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Ever on the cutting edge of male genital enhancement, we proudly introduce you to our precision ball stretchers.  These techno-marvels are nano-rings (the same technology we use to create our world famous penis size workout rings), here in max stretch sizes appropriate for the art of building a bigger better ball sack.  Easily, the most granular and precise ball rings in the world, each precision ring measures just 1\4th inch high, allowing guys to create an incredibly exact stretcher height, with progressive steps that fully accommodate every stage in the journey as your scrotum develops.

Building a set of low hanger balls is for many men, with very tight high-hovering scrotums,  difficult to get started with because a single standard height ball rings is often too tall\tight for a comfortable fit.  Also for guys advanced in their ball size regimen there will be many plateaus where they have grown enough to increase the stack height but standard height ball rings are again too tall.

Man Balls Pro: Precision and Precision Elliptical stretchers come in three ring heights: Level 1 (3\16ths), Level 2 (5\16ths), and Level 3 (7\16ths)... each one with a progressively wider opening.

The Level 1 Precision Ball Ring profile is also available in far tighter max-stretch settings where it is used in intense set style penis workout as Penis Jelqing Rings.

Interestingly, once a guy gets his hands on the right tools (and you've come to the right place) your ball sack is actually one of the most modifiable and easily enlarged areas.  Gains in this area happen quickly and the act of stretching also produces highly pleasurable sexual sensations, the gear makes excellent bedroom adventure gear, plays into any BDSM kink fantasy you may have, and can incorporate easily and cage together with our cockrings in countless combinations. 

With our Man Balls Pro line of precision ball stretchers we take guys through every stage of the journey to get the big bobbling set of low hanging balls they want: from just getting started, through every middle step of graduating more rings onto your stack, to the final form of strutting the perfect testicular package.

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Balls and Scrotum Enhancement Approach: Traction Method and Tension Method

These highly specialized Nano ball stretching rings are the most granular and precise scrotal lengthening rings available with an individual height of just 3\16ths of an inch guys are able to add more height to their stretcher stack at more frequent progress intervals, meaning that plateau time is either greatly reduced or eliminated because you are able to add gradual increases to the stretch instead of having to weight to be ready for a full height ring addition. These rings are unique in terms of the inside opening as well. With an inside opening of just .75 inches, they are smaller than most ball stretching rings, but they have an amazing elastic quality allowing them to stretch out to as much as 4 inches. Available in a number of settings (max stretch 2.25", 2.50", 3.00", and 4.00") these rings apply more or less tension to the scrotum based on what max stretch you select. 2.25" max stretch rings are much tighter than 4.00" max stretch. The rings variable tensions and ultra compact starting shape make the excellent for both novice level testicle lengthening enthusiasts who may start with 3.00" or 4.00", and also advanced enthusiasts who have developed the much coveted long scrotum neck above huge bobble balls, and are finding regular all stretchers too lose because they are advanced in their sack modification journey. These advanced players may go for the 2.25"

This same profile of nano ring is also used for intense set based penis enlargement under the "Penis Power" Penis Jelqing Ring banner. We do not recommend the tighter versions of these rings for use in ball stretching, which is why there are not offered as part of the Man Balls Pro line-up. Your scrotum and your penis react to high-pressure differently and while tension is a valuable training method for getting your nuts to hang how you like, the tension should be mild. On the other hand penis enlargement is all about high pressure, and thusly we make tighter versions of these rings for that application.

Classification: Silicone Ball Stretching Rings - Specialized Nano-Ball Stretching Rings (TM) (Patent Pending)

As already detailed these rings are specialized nano-ball stretching rings, they have been specifically engineered to be slim, small , strong, and highly elastic. Each Precision Level 1 ring adds 3\16ths of height to your stretcher stack and generates a certain degree of continuous on-the spot tension. Stacking is the way that you will increase the degree of traction to stretch your balls away from the floor of your body, and you can stack these rings in combination with each other, or with the Level 2, Level 3, metal weighted or our standard height Hard-boy Stackables. All our ball stretchers have been designed to stack together and to look hot and kinky as they are doing their job. So with this gear you can create a fully custom stack.

Configuration: Ultra-gradual Ball Stretching, Penis Shaft Ring, Glans or Head ring

These incredibly versatile rings are available in sizes based on their maximum stretch and the amount of force they exert in wanting to go back, on this page those sizes acceptable for ball stretching are presented, but these can be used in a host of applications including high pressure penis workout.

  • Max Stretch 4.00 (Starting shape .75) Relaxed Fit
  • Max Stretch 3.00 (Starting shape .75) Relaxed Fit
  • Max Stretch 2.50 (Starting shape .50) Relaxed Fit
  • Max Stretch 2.25 (Starting shape .75) Regular Fit

These precision ball stretching rings represent the most granular and precise ball stacking rings in the world, allowing the wearer to create an incredibly exact amount of traction.