So, are Big Dick Gay Men really seeking Big Gay Dick? First things first, before we answer the title question (and we will) it’s important to note that we decided to be a little bit tongue-in-cheek with this article, a little less scientific and more saucy. We could have named this write-up: Facts and Fallacies about Gay Men, Sex, Love, And Cock Size, but we were feeling a little friskier than that, and said to our selves why not make it sound like the “hook” line on a gay hookup or dating site. In this article we will be looking at all things gay cock related, we will answer some trending questions, shatter some myths, and shed new light on everybodies favorite big veiny organ and what it means to gay guys especially.
Now to the question. Are Big Dick Gays Seeking Big Gay Dicks? It depends on exactly what kind of seeking we are talking about. If we mean seeking out huge meat for big dick gay sex, love, sucking, and fucking then we’ll get one answer. And if we mean seeking more size personally (even though we already flagged these dudes as having big ding dongs to begin with), we’ll get another answer. So, we’ll take them in order, as the bookends of this article. We’ll start by answering the first version of the question, end by answering the other, and in the middle we’ll serve up a host of Q-and-A points of interest for gay men with big ones, small ones, and everywhere in the middle.
Q&A1: Are Hung Gay Men Looking to Hookup With Other Hung Dudes?
Do the big boys discriminate against lesser endowed guys, guys whose penis size is small and even men who are average? The short answer is yes, and we’ve all seen this. Now, to start with, there are no absolute rules in this world. There is no topic that any particular demographic can unanimously agree on. Are big cocks nice? Yeah, I think we can get a resounding amen to that from most gay guys and straight guys and women alike. The majority will say, “Hell yeah, big cocks are nice,” but some gay men prefer smaller mates too. That said, of course penis size is a factor in partner selection, and it’s not only sizeable men who are size queens (or kings) for that matter.

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Looking at the majority of men and what they will like, what they will be attracted to as gay males, an interresting thing happens psychologically when a man has a huge tool. If, for example, you have an eight inch penis, which is definitely a large scale endowment, to your worldview this is simply normal. You will learn that you are well endowed as you navigate life, but as the owner of a substantial member yourself, it will certainly take bigger dicks than your own to impress you. Cognitively, no matter what you learn about the rest of the male population and the average cock size, to you, 8 inches will be normal. You’ll certainly be proud of your big sausage when it earns you cheers—and it will. But in your mind, when you look at other men, regardless of the facts, you will tend to deem 8 inches as average, and everything below as small. The fact that every individual sees the world through the lens of their own experience is called subjective reality. And this is the reason, as a gay man with a big cock, it is easy to become a bit of a cock snob.
Whether it should or should not, the world fetishizes the big penis. To take part in that fantasy when you have a big penis yourself, requires a search for bigger dicks than your own, or at the very least ones of equal size. There was some recent polling done, indicating that 1 in 5 gay men have rejected a hook-up based entirely on penis size. So yes, to an extent, well endowed gays (especially hung bottoms\versatiles) may tend to seek out big gay dicks.
Now, of course, attraction isn’t a single organ game. Tight asses, hard pecs, rippling abs, broad shoulders, a deep voice, nice eyes, soft lips, etc, etc… hell, a good job… a good head on your shoulders… the list of things one mate (gay men with big dicks included) will look for in potential partners is endless. When it comes to the cock swinging between a potential partner’s legs (especially if you’re a hung bottom or versatile) the potential for cock snobbery is high. Luckily, as men we are more than just one trick ponies. So, even if we aren’t hung like a pony or like the hot-ass guy filling out the front of his jeans so nicely who we just met at the club, we may still have a good chance to bring him home with our other assets.
Q&A2: Does Penis Size Impact Gay Sexual Roles (In Anal Sex)?
So here’s our next question, and we’ve already alluded that well endowed bottoms and versatiles (those open to being penetrated) are more likely to be cock snobs than well endowed tops (the guys doing all the penetrating). For obvious reasons (in anal sex at least) the top-man, doesn’t need his bottom-guy to have massive endowment. There are, however, still cases of cock snobbery in this direction as well, simply because the image of the enormous cock, is fascinating, but it is the expectation of the organ in penetrative sex that drives this even more.
And yes gay boys with bigger penises are more likely to be tops, with men with small dicks being more likely bottoms. There are a number of surveys that have supported this finding, and culturally it isn’t really such a surprise. This again stems from the way the penis and penis size are tied to views of masculinity. These perceptions are not only projected from the well endowed outward but from men of every endowment. Small guys coming out as gay have a higher tendency to feel that perhaps the role they should fit themselves into, given their penis size, is that of the bottom. And on the other side of the coin, bottoms may want to keep their hookups interested in their back door, but after a big dick reveal they will frequently be badgered with requests like: “Can’t I ride it just one time?” “I’ll do all the work, it’s so big, can’t we just try?” Frequently hung bottom boys find it hard to stay in their preferred role because the men they encounter, who may have even claimed to be tops, finding the bigger organ hitched to the other groin after the aforementioned big dick reveal will very often develop an interest in trying to flip roles.

Cock size matters in general, and has always mattered to men even more profoundly than to women, given that it is about as personal as personal can get. A cognitive link between a guy’s penis and his manliness is formed in boyhood and follows him into mahood. Obviously, for gay men, both in terms of anatomical function and attraction, size matters. But your penis size does not need to hold you back in any way. Unlock the full potential of your penis size with the best penis exercise gear on the planet...
Q&A3: Are Gay Dicks Bigger Than Straight Dicks?
This is a somewhat controversial question that’s been going around for years, and to be honest… one that sounds a little silly at first. Why on earth would gay dicks be bigger? In reality, however, there really has been research (limited research) done in this area. And based on archived data from over 5000 men featured in the Kinsey Report, that is 5000 cocks being measured across the years 1938 to 1963, it was indeed found that gay dicks were bigger. The gay male average length came in at 6.32 inches with the straight male stiffy coming in at 5.99 (basically 6) inches. The same trend was found in terms of cock girth, with gay participants boasting an average circumference of 4.95 inches and their straight counterparts coming in a tad skinnier at 4.80. That would make a 6 and a quarter inch by 5 inch cock the rounded norm for gay guys, with 6 by 4 and a quarter inches being the rounded norm for straight guys. This would make gay studs statistically a quarter inch longer and roughly a quarter inch thicker.
The research, which finds a relationship between sexual orientation and genital size, supposes that the presence of prenatal hormones that affect the structure and size of the genitals and also structures in the brain could be the source of the connection. And beyond anecdotal purposes, these and similar findings lend support to the “born that way” theory about sexual orientation.
Since this research, published in a paper called “The Relation Between Sexual Orientation and Penile Size” was published back in 1999 there hasn’t been much in the way of followup. This question, however, has circulated in various forums and other venues ever since. So now you know that while the data is old, there was indeed a real study performed, and the results (though hardly iron-clad) found gay weiners to be bigger.
Q&A4: (How Big is Big)
What is a Gay Big Dick Anyway?
(Insert laugh here)… Because there is a difference between a gay big dick and a straight one, right? Even if we take the findings of the study mentioned in the previous question, a quarter of an inch isn’t going to change anyone’s life. So we should all, universally be able to determine what it takes to measure up to calling ourselves big. The fact in the matter is that if you have seven inches you are above average, for that matter even six and a half inches is a smudge above. To a lot of guys with four and five inchers these lengths will seem studly, but in this world of easy access porn (remember, reality is subjective) these measurements aren’t going to win you any size trophies.
More subjectively (because of the higher bar that today’s cultural perceptions have created) the eight inch dick pretty much gets you the bragging rights in straight boy circles and gay guy circles alike, especially if it’s nice and thick. An 8 by 6 inch cock will be appreciated as large in most crowds. It will be hefty enough to wow in person, even those who have been dazed by too much porn. Thinner eight-inchers, say 8 by 5 will still fare well. And obviously, the longer and thicker the man-meat gets from there, the bigger the wow factor, a 9 by 7 (“Damn!”), a 10 by 8 (“Absolutely amazing!”).
Q&A5: What is a Big Dick (The Sequel):
Does Race Factor In?
Scientifically, to fully assess penis size requires interrelating race. Now mind you, our eight inch standard set above will work for all races. But yes, because of perceptions (and to some degree, actual racial variances in penis size) the following is true.
Black guys have the highest bar to reach based on the expectation of the big black cock. It simply is how the world sees it, it’s how porn sees it, and so on. This can be a real hurdle for black men with small dicks, because a man’s cock reveal can be nerve wracking under any circumstance, and even more so when his race sets an automatic expectation for monster cock action. On the topic of penis size, black men are the most fetishized. Search engine searches for Big Black Gay Dick and the plural Big Black Gay Dick(s) out rank all other similar race inclusive searches, the same is true of straight searches for Big Black Cock (30K+), Big Black Dick (23K+), vs Big White Dick (7K) vs Big Asian Dick (-1K) and so on.
To many black men (particularly those who live up to the hype) the fetish is exciting. To others, however, the result is negative. In many circles, black men have to be way bigger than average to truly impress. On the upside of being fetishized so heavily, however, for a black male of average male size, say 6.25 inches, there is the possibility that the expectation he will be large can sometimes lead to a belief by his partners that he is larger than he is. Sometimes people see what they expect to see.
On the flip side of this, Asian men have the lowest bar for genital size based on the expectation that Asian penises are the smallest. In this case there is substantial data from the condom companies and other sources to support a measurable variance. Asian men find the inverse to what Black men find. There is an automatic expectation that they will be smaller, so in many cases even a very average measurement (or below) of 5 to 6 inches may be seen as “big” for an Asian Man. However, there is also the possibility that a 7 inch asian who really is above average for the general male, might be viewed by a partner as smaller than he is, simply because it’s what the observer expects.
At neither extreme, but falling in the middle with no strongly built-in expectations for whites, latinos, and most other races and nationalities; with no widely embraced preset expectation of the big white cock, big latino cock, or the inverse… small white cock, small latino cock, etc... men falling into these cultural demographics don’t have a strong racial bar to live up or down to. Ultimately, however, there is always a bar of expectations leading up to a man’s penis reveal. Do tall men have bigger penises? Do smaller penises look big anyway on shorter guys? What does having big hands or big feet say about a man’s genitalia? As a society we tend to have preconceived notions. These can be reset by actual experience, but preconceived notions about penis size based on everything from the real to the ridiculous do surface. Indeed, just the way a man interacts with his potential partners can create its own expectation. We've all heard of BDE... "Big Dick Energy" haven't we? It's a swagger and an attitude and you don't have to have to be hung to exude this kind of masculine energy, but when you do exude it, people will conclude that you are packing huge cock power.
At the end of the day, we as men, whatever our race, need to learn to control the narrative of our cocks. If a perception is helping you, run with it; and if it’s hurting you, shatter it.

Being hung is one thing, but being hard is even more important, and when you find a technology that can make a guy harder and larger all at once, you can’t go wrong. Hardwear Cock Rings have been making guys Bigger, Badder, Harder and Larger for years...
Q&A6: So, Do Well Hung Gay Men Still Want to Be Bigger?
Oh, sure they do. That’s not a gay thing, that’s just a guy thing. The majority or men are size queens (uhm, size kings, whatever). We like big penises, big ejaculations, big balls for that matter, big muscles… the images that we are bombarded with in porn and elsewhere are no accident. These are the images we have proved to want to see over the course of human history. So, yes, guys with big cocks still want to grow their cocks bigger.
What’s lucky about this is the fact that penis exercise and male supplementation, all the things men tend to do for their penis enlargement, also tends to help men perform better. In a less size conscious world the one-eyed monster would never get any exercise other than for having an erection. Ultimately, jelqing, clamping, cock rings and penis stretching are the workout a growing dick needs and also the workout every dick needs. A dick can get lazy if you let it; and no, unlike its owner, a lazy dick does not get fatter, it just stops working as well, and eventually shrinks. So exercising your cock (your gay cock, your stright cock, all cocks) is good.
And this was the other bookened on our title question, so technically we’re done, but as a boner bonus we feel empowered to ask one last Q-and-A as our final thought, so here it goes…
Q&A7: Can There Be Too Much of A Good Thing?
If the dick in question is your own, and you're a giver (a top) it’s easy to think the answer is no. But, let’s look at this from the receiving (the bottom’s) perspective for a moment. Uhm, yeah, however hot that super-huge meat may be, a guy's jaws can get real strained and tired trying to suck a too big beer can cock! His ass can get sore as hell and broke all apart for days riding those super large organs too (insert laughter). But ultimately, the problems of accomodation for big members are seen as good problems to have when compared to the inverse problems associated with having a small penis or a malfunctioning penis.
Let's face it, men, most of all we need our dicks to work. Having to figure out how to cram a big bean pole cock into a too small crack (hint: lots of lube, lots of patience, and it usually turns out to be fun) is a lot better than trying to figure out what to do with a cock that’s limp when you want it hard. Even if it’s big and limp, which can be kind of enticing in a teasing sort of way, when it’s time for action, having your cock flop around like a wet sock won’t get you very far down penetration alley.
So, yeah, of course there can be too much of a good thing. In every situation this is true. But if that good thing is a penis, wouldn’t you rather work with too much than too little? Wouldn’t you rather be “too big” and rock hard over whatever size and the damn thing stays soft. Super big boys and their partners, who do sometimes (rarely) complain, should always keep the alternatives in mind, and remember all the world sees your pasture as being greener.
When your “good thing” is good and hard (and a cock ring is great for making sure), with a little patience you can figure out how to turn too much into fits just right. Stick it in softer. Have him suck it instead. And if not, you can always find a power bottom with a slightly adjusted pitch line on the dating apps: Big Dick Gay Seeking Big Gay Hungry Hole. Maybe that should be our next write-up.

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