The lore of the BIG BLACK DICK (BBD) easily stands up as the most widely believed and enduring sexual stereotype on the planet Earth. The expectation of the small Asian dick would be a safe bet for second place, but far and away the Black male as he comes to sexual maturity, is faced with the expectation that his penis will be larger than life. Is the legend real or is it fantasy? Is the rumor a blessing or a curse? In this article we are fearlessly diving balls deep into the mythos.
One part sleuth report, we’ll be digging into the stereotype by referencing various studies, to shed light and share useful statistics and observations. We’ll be looking at the impact of internet porn, society's obsession with the penis in general and the large Black penis in specific, along with many other factors.
One part self-help guide, for those Black males who might not have been born with the crazy-big dick action society expects...
(And remember... penis enlargement, erection supercharging, and all things male enhancement is our specialty, so, as always, for every man who is not satisfied with his size and\or performance, we’ve got this covered.)
And still on the self-help topic, we'll even offer angles for guys who are hung but perhaps still feel injured by the stereotype. Yes, it's possible.
Most importantly, a big part of this article will be a celebration of the male anatomy, as is always the case on This article is dedicated to men of African lineage, the guys who possess those mythical BBDs, and all those who adore them, as well as anyone who is simply curious to see them in action. If you found this page by googling the words "big black dick" there's a good chance you weren't expecting to find an intelligent expose on the stereotype. Probably you were looking for the dongs... well, the boys here at are always happy to show you our dongs (laugh), and happy to help you power your own or your partner's, and we like to keep you thinking too.
On The Cover: Tiger and Dee are powering their BBDs with Hardwear Cock Rings. If you were born huge you can be even bigger in Hardwear. If you were born small and you’re looking for an equalizer, the Hardwear brand has 70+ male enhancement products to make your dreams of size, hardness, stamina, and sexual excellence come true.
Going Balls Deep With Us, Into The Big Black Dick Stereotype...
If you’ve read our popular Penis Owner's Guides, then you’ll be familiar with our journalistic style which always aims for male improvement and enhancement. As the first of our deep-dive articles into various sexual stereotypes and the ways in which men can either find benefit in or shatter them (predictably, there will be similar write-ups aimed at the generalizations society applies to Asian males, White males, Latino males, etcetera)... ultimately this article, looking at the impact of the BBD equation, is for everyone who wants to understand a little bit more about human sexuality and race, about what life is like when you’re expected to have a big penis, what happens when you do, what happens when you don’t, and how you can either ride your power like a wave or take your power back when you feel you’ve lost it. Yes, this read is for Black men of course. Also, for every man who wants to understand but doesn’t have a Black buddy they’re comfortable talking dick with. As evidenced throughout this site, the team here at, “The Knight Squad”, is remarkably diverse, so we can be your Black buddy (laugh). With strong representation across cultural demographics and a mix of both straight and gay teammates, we’ve been “talking dick” and helping guys enhance, enlarge, energize, correct, and perfect their penis game for years.
Do Black Men Have Big Penises?
Firstly, there are guys with big penises of every race, this includes those who have been generalized as having small penises, Asian men for example. Secondly there are Black guys with small penises, and that fact tends to hit them with double the impact because of their being such an expectation around what their size should be. Only once we’ve come to terms with the fact that there are no absolutes, can we look at the question more objectively.
Is there a tendency for Black males to be well-endowed? Public opinion would certainly tell us the answer is yes, but let’s dig a little deeper. There are a few formal penis size studies that have been performed throughout the years by various scientific organizations, most famously the Kinsey Institute, more recently a study published in the Psychology of Men and Masculinity journal, and so on. The cultural spread of participants in these and most studies tends to NOT be very representative, but still, it’s data. Additionally, there is the research performed by condom companies as well as the observations of penis enlargement, male gear, and male enhancement focused companies such as our own. Add to this the observations of doctors and nurses; those of persons working in the porn industry; and finally, the observations of everyday people going about their normal routine of sexual exchanges.
Taking all these sources into consideration, simple logic would DICKtate (misspelling fully intended) that with so many streams of input, the centuries old legend of the enormous Black penis, if it weren’t at all true, would have faded into obscurity. If the trouser snakes hiding inside well-pressed slacks and baggy blue jeans, shifting in cotton hoop shorts and rising with the roosters to form a tent in the sheets—if the myriad cock reveals of Black males all around the globe did not have a better than, let’s say fifty-percent success rate in terms of living up to some fraction of the ideal, it seems highly unlikely this rumor turned legend would still be the most widely believed sexual stereotype today. Logic alone tells us there must be some truth to it. But how much?
Without jumping the gun at all, we can say that it has been our experience working with men in the male enhancement and penis performance space for more than 14 years, regularly working with male gear models, testers, team members and having seen countless naked dicks of every variety (White, Black, Latino, Asian, and every other racial flavor)—it has been our experience (and the experience of many trainees that we coach) that the rumor holds a measurable degree of truth. BUT… and there’s always a but isn’t there? But the moment you use the word “every” or “all” in relation to a generalization about a cross-section of people, you’ve already made the statement false. Every Black man has a dick, but not necessarily a big one. we can promise you there are small-endowed men of African and other dark-skinned lineage. And these men have an extra struggle compared to their small-endowed counterparts of other racial backgrounds… because, as the world sees it, they are supposed to be long on black inches.
That big cock is great for rocking her world, but there’s a secret all the hung guys know—that big ones take more work to get hard and stay hard. More inches require more maintenance. If you want to get hard fast, stay hard longer, and rock your partner with super-sized super-hot sex
A Hardwear Cock Ring and our OptiMale TNT XL male enhancing supplement are the perfect combination...
What's The Real Impact of The BBD \ BBC expectation?
That’s an interesting question isn’t it? As a guy, it might sound “cool” to walk around in a world where many—not all, but many—of the people you interacted with, would have an automatic perception that you were hung. You could use this to your advantage in some situations, right? It would obviously garner a certain amount of attention… and certainly lead to you being objectified more, even before you ever unzipped your fly. And if you were huge, as expected, that objectification would run rampant. As men, we’re into our penises, we want them big, but think about it… might you get tired of potential mates thinking they’ve got your cock reveal all figured out before they even get inside your pants or you in theirs? And if you happened to only be average, might that unfairly equate to a disappointing reveal against such trumped-up expectations? If you were smaller than average, wouldn’t that be even worse. If your reality couldn’t live up to the expectation, might you feel diminished, as though you had missed some delivery of inches you were due? In this section, we interviewed several of our trainees, Black males of course, with an eye toward figuring out if the stereotype does more harm than good.
(Str8 Black Male - 8.5” x 6.75”)
Do I feel like the stereotype impacts me? You know, my first instinct is to say NO. I mean, I try not to let people’s perceptions of me… when you don’t even know me… when you’ve never even seen my dick—I try not to let that nonsense land on my shoulders at all. The reality though, is that even if you’re unphased in your own mind, when the people around you think a certain way, it has an impact. I’m saying, weird shit happens to Black men around this “expectation” that we’re hung. I was working construction about a year ago, and the foreman takes me into his ramshackle office one day, and just starts telling me about himself and about his wife. He’s telling me personal stuff all of a sudden, about how his cock is small, but he says that doesn’t bother him. I’m like “okay, that’s good that you’re adjusted.” What do you say when your boss, out of the blue, comes at you with this kind of stuff? He’s telling me next that he likes to watch his wife get fucked by well-endowed men… the bigger the better. He likes to see the look on her face as a huge member slides inside her. And by this point my jaw had to be on the floor. I realized, even before he said it, that he had a picture in his head already. I stand six-four. I’m a light skinned black guy. He had his mind made up that I was swinging serious cock and he wanted me to—“Be the bull,” he said next, “in a cuckolding scenario with him and his wife. Now, you guys tell me {Ron directs the question to us} shit like that doesn’t just happen to everybody. {Laughing, we agree. His experience is special. Not 100% unique. Obviously, cuckolds have to find bulls someplace. But getting this kind of offer at work is A) inappropriate, and B) definitely qualifies as some shit that doesn’t happen to everyone}.
I must have stood there looking stunned for 3 minutes. He starts telling me his wife really enjoys Black men. And I’m thinking to myself how fucking weird the whole thing is, and that I couldn’t believe it was happening, and that it represented some strange kind of sexual harassment. What if I said no? Would I be screwed out of a job because I wouldn’t screw this guy’s wife while he watched? In my head, I was like… people really do this kind of thing? He’s going on in the background while I’m warring with these thoughts, telling me how huge my penis must be, how he likes to watch his wife rake her manicured nails over the curve of another guy’s ass.
{So what did you do? We ask. And the expression he gives is part embarrassment and part mischief, with a hint of helplessness.} I did it. Not because I was scared of losing that job. That’s what happened anyway, the writing was already on the wall. But I did it because he showed me pictures of his fine-ass wife, lookin’ like Selma Hayek in Dusk Till Dawn. He had pictures of her with other guys, a mix of bulls, two white dudes, one Spanish, but mostly Black guys. She was hot, like to scorch your eyebrows off your face. And I was single and horny as hell anyway. And, shit, who doesn’t like a new experience… and I am hung (8.5” x 6.75”). I don’t attribute that to being Black, I just attribute it to being me. But there’s no doubt about why he singled me out. And ultimately, while the pussy was good, I did end up losing that job. Dude was too damn weird, cheering me on while I’m banging the shit out of his wife, talking about how my ass moved. I fucked her a few times across a couple of weeks, until he put his hands on my ass while I was on top of her... like to urge me on. I didn’t like that. I was like “Man if you touch my ass again, you’ll end up with either a broken hand or a broken jaw.”
He tried to grin it off and I guess I tried to hump it off. I finished up that night, creamed inside his wife—of course I wore a rubber—and left. After that I told him I wouldn’t be coming back. And within two weeks “budget cuts” of some kind forced me to be let go. Whatever. I got another job with less freaky people. And as a parting gift I got to keep these weird-ass memories for mementos. But you see how it is, right? In my head the hung Black guy, Mandingo thing doesn’t mean anything to me. And still I got pulled into this based on somebody else vibing off it all the way. So, yeah, it impacts me even if I don’t want it to.
Hardwear Penis Enlargement Gear has been growing BBDs, BWDs, BLDs, BADs... and every kind of BIG D (so many we can't even list them all) for years. Where you are today is just a starting point. And tomorrow, you can be rocking the longer, stronger, awesome stud cock you deserve.
(Str8 Black Male - 5.25” x 4.25”)
When did I realize I was supposed to be hung because of my skin color? This’ll maybe sound crazy or maybe you hear it a lot, but for me, honestly, it was in grade school. Like, before your dick even really works for anything but pissing, and way before you have any idea what to do with it, boys are bragging about or else cutting each other down about the size of their dicks. It’s not like we were whipping our wieners out and comparing, but just talking shit. And what would happen is kids would be like dissing each other, but if it circled to me or this other kid, it would flip into “Yeah, but Joe-Joe and Craig got those dicks like an elephant’s snout.” Craig was the other Black kid in my—maybe it was fourth grade—class. There weren’t that many of us at this school, and I realized after a while, that other boys (and I’d find out soon enough, girls too… basically everybody) had this idea that being hung came with being Black. For a while this was cool, ‘cause I could always take the wise cracks to big dick land and win. But, as the years progressed, with me waiting for this big donkey-dong to sprout between my legs that never did, it started to feel like I got short-changed.
By the time I was in junior high, and definitely senior high, I fully understood the stereotype. I was jackin’ off and watching porn, and man that’s an eye-opener right? Every Black guy in porn is slingin' a boa constrictor. And I understood even then that those bros were pros, so maybe not the perfect guys to benchmark against. Also, I was like, maybe I was—at around sixteen-years-old—still waiting on a growth spurt. And, man, I’m still waiting on that growth spurt {He laughs}. The thing is, I was still friends with Craig... and homeboy was hung. He was my same age, same color, lived on the same street so we should have been drinking the same public water {He laughs again}. But where I was small down there, he was huge. Body-wise, I was taller than him by a couple of inches, but his dick, at six inches soft and eight inches hard, more than trumped me being two inches taller. Yeah, by this age, having jacked off together to porn we had compared for real. And he was super cool about it, knowing that I was sensitive about this. I mean, how could I not be, when my shit was under 5” and his was 8.” Some guys, even so-called friends, would have been assholes about this kind of thing, like rubbing it in your face and all. But Craig was like “Don’t sweat it, you’re shit is still growing. Guys grow at different rates.” It was like something your dad would tell you, or your cool older brother. You know, talking about this, I’m going to look Craig up. He was a good friend. We kind of fell out of contact later in life, but do you know he wasn’t even done growing down there. He ended up close to 10” by the time we graduated. And you can bet word got around about Craig’s big one. He had all the girls. Word got around about my small one too—not from Craig, no he never told nobody—but you bang one girl who turns around and says to you, “I was expecting you to be a lot bigger,” and next thing they’re all giggling about it. And there, pretty much, is the story of my adult life. They all—women of course, but even, like, dudes you work with will say stuff to let you know—they expect you to have the classic Black dick (by classic I mean big as Hell). For the ladies, it’s a letdown when you don’t. For the boys, you play along like you do, ‘cause what else would you say when someone else is bragging for you? Something like: "Nah, man, I’m really just average and actually pretty small for a Black guy.” Ain’t nobody about to announce that shit. The worst part though, isn’t even about anybody else. It’s the disappointment you feel in yourself like maybe if you had just eaten your Wheaties, you’d be bigger. Do I believe the stereotype? Yeah, I’ve been around enough locker rooms now, quizzed enough friends, and watched enough porn to say I believe it’s true a lot of the time. It wasn’t true for me though. It’s not true for every Black guy. Full grown now I’m only 5 and a quarter inches fully hard. Like I said earlier, I’m still waiting on that growth spurt. In fact, that’s why I’m hooking up with you cats, gettin’ myself a penis coach. I figure what the good Lord didn’t give maybe I can shape with my own hand and a little guidance.
Conclusions: While it’s too early to draw a full conclusion about the harmfulness Vs. helpfulness of the BBD mythos in modern times, just from the experiences related to us by Ron and Joe-Joe (Ron, who is classically well-endowed; and Joe-Joe, who falls on the smaller side of average based on generally accepted statistics) we can see that Black men are impacted by the expectation that they will be hung whether they are hung (like Ron) or not (like Joe-Joe). Because the stereotype is heavily imprinted on the social consciousness, they are impacted whether they endorse it or not.
Joe-Joe described feeling shortchanged, being average in general and small for a Black guy. Both men are pursuing bigger penises which is how they come to be trainees with us. For many readers, Ron’s size of 8.5” by 6.75” will sound gigantic already. We could make an assumption that he feels—even if the feeling is unconscious—that for a Black male he should be even larger than he already is. That could be the case; but we would probably be projecting too much. In dealing with men of all ethnocultural backgrounds here at, we can promise that being hung does not stop men (of any race) from wanting to be even more hung. We’ve had starting trainees at close to ten inches who can’t wait to get to twelve or thirteen. It doesn’t take any kind of social stigma to make a man who already has a huge cock want to be even bigger. And this makes a perfect segue into...
What is the Average Penis Size for A Black Man?
Conversations about the largeness of the Black penis always land here, with the concept that there must be a difference in the statistical “average” size for males of African descent. It’s a popular notion that 8” dicks are the average for Black men, but this, we believe, is an exaggeration. There is, in our opinion, a different “average” for Black guys, as there is a different “average” for Asian males, but… a two inch jump over the classic 6” marker (a marker that has been dropping in recent studies) would be an overstep. There is some very anecdotal support for the 8” average, seen in the form of porn star opinions (which we’ll be getting too later), also anecdotally reported in a recent MSM (men seeking men) study that looked specifically at sexual stereotypes across racial lines, which we’ll also discuss a bit later.
It’s important to note that no formal scientific study currently on record, including the most recent which found the general average penis size to be 5.16” down from the classic 6”, has ever had enough cultural diversity to produce a statistical average for non-white males. For some time, studies have fairly agreed that Black males are more often “show-ers.” In other words, their soft dicks hang noticeably bigger. Less conclusively and even with not enough participation by men of African descent, erection studies have generally indicated an average size roughly a quarter of an inch to a half inch greater in length for Black males. Based on a classic 6” norm that would put the average for these men at 6.25” to 6.50.” Based on our experience this is an under-step. Interestingly enough a study that compared straight men and gay men found roughly a half inch more length on average for gay guys. So, if you’re gay and Black you might be double hung (laugh).
Our opinion on this, based on our worldview and the myriad penises we’ve had access to for our trials, demonstrations, product tests, etc.… places the average Black penis at an inch longer (roughly 7”) over the general population average penis size (roughly 6”). If you subscribe to the new studies that find penis size to be a shrinking resource where average is 5.16” then perhaps the average for Black males would be 6.16”. As discussed in other articles, we do not subscribe to the new numbers, as our experience has found the classic average of 6” for the general population to be fairly representative. Certainly, it could be that the guys (of all ethnicities) attracted to our tests and demos are larger than the world average, but the reality is that no one really knows what average is. This is another one of those facts that we need to let soak in. In a world with 4 billion men, a study performed by researchers looking at 20,000 participants, while interesting and statistically significant, does not have the required volume to be anywhere close to being considered accurate. When you combine the fact that these studies don’t have appropriate multicultural representation, the outcomes are that much fuzzier. This is why we always encourage guys to combine what they are told (even by us for that matter) with what they have experienced (their own personal worldview).

Ready to grow your inches, build stamina, boost testosterone, be rock hard, and even pack on more lean body mass? OptiMale TNT XL is here, and if you never thought you could find monster cock size and performance in a botle (with a side of muscles), it's time to think again...
Is Your Cock An Outlier?
One thing that’s interesting is that everyone thinks to look at male size from the average out, but there are other ways to look at size statistics. A more interesting (and perhaps more telling) angle on the old cock measuring contest is to look at it in terms of outliers. If out of every twelve males six will be average size (roughly 5” to 7”), among these six men the 6” dick represents the true middle, with 5” leaning small but still some shade of “average” and 7” leaning large but still some shade of “average.” Assuming this, then 3 males will be smaller (4.9” or below) and 3 males will be larger (7.1” or above). The men who are outside the central six are all outliers, either small D outliers or big D outliers.
A few studies looking at outliers have indicated, and it has been our experience, that more Black men seem to be big D outliers, and that they tend to fall further into the outlier category. Perhaps out of 12 Black males there are still 6 average dicks, but only 2 small outliers and 4 large outliers with the large outliers landing farther out in the 8”, 9”, 10”, 11” and beyond zones compared to others. So, based on this, while 8” dicks are not the average for Black men, you might still be more likely, just randomly picking guys off the street, to select a Black guy with an outlier dick of eight or more inches. Not like you couldn’t select one with only a 4” penis, as they certainly do exist. But looking at the outlier scenario might shed some light on the popular idea \ misconception that the eight incher is the standard deployment to Black guys.
The Porn Perspective...
With the eruption of tube sites across the internet, every variety of porn is just a search term away these days. And indeed, the prominence of Black inches on the porno scene—a long way from being new—is stronger than ever. The terms “big black dick” and “big black cock” command more than 215,000 combined searches per month on google alone, not counting searches on the many adult video sites. And indeed, as Joe-Joe shared earlier, a review of brown dicks in flesh flicks—if that’s your only frame of reference—will quickly have you convinced that 8” dicks are indeed the standard deployment for Black guys, with 11- and 12-inch dicks being fairly common as well. The thing you must remember about porn, however, is that it’s all about selling fantasies, fetishes, and yes, stereotypes. The guys are real, they are not imaginary (laugh). Their dicks are real too… but remember our talk about cock size outliers, and the higher number of Black males who may be large dick outliers. Getting into porn (sex work) is a very popular line of work these days. Seriously, who doesn’t see the lore of paychecks for fucking? Of course, not everyone wants to be a porn star, but the driving concept of getting paid to do something you like A LOT, while working out your exhibitionist kinks on camera is easy to understand. So, porn, which loves big male appendages, becomes a natural magnet for outlier cocks of every race (kind of like outlaw cocks only bigger). In formal porn, for the most part, and certainly for Black male performers, 8 inches of penis is what it takes to be considered big. There are some 7” studs out there, usually with smaller anatomical builds that present their endowment very well. However, in the XXX universe, 8 inches is in many ways entry level.
You might say... what about the “regular” Black guys just uploading their phone videos to their favorite tube site. They’re not porn stars but they all seem to be big between the legs too. Both in formal porn and amateur do it yourself porn, we are in an age of male enhancement. We could go down a list of adult film actors examining penises and finding the signs of penis stretching and penis hanging, the very philosophies we teach. Right now, we have quite a few trainees, actively using our gear and techniques, who want to be tomorrow’s porn stars. Just because you see a big dick, doesn’t mean the guy was born that way. These days, many big ones are made either by training or by surgery. Also, because of the stigma associated, most small-endowed Black guys are not going to be racing to upload their nude jack-off or sex videos.
An MSM (Men Seeking Men) Gay Study of Sexual Stereotypes...
Recently, there was a very interesting formalized study of roughly 120 gay men from the same four racial backgrounds that our stereotype articles are covering: Black, Latino, White, and Asian. The study looked at how sexual expectations like the “Big Black Dick” impacted the hookup patterns of men seeking sex from other men in on-line chat rooms. It’s beyond the scope of this article to go into the findings completely, however, in terms of which groups believed and\or had personally found the legend of the well-endowed Black male to be true, the answer is all of them. Within the roughly 30 men per group, enough Black, Latino, White, and Asian men had found the rumor of the BBD to be true, that the answer was a solid yes for each of the cultural slices. Other sexual stereotypes of Black males included that they are more rhythmic in bed (having more motion in their ocean) an expectation shared with Latinos, as well as that they convey a certain macho-aggressive energy... just to name a few.
Obviously 120 participants are not enough to prove accuracy, but like so many other studies it is enough to indicate a degree of significance. Additionally, unlike so many other studies, this one did have an even spread of cultural representation between the four groups being discussed. Lastly, when you overlay the personal importance of the penis to men in general with the understanding that comes from having a romantic and sexual interest in other people with penises, gay men emerge as a very knowledgeable audience to query on big D topics.
Several quotes directly from participants in this study are as follow…
“The myth of Hispanics and Blacks having large dicks is usually true” (Latino, 25, HIV-negative).
“People looking at my online profile always assume I have a big dick!” He added: “Like all the Black guys, you know, their dick size is like eight-and-a-half, pretty much, nine inches. Nine is even becoming like the standard size now” (Black, 29, HIV-negative).
Is It Rude to Talk About Your Friend’s BBD?
Well, guys playfully rib each other about all sorts of things, and talking smack (or hype) about each other’s cock size is kind of normal. BUT there are a few considerations to be kept in mind.
Are you really being playful, just fooling around, etc? Joking around between men about the length and heft of our cocks is natural enough. But if you’re saying things to your friend (of any race) that you know will bother him, because he has some kind of sensitivity about his penis, it’s size, it’s function—if you know in advance that it will upset him for real, then it’s not funny, not a joke, and in fact, you are not being a good friend. Joe-Joe made it a point to mention that Craig was a good friend because, while he could have been a real “dick” about how much bigger his dick was than Joe-Joe’s, instead he simply told his friend not to sweat it, suggesting that Joe-Joe was still young and growing.
Have you seen your buddy's BBD? Especially if you’re of a different race, it may be your inclination to expect your Black buddy to be big, and while there is enough evidence to suggest that there might be a good chance that he will be, there is certainly a chance that he will not be. Even if you’re bragging for him: “dude, I know you’re packing,” or something like that… even though he’ll play along, there’s no guarantee he’s big, or that you bringing up the subject of how big he must be doesn’t bother him. And even if you have seen his junk and—here’s a mind blower—it looks plenty big enough to you, can you be sure that he feels the same way for himself? The expectation for Black guys is steep, his view of what is “big” may be very different from yours.
(Again) Have you seen your buddy’s BBD? No, there’s no echo, this time we’re running the scenario from another angle. Let’s say you are both Black and you meet and exceed every expectation on cock size that society throws at you. While the inclination may be to think that he will have a common experience, that does not have to be the case. If you haven’t actually seen what’s going on between his legs (and the locker room can only tell half the story) you can’t be fully sure. Stories of your monster cock long stroke escapades with an expectation that he’s got matching endowment behind his fly may actually bother him, though he will likely never express it.
Every guy reading this, his cultural background being irrelevant, probably wants a bigger dick. This is, after all, a male enhancement site. So, it’s easy for us to understand how, in modern times, from a male perspective, it can be hard to imagine that talking about anybody having a huge penis would be taken poorly or as being rude or racist. Even when the classic wording “big black dick” includes a callout to race, the fact that this centuries old stereotype rises from a set of observations that—at least in the USA—were distorted into a propaganda engine meant to paint the Black male as a sexual threat is almost completely forgotten now. It’s certainly beyond the scope of this article to go into the topic of historical injustice. Friends, we’re just here to help every dude get the most out of his dick (laugh). However, if your Black buddy should ever say you’re being a racist because you keep going on about the BBD thing, you should just stop, because that really is the centuries old truth about how the stereotype got started.
How to Handle Your Big (or Not So Big) Black Dick?
AKA Shattering The Expectation
So, here’s the self-help segment we promised at the beginning. Though, you’ve undoubtedly recognized by now the helpful bits sprinkled everywhere leading to this point. If you’re hung, fantastic! Sling that thing with energy and swagger. And if you’re not so hung, there’s plenty you can do about that… and still you should sling that thing with energy (maybe even a little more energy) and swagger. Whichever scenario you fit into, the fact you have to recognize is that the only expectations you need to rise to and meet are your own.
For Hung Guys...
Do you like being objectified? Some guys do, and that’s totally okay. You’re a man with a big-ass penis and why the heck shouldn’t that be fun? As a Black man certain people will automatically match you to being well-endowed, and honestly, if you like being objectified and all the kinky situations this can lead to (there are plenty more than just the experience Ron relayed to us, ten-thousand possibilities at least), then ride the rumor for all it’s worth. The adoring crowd will cheer and worship when you drop your jeans and your powerhouse junk flops out. And no, you’re not a stereotype and you never will be. You’re a dude with a huge cock, playing up a stereotype because it works for you, and that’s you riding your power like a wave. And riding much more while the bed springs pop and the headboard thumps the wall. So enjoy it.
Do we have time for one more quick perspective? Sure we do. Jameon, 28, straight, 9” x 6” {told us this…} I love my penis, I love being able to lay down the sex long dick style {He grins}. I mean it’s the only penis I got, so I dig it, but I don’t really like all the attention in public washrooms, guys hawk-eyeing me all the time. It starts before I even push down my gym shorts, guys expecting, ‘cause I’m a muscular Black guy, that the monster is about to come out. And it makes me feel, sometimes like a walking stereotype. I don’t really like the fact that my size makes some guys feel intimidated or whatever it makes them feel. Truly, I wish everybody could have a big dick. The world would be a happier place. {He ends with this thought.}
Well, we want every guy to be big too, that’s why we’ve made it our mission to help guys get the most out of their inches by growing their junk, by understanding their junk, etc. The advice we gave to Jameon is the same for all hung guys who at times may feel the same way he does. The “locker room effect” happens to just about every well-hung man. Yes, being Black might set the stage—the expectation—before you even unveil the meat. That said, it’s a fairly universal experience for well-endowed men. A big penis ends up drawing the attention of other guys as soon as it gets naked. Some of this is instinctual going back to the primitive human and the fact that evolution gave us such large genitalia for primates and then made us walk upright so our boy parts would be on display. A very strong argument can be made that mother nature wanted us, and our potential mates, to see and compare our cock sizes. Most of the locker room attention will come from guys who, yes, wish they were larger. Mostly it’s a kind of awkward admiration, sometimes laced with a little intimidation. Now and then you’ll grab the attention of a guy who finds your generous size sexually attractive too. It’s all normal enough. Attention kind of comes as a bonus with the big sausage. As mentioned above, you are not a stereotype. You are also not your penis... you’re a man with a big penis (apparently the show-er type that gets a lot of attention in public nude zones). It’s okay, lots of guys would love to be able to strut through a public shower room or similar with confidence, with the knowledge that they are one of the big boys. Wear it with style.
For Every Endowment…
Do you NOT like being objectified? Regardless of if it’s your pal raving about how your junk swings in the locker room, or just sideways talk at the watercooler. Regardless of if you’re big, average, or small. The legend of the BBD is so pervasive that it’s everywhere. It’s often touted in comedy, it’s in memes, it’s in our everyday conversation. You can’t make it go away because it’s part of the social mindset, but the people who are close to you, friends and such, who you should be able to have open communication with, can be recalibrated. I.E., instead of playing along, if something bothers you about how they are communicating with you, you could tell them to change-up the way they are speaking to you because it doesn’t sit well. There is nothing wrong with setting boundaries, be those communicative or any other kind. This can go a long way toward taking back your power if you feel the social mindset has sapped it.
For Not So Hung Guys…
Really, for all men, these days, you don’t have to just settle for whatever endowment your genetics handed you. Peppered throughout this article are info spots for several fantastic penis enlargement products, erection enhancement gear, big D pills… all that. This is a male enhancement site with everything from gear to coaching services to get guys the size they crave. We won’t spend a lot of time here on this topic, but we’ll just say, if you’re small or smaller than you wish you were, or even big as hell and you just want to be bigger... maybe it’s time to do what your favorite porn star probably did a few years back and jump on the enlargement train.
Okay, so you don’t have one of those fabled Black monster cocks and you feel like your cock reveals are forever doomed to be a disappointment. But wait, maybe you’re looking at this thing from a glass half empty perspective. In other words, maybe you’re looking at the world from a “I didn’t get one of those BBDs” angle, when you should be gazing from a “everybody thinks I got a BBD.” In other words, fake it till you make it (laugh).
In internet chat rooms, at the club, in bars, wherever… as it pertains to the intersection of your penis and race, there are only two kinds of potential partners you will run into. A) Those who expect you to have a big dong because of your ethnicity. And B) Those who don’t think first and foremost about penis size at all and who don’t attach sexual expectations to race. It’s sometimes easy to forget that not everyone subscribes to stereotypes.
In the case of B) your potential partner is not bringing any unfair expectations about your cock reveal. So, you’re good to go. In case of A) yes, they’ve got expectations, but you’ve already got their full attention. Don’t linger on the disrobe, use sexual heat and intensity to get your clothes off and get to the really fun stuff. Don’t give them any cues that you feel smaller than you should be. Check this out… it could be your energy and not your penis at all, that’s been making your cock reveals a disappointment. Supplement the BBD with BDE—BIG DICK ENERGY comes in very handy and can go a long way.
If you’re bigger than 6” at least (and you know how to fuck (laugh)) there is a very good chance your partner may believe—simply because they wanted the fantasy anyway, and because the brain is the biggest sex organ—that they’ve been banged by a much bigger bone than you actually possess. And even if they do recognize that you’re not exactly a porn star in size, if you laid down the sex right, they may well realize that they don’t care about the BBD fantasy anymore.
If you’re under 6” nothing really changes about our advice or your goal. It simply becomes more likely that your partner will recognize that you are smaller than their fantasy, but again, your goal is to lay it down so well that they don’t care.
Know how to fuck really well (laugh). Be good with your mouth, and good with your entire body. Be ready with the awesome sex positions and with those fancy swiveling hip-thrusts and power thrusts and all that. You’re not a stereotype and you don’t want or need to be. That said there are other sexual stereotypes about Black males besides the one regarding the size of their genitals. If you’re dealing with a partner who is looking for the BBD fantasy, they will also be hoping for and impressed by your sex being very rhythmic with a lot of movement, and when you bring a degree of intensity, etc. Sexual rhythm (pelvic thrusting skill) and intensity (basically we’re talking about energy again) are things you can learn if they don’t come naturally. These are things our DVDs and coaches teach guys of every cultural background.
Final Thought
Cats out of the bag isn’t it… this was a secret Penis Owner’s Guide, only instead of giving guidance regarding how to deal with having (or obtaining) a specific penis size, it’s been about dealing with the expectations placed on your penis because of a sexual stereotype. This was article number 1 of 4 in our deep dive into how men should deal with the sexual stereotypes ascribed to then. We covered the BBD mythos first, of course, because it’s the biggest (pardon the pun) of the sexual stereotypes. Articles as such, detailing the expectations (or perhaps non-expectations) that impact Latino males, White males, and Asian males, are on the way as well. So, if you enjoyed this, be on the lookout for the next one.
Did we answer the question of truth Vs. fiction as it pertains to the stereotype? Certainly, we looked at formal studies, personal experiences, our own observations, and you should actively intersect these with your own worldview. Most legends have a seed of truth and then grow from a weed into a beanstalk. As mentioned from the start, logic alone would suggest that from locker room experiences to romps in the bedroom, rolling deep to the rhythm of creaking bed springs with the thumping beat of a challenged headboard knocking the nearest wall for a soundtrack—that there’s something more than smoke and mirrors to the legend of the well-endowed Black male. But no generalization is ever absolute, and really, whether it’s true or false doesn’t even matter. Penis size is personal, and recognizing this is the ultimate claim to your power. Whatever is going on with other men of your ethnocultural background or any other background, does not change what’s going on with you.
We asked along the way, if the BBD stereotype did more harm than it does good, and this is the more relevant question. Ultimately, while we have surely shared a number of ways that preconceived notions about endowment can be turned to your advantage, these clever approaches can pretty much be filed as making lemonade from lemons. Most stereotypes are not created for the advancement of society. They are generalizations that stick. As a result of this "stickiness," we just have to deal with them. They are sneaky, in that, even when they sound positive, they have a tendency to lean negative. As we see it, the best reason to discuss sexual stereotypes is not to determine if they are true, but to remind ourselves that the only expectations that count are the ones we formulate for ourselves.
In conclusion, we very much hope you enjoyed this read, and that we lived up to the expectation (pun intended) that this article would be useful and enjoyable for guys (and their partners for that matter) of every race. For all our Black readers, this chapter was dedicated to you; and we hope, if you’re hung, you’ll keep swinging it bad-ass style; and if you’re not so hung, we hope that some of the advice, stats, etc., herein will help you to start swinging it bad-ass style right away in the near future. For everyone else reading this, yeah, of course we want you to be bad-ass when you fuck too (laugh)... you know this. And we also promised at the outset that, if you wanted to understand more about the BBD legend, sexual stereotypes and race, but you didn’t have a Black buddy to talk dick with, that for the duration of this article we would bring you that perspective and talk dick with you. We feel fairly certain that we’ve done that. As with all our write-ups, guides, etc., we like to keep it real, keep it fun, and keep it aimed at education and enhancement. So we’ll close with this…
Every man should actively be looking, always, to improve himself. Indeed, every man can be bigger and better tomorrow than he is today (and better still the day after that), not to fulfil any silly stereotype, but to fulfil the picture he holds inside his own mind, the picture of his best self.

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