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Iron-Penis Jelqing Rings are the next generation of our nano-cockring technology that revolutionized the penis size workouts (jelqing and clamping styles) of men worldwide. Engineered to deliver an exceptional penis size workout, Iron-Penis Jelqing Rings extend our jelqing ring technology into the world of our morphic metal. In doing so these magnificent metal micros boast an even higher degree of super engorging pressure than their silicon counterparts, while at the same time they open the door on entirely new workout approaches and usage scenarios.

These metal nano-penis rings embrace the penis enlargement philosophies of Jelqing and Clamping by delivering super high pressure auto Jelqing\Clamping forces and they also integrate penis weighting and traction as brand new workout dimensions in the Jelqing Ring line.  Amazingly, with their fixed sizes and static approach to pressure they are able to create higher pressures at the height of use while simultaneously being safer (in appropriate sizes) for sex and masturbation scenarios that go beyond the 15 minute rule prescribed by the original Jelqing Rings.  Appropriate sizes of these rings can even go under clothing for extended use.

Here we’re learning all about Iron Penis Jelqing Rings as as awesome penis size workout rings. But these versatile rings have many powers, including uses toward curing premature ejaculation (see glans wear).

Follow this link to learn about Iron Jelqing Rings as Elite Rings in the Soldier Boy Penis Stretcher.

Follow this link to learn about Iron Jelqing Rings for Glans Ring wear

For larger sizes of these awesome metal rings, perfect for a cock and balls workout (or a larger on penis shaft fit), see our: Iron-Cock and Ball Jelqing Rings

Also check out our standard silicone Penis Jelqing Rings:
- Penis Jelqing Rings
- Dura-gage Jelqing Rings.

Iron-Penis Jelqing Rings (Static Pressure) Vs. Penis Jelqing Rings (Elastic Pressure)

It really isn’t a competition, think of the two kinds of Jelqing Rings as penis fitness trainers with different approaches to getting you in shape (which in this case means making your dick huge). We’ll talk about the benefits of each approach in a moment, but it is safe to say that two trainers are better than one. Using both types in alternation embraces the concept of penis confusion (like muscle confusion) to keep you growing faster, and using them in a combination stack allows your penis to experience and enjoy both types of pressure produced by the rings simultaneously.

One thing that can be said for Iron-Penis Jelqing Rings is that they are virtually indestructible, so for those rough boys out there that want something hard-core for whatever craziness they have in mind, these babies are perfect.

Penis Workout Pressure: A Tale of Two Types (Static and Elastic)

Erection Quality (EQ) is the measure of how hard your penis is, with 0% being perfectly limp and 100% being full sized and fully hard. Hardwear rings are famous for their ability to take men well beyond their normal 100% EQ into realms as high as 130% EQ. Your Iron Jelqing Rings and your standard silicone Jelqing Rings each have a different approach to the delivery of high pressure jelqing force (J-Forces) and they interact with your penis and its EQ level differently.

Ultimately your static Iron-Penis Jelqing Rings will generate higher pressure overall and specifically at the height of your workout. Fixed and unyielding, as the EQ level climbs and your penis becomes harder the ring’s pressure continues to climb geometrically, this because even as your penis is expanding the ring is not. The pressures generated by these rings is unwavering, extremely powerful and ultimately these rings can take you farther beyond your bodies max EQ than standard Jelqing Rings.

Elastic rings generate higher pressure at lower EQ levels, this because even when your penis is not fully erect our elastic nano rings are always trying to return to a size smaller than your penis. Essentially the rings chase the penis (shrinking if it shrinks) to continue applying powerful pressure. As your EQ level climbs the pressure generated climbs too, but not as much as with the static pressure of the Iron-Penis Rings. The elastic pressure of Silicone Jelqing Rings can not match the static pressure levels generated by the Iron Jelqing Rings when EQ levels are high.

Now imagine a stack of alternating Jelqing Rings, half iron (static), half standard (elastic), every EQ scenario would be covered and every variety of pressure would be at play. Now stop imagining, with a set of each type of Jelqing Rings you can start preparing instead for the amazing growth you’ll experience with both technologies working your penis in tandem. (Continue reading below) 

Photos: Iron-Penis Jelqing Rings in Action
Grow your penis with the amazing pressures produced by the Iron-Penis Jelqing R...Iron Jelqing Rings introduce entirely new penis size workouts. Weighted and fix...Original Jelqing Rings use elastic pressure and Iron-Jelqing Rings use static p...The Ultimate Male Enhancement Super Store!

Extraordinarily Versatile

Seen on the left, (A) Jason uses a 6 stack of Iron-Penis Jelqing Rings to super engorge his cock for an extraordinary clamping session in the traditional on-shaft Jelqing\Clamping configuration, while (B) Kriss piles on an astounding 20+ rings to create a weighted traction stack that will keep his limp dick fully extended out to nine inches with a mixture of weight (over 1 and a half pounds) and traction.

These scenarios are just 2 of the amazing ways a man can user Hardwear Iron-Penis Jelqing Rings, which excel in Jelqing Workouts (1) \ Clamping Workouts (2), Partial Penis Weighting (3) and Full Traction Penis Weighting Workouts (4), Ball Stretching (5), Glans Ring Wear (6), Shaft Ring Wear (7), and where the fit allows Cock-and-Balls Ring Wear (8). Of course ring size determines the configurations available to you. The smaller (more nano) the ring, the more applicable it will be to just Jelqing\Clamping and flaccid Weighting. For example you probably will not be able to get a 1.125” around your ball sack for ball stretching, most men can’t fit one nut through such a constrictive opening. That size is meant for intense on-penis jelqing, clamping and weighting. On the other hand sizes larger than 1.625 will accommodate many men for ball stretching and even cock and balls wear, and for guys with thick penises this may be the ideal size for Jelqing and Clamping too.

With 12 dynamic sizes every guy gets a perfect fit for whatever application he has in mind, and with multiple sets you can enjoy all the powers of these amazing rings in the many scenarios they support.

Male Enhancement Approach: High Pressure Blood Flow Control, Constriction, Weight and Traction.

Nano-penis rings, these metal rings have been engineered in graduating sizes ideal to create amazing pressure in the male organ. Slim (even slimmer than the original Penis Jelqing Rings, they are intended to stack-up allow pressure to be increased and decreased by adding to and\or subtracting from the ring stack. These metal Jelqing Rings introduce a new dimension to workout possibilities with the fact that they are weighted. This allows them to be worn on the hard or flaccid penis for weight training oriented penis enlargement exercises such as weighted kegeling, penis weighting under clothes, etc.

The "Iron-Penis Power" Penis Jelqing Rings by HARDWEAR are a groundbreaking development in Penis Size Enlargement, performing as a stellar penis exercise\workout tool and also as an on-the-spot sexual enhancement. These rings, with their fixed sizing and static pressure approach can easily be applied in a fit that comfortably support longer wearing for sex and even for ADR (All Day Ring) uses.

Classification: Weighted Liquid Metal Penis Rings - Specialized Metal Nano-Penis Rings (TM) (Patent Pending)

The natural next step in our nano-ring designs, Iron- Penis Jelqing Rings are specialized metal nano-penis rings. Our slimmest rings (slimmer even than their original silicon counterparts), small, amazingly strong, and offered in genital ergonomic elliptical form factors (and also as circles), each ring generates a certain degree of continuous pressure that we call a J-force (a Jelqing force unit). As blood fills the penis these rings produce far greater pressure than their silicon counterparts, and with the ability to stack them either in uniform (all the same size) or tapered configurations (where the ring sizes graduate in the stack on the penis) there are no limits to how precisely tailored you can make your workout.

With each ring weighing in the neighborhood of 1 ounce, it is quite easy to stack a half pound, a pound or even a pound and a half of swinging metal weight on to your penis or ball sack.

Configuration: Penis Shaft Ring (Primary), Glans or Head ring, Ultra-gradual Ball Stretcher, even Cock And Balls.

These rings are presented in 10 sizes (5 elliptical sizes and 5 circular sizes), every elliptical size correlates to a circular size that mathematically has the same inside volume, but with a very different shape. Elliptical sizes always wear tighter and more accurately than the equivalent circular size. For example, most guys stacking up full traction stacks of 15 or more rings will use tight elliptical rings right behind the penis head to cap the stack. We have crafted these rings in a wide array of graduating sizes so that every man can create the perfect amount of pressure for his personal penis enhancement\workout goals, and his particular application.

  • 1.00” X 1.25“ ELLIPTICAL = 1.125” CIRCULAR (Tight Fit)
  • 1.125” X 1.375“ ELLIPTICAL = 1.25” CIRCULAR (Roomier Tight Fit)
  • 1.25” X 1.50“ ELLIPTICAL = 1.375” CIRCULAR (Regular Fit)
  • 1.375” X 1.625“ ELLIPTICAL = 1.50” CIRCULAR (Roomier Regular Fit)
  • 1.50” X 1.75“ ELLIPTICAL = 1.625” CIRCULAR (Relaxed Fit)

*For larger sizes, including 1.75, 1.875, 2.00, 2.25, and 2.50 you'll want to check out our Iron-Cock and Ball Jelqing Rings.

While made with the penis shaft in mind, these rings can be applied to a number of genital regions based on the size of the wearer’s genital components.  For example they can be used in precision ball stretching, allowing the wearer to create a weighted traction stack on his balls with a very precise height.

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