Having a Huge Mushroom Cock Head is always at the top of the list when it comes to which penis shape men would most like to possess. Guys want big glans with a large and defined coronal ridge. No guy ever says, “I wish the head on my junk was smaller… more narrow.” This just doesn’t happen, not when the attributes associated with being big-headed are almost universally seen as uber mascuine and sexy. On the contrary we have many trainees approach our performance coaches who feel their manhood is lacking in this department, suffering from small glans and a weak coronal ridge; and even as they are asking if there is something guys can do to enhance this, they tend to believe there is little that can be done about what is probably just the unfortunate way their genitalia is shaped. But actually, there is plenty to be done. The good news we are always happy to share is that YOU CAN BUILD A BETTER DICK HEAD. Indeed, there are many more ways to fix a weak penile corona than a weak chin (although a nicely squared beard is a pretty good start if you weren't born with superman’s chin - laugh).
Good News:
Every Penis Is a Mushroom
While there are many different male organ shapes and as many varieties of cock noggin (AKA glans penis), they are all “shroomy” on some level. Even if the effect is subtle and even if your head is small, the form factor holds true. Indeed, there are a number of indicators that the “shroomy” or helmet head truly is the shape that reflects mother nature’s intent for the male apparatus, which is excellent news for men looking to enhance this aspect of their junk. This means that aiming for better head size and a more pronounced ridge isn’t a matter of moving against the genetic grain but with it.
On The Cover: Is it the big head or the little head that’s in charge? With a giant-sized mushroom head cock like this who can say. This awesome HARDWEAR enhanced stud (he’s wearing the Infinity Clamp H70) boasts the quintessential “big glans” guys are after... dome-like and rock hard with a massive coronal ridge.
Just as the noggin that sits between your shoulders is unique to you but still carries the recognizable characteristics of a functional human head (separation from your shoulders, being larger than the neck it swivels on, two eyes, two ears, etc); the head of the male reproductive organ also conveys characteristics that reflect functional qualities that are universal. Every man, for example, has an opening at the tip (the urethral opening, AKA the mouth of the male organ) in order to urinate and ejaculate. Every man also has glans, the format of which is basically mushroom-like. We’ll discuss the evolutionary purpose of the “shroomy” phallus and the coronal ridge shortly, but for now suffice to say that certain functions of the phallic head are greatly improved by having expansion out from the body of the organ and as such we submit that every penis, with conditioning, can move toward nature's intent becoming more big-headed tomorrow than it is today.
The dicks seen here are HARD... +100% ROCK HARD! This is an important detail and a clue as to what it takes to build bigger head size.
From Root To Tip, The Penis Is Powered By Blood Flow
Obviously, some guys have bigger dicks than others... and certainly some dudes have bigger dick heads. That said, in the same way that every man can condition, exercise, and train his organ to be its harder, larger personal best… every man can also train their way to laying down a bigger bang with a more atomic mushroom head. What many men take to be a lackluster phallic shape is actually weak blood flow that is unable to fill out the male organ from end to end. And there are ways to fix this. At the top of the list, HARDWEAR rings (as seen on the cover and everywhere) are a phenomenal weapon in the battle for super-sized head-space (and for that matter everything else "big D" related.
Pro Tip: Want A Big Head?
As mentioned, the jaw-dropping (or is it jaw-stretching) junk showcased on this page is rigid as hell… totally erect… hard enough to hammer train spikes into asphalt. There’s nothing slouchy about these boners, and if you want to sport your own big, bad, jaw stretching mushroom head, you can’t have a slouchy hard-on either. If you’re not all the way hard your glans will not be at the fullest, and your head is not going to pop.
HERE IS THE NEWS FLASH MEN: Achieving an erection hard enough for sex does NOT mean you are reaching your full erection potential. HARDWEAR RINGS DELIVER SUPER HIGH-PRESSURE ENHANCEMENT, NOT ONLY MAXING OUT A MAN’S POTENTIAL BUT BLASTING HIM BEYOND IT.
On The Spot: For the man who wears his HARDWEAR for sex and masturbation, you can instantly discover how big and hard you erections are meant to be. In other words, you can be harder and larger from root to tip (and a bigger bone equals a bigger head) tonight. And with experience you and your lover(s) will learn the ways of your supercharged enhanced manhood more each time.
Long Term: Every time you enjoy a “HARDWEAR HARD” super engorged erection it’s an amazing workout for your penis—a workout that conditions the organ for better performance, better erections, staying power, and even size increase over time. From instant mechanical advantage and improvement to permanent penis fitness gains… HARDWEAR has you covered.
*When it comes to constriction (AKA enhancement based on mechanical blood flow control), high pressure male enhancing rings are always the go-to—the first thing our coaches will suggest. When a trainee tells us his organ is wimpy at the tip, our very first thought is… Okay, but is his hard-on really hard from end to end? HARDWEAR is the perfect way to answer that question. Many small head woes (and other circulation issues) can be corrected with an awesome male enhancing ring.
Evolutionary History:
Why Penis are Mushroom Shaped?
Fixing a weak penile crown begins with recognizing that all dicks are somewhat mushroom shaped (even if not strongly so). With this recognition we can look for ways to enhance the hidden big-headedness of our organs. While we’re at it, understanding why the mushroom shape is prevalent to begin with is certainly a fascinating bit of evolutionary history that scientists have lately uncovered. It may surprise you to learn that research time and money have actually been funneled into answering the question of why men’s cocks are mushrooms. Indeed, just the fact that this question has been seriously and professionally studied communicates the general truism that the shape in question is ultimately the de facto. So, what answer has science arrived at? We can tell you, it is unlikely to be one you could have guessed.
Studies involving fake vaginas and a host of dildos with different shaped heads (even duplicate dildos, some with a bulbous mushroom head and coronal ridge, others filed down so the head was smaller and more narrow—ouch… thank God no real penises were injured) were able to clearly and repeatedly demonstrate the sexual advantage a big mushroom head gave our ancestors, which undoubtedly led to the trait sticking to our genetics. In times gone by, when our ancestors were just coming out of the trees and mass-mating was the norm instead of pairing, the mushroom shape of the male organ gave a tremendous competitive advantage in terms of successful reproduction.
How so? you ask. Well, if a female has just had sex with one or more partners and you enter the scene to have sex with her next (a thing that happened often in our distant ancestry), assuming your junk has a strong mushroom shape, the organ will actually and effectively behave like a combination plunger and spoon, scooping out the competing semen with every thrust. As you are pumping away, building toward your own climax, you will also be displacing the DNA of your competitors, shoveling it out of the vaginal channel and out of the impregnating game.
Check this out… Max is powering his big headed monster with a Power Grip Shaft Ring. Any questions about how effective this big dipper would be, diving deep into the nearest vaginal well, and then, on recoil, scooping out any competitor’s semen? Gang bangs are the stuff of porn these days, not our standard mating practice, and yet it’s easy to visualize and understand how the oversized mushroom glans with distinct corona gave our ancestors a clear advantage in terms of excavating the opposition's cum.
Big glans need big blood flow to power them when present, and to train them when you want to transform a wimpy head into a bigger, badder specimen. Hardwear specializes in
High Pressure Male Enhancing Rings for all a growing boy’s needs.
Woah, mind blown, right? And while we wouldn’t have guessed it, now that science spelled it out it’s actually easy to see. A head bigger than the phallic body produces a huge coronal ridge, like an umbrella. And if you dip a rigid umbrella into a pool of liquid and hoist it out again, it will pull plenty of that fluid out on exit.
So, in the game of projecting our DNA into the future, a man with a powerful coronal ridge and big head will have a higher likelihood of eliminating his sexual competition even when they have already achieved ejaculation inside a potential mate. If said big-headed dude is close on the heels of his competitors fuck with some rock hard thrusting of his own, he can effectively boot thier little soldiers out as he deploys his load.
How effective did this prove to be? Extremely effective. The research showed that the mushroom head was able to displace as much as 91%, leaving only 9% of a competitor’s DNA to compete with the newcomer's (or is it new cumer's) full load. And if the next guy, hot on his heels, had a narrow head with no ridge, he would only be able to displace 35% (or less) of the load left behind. All this equals good news for big mushrooms and bad news for the less shroomy. Clearly, when the goal is to plant your seed and it only takes one sperm to impregnate, leaving behind 65% of some other guy’s load in the baby making tunel does not prop the odds nearly enough. In a setting where mass mating is the norm this obviously gave a major advantage to mushroom cocks. And indeed, we submit that the reason essentially every human penis today is some variation of the mushroom shape, is that over time this advantage drove other shapes out of the gene pool. If you think there is a ton of penile diversity now, chances are there were many, many more phallic possibilities that did not make it to the world of today.
The good news then for the modern man is that we all carry the mushroom shape to some degree. Just as all human males have big dicks—not compared to each other but—compared to other primates (apes, monkeys, etc); all human males also have mushroom heads on some level, even if your own is small and less impressive than you would like. As such, we aren’t fighting against the shape we landed with, we’re just using penis enlargement and erection enhancement techniques to wake, build, and unleash a bigger, badder, more bulbous version of ourselves.
Sex With A Big Dick Head:
Does it Feel Better?
Unlike our ancestors you probably aren’t having melee style group sex where you’ll benefit from a head that can shovel out buckets of competing sperm to make way for your own. Even if you are whipping it out for orgies left and right, do you really care about getting your orgy fuck buddies pregnant? If anything you a probably rubbering-up to keep you seed from getting planted. Nature sees reproduction as the absolute most important aspect of sex and possibly the entire reason for human existence (at the very least a crucial concern for continuing that existence). Humananoid mammals date back roughly 6 million years, with Homo sapiens (our specific ancesteral line) having been on earth for roughly 300,000 years, and through sexual selection and survival of the fittest and all that, if having a big shroomy cock noggin played a role in determining which genetic lines got carried forward, then Mother Nature surely felt this was very important. But today, for our purposes, shoveling out competitor sperm is not at all important.
Today’s man is all about performance and about laying it down right, so the sex feels amazing and his partners are super satisfied… and along the way he'd like to satisfy himself in the process. So, does the bigness of your tip come with any modern advantages? Does your girl wish your little soldier's helmet was bigger? Does your boyfriend wish you were plowing his ass with a more herculean head between your legs?
The Big Knob—what’s it really good for? Answer: It's good for a lot...
Ultimately girth feels good, whether that girth is in the head of your male anatomy or in the shaft, thick members tickle, twitch, and grind more nerve endings. Sex is a game of friction and a big head will certainly produce more friction than a small one. On this point there really is no question or debate.
The strong coronal ridge that was great for scooping out competing sperm in a prehistoric setting, is visibly and obviously great for scraping the nerve-laden walls of whichever pleasure hole you are skinny dipping in. Think about this. Veiny cocks generate more stimulation than smoother members. Condoms with ridges and texture generate more stimulation than purely sleek ones. Now look at the big-ass lip on these helmet-headed cocks. The duh! moment is sure to surface. Clearly a big knob with a pronounced ridge can whip up a storm of sexual stimulation.
And not only great for grinding orgasms out of yoru partner, that powerful ridge feels good to its owner too. The frenulum, the patch of skin where the glans meet on the underside of the penis is the most sensitive area for most men. But the glans and the coronal ridge tend to be a close second. The bigger the ridge the more area to stimulate during sex and masturbation. When your ridge is flared out you feel it and it feels amazing.
While a thick base is never going to be thrown out of anyone’s bed, it’s a very desirable feature in its own right. A big knob can be more versatile in that (on a long member) it can probe and reach the depths of the vagina or anus, and at the same time, with controlled shallow thrusting it can be aimed to pleasure the g-spot (female or male), the sphincter, and other hot buttons.
The ego boost: As with all size advantages (knob, shaft, or whole cock) it can be a tremendous confidence booster to the male in possession of said hefty organ. Large powerful looking knobs are highly desirable, and beyond the esthetic we’ve learned that this kind of endowment is also amazingly good at the old sex game. Knowing all this, it’s easy to see why guys with swollen heads between their legs might get a swollen head atop their shoulders (laugh).
What's The Ideal Glans to Shaft Ratio?
Uhm, really, we wouldn’t say there is an ideal. In a perfect world your junk will be thick in the trunk (better than average) and it will be thicker still in the head, wide enough to produce a ridge. This is the look often considered the “hottest,” and this geometry of male meat will bring some bonuses for banging it home come boner time.
Remember, though, size alone (neither knob nor shaft) can make you a great lover on its own. It does, however, lend you some advantages over having less size. This is true when we talk about the male genitalia as a whole and true again when we talk about your glans in specific. In the sex game, where friction is king, being girthy is a definite plus and being “skinny” in the true sense of having less girth than average tends to bring certain challenges.
If you do have a skinny penis, being fat at the tip can certainly help out. Sometimes called a hammerhead, this formation can indeed improve a skinny man’s batting average (laugh). Hammerheads (thin knobby dongs) sometimes get a bad reputation for producing an uneven experience where all the size is at the tip, but this is preferable to being thin from end to end. And a skilled lover can work an extreme hammer to great effect, where a lesser stud will tend to waste the potential of his juicy knob by not aiming it right. Indeed, a skilled lover can work any kind of dick… so while we’re aiming for bigger… we should also aim for greater skill and more knowhow. Ultimately, your ratio of knowing how to fuck (yes we said it) is the most important ratio of all.
Final Thought:
On Being A Big-Headed Astronaut
Firstly, before any man accepts that the shape of his small penile head is a genetic trait he’s stuck with, he should look at circulation. It’s been our finding that poor blood flow is the biggest culprit for men whose genitals seem unable to maximally fill out the head. Many seemingly small knobs are actually not getting fully erected. The hard-on may appear full and rigid in the body of the genitalia but basically softens at the head as the pressure fails to fill it competely. With this knowledge we’ve helped thousands of men be more happy with the head between their legs.
The desire for big glans has a number of obvious benefits in modern sex and even a not-so-obvious reproductive advantage that was all the rage for our ancestors. As mentioned early on, having a large knob is a desirable look—one that’s favored in porn, and one that tends to give the male anatomy a certain heroic flare—especially if the organ has nice thickness overall and them expands even more at the tip. And who doesn't want thier junk to look heroic? Not limited only to erections, and never to be ignored in the locker room, big-headed softies get their fair share of attention in public nude settings too. Ultimately the bellended or mushroom form factor is what society pictures as the male organ’s classic form, and the more pronounced this shape is the more exciting the visual tends to be (not like a ten-inch dick with a small tip won’t get oohs and ahhs… it will). But at all ranges of endowment, small, medium, and huge... the ratio of glans-size to shaft-size is a sure eye-catcher—
“Dude, your knob is awesome. It’s like a freakin’ baby’s fist… a big-ass angry baby.” One of our trainees reported getting this comment six weeks into his enhancement routine with us. It happened as he was stepping out of the shower at his local gym, where the cold air had given him a semi.
—The fact is penises have and convey personality, like faces, like physiques, like all our anatomical attributes. And a sexy bell-end, while not a must-have for awesome sex, is always a nice-to-have in just about every seting.

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