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Are you ready to experience the hardest, largest, erections of your life? With the brand-new Magnetic Shaft Penis Ring you are. Harnessing the same magnetic male enhancing technology made famous by our Magneton H80, now in a direct on-shaft ring that goes right on your sausage, not behind the sausage and the beans; this amazing gear combines magnetism (one of the strongest forces in the universe) with the super engorging power and elastic constriction of our Power Grip rings; with the amazing dorsal vein\nerve anatomical pressure point service, made famous by our horseshoe cock rings. All this to create a penis supercharging triple threat, and easily the world’s most advanced penis ring...

The Magnetic Shaft uses NdFeB (Neodymium), the most powerful magnetic compound on earth to saturate your penis in male enhancing magnetism and souped-up magnetic constriction.

The Magnetic Shaft combines static pressure (solid parts) and elastic pressure (stretchy parts), for a super grip with anatomical pressure point service and continuous penis\erection clamping.

Also check out our Magneton Magnetic Cock Ring... it’s the cock-and-balls version of this amazing magnetic enhancer technology.

The Magnetic Shaft ring is an ideal erection ring, capable of delivering awesome super engorged wood for rock hard sex. The gear is perfect for serious high pressure penis workout scenarios, for growing and enlarging the penis. And ulimately the Magnetic Shaft by HARDWEAR is ready to deliver a laundry list of supercharged sexual performance factors to the man lucky enough to equip his sausage with this ring.

* While this magnetic penis ring is amazing, if you have a cardiac implant such as a Pacemaker or an ICD device (Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator), powerful magnetic fields may interfere with these.

See the Original Power Grip Shaft Ring and Hardwear Unity (In Shaft Sizes) for two awesome non-magnetic enhancer options.

* While this magnetic penis ring is amazing, if you have a cardiac implant such as a Pacemaker or an ICD device (Implantable Cardioverter-De­fib­ril­la­tor), pow­er­ful mag­net­ic fields may interfere with these.

See the Original Power Grip Shaft Ring and Hardwear Unity (In Shaft Sizes) for two awesome non-magnetic enhancer options.

Magnetic Shaft Photos...
Our Next-Generation penis constriction ring technology, the Magnetic Shaft,  fe...Every guy gets the perfect fit with this amazing adjustable shaft ring. Just s...See how Vic strikes a pose between strokes, showing off the log of his erectio...The ring comes with 3 standard boner magnets, but you can get a Mega or Ultima...You’ll be smiling too, when your dick is being supercharged by this amaz...Yes, believe it, you can chain your Magnetic Shaft Ring together with your Mag...Super Size, Super Hardness, and Super Vascularity (Veinyness) beyond your wild...The Ultimate Male Enhancement Super Store!


MAGNETIC FIELD THERAPY: This Hardwear Magnetic Ring uses state-of-the-art proprietary Hardwear (Nd­FeB) Neodymium Magnetics to create the most powerful magnetic field therapy a penis has ever seen. In recent erectogenic studies, elec­tro­mag­netic impulses have been used to automatically trigger an erection response both in canine and human test subjects. They say men are dogs (Woof-woof) and apparently, erection seeking scientists felt there was enough similarity to test erection enhancements on doggie-dongs and man-dongs alike. Magnetic fields have also been shown to increase blood flow in general, which in addition to promoting excellent erections, promotes generalized penis size increase. And finally, magnetics have even been found to reduce chronic pain in persons who may be suffering from various ailments. Pain reduction is, of course, outside our specialty (this is something of a bonus you might get wearing this awesome magnetic gear, if while supersizing your penis, it also makes your sore joints feel better). Dynamic dick enhancement is our game and the promise of this gear, which we are more than certain will have all your penis needs covered.

Designed to open, allowing men to get their junk inside the gear with ease (even a super tight fit, that otherwise would not be possible); and then latching down magnetically, with an awesome grip that has to be experienced to be understood; there is no question this gear offers a mechanical advantage over other direct on-penis rings that simply slide or stretch into place. We could go on and on, next talking about the adjustability of the ring, as another mechanical advantage, but this write-up would be pages long. Yes, the gear is adjustable, able to be made tighter or looser just be swapping Boner and Add-on magnets about. Watch the video to learn more.

Next up, let’s get to the other kind of mechanical advantage, where wearing the ring creates improved behavior in the penis itself. The Magnetic Shaft Ring’s anatomical focus, featuring dorsal vein pressure service, urethral arch accommodation and more, produces a mechanical advantage inside your male anatomy, where blood flow is allowed in but not out and your penis can enjoy a super-engorged supersized erection. Huge superhero wood, porn stud staying power (for all night AKA allknight) marathon sex sessions, and increased semen volume and ejaculation intensity are all happy effects of wearing this gear.

HIGH PRESSURE GRIP: The body of the ring is made of our famous power grip material; which, in this design, merges with the magnetic grip to create a level of constriction on your male organ that seems like an intelligence is actually at work controlling blood flow in your organ. The shape of the ring and the magnetic field encourages blood flow increase and the flow of blood into your penis, while the various grip and anatomical pressure points keep this blood captured in your hose, amplifying the natural balloon of your penis for new levels of male power and performance.

SEX + MASTURBATION + WORKOUT + STYLE: The applications for this gear are endless, obviously wearing it on-the-spot during sex will make you the instant stud of the moment. Each time you wear it, either having sex or masturbating with the gear on, serves as a workout, pumping up your cock, clearing blockages, and exercising your erection mechanisms—all this while delivering the best penis performance and personal pleasure of your life. Wearing the gear under clothes, it serves as an excellent ADR (All Day Ring) workout in which case the gear should be adjusted to keep you chubby but not hard, so that you can enjoy the weight and magnetic therapy for extended periods. And finally, you need only take one glance at this incredibly handsome, exceptionally manly, penis supercharger to see where the style aspect comes in.

The world's best direct on-shaft penis constrction and erection ring is here! Experience it for yourself tonight.

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