"Yo, man, how far down does a tie go?” Ever wanted to just ask a super smart buddy this question? Well, this article is your chance. And your super smart buddies here are allknight.com are going to tell you. It’s an ultra-common question guys have and not a silly one at all, because a necktie dangling too short will make you look like a dork every time, and one that’s covering your junk will look like you’re trying way too hard and still failing every step of the way. To be a winner in this game, there is a sweet spot (a range of about 3 - 4 inches that’s perfect), and there’s even an awesome sexy bonus that comes with hanging your tie just right.
Your Necktie and Your B.D.E. Score...
Would you guess that how a man hangs his tie can score him major BDE points? Well, it’s true. Indeed, the necktie is a men’s fashion staple for a reason. When done properly, these colorful, super-slender scarves make a man look taller, give the appearance of a more heroic chest and a tapered waist, and even make a strong suggestion about how big a boy is below the belt (and inside his slacks). Yes, what you wear around your neck (like an arrow shaped flag) and exactly where it points can singlehandedly make you look bigger. Big Dick Energy is all about exuding confidence. And knowing how to hang your necktie appropriately makes a man look sharp, sure of himself, and yes… more well-hung. The catch of course is that not knowing how to hang your neckcloth can have the opposite effect. With bad necktie style making you look smaller and giving off a vibration of little dick energy. So, boys, this is an easy enhancement… let’s get this shniz right.
Brad’s man-flag (his necktie) is pointing right at his junk. And what he’s wearing inside his slacks to keep his sausage so big, bulgy, and hot looking, is the HARDWEAR Magneton Male Enhancing Ring.
On The Cover: Adam and Brad show us the opposite ends of the Okay-zone for how low a necktie should hang. Adam is being more conservative, hanging his high; and Brad is more of a wild boy, hanging his low. Brad’s also sharing the web address for allknight.com with Adam, so he can get a nice ring bulge and awesome male supplements too.
Here's Adam again, showing us that just by hanging his neckcloth lower, he's able to increase his BDE!
Stay In The
(Because Nothing Else Is Okay)
The quick answer to the question of tie-length is already illustrated in the photo featured on the cover of this article. Man A) Adam, is wearing his neckcloth with its tip at the absolute highest point allowed in the Okay-zone. He looks good, but any higher and he’ll trip over into dork territory (and definite Little Dick Energy). Man B) Brad, is wearing his with its tip at the absolute lowest point allowed in the Okay-zone. He looks stylish and hot, but any lower and he’ll get lost in loser territory; and again, transform his BDE into LDE. So anywhere in-between where Adam and Brad's neckwear is hanging, is okay, but nowhere else.
The basics of the Okay-zone are simple, the point of your neckcloth should fall either just above your belt or just below it. In a perfect world the point might overlap the belt about halfway without passing it entirely. Stay inside the Okay-zone and no one will ever laugh at you for being a grown man and not knowing how far down does a tie goes to look good. But now, let’s ask ourselves how we can maximize the male enhancing effect.
It should be obvious by the photo again, that Brad (Man B) is giving off a much stronger vibe that he is packing than Adam (Man A). For starters, he is packing. Brad is wearing a Hardwear All-Day Male Enhancement Ring under his slacks and it’s giving him an awesome bulge and he knows it. At the same time, he has his neckcloth hanging just right to point this out without looking like he’s trying too hard. The lower you go in the Okay-zone, the stronger the BDE push becomes, and merging this with a nice speedbump in your crotch area is a sure formula to have all the girls whispering about the party in your pants.
Never, and we mean never-ever, wear your darn necktie any lower than Brad’s. That is to say, while you are standing up, the point of your neckcloth should never actually touch your junk. Sitting doesn’t matter. But standing, if the point is touching your junk, then it’s too low. It will look desperate and like you are trying too hard. The arrow of fabric hanging form your neck should point at but not rest on top of your bulge. It should tell people where the goodies are without actually dangling inside the cookie jar.
What is a necktie? Our Philosophy…
It’s our world view that a necktie is a kind of man-flag, to be worn proudly and correctly. It’s a a phallic symbol of a kind that has to be displayed just right. Hanging lower does indeed increase the sexual charge that our trusty man-flag endows us with, but only as long as we stay in the Okay-zone, going lower blows the effect. For the absolute best results, think of your tie as a colorful or else monochromatic flash of fabric, sitting front and center, and behaving just like an arrow pointed straight down at your manly bulge.
- Yes, it should be coordinated with the rest of what you are wearing; and...
- Absolutely, yes, your neckcloth is a kind of arrow pointing right at your penis, signaling that the good stuff is right down here.
If you’ve never thought about this fact before, now you’ll be like… "damn that’s true… a tie is just like an arrow." And from now on you’ll start to think about this very masculine style accessory as less of a stuffy business esthetic, and more of a sexy and sexual bit of plumage, like a male peacock’s fine feathers.
This philosophy is a great way to have some fun while redirecting your mindset about what a necktie is for, bringing it into a space than any male enhancement enthusiast can clearly appreciate. Also, this way of looking at the matter, will make certain that your neckwear is always hanging properly in order to serve as the most flattering arrow angled at your junk.
Male Enhancement Through Style…
Proper tie length is an age-old male style question, and one your buddies here at allknight.com are happy to answer for you. Indeed, along with our endless sexual wisdom, the sages have given some thought to men’s fashion as well. And while other fashion aficionados might be afraid to lay it down for you, not wanting to point out the clear phallic implications that exist in the styling of your neckwear, we’re happy to. We’re happy to be your source for all things male in fact, because we’re well aware that even how a man dresses, can be a form of enhancement. Absolutely, your style choices have an impact on how the opposite sex views you, and how other males view you. So, you don’t want to look like a doofus with your necktie swinging too short, or even worse, dangling such that you are half-way tripping on it. You want to know how far down does a tie go for maximum big dick energy, and for looking your best; and we’ve got the answer, with just enough wiggle room for you to put a little personal flavor on it.

Brad is also taking OptiMale TNT XL, to be sure his male mojo is through the roof. This ultimate male enhancement formula is fantastic for increased penis size, harder erections, ramped up testosterone levels and even bigger muscles. This formula makes sure your dick reveal is as awesome as your swagger and BDE promised it would be....
So, How Far Down Should That Thing Hang?
As long as you keep it in the Okay-zone the rest is up to you. Most of the guys here like to let it hang on the low side of the Okay-zone (of course being naked would be our favorite mode of all... and we still like to let it hang low (laugh)). But in clothes, the tie simply looks more sexual hanging over the belt, revealing itself as the hidden phallic symbol it is. It definitely gives off more BDE on the lower side. And, when you combine this approach with a kick-ass bulge, you’ll have fans everywhere, all of them fantasizing about how awesome your trouser snake must really be.
As one last illustration, you can see on the left, Adam showing us the acceptable bookends of tie-length all by himself, with A and B both being acceptable, with B (the lower version) clearly having more sexual energy. Just in case you thought Adam might have been cheating on the cover, jacking up his BDE score by showing off his awesome Hardwear powered bulge; here, in this second image it’s just Adam. And what we can see is that the hanging length of a man's neckwear alone makes a huge difference. Adam doesn’t have much of a bulge (and yes, we’re going to hook him up with some ring power for his next shoot). The point is, however, that just by going to the low hanging side of the Okay-zone, he appears: taller, more carefree and less stuffy, and more sexual at the same time... ultimately, more likely to be a good lay. It’s weird how such a simple thing can make such a difference, but that’s the power of observation, knowledge, and sharing that knowledge.
If you are more of a conservative sort of boy and you really don’t want to draw copious attention to your groin (which on some level is exactly what a necktie does, more so the lower it hangs) then wear yours with the point right above the belt, with about a centimeter or a half-inch of gap between the tip of your neckcloth and the top of your belt. Never wear it hanging any higher, it just look silly; and yes, when your tie is too short it screams micro-penis. Even if you're not into seeing your ascot in a phallic way, the symbolism exists, and a lot of people will get a small D vibe from you if it's hanging poorly.
Final Thought
Ties are completely auxiliary, serving no real purpose accept an esthetic one. A very strong and compelling argument can be made that this staple of male attire essentially replaced the codpieces as a more subtle phallic symbol. More subtle and arguably more effective, because they point without covering while also breaking the barrier of the waistline, making the wearer appear taller, trimmer, and potentially more heroic. So, while serving no function… the purpose is to make men look pleasing, powerful, and potent. And that’s why we’re talking about how low to go with your necktie to begin with.
Obviously, male enhancement, in its purest sense is about the penis—making it bigger, making it harder. Our junk, sitting front and center between our legs, is clearly the manliest part of any man. At the same time though, our male factors are not limited to just our genitals. Our musculature, or beard and body-hair choices, and even the way we dress—pulling on our pants one leg at a time and wedging our sausage into the crotch compartment. All these male effects make us brothers, but also in the specifics of our individual handling, these esthetics make us unique. If we look at our clothing as plumage, to attract the sexual partners we most desire, to emote our intelligence and prowess so that we score the big promotion at work—when we think about what we wear and how we wear it in this way, then we begin to understand that male enhancement can be anything that makes us look, feel, and perform better as men. So, yes, getting your neckgear to hang right, so that you don’t look silly counts as male enhancement. And even though we’d rather run amok butt-naked all the time, showing off our gear perfected penises, this life doesn’t allow it. Sometimes a boy has got to strut his stuff in a suit and tie, and its best to boast the knowhow to do so right. That way you can be as upgraded with your clothes on, as with them off.

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