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Hot on the heels of our Iron-Penis Power Jelq­ing rings, and in re­spon­se to your re­quests for sizes of our Iron Jelq­ing Rings that would be approp­riate for applica­tions be­hind the balls we glad­ly in­troduce the Iron-Cock-and-Balls Power Jelq­ing Rings (Iron C&B J-rings for short). Super slim and stack­able, these Nano-Full Pac­kage rings are pre­cis­ion en­gineered in the same band thick­ness as the penis shaft variety of Iron Jelq­ing Rings. These nano rings for your cock and balls are super stack­able so that you can con­trol the amount of pre­ssure applied by add­ing and sub­tract­ing rings from the stack. Per­fect for ex­er­cis­ing those areas of the penis which ex­tend back and inter-hitch to the body (areas not eas­i­ly rea­ched by shaft clamp­ing and jelq­ing alone) your Iron C&B J-rings are avail­able in an­atomical­ly ac­curate el­lipt­ical (re­com­mended) shapes as well as the more basic cir­cular for­mat. Iron C&B J-rings are of­fered in a variety of sizes ideal for be­hind the balls use and sup­port con­tour­ing (AKA the rings can be cur­ved) al­low­ing them to sweep back and ac­complish an even more er­gonomic fit.

For smaller sizes of these awesome metal rings, perfect for direct on-penis workout (or a smaller cock-and-balls fit), see our: Iron-Penis Jelqing Rings

Also check out our silicone Jelqing Rings for Cock-and-Balls use:
- Cock-and-Balls Jelqing Rings
- Dura-Gage Magnum Fit Jelqing Rings.

Like all our Jelq­ing Rings, the Iron-Cock-and-Balls Jelq­ing Rings in­cor­porate and em­brace the penis en­lar­ge­ment philoso­phies of Jelq­ing and Clamp­ing (by de­liver­ing super high pre­ssure auto Jel­qing\Clamp­ing for­ces). The Iron line also in­teg­rate weight as a new wor­kout di­mens­ion, and with their static approach to pre­ssure, approp­riate sizes are safe for long­er rounds of sex\mas­turba­tion and even ex­ten­ded use under cloth­ing. See the sci­ence sec­tion below for more de­tails.

These power­ful­ly con­strict­ing and ver­satile rings can be com­bined with their silicone co­un­terparts (mag­num fit silicone Jelq­ing Rings and\or silicone Cock-and-Ball Jelq­ing Rings). By com­bin­ing the ring types you are able to enjoy the be­nefits of both static pre­ssure (the kind Iron J-rings pro­duce) and elas­tic pre­ssure (the kind stan­dard silicone J-rings pro­duce).

Iron-Penis Jelq­ing Rings (Static Pre­ssure) Vs. Penis Jelq­ing Rings (Elas­tic Pre­ssure)

Your Iron Cock-and-Ball Jelq­ing Rings and your stan­dard silicone Cock-and-Ball Jelq­ing Rings each have a dif­ferent approach to the de­live­ry of high pre­ssure jelq­ing for­ces. Both approac­hes are amaz­ing, and it rea­l­ly isn’t a matt­er of their being a com­peti­tion. Im­agine in­stead that the rings are two dif­ferent gym co­ac­hes, work­ing you out in the gym (your penis in this case) in two dif­ferent ways. Iron Cock-and-Ball Jelq­ing Rings are Static in terms of their pre­ssure while stan­dard Jelq­ing Rings are Elas­tic.

One thing that is for sure re­gard­ing Iron C&B Jelq­ing Rings, is that they are vir­tual­ly in­destruc­tible. So for those rough boys among us look­ing for some­th­ing hard-core for whatev­er crazi­ness they have in mind, these bab­ies are per­fect. (Con­tinue rea­d­ing below...)

Photos: Iron-C&B Rings in Action
Growing the huge porno-worthy penis of your dreams is just a few reps and sets...Thousands of men worldwide have been using our Jelqing Ring technologies (Silic...The feelings (power, satisfaction and confidence) that come from looking down a...The Ultimate Male Enhancement Super Store!

Penis Wor­kout Pre­ssure: A Tale of Two Types (Static and Elas­tic)

To un­derstand the dif­fer­ence bet­ween static and elas­tic pre­ssure a lit­tle bit bet­t­er a quick prim­er on Erec­tion Qual­ity (EQ) as a con­cept is handy. Erec­tion Qual­ity (EQ) is the measure of how hard a penis is, with 0% being per­fect­ly limp, I.E. com­plete­ly soft and 100% being full sized and fully hard. Hardwear rings are fam­ous for their ab­il­ity to take men well be­yond their norm­al 100% EQ into the rea­lms of as much as 130% EQ.

Static pre­ssure is hig­hest at the height of the wor­kout since the Iron C&B rings are fixed and un­yield­ing. As the EQ level climbs and you be­come hard­er the ring’s pre­ssure con­tinues to in­crease be­cause your penis is ex­pand­ing still but the rings are not. As you reach full erect­ness and be­yond thanks to the rings, the pre­ssures generated by the rings is fixed and un­waver­ing and ex­treme­ly power­ful.

Elas­tic pre­ssure has the charac­teris­tic on the other hand of “chas­ing” the penis (shrink­ing if it shrinks and grow­ing if it grows). Our silicone C&B jelq­ing rings are al­ways try­ing to re­turn to a size small­er than your penis. Elas­tic pre­ssure thus­ly can be high­er at the start and mid­dle of a wor­kout, while at the height static pre­ssure will be high­er.

Both approac­hes work fan­tastical­ly, but now im­agine a stack of al­ter­nat­ing Jelq­ing Rings, half iron (static), half stan­dard (elas­tic) and it’s easy to see how every EQ scenario would be co­vered and how amaz­ing growth would be the re­sult of these tech­nolog­ies work­ing your penis in tan­dem.

Male Enhancement Approach: High Pressure Blood Flow Control, Constriction, Weight and Traction aimed at the man’s full package

Nano Cock-and-Ball Rings, these metal rings have the same design as the smaller Iron-Penis Jelqing Rings. The concept of a “Nano” ring of course is a matter of perspective, as what is Nano-sized to one man may be normal or large to another, but what is certain with our Iron Jelqing Rings is that we’ve got every man’s size needs covered for whatever his requirements might be: size workout, stellar sex, etc.

Engineered in graduating sizes ideal to create amazing size increasing pressure in the behind the balls applications the Iron Cock-and-Balls Jelqing rings remain slim and stackable allow pressure to be increased and decreased by adding or subtracting the ring stack. Given their fixed dimension and static pressure they are quite versatile. In an appropriate size these rings perform excellently in intense penis enlargement workout scenarios, as on the spot sexual enhancers, and also on the flaccid penis for bulge enhancement and all day wear.

Classification: Weighted Liquid Metal Cock-and-Balls Rings - Specialized Metal Nano-Cock-and-Balls Rings (TM) (Patent Pending)

The natural next step in our Iron line of nano-ring designs, Iron- Cock-and-Balls Jelqing Rings present a host of sizes ideal for full package wear. Slim, small, amazingly strong, and offered in genital ergonomic elliptical form factors (and also as circles), like all our Jelqing Rings each ring generates a certain degree of continuous pressure that we call a J-force (a Jelqing force unit), which acts upon the penis and genital region as blood fills the area. These rings produce far greater pressure than their silicon counterparts and the type of pressure, “static”, is different in how it acts upon the penis. With the ability to stack them either in uniform (all the same size) or tapered configurations (where the ring sizes graduate in the stack) the sky's the limit with regard to the degree of precision exercise you can achieve.

Configuration: Cock And Balls Ring (Primary), Penis Shaft Ring (for very thick penis), Graduating Metal Ball Stretcher

These rings are presented in 10 sizes (5 elliptical sizes and 5 circular sizes), every elliptical size correlates to a circular size that mathematically has the same inside volume, but with a very different shape. Elliptical sizes always wear tighter and more accurately than the equivalent circular size. We have crafted these rings in a wide array of graduating sizes so that every man can create the perfect amount of pressure for his personal penis enhancement\workout goals, and his particular application.

  • 1.625” X 1.875“ ELLIPTICAL = 1.75” CIRCULAR (Tight Fit  for Cock and Balls)
  • 1.75” X 2.00“ ELLIPTICAL = 1.875” CIRCULAR (Roomier Tight Fit  for Cock and Balls)
  • 1.875” X 2.125“ ELLIPTICAL = 2.0” CIRCULAR (Regular Fit  for Cock and Balls)
  • 2.125” X 2.375“ ELLIPTICAL = 2.25” CIRCULAR (Relaxed Fit  for Cock and Balls)
  • 2.375” X 2.625“ ELLIPTICAL = 2.50” CIRCULAR (Roomier Relaxed Fit  for Cock and Balls)

*While most men will use these sizes for cock and balls, and the Iron-Penis Jelqing Ring variety for shaft, if you are Mr. Thick Dick these can certainly be used on the penis shaft as well. Just the same if you are looking for an even tighter fit for behind the balls than these cock and ball sizes, see the iron-penis Jelqing rings for 5 smaller sizes. These rings can be applied to a number of genital regions based on the size of the wearer’s genital components.

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