Do you know how to edge yourself? You should. Sometimes referred to as knowing how to edge cum or edge an orgasm, also called surfing, peaking, and jokingly even... how to half-jackoff, what we are talking about is the practice of masturbating and\or engaging in sexual motion right up to the point of no return (ponr), right up to the brink of ejaculation, but then backing off, slowing down, and building up again. It’s a cycle that can be executed as many times as you like, and a kind of sexual exercise that’s deceptively powerful.
Being here on, you are obviously all about building your most powerful penis and performing your best in bed. Well, having a good set of cock edging techniques is something of a secret weapon in this regard. As the title of this article implies, you can use male edging to grow your cock and increase orgasm intensity… orgasm control… even to experience the male multiple orgasm. This guide will teach you what it is and how it’s done properly, so that the next time a buddy asks, “Hey, man, do you know how to edge cum?” Your response will be a resounding “Hell yeah, I do!” We’ll also point you to all the best tools to go along with your edging exercises, and by the end you’ll be well on your way to becoming a bigger, better, longer lasting stud.
A Little History (and a List of Edging Benefits)
Did we say longer lasting? Of course we did. Helping guys with premature ejaculation is where male edging exercises found their start. So, if lasting longer is a concern (as it is for 70% of men) then you’re in the right place. But this is only the first of many benefits that will fall into your lap when you know how to edge yourself effectively. This type of male exercise is great for...
(Drum Roll...)
Increase Sexual Stamina, allowing a man to remain in the plateau phase of sexual excitement for longer rounds of active thrusting. This is the “feel good” zone of heightened excitement occurring before orgasm, characterised by increased circulation, stimulation, muscle tension, and elevated respiration.
Climax control. Being that women often take longer to climax than men... in heterosexual intercourse, having trained with cock edging techniques increases your chances of bringing your partner to orgasm. In gay intercourse this equates to giving your bottom-boy’s butt an extra long haul workout, perhaps enough so for him to cum hands-free as your are fucking him.
(Advanced) In combination to any Penis Enlargement Routine (Jelqing, Clamping, Penis Stretching, Ballooning, etc) the qualities induced are a perfect compliment toward speeding recovery and promoting amplified gains.
(Advanced) Learning how to have Multiple Male Orgasms typically begins with the experience of dry orgasms—at first weaker than your ordinary orgasm sensation but building as you keep at it—until, with practice, the male multiple orgasm is mastered, and even your dry ones become grunting, groaning, toe curling experiences.
Male Edging Guide (MEG):
How to Edge
The idea of stopping yourself the instant before you cum and turning this into a repeatable cycle seems simple enough, however, like most journeys worth taking, a map (in this case an edging guide) turns out to be pretty darn helpful, because, when it comes to getting this right, there’s a bit more than meets the eye. Also known as “peaking” and as the start-stop technique, in this in-depth guide we will teach you the phases of male arousal, because you need to know these in order to recognize your peaks (the point right before you cum) properly. We will point you to all the best gear for getting the job done, because runners don’t run barefoot and a mountain climber without the right gear may never reach the peak no matter how many times he start-stops (LOL, we like playing with all the various names for this training). Ultimately, we will walk you step by step through a full session, and finally we’ll talk a little about advanced topics like How to edge for hours (normal to advanced) and How to edge for days (super-advanced to extreme). Yes, there are guys who go two, three, four days stimulating themselves senseless across multiple sessions without allowing themselves to cum. We’ll talk about all that, and what the ups and downs of going to the extreme with this technique are. But right now, let’s get started with how it feels getting aroused and rising toward ejaculation...

Combine an amazing penis enhancer ring with this and all your male exercise routines, to take your benefits into the stratosphere. This gear automatically bestows its wearer with amazing orgasm control, so you can trust your peaking sessions will be unbelievable.
The Phases of Male Arousal
You have to know how horned-up you are, and how close you are to the point of no return (ponr) in order to fend yourself away. Sex is a cliff we guys run toward—ass-out and cock-up-naked. We take powerful strides (call them thrusts) until we go right over the edge. But what we must learn is how to skirt the lip of the cliff for a while… a long while perhaps… only allowing ourselves to fall over when we’re ready to fly.
Poetic metaphors aside, here are the phases of arousal.
Arousal Phase...
Stage 1A - Stimulation: Some stimuli, visual, auditory, tactile, raises the flag pole. I.E. an erection is formed, taking us from not aroused into being aroused.
Stage 1B - Stimulation, typically tactile, continues with the excitement level rising. The male becomes very aroused. The erection increases in hardness, likely throbs, may turn red or purple or some other shade with the increased blood flow.
Sexual Plateau \ Emission Phase
Stage 2A - Active thrusting or stroking or whichever format of stimulation is underway continues to build sexual tension. You may recognize this as a series of rising, flushed feelings; a quickening heart rate; increased respiration; etc. It is a climb within a climb. A ladder of crazy horniness when you are already horny (and already fucking).
Stage 2B - Extremely aroused now, and close to the PONR (Point of No Return) sperm makes its way from the testicles to mix with seminal fluids produced by various glands, to be readied at the back of the urethra for the imminent ejection.
The Sweet Spot (Pay attention this is important!)
2B into 3A - Right here, this spot, this is The Edge.
The edge of ejaculation… of orgasm… of coming… etc. The place where, having thrust right to the cliff’s drop-off, we are learning to “dance our fuck around a bit,” slow down, back off, and come at it again.
*Between any two moments there exists an infinite and uncountable array of other moments. This may be a bit geeky and philosophical, but it’s true and it absolutely applies to sex and male arousal.
*Between Extremely Aroused (2B) and The Point of No Return (3A), there is a universe of hot and sweaty, teeth grinding, toe curling micro-moments. How far you are able to ride the sex or stroking into stage 3 (I.E. right up against the impending ejaculation without shooting), is the difference between being a novice edge-player and a master. It comes down to knowhow and also what male gear you are using.
No matter how skilled you are, a well selected male enhancing cock ring can take a boy smack-splash right up against his coming ejaculation, deeper than can be accomplished unaided, and with a level of control in terms of being able to back away that he would never be able to manage without bio-mechanical assistance.
Point of No Return \ Ejaculatory Phase
Refractory Period
*It is outside the scope of this discussion, because this is playing beyond The Edge. But it’s worth mentioning that male multiple wet orgasms are possible. Certainly with the right gear and\or certain chemical\supplemental aids, some boys can barrel through 4A which is often very brief. And, if a man can keep or rekindle his erection, then sexual stimulation can take you back to stage 2 so your penis can run through the climb again. Recent example videos of our rings accomplishing this are seen with our Johnny Jolts Electro Rings and with our Spider Loaded Cock Ring.
The Best Gear To Get You There
Are you really going to climb a mountain with no gear? Okay, so falling off sex mountain isn’t like falling off Mount Rushmore… when you go splat you’re not going to get injured. You can just clean it up with Kleenex. So, okay, you can certainly practice with just your hands and your cock. But the efficiency of the training, the level of performance enhancement, and the degree of size gains… all this will be greatly amplified with the right gear.
A Hardwear Cock Ring… is basically essential.
Why? Because Hardwear rings are famed for producing an effect of automatic orgasm control, where a guy who on his own easily falls over the edge, needs to push himself over when he’s wearing the ring. In other words, this gear makes it easy to ride up against your orgasm, deeper and longer and without falling over. The rings accomplish this while producing harder, larger erections than your body could ever produce on its own, and while creating a heightened level of sexual arousal and feedback. Everything that’s great about edging is amplified under the powerful constriction of a Hardwear Ring.
Coach’s Recommendation: If you are new to these kinds of rings or if you are at the start of your edging journey, get one of the adjustable designs. These will allow the enhancing pressure to be adjusted on the fly. Several great choices include The Infinity Clamp (H70), The Erector Rope (H60), The Hardwear Industrial (H30), or The Wrangler.

World's Best Cock Rings
Get A Cock Ring—Super Charge Your Cock
Want your dick harder, stronger, thicker and longer—longer in length and long lasting when it’s time give the old bed springs a workout too? Improved orgasm control and mind-blowing ejaculation are a standard expectation with this gear, so just imagine what happens when you mix these cock edging techniques with a Hardwear cock ring.
A Sexxxtrainer Sex Simulator… for the real sex and the big O.
Yes, this is the sleek black cylinder you’ve seen all the guys fucking senseless in video demos here. It’s a device that accepts a Fleshlight\FleshJack or other artificial orifice at one end, and allows you to have real sex with it, with real sexual intensity, on a bed, on the floor, in a chair, standing up, and in every conceivable position.
Sure, you can learn with just the five finger stroke, but if you’re training to hit the most mind blowing orgasms of your life, which edging is famous for… the more your session emulates penetrative sex the more amazing those orgasm’s are going to be.
According to a study by Stuart Brody, professor of psychology at the University of Paisley in Scotland, the body releases 400% more of the “feels so good” hormone prolactin following sexual penetration than during masturbation. So, sex with a Sexxxtrainer will potentially feel 400% better than sex with your hand. Add to that, transitioning your edging skills from Sexxxtrainer sex to partner sex (the movement and feel of which are the same) will be much smoother than transitioning from hand only masturbation.

Best Male-Masturbators
The Sexxxtrainer Real Sex Simulator For Men
The SEXXXTRAINER, as the name implies, is the perfect tool that lets you practice and master every sex position, every thrusting style, and more.So realistic, it will fool your brain into believing your body is having real person-to-person sex, it’s the perfect tool for mastering your edges. Like a treadmill for a man’s sex-mojo, you’ve seen this awesome device featured in a host of our videos… and now you can train to be a sex stud too! |
MEG III: Okay Time To Edge
Before we get started you will want to find a quiet location where you can relax and focus. Your bedroom, perhaps? On the couch, assuming you’ve got the place to yourself? You’ll want to have lubricant handy, the gear you’ve selected, and a timer.
Step 1: Stimulate Your Penis
Put your favorite Hardwear Cock Ring on, or the one you’ve selected for this occasion. If you don’t have one yet, proceed right along to stroking your penis until you are hard. Beginners often find it easiest laying down with their eyes closed, hence the quiet location. You are going to focus all of your attention into your penis, experiencing every sensation fully as you move through the phases of arousal toward ejaculation.
Step 2: The Climb
With your cock hard now, let’s apply some lube. Now we are going to employ a stroking motion beginning down around the base of the penis and stroking forward toward the tip. Warning—LOL—as we are just starting out there are a few cock hotspots we want to avoid. The entire head of the penis is one of those spots, including the coronal ridge, and also the place on the underside of the head where the glans come together, known as the Penile Frenulum. The Frenulum is the most sensitive part of the penis, and the rest of the head is generally pretty darn sensitive too. We will come back to touching these parts, but let’s just take it slow for now. Continue stroking root to tip but avoiding interaction with the aforementioned hotspots.
Advanced Consideration: If you are employing the stop-start in actual sex with a partner or with a Sexxxtrainer device, you will obviously not be able to avoid interaction with the head of your penis. Go slow, breathing slowly, timing your breathing with your thrusts. Relax.
Step 3: Climb\Climb\Stop!
Pay attention to your body. Has your heartbeat quickened? Are you perspiring? Is your breathing more urgent and harder to keep slow and smooth? Pay attention to your cock. Is it getting harder in your hands (or in whatever orifice it’s sliding around inside of)? Now are you almost at the edging PONR (Point of No Return). If so… STOP!
If not keep stroking and keep paying attention. You want to learn how your body feels as it moves through the phases of arousal\ejaculation. If you’re new to this, don’t try to go too deep into phase 3A. If you’re new to this we recommend you STOP while you still have a good degree of control, safely on the 2B side of things.
Remember, between any two points, (2B) and (3A) included, there are a number of smaller moments. For our purposes we need to name and describe a few.
Hyper Aroused (2B++) Cock is throbbing, you are close to peak, emission phase is underway, your body is craving the release.
Coach’s Recommendation: For the first two weeks play it safe, stopping at the Extremely Aroused (2B) or the Super Aroused (2B+) level of arousal. Then once you’ve got a good sense of your responses, you can attempt to take it farther
Step 4: Back Away, Down a Few Levels
Having either stopped or slowed down dramatically (more advanced) you will let your arousal drop down a few levels. Your goal is to drop back to phase 2A or 1B. You would ideally like to remain fully hard and not need to rekindle your erection.
Inhale deeply and exhale slowly through your mouth. This is where you must take control of your cock, your sex drive. Feel everything. You are still paying close attention to your body. Is your breathing becoming more controlled. Is your heartbeat slowing? Is your cock pulsing less? Did it feel like a tidal wave of jizz just flowed back inside you, taking your orgasm with it? If yes to any of these, and especially the last one, you’re moving in the right direction.
Step 5: Climb, Climb Again
For beginners our goal is to implement this approach as many times as needed in 30 minutes. After which you may A) consider the session complete and B) allow yourself to ejaculate
If you stopped at any level before reaching “Mega Aroused (3A-)” our goal is to keep pushing deeper until we are able to get right up against the ejaculation and still stop. We can’t even describe to what extent a Hardwear Cock Ring can help with this… but it makes a world of difference. Also note, getting into this zone, Mega Aroused and right up against the ejaculation is the key to becoming multi-orgasmic as a male. With practice you can even tease over into the very beginning of your ejaculation and pinch it off with a kegel. But alas, this is the Ultimate Male Edging Guide… not the Ultimate Male Multiple Orgasm Guide… safe to say another article will be forthcoming.
MEG IV: Your Edging Schedule and Timing (AKA To Cum or Not To Cum)
Now you have a basic understanding of how this variety of male training works, and an understanding of why we sometimes call this the stop-start technique… obviously because we boys need to STOP ourselves before we ejaculate, back off, and START the climb again. As you progress you will also learn why we sometimes call it “peaking,” as we are seeking to experience again and again the peak of our sexual experience. You will find that learning to peak and peak again creates surges of pleasure, a wave like pattern which triggers the release of endorphins. And the longer you hold off the pop-shot the more intense those waves and the eventual next ejaculation will be.
At a basic level executing these techniques for 30 minutes, three or four times a week will be sufficient to improve your staying power and climax control, improve blood flow, promote somewhat stronger erections, and encourage better recovery in your Penis Enlargement routines. Now, with all that said, 30 minute sessions is just the tip of the iceberg for an edging schedule and possible timelines. There are guys who know how to edge for hours, even how to edge for days. And if taking it into the advanced realms is of interest to you here is how its done.
In the scope of hours it’s pretty easy, just keep on with the stop-start methodology beyond thirty minutes. Let’s say you go for an hour or even two hours… if you cum at the end of that session, the session ended. However, if you don’t cum at the end and you have another session later in the day, that is considered “bridged” edging, and it’s like the first session never ended, but was instead continued later. This is how you can peak across days. Beginners who want to move toward more advanced patterns with this can “bridge” thirty minute sessions in the same day at first. Then, you can take each individual session up to forty-five minutes, then an hour. As long as you don’t ejaculate at the end, the session is considered paused and not completed. And yes, your body will be building up massive cum and massive orgasm energy for the eventual eruption. You will be hornier each time you resume the session.
Is there a point of diminishing returns? Potentially, there always is, but you can play with the particulars, as where that point resides is a matter of individual response. Certainly edging for hours is intense and rewarding for most men, and edging for days is a little more of an exotic or extreme implementation, but trying it out is the only way to know how your body will respond.
Final Thought
In conclusion, you now know a way to turn one of your favorite pastimes (masturbation) into an awesome and rewarding format of penis exercise with real benefits to your male sexual fitness. There are many such approaches, and we’ll be happy to share them all with you, so check out all our articles, and when you really want to crank up your gains across every level of sexual performance, couple this approach with some fantastic gear.
With this training under your belt, you will be ready to shuttle what you’ve learned in solo sessions into amazing sex with your lover. And you’ll also be ready for deeper explorations in male orgasm control, turning your peaking sessions into multiple dry orgasms before the splash for example… even ready to begin study in attempting to overcome the Refractory phase and accomplish true wet multiple male orgasms.
It’s your dick why not enjoy it fully, dazzle your lovers, and get the most out of it.

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The secret to having a super sized load is no longer a secret. Now, utilzing the 4 E approach, men can increase their semen production, ramp up their male sex drive, and enjoy the biggest ejaculations of their lives.

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Can pumping out a round of pushups daily , help you pump it like a porn star in bed? You bet it can. If you’ve never noticed how many sex positions find a guy in the pushup stance, it’s time to take notice. Take charge. And Take the Pushup Challenge.

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Advanced Pelvic Thrusting Master Class DVD
Let’s say you’ve got the hang of lasting in the sack, but do you know how to move your ass in bed and make the experience memorable? In this DVD your favorite male enhancement coaches will show you how to churn out super skilled thrusts so that you can learn to be an awesome fucker. Learn to hump stronger. Don’t just satisfy your partner, blow her mind.