Are you sporting an 8 inch penis? Or perhaps you’re on the smaller side and want to learn how to get a big dick of your own. Perhaps you were born with a large penis and you’re wondering how many guys have 8 inches like you do. Either way this article is here to answer all your questions about life in the size eight lane. And kicking this discussion into gear, we’ll get the most basic question out right away.
Is 8 inches big? The answer is a definite...YES. If you’ve got an eight inch dick you can count yourself among the big boys. Only 5% of males are born with the genetic makeup to produce erections of this magnitude at sexual maturity. Most guys (95 out of every 100 men, in fact) are smaller—a lot smaller in most cases. Indeed, while there are well hung men sporting 7 inch dicks, reaching a size eight in regards to your man meat is the benchmark by which men are typically qualified as having a huge dick. Indeed, in a number of surveys and studies, the eight inch length has been touted as both the perfect penis size and the best size to bring a woman to orgasm. It’s at this level of endowment that men will encounter all the pros and cons of life with a truly big penis. And being that just about every man wants in on the big dick club, it should be no surprise that reaching eight inches is the most popular penis enlargement goal.
The 8 Inch Dick: Huge 8 Inch Penis Owners Guide
In this guide, the latest in our series of Penis Owners Guides that delve into the world’s cock obsession by looking at the realities, circumstances, and particulars of life from the perspective of your one-eyed monster, we’ll be exploring the horizon as seen with an eight incher. The 8 inch dick has been called the perfect penis size, it is the most common size found in big dick porn, and tends to be the barometer by which large dicks are judged.
As with all our penis guides, there is something for everyone to be found here: whether you’re a guy that loves the ladies and your own cock, or a guy that loves guys and cocks in general; whether your actively on a penis enlargement journey and you can’t wait to hit the big 8 or your a strapping lad with a size eight organ right now. In every case, the conversation of living with, seeking out, learning to handle, loving to worship, and figuring out the ins and outs (pun intended) of big dick sex are always interesting. This is of course. We’re seriously into our boy parts here, and seriously into our mission of helping guys all over the world with theirs. So it’s a topic we know a little something about, and one we hold dear.

Q&A1: How many guys have 8 inches?
Answer 1 (born this way): So we let the cat out of the bag on this one already. The answer is 5% of dudes, in other words 5 out every 100 men. So if you’re slinging a big eight, you could strut around in a locker room with 100 guys and 95 of them would not have a penis in your league. Compared to other mega-endowments like the 10" which is only found in 1 in 1000 men, the DNA to have size eight erections in maturity is much more statistically common (and yet still not really common at all, since a girl or a guy could hookup with 95 dicks and find them all smaller than the benchmark at hand).
Answer 2 (male enhanced): You’ve heard of being a self-made man, yes? Well if we look at guys who were born smaller but used penis enlargement techniques to accomplish their size, we could safely bump these figures up toward the 9% range. In many discussions on topics of male size eight inches is the most popular goal.
Q&A2: What is the potential for me to pack on size and grow an 8 inch penis?
If you weren't born packing, the question looming in your mind is probably… can you train your way to a huge dick of these proportions? And the answer, which you’ll be pleased to hear, is that there is a very good chance you can. Your starting point is certainly a factor in what your target penis enlargement goal should be, but training for a size eight from a six or even a five is completely within the realm of attainability.
Q&A3:Flip Side:
Is It Ever Embarrassing Being Hung?
The answer at large about being large is basically yes, there are occasions when being oversized can give a guy reason to blush or otherwise prompt embarrassing situations… bulges you can’t hide at the beach… locker room stares because your big salami (if you’re a shower) is swinging all over, so much more like an elephant’s trunk than all the other guys.
Martin’s embarrassing story:
How I Learned 8" was Big
It seems like most guys find out in the locker room, maybe somewhere around sophomore or junior year in highschool. But I’m a grower, not a shower. I shrink down to 3 inches soft and balloon up to a little over 8 and a half inches hard. So, while I have a visible soft cock it’s not the attention grabber that some guys have. I should say I’m 40 years old now, and so glad I’m hung that I can’t even fully articulate. Back when I was sixteen, however, and I didn’t really know what big was or that I was it… the way I learned was embarrassing enough to make me wish I could just be a small dick guy instead.
It was me and another friend, Roy, spending the night over my best friend Cody’s house… Play Station, pizza, popcorn and talking about cutties we weren't cool enough to ask out. None of us had girlfriends at the time, because we were geekier than we were cool. Around midnight everybody was tired, so we all went to sleep. Cody lived with his dad and he didn’t have any sisters, so there were no girls around, not that I probably would have done anything different. But as it was, we crashed in the living room, me in a T-shirt and boxers on one of the two couches.
I guess, in the night I kicked the sheet off that I was sleeping under. And I guess talking about the hot girls we wished we could ask out, had left some lingering pictures in my head or something, because my one-eyed soldier decided to stand at full attention behind my back, while I was sleeping. The fly of my boxers was just a flap, giving no resistance at all, not enough to wake me and not enough to stop his going awol (laugh… it really is kind of funny thinking back now). I should add that my penis is pretty thick too, like almost seven inches around. It might have been a little thinner then, still growing and all, but mostly I think my dick had already reached its full size.
Anyway, I woke up hearing all this laughter. I opened my eyes to find my idiot friends (I use the word idiot lovingly as we’re still friends to this day) throwing popcorn at my cock… popcorn and pinches of cold pizza. At first, because I was still sleep drunk, I didn’t even know what was happening. I was just kind of grinning because they were all laughing, so it seemed like I should be laughing too. And I was looking at my dick almost like it wasn’t even attached to me while bits of cold food flew by, some hitting the mark (‘cause these fuckers had pretty good aim), some sailing by to hit the couch cushions, with a few kernels of popcorn landing on my chest or bouncing off my face.

Martin’s friends sound like jackasses, but recognizing they were only acting dumb because they were basically high off of the discovery that he had such a big dick… let's not allow big dick envy to make us act dumb. Let’s grow our dicks instead, and be the dudes to inspire big dick envy. Optimale TNT XL is here, and they don’t call it “Big Dick in a Bottle with a Side of Muscles” for nothing. Click to learn why...
Then it clicked—really clicked—that my dick was naked, and throbbing hard, and WTF. I snatched at the covers, but Roy, who was sleeping on the floor at the heel of the same couch I was sleeping on, grabbed them too, pulling them tight so I couldn’t cover with them. He said, “Don’t hide it, you’re a fucking porn star! You should have told us.”
And I know I was bright red by then. And I know Cody said something stupid like, “Dude that’s amazing, it’s like a baseball bat… are your balls big as softballs?” And I remember being glad that at least my balls were still inside my drawers, as if that was preserving some tiny spec of modesty. And the thing is, I was really embarrassed. Not a little bit, but almost to tears. It sounds stupid to me now, to have been so upset (and in my defense, a guy isn’t thinking straight when he’s just awakened to find other guys throwing food at his cock). But really, now, it’s like what was the big deal? These were my two closest idiot friends. If they saw my naked cock, whatever… but it didn’t feel like whatever at the time. It felt like my buddies were making fun of my giant, mutant dick. So yeah, I can confirm, while being hung is great, there can be embarrassing moments.
***And actually, Martin's story has a second chapter, detailing what happened next, but we’ll be including that in an upcoming article.
Q&A4: Do the ladies love 8 inches? A female perspective.
So, I’m 29 years old, 5’ 6”, Italian-American with what guys tend to consider a saucy body… you know. I’m by no means a raging slut, but I’ve seen a few penises in my day, and for sure when you encounter the guy with an 8 inch penis between his legs, it’s an encounter to remember, and honestly one to seek out again. I’ve got a bunch of girlfriends and we chat about sex all the time. Not every girl is the same but five out of six of my closest friends describe the experience of big dick sex with the same phrasing as I do: “Those extra long dicks can take a girl’s breath away.” You can feel it deep inside you, bumping your cervix when he’s balls deep. And if the guy is doing it right, it feels amazing, the orgasms so many and so intense.
Do women like big dicks? I do. Most (but not all) of my friends do. I think eight inches is an awesome size, and if it’s attached to a cool dude the whole package makes great boyfriend material. See, sometimes guys with big ones think that’s the end all be all, and in one night you can only teach them so much. But with a little time you can train them to take your vagina to heaven and back. If he’s your hung boyfriend and not just that hung guy you let take you home from the bar, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to show him that, while a big tool is great, he still needs to warm the engine before pressing the pedal to the metal and burning rubber down the streets… or the sheets… or whatever.
Now, my one girlfriend who says she doesn't like well endowed guys (poor thing), she had this encounter with a hung clutz who didn’t know his way around a bed or a vagina or even what to do with his big sausage. And he was cute as hell too, but she found the entire experience painful and stopped him rather jarringly in the middle, narrowly avoiding being split in two (she’s so dramatic). I think from her description that he was somewhat upset, and I know that she was. I’ve tried to convince her that she shouldn’t hold the bunglings of one unskilled well hung Romeo (her name is Juliet) against them all, but she’s sworn of king-sized cocks for life. Mind you, she’s also admitted that having been with a number of small guys she really doesn’t feel anything. Oh well, out of 8 ladies, myself included, that’s 7 votes for bigger is better and 1 vote for smaller.
Personally, I say bring me a big pole to swing from over a little pencil any day. I know how to make sure my lover has gotten me good and wet first. I know how to crack open a bottle of lube if we’re in a rush, how to clutch his ass to let him know I want to feel him bumping my deepest walls, how to kiss him and stroke his chest and let him know to take it slower if that’s what I want. I know how to be an active participant in lovemaking and not just a passenger on a runaway train. When a guy’s got inches to spare (and the simplest lesson of all is you don’t have to stuff the whole banana in your mouth or anywhere just because it’s there) a little knowhow goes a long way. The same is true with little dick sex. Skill and getting the right motion in your ocean can compensate for a lot, and there can be great small dick, average dick, and large dick sex. But at the end of the day, two guys both being skilled, one with a big one and one being small, I’ll take the big one. If it's a big dick vs small dick challenge, there are spots an eight incher can stroke that a four incher and even a six incher can never go.

We interrupt these 8" experiences to tell you about our amazing Hardwear Cock Rings that are the perfect erection support for your big bad one-eyed monster. Famous for the "Hardwear Hard" effect, men have been powering their cocks with this gear for years. These rings keep large dicks super-sized, make small dicks large, and power the hardest wood you’ve ever seen, while producing a penis exercise level of pressure that, over time grows the male organ.
Q&A5: Do Gay Bottoms love 8 inches? A gay male perspective.
So, wait, by you asking me this question, means there is actually someone who doesn’t love 8 long inches? (He laughs) Okay, seriously, I’m 34 years old, 5’ 8”, and 137LBS, trim and fit. I’m what you would call compact as guys go. I’m mixed race: Black and Philipino, and I’m a gay man who is mostly a bottom, but I can be a little versatile at times. My dick is just under six inches hard with a circumference just under five inches, and let me tell you I love a man with an 8 inch dick. Literally my husband's got one, and more figuratively I’ve always been into guys who are hung. I wish mine was bigger and actually I’ve been actively doing penis enlargement and making gains.
In the gay male community, I honestly don’t think you can really have a dick that’s too big. (He laughs again) I’m saying, a lot of those “his dick was too big” accomodation stories, are either (A) pretty much from newbies or (B) more about some enormously thick chunk of dick as opposed to ones that are too long. I don’t consider myself a power bottom, but I like dick, and I can take a big one in the ass. I'm not a man of huge stature and physique, and I still find that big ones feel better.
When it’s long and thick, 8" by 6"+ inches for example, you get this sensation of just being expanded, of all this cock going through one door and then seeming to hit and go through another door, like your ass has a hidden pucker deep inside, and it really feels amazing.
Gay men who want to bottom train to do so with dildos as a rule, and these babies come in lengths all the way from realistic to King Kong would be afraid. And yeah, we’ve all seen crazy stuff like fisting videos, which is on the extreme and no I’m not into that, but just saying, obviously if it’s anatomically possible for a guy to put his arm up another guys butt, a dick, even a huge dick is really not going to be a problem for you to accommodate if you want to accommodate it. Lots of lube goes great when your boyfriend, husband, or fuck buddy is long on inches.
Again, if the guy’s cock is literally like a beer can in terms of fatness, yeah, okay, that can be a challenge to accommodate if you haven’t done it before, and widened yourself to take such a thick cock. But in terms of length, a cock really can’t be too long. The amount of dick being inserted can always be less than the total amount of dick on hand. Big ones are visually arousing, hot to go down on, whether it’s harmonica style, lollipop style, or whatever. And as for what my friends think, let me tell you, big cocks are all the rage in my circle. I don’t have one friend, not a single one, who would turn down an opportunity to fuck and suck eight inches.
Q&A6: Is Eight Inches Really the Perfect Penis Size?
The obvious answer here, is that the Perfect Penis Size is subjective. It’s a merger of what a man wants for himself in terms of “giver” equipment, and what his partner (female or male) wants in terms of being the “receiver”. Sex with small dicks, average dicks, and large dicks is not the same, neither from the perspective of the giver or the receiver. Size does matter. Size does change the experience. But why is the 8” penis so widely touted as the perfect size? Maybe, objectively speaking, it is as close to perfect as we can get, given the wide variety of lengths a dick can come in.
8” inch cocks are totally porn worthy, and in a sexual atmosphere so influenced by adult images this fact is going to resonate with men especially, but with women as well. Being a man on team 8 you can be assured that you’ll never be thought of as small. So there is your confidence boost. You will be perceived as large but not scary-large, and this is an important consideration, where some prospective partners may be threatened by inches north of nine (a fear partners tend to get over, once a well skilled super long dick has shown them that there is nothing to fear and everything to appreciate). But the fear piece which can be a problem for hung men, is not completely absent at the 8” mark, but much less than in even longer endowments. This 8" schlong, being two full inches longer than the 6" average (and 3 inches longer than the small side of average) has been voted as the perfect measure of a man on forums and surveys for decades. Long enough to go deep… to bump a woman’s cervix or a man’s sigmoid colon (but not so unwieldy as to bulldoze it)... obviously sufficient to stroke the G-spot, but also long enough to find the A-spot, and so on. So, while there is no absolute best size of male endowment, perhaps 8" sizing is a really good poke at perfection.
Q&A7: Does Having the Perfect Penis Size Make Me a Perfect Lover?
Answer: Does standing tall at 6’ 5” make a man a pro-level basketball player? No. There are millions of men of exceptional height and only a handful are any good at basketball, much less the far fewer who are NBA stars. And lets not forget there are a few “short” guys in the NBA too. Having the perfect equipment to be good at a task does not make you good at it. If we gave you the best guitar money could buy, would you all of a sudden play like Jimmy Hendricks? Obviously not. So, even if you’ve got the perfect dick, if you have no idea how to move your ass in bed and no idea what to do with those wonderful inches, you will not be the perfect lover. And if you think there’s nothing to know but in and out, we can promise, you are definitely not the perfect lover, because there is a lot more to know.
Being a great lover takes sexual skill, a sense for the speed and pacing of a good fuck, a little rhythm in your hump and a tiny bit of sexual sixth sense to feel the vibrations coming off your partner, so you can adjust what your giving against what they want to receive. Read on to understand the advantages and disadvantages of having a size eight, and how you might really unlock the perfect lover inside you.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Having an Eight Inch Dick
Having the so-called perfect penis size is not an excuse to be a lazy lay (and yes dudes, when you’re the giver or the top, being a lazy lay is a formula for bad sex). Recognizing that you have awesome size on your side, and that it gives you a host of advantages, you also have to realize that it takes more than inches, even when you’ve got eight of them, to satisfy a woman (or a man). There are pros and cons to every penis size, and knowing the ups and downs of your size can be very empowering. So let's check it out...
(The horns blow, and now we unleash the Kracken...)
(ADVANTAGE) Psychological: Okay, you’re 8” cock is great for souping up your partner’s head. We’ve talked about big dicks being mistifying in other penis guides, and how your partners may believe sex with you is going to be special just based on the size. Being with a guy on team 8 is simultaneously less threatening than spreading your legs, buttcheeks, or jaws for a guy on team 9, 10, 11, or 12. You’re a stud but not the biggest stud in the stable. While those super-sized cocks are out there and perhaps even more visually exciting than your own, they also project more threat of discomfort.
The brain is the biggest sex organ, and the eight incher has been found to be both exciting and comparably non-threatening. That’s a win\win, giving men in this size category an advantage over smaller and bigger guys alike. Just toss in a little skill and your partners may think they’ve gone to heaven still on earth.
(ADVANTAGE) Physical (Biological): Did you know that big size eight cock of yours is a regular orgasm machine as well as a baby maker? Scientifically speaking Biological Advantage is any genetic trait that allows an organism to reproduce “better” and more successfully than other competing traits. The trait for a large penis has obviously been seen by mother nature as being desirable in humans. We can tell this because humans have the largest penises in the primate kingdom, out of all proportion to body size and weight. Great Apes are much larger than humans but have much smaller dicks.
The female orgasm emerged during human evolution as a driver to keep women coming back for more sex. It is fairly obvious that larger penises throughout human history have been able to better bring women to intense orgasm, which has led to a history of sexual selection in which the big dick trait is desired by women, and this has stuck in the human DNA. This is why the average human penis size is so large compared to the average penis size of other primates. From here we can infer two things: (1) boys in the big eight club are walking around with orgasm machines swinging between their legs, whether they know how to use them or not; and (2) as human evolution continues, if it carries on in the direction it has been going the average penis size will creep up, until, potentially, many tens of thousands of years from now, the average human penis size may be eight inches.
(ADVANTAGE) Physical: Is it really the perfect stroke length? Building on the previous point, about the size 8 being an orgasm machine, with two more inches than the average size 6 you can go places the average Joe can not. All indications, both cultural and scientific suggest that, to a point, larger endowed men can more easily produce intense orgams in females. Building on this, while biology obviously looks at heterosexual coupling for genetic traits that are passed, it is safe to say that the well endowed male and all the extra friction produced by his size will create stronger male\male sexual stimulation as well.
Long but not too long, the classic rule for long dick guys of not needing to use the whole thing applies for 8” guys. But again, compared to ultra-long cocks, especially after you’ve warmed things up some, you can grind and thrust a bit rougher and with more abandon than your super hung bigger brothers in the size 9, 10, and up range who have to exercise more care throughout.
Yes you’ve got enough man-meat to swivel your hips and buck your fuck to the left, right, north, south, and all over. With eight inches, even subtle movements in your hips can communicate an amazing fuck through the lever of your male organ. A smaller man may need to throw his entire body into the motion of the ocean and still not come close to the stimulation you produce.
(ADVANTAGE) Physical: The size 8 can unlock the wonders of the kamasutra. In other words that big dick is great for a variety of sexual positions that smaller dicks may not be able to pull off. Standing sex, various formats of sitting sex and spoon sex. Having inches to spare even in the missionary sex position helps a guy reach whatever hole he’s after and continue thrusting while being able to easily kiss his partner, suck her\his nipples, reach and contort his body around, etc. Remember, one of our earlier points was don’t let your endowment make you a lazy lay. The longer penis gives you an advantage in positioning, so use it.
(DISADVANTAGE) Physcological: Well endowed men tend to be too Cock Focused. Meaning, while your cock is a wonderful gift, there are other ways to make your partner cream and scream, and some of them can be a tremendous amount of fun. Oral sex. Digital sex. Role play. Toys. It is possible for a smaller endowed man to wow his partner with his sexual knowledge and his variety of approaches to finding her\his next orgasm. Approaches he has had to learn and master because he never felt he could rely entirely on his penis to save the world. If you’re in the size 8 club, you shouldn’t rely entirely on your penis either. Master it all and you really will be a master of the sexual universe.
(DISADVANTAGE) Physical: The eight inch man requires 25% bigger blood flow than the six inch man, and 50% more blood flow than the four inch man. We’ve talked about this before, and there is no way around it. Smaller cocks get hard faster and stay hard easier. The bigger the male organ the more work it is to get and maintain an erection. Some men with large penises even get light headed when they have an erection, illustrating how the act really does require quite a lot of blood. Get yourself a HARDWEAR Cockring and discover A) how great it feels to be effortlessly hard, and B) how rock hard and huge you can really be.
(DISADVANTAGE) Physical: Potential to cause pain. We’ve talked about this one in other penis guides, and it applies to the size 8 man for sure, although to a lesser degree than men with 9” and 10” and even loftier endowments. Pain in either the case of vaginal or anal sex is usually a sign of an inexperienced large cock going too fast, too deep, not using enough lube, and so on. Are you that guy who thinks sex is just a game of in and out? Are you the one pressing his entire organ home on the first thrust without even getting your partner wet? Are you lazy about foreplay and warming up the hole in play, and yet you’ve never even seen, much less considered buying a bottle of lube? If you’re doing any of these things you kind of suck at sex even if you have that awesome eight inch orgasm machine hanging off your groin. The machine might be great, but you don’t know how to use it. That’s okay, you can learn.
We mentioned sex masters having a sexual “sixth sense.” Really this is just the giver being aware of his partner’s responses to the sex he’s laying down. In the absence of ESP you can always ask questions. Communication is good. And ladies and bottom boys you are not 100% without blame if you keep letting your big dick partner go to town inside you, if it’s causing discomfort and you don’t tell him. Open your mouth and let him know (nicely of course). Open the lines of communication. Get a bottle of lube. And discover how much fun those inches can be.
Final Thought
So, is 8 inches a good size? That would be a yes. Is it the perfect size? That really comes down to you, what you want, and what you’re doing with it. We know a lot of 8” boys actively training to be even bigger. The tale of long inches, both in the having and the pursuing is, we believe, self explanatory. The cultural fascination with the male sex organ is neigther random nor silly, but relevant and important. Evolution gave us (human males) these large genitals, then prompted us to walk upright on two legs so that our organs would be presented front and center. Mother nature believes the penis and penis size are of paramount importance, and so should we; but always with an eye toward positive self improvement.
Big guys, love your cocks and don’t think that size has given you everything you need to be great in bed, because your brain, which radiates your skill, your knowhow (and ultimately the power of your fuck), is the biggest sex organ. Small guys, love your cocks too, because you don’t need to hate your penis to seek improvement in it and in yourself. All men of every size aspiring to be larger, never forget that effort builds character; hard work pays off; and tomorrow really can be a bigger, badder, and better day in which you’ll love your penis that much more.
Check back frequently to see when this article is updated, and also be on the lookout for our next Penis Owners Guide… where we’ll be unlocking the secrets of the six inch penis. Didn’t think those six inchers had secrets? Guess again.

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