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Boner Meaning

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The term boner (sometimes considered vulgar) most often refers to the erect penis, in other words a man or boy’s erection. The word describes a hard dick as opposed to a soft one. And is often (but not always) used more specifically, to describe an erection that has sprang to life in a guy’s slacks, jeans, shorts, underwear, etc., and forms a visible bulge. This particular terminology is usually first encountered by young men in their junior\senior high school years, i.e., in the height of puberty, when unexpected erections are quite common, and obviously continues to see use into later years.

Synonyms: Erection; hard dick; hard cock; hard-on; raging one-eyed monster; pipe (as in, laying down the pipe); wood (as in, “I get wood every time I see her hot little ass”)


Wrestling Boner Alert: Wrestling and other contact sports are notorious for the fact that guys frequently get hard to some extent while rolling around with each other. Often embarrassing at first, many guys end up finding this unexpected side effect of the game to be an unspoken joy, and a physical representation of male aggressive energy. Indeed, many guys learn, especially later in life, that they want to fill out the front of their singlet, slacks, jeans, etc… with an eye-catching bulge. Hardwear gear and products are perfect to give you the shower size you’re after. Raging boner alert! This amazing weighted cock ring is great for getting guys rock hard wood of unmatched size. And the 3\4 LBS load weight rides behind a guys balls and against his taint, stimulating an increase in size, precum, and semen production.
Talk about a big one… it’s easy to see how this weighted ring is supersizing Marcus’ junk. And look how the weight rides behind his balls and massages his taint. This gear feels amazing while it powers your erections and grows your dick!
On The Cover: Wrestling is among the most common sports where men report getting unexpected wood. Specializing in male enhancement, our focus is helping guys show more not less. Our gear and supplements can make a man so well-hung that his soft dick will look like he’s hard in certain clothes. Then if anybody sees your cock, you can just say, “No, I’m not hard, I’m just hung like that.”

Dicktionary Meaning:

    vulgar slang
    a man’s erect penis, i.e, the stiffening of the male genital component as it becomes engorged with blood and ready for sexual penetration.
    "have you heard about Hardwear male enhancing rings? They make it so much easier for a guy to get and keep his boner"
    Also, usually vulgar slang
    a person or thing that bones; where the act of boning refers to sexual intercourse, i.e., fucking; where the hard penis is the primary anatomical tool employed in the making of sexual intercourse.
    "with that new cock ring on, damn, Joel was a real pro boner… tore my ass up… I ejaculated all over myself, hands-free, while he was boning me"
    a blunder or idiotic mistake:
    "did you see what that fool, Chris, did? He pulled a major boner in the meeting"
    accident · mistake · error · blunder · fault · gaffe · slipup

Word Useage & Understanding

No we are not going to teach you how to use yours in this section (laugh). We do that elsewhere, all over the site. Here, we are going to show you how to use the word in a sentence...

Usage (in clothes):

“Oh man, I popped such a big boner in Mrs. Giancarlo’s class today. She had on this skirt, was sick, made a bulge in my jeans so big it was like a teepee. When third period was over, I had to walk with my bookbag over my crotch so nobody would see.”

Usage (naked):

“I got a raging boner at the gym this morning. After my workout I was minding my business, taking a shower, and boom, it was just there. Hard and high and aimed for the sky. It wouldn’t go away, even at the lockers, with me trying to get dressed. I couldn’t put on my pants ‘cause it was like I needed a third leg-hole to wedge my dick in.”

What we can infer from these usage examples, is that the term is often (but not always) applied to a somewhat unexpected erection. Human males have several (anywhere from 3 to 10, with some teenagers reporting as many as 20) spontaneous erections throughout the day\night, either prompted by visual, tactile, or mental stimuli, also often due to the body’s natural rhythms with no stimuli at all. These instances of penile hardness are the ones most often regarded as Bon·ers (plural). Not that a more planned erection, one that you stroked up for example, couldn’t also be tagged as such. The occurrence of spontaneous erections in a guy’s day-to-day life is associated with youth and sexual health. Indeed, getting hard out of the blue may occasionally lead to some embarrassment, but a guy can handle that. The alternative of having a lazy dick and struggling to get hard is far more problematic for men. The fact that spontaneous erections are occasionally embarrassing, and can result in: “oh shit, I got hard by mistake, and everybody saw me bulging” moments, is the reason the term can also be applied outside of the male sexual anatomy to describe an accident, blunder, or mess-up. However, as experts in male enhancement, your buddies here at allknight.com can assure you that your Bon·ers, even the unexpected ones, are a blessing and never a curse.

Bon·er Concerns:

One of the many concerns young men have about spontaneous erections, is that they often happen during male\male physical sports such as wrestling. Yes, young men both straight and gay very commonly get hard during wrestling matches... in other words they get wrestling boners. The combination of physical exertion, and physical\tactile contact with a little aggression tossed in, forms a perfect storm of conditions in a virile male, to make the magic happen (laugh). The magic being an unexpected hard-on.

These man-bulges have no bearing on the sexuality of the men in question. Let’s face it, if climbing a rope in gym class has a tendency to get guys hard, you think two sweaty bodies rolling around on the mat, groaning and straining for supremacy, is not going to have that same tendency? Of course, it does. Friction is friction. Activities that look or feel like sexual postures and poses in some way, will often have the ability to arouse. This is perfectly normal, so normal in fact that many wrestling coaches give their wrestlers instructions on the topic—if you pop a bone, don’t worry about it (and don't mess up the match), just keep going. This is very good advice, not just for your wrestling matches, but in general with regard to unexpected public bulges.

Related Words and Searches:

Like all penis related words this one can be modified in a host of ways, there are big ones, small ones, veiny monster versions, throbbing and pulsing versions with precum dangling from the tip, and so on. Obviously, there are Bon·ers of every race and nationality… American, African, British, Australian, Black, White, Latino, Native American, Asian, French, Jewish, and the list goes on and on. Indeed, there are cut and uncut ones, i.e., circumcised and uncircumcised. North pointing ones, left curving ones, and on to infinity and beyond.

Morning wood is just another way of describing a raging boner in the morning, and what a good morning it will be once you discover OptiMale TNT XL. Worried about your penis size and getting hard? OptiMale TNT XL is used by men all over the world to increase cock hardness, size, staying power and even to pack on lean muscle mass. So start feeding your beast with the right male sexual supplements today.

Want a morning bone like this? The ultimate male enhancement formula is fantastic for harder erections, increased penis size, ramped up testosterone levels and even bigger muscles. And you'll wake up happy and horny and hard as hell too! Click to learn all about it...

Q&A: How to get a raging boner when you want one?

In the scheme of life, this is the much bigger question that men have. Erections tend to require more work the older we get, but even in our twenties many men find themselves either not able to become as hard as they would like, or not able to stay hard for as long as they would like, with these “plumbing problems” intensifying as guys move into their thirties and forties, often resulting in a complete inability to have an erection.

This—impotence—is a nightmare for a man. The penis is unquestionably the driving tool in the sex act. That is, the hard penis. A soft one, even a very sexy soft one, can’t do the ultimate job that is required. It takes a hard bone to get the boning done. And for a hundred embarrassing episodes where a guy might find himself popping a bone in his trousers (or out of them), in a setting where it might be a little out of place, just a single instance of impotence, of not being able to get your bone rock hard when you want to have sex, will easily be more embarrassing and more impactful to a man’s core sense of wellness, sexual confidence, and masculine power.

Lucky for you, this entire site is dedicated to male enhancement with erection enhancement being a major focus. It’s beyond the scope of this write-up to really go into all the ways a boy can strengthen his bone. Indeed, this was just a dictionary page, and we feel fairly certain, that we’ve taught you what a boner is (laugh). But if you want to experience the hardest hard-on of your life, that stays hard and lasts as long as you want, you’ll want to try a HARDWEAR Cock Ring immediately. Whether you have ED (erectile dysfunction) or you get hard at the drop of a dime, HARDWEAR erection rings produce harder and larger wood on a man than his body can produce on its own under any circumstance. So, when it comes to being ready for action between the sheets, nothing does it better. Experience it for yourself.

Q&A: How to get rid of a boner that pops up at an inopportune time?

As we’ve discussed, every guy wants his dick to get happy, but when it gets too happy spontaneously, perhaps right before he is about to get up in front of a big crowd and give a presentation, then it can be a little embarrassing. A popular question that’s always circulating is what should a guy do in situations like this, and of course, we have some male wisdom for you.

Answer 1: In clothes just ignore it.

Getting hard is a natural and wonderful part of life. Sure, it can happen at times when you would rather not, but let’s ask a few questions. How big is your bone really? Are you sure that the world can see it through your pants as well as you think? Depends on the pants of course. Depends on the size and angle of your erection. Depends even on the lighting around you, and the color and texture of your pants. And honestly, it isn’t that important? What you should do, is attempt to angle your trouser snake so that it goes straight down your leg and move on. Don’t worry about it, the raging beast in your pants will go away in a little while. If anyone sees it, there will be two possibilities A) you are having an erection, and B) your soft dick is just that big that it looks like an erection (don’t think that there aren’t guys out there, whose limp noodles are as big as your hard wood, because there are. We’ve helped tons of guys build their cocks so big, that even soft they are huge). If you are caught in a situation where your cock is showier than you would have wanted, just play it off like you aren’t actually hard, but just huge and proud of your hugeness.

Answer 2: If your dick is naked…

So, it’s a locker room setting, a public shower, or maybe a nude beach or community. Again, guys get hard sometimes. If it’s a nudist community of any kind don’t sweat it, just strut your bone proudly. Now in a public shower… the other boys might razz you; they might suggest that you were looking at one of the other guys when your dick caught wood. If you are gay and publicly out, you can choose to either have fun and play with this, or to suggest that there’s no one hot enough to make you pop a boner. If you’re straight, and the guys are razzing you in this same fashion, you can always come back with no I was thinking about your mom (always works if you’re a teenager) or your wife (works if you’re an adult). Sure, it’s silly and childish, but childish is as childish does – LOL.

Awesome Hardwear invisible cock ring technology powers this huge erection and dripping precum display. The ring is virtually invisible but this huge black boner can’t be missed. Photo Subject: big black dick, cock drooling oozing pre-ejaculate.

Answer 3: Work Around It…

If you feel your cock getting hard in a shower setting, switch the water from hot to cold and try to chill that bad boy down. This will usually work.

If this happens to you a lot, keep a towel with you, slung over your shoulder wherever you go in the locker area or showers, and this way you can cover up as needed.

And again, you can always just let the high hard one swing about until it goes away. The body works how it works, and the bottom line is this: popping a bone can happen with bad timing but IS NEVER a bad thing. Trust us, if the wood comes easy, you don’t want to find yourself struggling for it (and many men do struggle). Erections throughout the day show off the health and functionality of your penis. It’s really nothing to be ashamed of. So, if somebody sees your cock through your pants—so what?—let ‘em have an eyeful. Men have cocks, that’s how we’re made.

Answer 4: Preventative - Masturbate in advance…

If you find yourself often getting wood before presentations, or in the locker room, or wherever it is that you feel inconvenienced with a steel pipe swinging between your legs (laugh); then you basically have the opposite of stage fright, what we might call stage wood. If you don’t like showing a bulge, keeping in mind that some guys love to let it show—but if you don’t, you can plan accordingly. Masturbate in advance of going on stage (whatever kind of stage it may be). Jerk off, shoot your wad, and relieve yourself of the sexual energy your eager erection might charge itself up with. Then the one-eyed monster should stay deflated through whatever activity it is that you need to be so professional and non-erected for (laugh).

Final Thought

Like many other natural resources, a nice hard bone is a terrible thing to waste. Sure, every now and then your penis might rise up at an inappropriate moment and give you a little rush of embarrassment. But really, what are you embarrassed about? That nature works the way it works? Did it happen while you were wrestling with a buddy, guess what he probably popped wood too. 70% of guys experience some degree of chub during contact sports. Was it in the shower? Keep a towel handy if it bothers you, or just strut it proudly. At the end of the day, if your cock is healthy and gets heated up easily, that’s a blessing. It may not always be that way. In fact, your speed to hardness will almost certainly get slower as you get older. The more important concern for men, is that when your sword isn’t getting lifted when you need it to, you get yourself the gear and supplements that will train and condition it to be as big, hard, and potent as it deserves to be.


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