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Now available in Version 2, our world famous Penis Jelqing Rings are 10x stronger and deliver even more penis enlarging forces! Hardwear Penis Power Jelqing Rings have been a favorite technology, world wide; getting guys tremendous size gains for over five years. Now in our new Ultanium (TM)  material, they are even better!

Revolutionizing penis shaft ring technology in the same way our solid rings completely re-invented the technology of behind-the-balls rings, we unveil the Penis Power - Penis Jelqing Rings by Hardwear.  Brilliantly minimalist, they are a powerful super engorging continuous tension ring system.  Instead of making it 1 ring, we broke it into pieces (slim nano-cockrings that are meant to be combined), which allows every guy to decide exactly how much pressure is perfect for him.  By sliding on the number of rings that gets him the level of Jelq-force he desires he can accomplish the penis workout results he craves, and\or the degree of erection keeping intensity he needs.

For longer workout sets, sex and masturbation sessions (beyond the 15 minutes set rule) check out our Ultimate Stud (Longer Wear) Jelqing Rings and for even higher pressure look at our Dura-gage Jelqing Rings.

Also, if you're ready for some advanced techniques... Checkout the: Advanced Penis Enlargement With Jelqing Rings Master Class DVD.

When we sat down with our engineers to conceptualize our latest male genital enhancement innovation, we said to ourselves "selves, we haven't yet done a ring, the primary focus of which is exercising the penis."  Sure, all of our rings have different properties that can be applied to Penis Enlargement workout routines, but we wanted to make one that was a penis size workout ring first and foremost. 

To accomplish this we looked at two types of popular penis exercises: Jelqing (being the most well known) and Clamping (being a bit more on the exotic\advanced end).  And we created an amazing ring system that could accomplish both workout approaches more completely and with superior results when compared to the old-fashioned mostly hand-to-penis driven tactics.

In brief, Jelqing is the act of pushing (with your hands) focused blood flow around the penis as a series of reps and sets, which over time promotes permanent growth (length and girth) in the male organ.  The workouts are all about super-engorging parts of the penis (or the whole penis - depending on the specific type of Jelq movement you are doing).  These amazing penis Jelqing rings by Hardwear are capable of creating a focused Jelq effect wherever you place them along the penis shaft.  They can be used at the base in front of your balls, everywhere along the shaft, even directly behind the head where they make spectacular head rings and produce amazing helmet head enhancement.  And these minimalist marvels generate a far more powerful and consistent pressure than the OK grip of your hand employed by traditional Jelq workouts. (Continue reading below)  

Photos: Penis Jelqing Rings in Action
Take your penis size workouts to the next level with these amazing Penis Jelqin...Nano-ring technology allows these slim little rings to expand many times beyond...Versatile and precise and intense, these rings are great!  Evander is wear...The pressure is easily beyond anything you can accomplish manually, and is just...You might not imagine such a tiny little ring (a nano-ring) could either fit on...The Ultimate Male Enhancement Super Store!

Because the rings will auto-Jelq you (in other words, they focus blood flow\pressure in the organ without the required involvement of your hands), you can actually be auto-Jelqing your dick and having sex or masturbating at the same time.  Obviously this is not possible with traditional Jelq movements that require both your hands to be fully occupied with various OK grips on your penis to manually control the blood flow.

This brings us to penis clamping, which is basically a strong persistent Jelq applied to an erect penis, that completely seals the erection so that blood can NOT flow out of the male organ until the clamp is removed. These rings can accomplish this. These rings are meant to be stacked together, each one applying a little more pressure, they combine to produce very powerful flow control in the organ, and at some point (usually between 4 and 7 rings, depending on the guy) a clamping effect is accomplished... which is to say, an erection under the influence of the rings will be super engorged (huge) and will last as long as the rings are worn. To be noted a full clamp should not be maintained without your penis taking a breathing break for more than 15 minutes. The definition of a break is the full removal of the rings for at least 5 minutes. Getting a super erection doesn't really take a full clamp for most guys, I.E. the erection will seem unstoppable and un-loseable even at lower pressures (fewer stacked rings) before it truly is fully clamped. However, as you can imagine, for men with persistent erectile dysfunction (especially difficulties with the maintenance of a hard cock) a complete penis clamp option equals 15 minutes of hard pounding sex they would not otherwise be able to have.

According to Sex Therapists very few people have intercourse that goes longer than 12 minutes (when we say intercourse we are not including foreplay, rather only actual penetrative sexual thrusting of the penis inside the vagina or other orifice). So based on this it should be easy to safely mix sex and clamping. But these rings, like many of our rings, will also allow men to last longer than normal so be conscious of time if you are mixing sex and clamping. Sexual movement does promote a far greater amount of natural circulation than standing in front of your bathroom mirror and doing your Penis Enlargement (PE) exercises. That said, the 15 minute rule does still apply.

Of course many guys are going to make up their own rules as they go, but do at least adhere to the guidelines for the first 2 weeks to get your body acclimated to the pressure the rings produce, and then, if you must, increase the time spans by only a minute at a time in a given day, see how your penis responds and go from there. The most likely way to injure yourself with Penis Enlargement is by trying to rush your results, slow and steady is always the best approach. And really, outside of intercourse, we can see no reason why a man would not want to give his penis a rest every 15 minutes, the concept is just like working your muscles in the gym for a series of reps and then taking a short rest before starting another set.


Discover the science inside the HARDWEAR Penis Jelqing Rings!

Male Enhancement Approach: High Pressure Blood Flow Control, Constriction, Tension and Traction.

These rings are sized and engineered to create powerful pressure in the male organ, and to stack together to allow the pressure to be increased and decreased by adding or subtracting from the stack of rings.  The rings when engaged push and focus blood flow into the penis opposite where they are placed creating a super engorgement of the penis, like a balloon being sqeezed will become larger wherever the pressure of the sqeeze is not.

The "Penis Power" Penis Jelqing Rings by HARDWEAR are a new and groundbreaking approach for Penis Size Enlargement, supporting applications in penis exercise\workout and on-the-spot sexual enhancement.

Classification: Silicone Penis Rings - Specialized Nano-Penis Rings (TM) (Patent Pending)

These Penis Jelqing rings are specialized nano-penis rings, they have been specifically engineered to be slim, small , strong, and highly elastic.  Each ring generates a certain degree of continuous pressure that we call a J-force (a Jelqing force unit).  Obviously putting a tighter ring on a bigger dick will increase the J-force and this is one way to manage pressure, however these rings are made to stack, and this is truly the intended fashion for granular control of the total J-forces employed.  Men are recommended to workout their cocks at a rating of between 1 and 10 j-forces (I.E., 1 and 10 rings)

Configuration: Penis Shaft Ring (Primary), Glans or Head ring, Ultra-gradual Ball Stretcher

These rings are presented in a number of sizes based on their maximum stretch and the amount of force they exert in wanting to go back to thier original shape.  We have crafted them in a wide array of tensions so that every man can create the perfect amount of pressure for his personal penis enhancement\workout goals.  The sizes shown in bold represent those sizes that will accomodate most men (Sub-Average to Large Endowed).  Those rings flagged as "super tight" really are super tight and are only applicable to very thin penises.

  • Max Stretch 2.25 to 3.00 (Starting shape 1.00) Extra Relaxed - Good For Extended Wear
  • Max Stretch 2.00 to 2.25 (Starting shape .75) Regular Fit - MOST POPULAR
  • Max Stretch 1.50 to 1.75 (Starting shape .75) Super Tight Fit

  • Max Stretch 3.00 (Starting shape .75) Relaxed Fit
  • Max Stretch 2.50 (Starting shape .50) Relaxed Fit
  • Max Stretch 2.25 (Starting shape .75) Regular Fit - MOST POPULAR
  • Max Stretch 2.00 (Starting shape .75) Regular Fit
  • Max Stretch 1.75 (Starting shape .75) Tight Fit

While made with the cock shaft in mind, these rings can be applied in a number of genital regions based on the size of the wearers genital components.  For example they can be used in precision ball stretching, allowing the wearer to create a very exact amount of traction with a stack of these rings.

Male Enhancement Approach: High Pressure Blood Flow Control, Constriction, Tension and Traction.

These rings are sized and engineered to create powerful pressure in the male organ, and to stack together to allow the pressure to be increased and decreased by adding or subtracting from the stack of rings.  The rings when engaged push and focus blood flow into the penis opposite where they are placed creating a super engorgement of the penis, like a balloon being sqeezed will become larger wherever the pressure of the sqeeze is not.

The rings are capable of both auto-jelqing, semi-clamping and fully clamping the male organ.  It does not generally take a fully clamped penis to get the effects seen in the photos here, and it should be noted that full clamping is an advanced form of penis enlargement excersise and erection keeping that should only be employed in 15 minute sessions with a break (removal of the clamp) for at least 5 minutes before re-clamping.  How can you tell if your penis is fully clamped?  If you are unable to cum through the stack of rings then chances are you are fully clamped.  Also if you are able to effortlessly watch TV (say the news for example) or do something completely non sexual and yet the enormously engorged erection between your legs remains, then you are fully clamped. 


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