. Just read on and we’ll get to all of them.
The other soft penis causes that are pretty common, include certain emotional states and/or disorders. Indeed, the wrong state of mind can make you softer than a wet noodle. If you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, or stress, your dick might not work. The worst of these for sex matters is typically the fear of sexual failure itself, guilt about poor sexual performance, and performance anxiety. In other words, you’re so worried about a bad performance that you worry yourself soft. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy where you’re so afraid to suck in bed that you leave yourself no choice but to suck in bed. In these cases, there often isn’t a physical problem with the male, the issue is in his mind, but the brain, of course, is the biggest sex organ. The cure for these LD causes is to prove to yourself that you can indeed fuck an awesome orgasm out of your partners. And this is another area where the team can help you out! We might not be in the bedroom with you, but our gear, supplements, knowledge, and coaching can see you through to the homerun, touchdown, or whichever sports metaphore you prefer.
The counter to performance anxiety is a performance boost. A new ring that makes your cock bigger and harder than on its hardest day ever, for example. Wouldn’t that feel great, being so big and hard that it was like Superman’s dick on your body? Our gear does that. How about something like our Sexxxtrainer, a sex simulator that turns masturbation into real sex so you can master every real sex position, every thrusting type, from the jack rabbit to the long stroke? Great lovers are not born as such, they are made, and you can choose to remake yourself at any time. Another great suggestion would be a magic pill (but really its science not alchemy) that gets the blood flowing, boosts testosterone, and promotes enlargement, so that your hard as hell, horny as hell, and huge for the main event. You can put all these together, as well as many other male enhancing technologies. Just browse this site to discover the performance boosters that are right for you.
Age, injury, and environmental factors are all additional culprits for cocks that are too soft. At the end of the day, the elements are at war with our bodies, and our erection health is no exception. Age is a given factor that men must fight against. Injury, yes, even slipping on a bicycle and banging your crotch into the bar, or getting kicked in the groin the wrong way, all of these can sometimes lead to dick problems. And the latest environmental factor (one of many, but the latest) would be the Covid virus, which attacks more organs than just the lungs and has a frequent nasty side effect of causing erection issues in men. Covid has no age parameters or parameters of any other kind, and with virtually everyone in the world being subject to get it, it’s no surprise that this moment in history has seen a major spike in LD and LDS type issues. Men, we cannot single handedly change the state of modern life; we age, we get injured sometimes, and we must participate in the environment, even to our own detriment on occasion. What we can do, however, is increase the amount of energy we put into maintaining our penile health. We can enhance what already works and fix what is broken, and experience fantastic sex into our old age.
Limp to Stiff: Soft Penis Fixes
So, we’ve already woven some hints in above, but now that we know the kind of LD or LDS you have, and what might be causing it, we can take a deep dive into how to fix it. The more time you spend working on your dick, the healthier it’s going to be and the Magneton H80: Magnetic Horseshoe Cockring is a fantastic place to start. This fully magnetic cock ring fits around your entire package. That means you put it on behind your shaft and balls together to make you rock hard for as long as you want your erection to last. In fact, many guys are able to keep their cocks hard, even after they cum, and you can bet this trick will blow the person you’re fucking away!
Vic is powering his super hard wood with Magneton H80, Magnetic Male Enhancing Ring by HARDWEAR...
How Tight Should A Cock Ring Be to overcome your erection issues and get you rock hard? Tight enough to constrict outward blood flow, of course; but this gear doesn’t rely on constriction alone. Magnetic pulses have been shown to stimulate an erection response in a number of recent studies, and this erection ring not only has super powerful NdFeb magnets (stronger than any magnets you’ve ever seen) but combines high-powered constriction and focused anatomical pressure point service to engorge your blood vessels and keep them pumped and firm for as long as you have it on. This gear has been a game changer for thousands of men, going from what they might have felt was a soft, useless dick to one that stays rock hard for multiple rounds of hard fucking, giving your partner orgasm after orgasm.
More Soft to Hard Secrets
If you’re looking for a direct on the shaft ring instead of one that goes behind the full package, we’ve got an awesome technology for you there as well. Remember, every erection you get makes every next erection easier to get. And even, the harder and more engorged the hard-on, the longer you are able to maintain it, all of this is a workout for you junk. So, if your cock is feeling limp and flabby, take that bad boy to the sexual gym, slip on the right exercise gear, and go to town. In other words gear up and keep fucking, keep masturbating. And another awesome way to go from soft to hard is The Power Grip Shaft Ring (seen below), which fits on your shaft, in front of your balls.
What If You Don’t Have a Sex Partner?
Obviously, the best way to get the most out of these rings is to put them on, let them supercharge you, and have as much sex as you possibly can, every thrust serving as an energizing workout. These sexy adornments are amazing dick fixes for many types of dysfunction, LD and LDS to name just a few. Many guys discover marathon sex where they couldn’t even have sex without the gear. Every erection makes the next one even stiffer, every moment your cock is throbbing conditions it to throb more. And in the absence of a partner to reap benefits of your new supercharged wood, masturbation is on the menu.
Better than masturbation by far, it's easy to keep your seXXX game hot with the SEXXXTRAINER Sex Simulator for men. The ultimate platform that trains men by letting them fuck for real, with real thrusting movement and penetrative friction, in every real sex position. Laying. Sitting. Standing. Kneeling. Everything!
Not everyone has person to person sex on a regular basis, but everyone DOES NEED to maintain their sexual mojo. Indeed, if you’ve been having stifficulties (I.E. difficulties getting your junk stiff) this may be the reason you have parted ways with a sexually unsatisfied partner. But we’re here to fix all that, and certainly a man needs to exercise his penis, and while his hand will be a better partner than no partner at all—we can still do a lot better than that. We have, in fact, a very high-tech and groundbreaking way of training your cock, that turns masturbation into a real sex simulation session.
This where the SexxxTrainer comes into play, named with the three Xs because we’ve used this platform to train a number of current male porn stars (and thousands of others). This awesome male masturbator that you can use to simulate the real thing. Every thrusting technique. Every sex position. The real movement, motion, and feel of penetrative sex can be experienced, trained, and mastered with this amazing jack off device (that offers so much more than any ordinary jack off). Just set it up against your headboard or wall and fuck it—yes, fuck it—just like you would a real person. This device is going to have a massive impact on your erections in specific and your sex skill level in general. When you’re going through the actual motions of fucking another person, you’re training your limp dick to be a stiff cock for real; teaching it to operate the way that it’s supposed to. The more you use the rings with the Sexxxtrainer, the harder, stronger, and larger (yes, as a bonus side effect, ring powered wood is even bigger than a boy’s biggest normal wood) your cock is going to get. And these are the results, of course, that you’re after.
Final Word: Use it or Lose it...
Don’t Ever Stop Trying to Make Your Dick Work
52% of men have experienced and are right now experiencing some degree of LD or LDS. We won’t go into specific numbers, but there are about 4 billion men in the world, and at least 3 billion must be of adult sexual age. Every year that you get older your risk of developing or worsening erectile issues increases, as does your risk of every physical ailment. It’s the law of entropy that systems fall into disrepair. But on the topic of soft cock issues, the number of men in their twenties dealing with these kinds of problems is at an all-time high these days. With, obviously, even more males in their thirties and forties struggling to get erections. Proving that this is not an old guy problem, just a guy problem. So, the message is simple—whowever you are, however old you are, you are not alone. Our coaches and products have helped men in their twenties all the way up to men in their eighties, to regain their mojo and have the best sex of their lives. About the law of entropy, and systems falling into disrepair, the last part of this well-known physics principal states that entropy will always happen (in every system) unless an outside force intervenes. We can be that intervening force. Our knowhow, products, and services; and your commitment and determination to keeping your cock conditioned, charged up, and functional. Together, we can intervene and keep your reproductive system in tiptop shape.
When you get right down to it, there’s many directions a man can go in to get help for an erection outage, and just one path we must NEVER go down if we want to keep our cocks working into our senior years. And the rule is simple: your junk really will become junk, and be completely useless, if you don’t put it to active, good use. A man MUST work his fuck muscles like any other muscle in his body (even if, on a technicality, your penis is an organ and not a true muscle, its behavior is just like a muscle, and it will suffer atrophy if not exercised). And while this sounds like a bummer at first, the upside is tremendous. The fact that your junk can be conditioned—like a bodybuilder conditions his trophy winning biceps, pecs, and quads; like a porn star conditions his money making cock; means that you can do it too. So, it’s actually a great thing that your genitals behave like muscles. Because, even if your sausage has gotten out of shape for a season, this does not mean you’re out of the game for life. You can work the one-eyed monster out, making him bigger and stronger than ever, harder and better than before.
So, men, if you’re suffering with a limp dick, the first thing you have to recognize is that this does NOT make you a Limp Dick. However important your thrusting inches are—and they're pretty important—you are more than those inches. You are not lazy because your junk is going through a lazy spell. You are not useless, and neither is your too-soft penis, it’s just gotten a little rusty and out of shape is all, but with the right products and support you can train the beast to be better, badder, harder, larger, and all of that. Erection problems are not a life sentence. We adjust, we correct, we face and shatter our problems. So, let’s start taking the steps right now, to get rock hard and sexually functional again. Forget about the negative experiences of the past and get ready to feel like a stud again, with your new and improved erections.

Sexual Health
Increase Penis Sensitivity and Stop Erectile Dysfunction
Can’t get the same feeling you used to? Declining penis sensitivity is an issue millions of men face, but Lost Sensitivity based ED does not have to stop you. Instead, lets learn how to make your penis more sensitive for the awesome sex you desrve.

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Get A Male Enhancing Ring—Supercharge Your Sex
Hardwear has been making the best male gear for years. A longer, thicker, stronger, super hard erection, awesome size, orgasm control and mind-blowing ejaculation are all standard with this gear. Explore our 40+ genuine Hardwear Enhancing Ring designs.

Best Male-Masturbators
The Sexxxtrainer Real Sex Simulator For Men
Don’t be a lazy lay… the ultimate sex simulator can teach you to be a full-on stud in bed. Get ready to pump, pound, and swivel out your fuck in every real sex position with SEXXXTRAINER. Like a treadmill for a man’s sex-mojo, you’ve seen this awesome device featured in a host of our videos… and now you can train to be a sex stud too!