Do you have a skinny dick or just a skinny looking dick?There is a difference for sure, and making this distinction is the first thing a man needs to do in order to begin his journey toward a thicker cock. In what are considered to be the most up to date current penis size examinations (as of 2015), with measurements taken by healthcare professionals as opposed to self-reported measurements, the average erect male penis girth was determined to be between 4.6 inches around and 5 inches around. So, if your junk is girthier AKA fatter than 4.6 inches around then you don't have a clinically thin penis.
Confirming that you are within the average zone in terms of erect circumference does not mean you do not have skinny dick problems or concerns. It simply informs the most logical approaches to handle those problems.
Male Acceptance Vs. Male Enhancement
Too often, a man’s concerns with regard to genital size will be disregarded by pigeonholing him into a category of “average.” He will be told to simply accept his size. He will be told “don’t worry about it you are average,” in the interest of making him feel better. And yet this does not address the underlying issues he was having, or the fact that male enhancement gear and technologies, better sexual techniques, and excellent male supplements are all readily available to bring real male improvement rather than just male acceptance. It doesn’t make sense to accept (or ignore) a problem when you can actually do something to fix it?
Joe was a little embarrassed comparing perckers with his coaches. But his size problems are over now that we’re hooking him up with the right gear and training. Learn about...
Sexual problems are often a dynamic born of the intersection between two or more individuals. If, in the relationship you are in, or in relationships you have had, there has been a sense of not being able to fill your partner or produce a satisfactory amount of friction in sex to bring your partner to climax and\or yourself to climax and\or enough friction to fully enjoy the act, then there is a problem and certainly room for improvement.
Yes, it is relevant for a man to know if his perceived thin willy is statistically thin (below 4.6 inches around) or if it is actually inside the norm, or perhaps even he has a statistically thick one (at over 5 inches around). And yet, if a guy has a perception that his performance feels thin, that the friction produced is not sufficient and satisfactory, then there is room for “real” improvement.
Does Penis Girth Really Matter?
The answer is YES, obviously. How thick a man’s organ is, is entirely relevant to his and his partner’s sexual experience, an experience that is all about friction. And length is quite important too. Lets ask ourselves, looking at the photo of the three men comparing peckers, if we really believe the experience of sex with Joe (the small guy, one of our trainees) will be the same as sex with Tae or John, his coaches. Volumetrically their man-poles have twice or more the volume of his, so how could the experience from the giving side or the receiving side possibly be the same?
That was the obvious answer. The more elusive answer is another question. Does it matter to who? Size does absolutely make a difference in sex, its silly to think that a 5” x 3” erection will feel the same as a 7” x 6”. How successful you can be with a slender member is an intersection of your own satisfaction or dissatisfaction and that of your partners. Yes it matters, but it does not matter the same to every woman (or man) you will have sex.
As the person delivering the sex, laying down the pipe… for many men thickness makes a tremendous difference in thier level of confidence even with regard to approaching potential partners, and with regard to the moment of thier cock reveal. The fact that you are here on, tells us that you are the kind of guy who would rather face a problem and fix it instead of pretending it doesn’t exist. So let’s get to it...
Three Types of Pencil Dicks
While pencils are useful writing implements, and your cock is surely a useful… uhm, sexing instrument... having your junk likened to a pencil is never much of an ego booster. The comparison is almost universally invoked to describe thin male organs, and yet we can use this term to understand exactly what kind of thin-endowment we are dealing with.
Physical Pencil Dick - Type A
If you fall on the statistically skinny side, with less than 4.6” girth, then this is the “physical” type. Obviously the smaller the circumference the more of a deviation away from average male thickness there is. 4.5” being the first measurement just below the line, but still so close that there isn’t much difference at all. Compared to a more dramatic disparity at 4.0” and 3.5” and so on.
Visual Pencil Dick - Type B
If your junk has a circumference of 4.6” or greater this is average thickness. However the length of a man's organ will definitely impact it’s visual thickness. A male organ at 5” - 6” inches long and 4.75” circumference will look fairly balanced, however a 7” or 8” length with that same circumference will create a long skinny look. This is the “visual” variety. Girth is normal but compared to the length which may be on the larger side, the overall look is thin. Nobody ever wishes they had a shorter one, but many men in this category seek to fatten up their cocks to bring a more balanced all around herculean look, so they can have cocks that are thick as well as long.
Performance Pencil Dick - Type C
Finally and most importantly, regardless of girth, if you have the perception of thin cock performance during sex, not generating enough friction, etc, this is the “performance” pencil D. Girth in this case is often average and may even be above average, but the sexual sensations generated are disappointing.
Ultimately, if you are having skinny cock problems you can either be thin, look thin, or perform thin. And certainly you can be all of these at the same time, and any combination. A guy can easily be a Type B (visually thin) and Type C (having performance\friction problems) together. And while it is so common that it is almost expected to find Type A (physically thin) and Type C (having performance\friction problems) occurring together, it is worth mentioning that there are guys with physically skinny weiners not experiencing what they would call performance issues. As mentioned earlier, sexual problems are often an intersection of two or more persons. If a guy with a very slender male organ finds the right partner, the problem may not manifest as a problem.

Adding inches to your girth has never been easier than with the Hardwear Penis Jelqing Rings. The awesome high-pressure rings that can auto “jelq”, auto “clamp”, and take all your manual male pressure exercises (and your size gains) to new levels. Click to learn more...
How to Increase Girth ?
Well, It's Pressure That Makes a Thick Cock Thick to begin with.
#1 - Be Instantly Thicker with a HARDWEAR Cock Ring
Do you know what makes a man’s junk thick? Aside from lucky genetics, every boy’s twinkie becomes thicker in erection than when it is soft. Obviously, blood flow is what powers an erection, but to be specific it is the internal pressure caused by blood trapped in the tissues of a man’s erection, the corpus cavernosa, that causes the organ to lengthen, thicken, and harden. News Flash—however thick your erection is under its own power, it can be instantly thicker and harder with the assistance of high pressure cock rings and workout rings. The workings of the male genitalia is analogous to the workings of an elaborate balloon, and just as a balloon can be pushed to new limits by filling it with more air or applying a squeeze to the place where the balloon is tied (increasing its internal pressure in either case), the same is true of your man-balloon.
The use of high pressure cock rings and workout rings is highly recommended. Effective across all three Pencil-D scenarios, erection rings enjoy nearly a 100% success rate in terms of increasing erection thickness. Basically every man wearing a properly selected high pressure ring (not just some toy from the sex shop, but something like a HARDWEAR ring), will see an increase in effective girth. His hard-on will be harder… it will be thicker, look thicker, and perform thicker. The effect does not take weeks or even days to accomplish. The effect is immediate with the selection of the proper male ring, worn during sex, guys and thier lovers enjoy the benefits immediately. For the man who wants to start stretching his lover in new ways right now, tonight, high pressure rings offer unmatched ease, immediate results, and a super high success rate across all three pencil-D types. There is really no downside other than a man needs to be comfortable wearing an erection ring to bed. The gear, as seen all over is incredibly handsome and sexy. Guys harboring concerns should realize their lovers (female or male) will be excited by the introduction of new spice in the bedroom. In str8 couples you can rest assured, no lady is going to complain about her man being bigger and better and bringing more action to bed. In gay couples both partners can even enjoy the direct benefits of each wearing an enhancing ring, which as a bonus for the bottom-boy can often keep him hard through the riggors of being fucked, which is an enhanced experience many gay couples seek.
#2 - Grow Thicker Exercising Your Cock with HARDWEAR Workout Rings
There is a side effect of wearing high-pressure male enhancing rings for sex and masturbation. A wonderful side effect, which is that even as these rings are making you harder and thicker on the spot, they are also actively super engorging the tissues inside your male organ for permanent growth. This fact, with time has proven to make men bigger and thicker even when they are not wearing the rings, with measurable gains both flaccid and hard.
Taking this concept to the next level, Hardwear Jelqing Rings are specifically designed as workout rings. In just two or three sets, fifteen to thirty minutes a day, a guy can increase the thickness of his organ as well as the length, and the workout is easy and fun. Guys who combine rings worn during sex and masturbation, with a workout ring routine have seen amazing permanent results quickly. And guys who are not comfortable wearing a ring in the sack for on the spot enhancement have enjoyed the workout focussed approach to building up thier male organs.
#3 - Try Manual Jelqing
Debatably the most well known hand-powered male enlargement exercise, performing manual Jelqs (AKA Jelqing) can be a good way to get started if you’re saving up for some high-tech Jelqing Rings. There are many varieties of these movements. Ultimately jelqing yourself with your hand is like a type of focused masturbation with a very different end goal. The goal is to squeeze blood flow and pressure around your male organ to expand the tissues.
#4 - Get Yourself a Good Cock Pump
Another angle on pressure workouts is to employ the use of a vacuum device. In this kind of workout you insert your sausage into a cylinder and then pump the air out of the cylinder. The pressure imbalance created will cause your meat to swell inside the cylinder, initially with blood but ultimately with lymphatic fluid under the skin as well. Pumps can be used before sex to make your member temporarily thicker, and they can also be employed in a gym-style workout routine to achieve permanent gains. Pressures should never be pumped to high, as these devices can cause injury if they are misused.
Want more paths to a Thicker Dick?
Lets Look at The Goal from a Holistic Perspective.
So, we’ve looked at pressure based male enhancement aides, therapies, and exercises, these being the most direct path for men on a journey for wider endowment. We will turn now to approaches that look beyond your genitals in specific and look at the whole body equation and also certain habits that may be causing problems.
#5 - Are You Suffering From Death Grip Syndrome?
If you are having problems with regard to not feeling enough friction (Type C - Performance Pencil-D), especially if this is an emerging problem and not a problem you’ve always had, the issue could be that you have lost sensitivity in your male organ more so than that the organ is too skinny for you to feel the walls against which it is rubbing. You might think that if this is the case your lover will be unaffected, however, a man who isn’t feeling the right sensations in his erection during sex tends to have softer less effective erections, and tends to deliver lackluster sexual thrusting. Even if the issue is technically only something you should be able to feel (or not feel) it tends to echo out so that your partner will feel it too.
When men masturbate too intensely with a super tight clenched fist AKA “The Death Grip” or they stroke too fast too frequently like they are trying to start a fire, or any combination, these poor masturbation habits can lead to reduced sensation. There are other possible causes, like lowering testosterone levels, but right now let’s focus on bad masturbation practices, which are the most common cause. Masturbation is great and healthy but it should not be performed in a way that makes it unlike the friction found in actual sex. Lost sensitivity which starts with a reduced level of feeling in sex, and a sense of frictionless fucking, gets worse if a guy continues the bad habits that are at the core, and ultimately leads to erectile dysfunction.
If this might be you, you’ll want to read our article on: Restoring Penis Sensitivity.

Testosteron is the primary male sexual hormone, but also the primary male hormone in general. Among the many great benefits of OptiMale TNT XL, this amazing male formula is a fantastic 100% Natural T-Booster. Try it now and discover yourself without limits...
#6 - Might you have Low Testosterone?
As mentioned above, Low T can certainly cause a reduction in penile sensation, a reduction in erection quality leading to ED, and yes, ultimately problems as severe as penile shrinkage. You should get your T-levels tested and at the same time try a Natural T-booster, something like our Optimale TNT XL, which has many other male size and performance benefits is perfect.
Male T-Levels in the range of normal are between 300-and-1100 with 700 being considered ideal, and a tendency to drop with age. But a factor to keep in mind if you seem to be experiencing Low-T and yet your levels aren’t technically low, is that they may be low for you. If you haven’t tracked your levels all throughout your adult life and you are now age 40 for example, you don’t know what your levels were at age 20. Maybe you had naturally high levels hovering around 1000, so that even 600 which is acceptable could effectively feel low to you. A man can’t go wrong with a Natural T-Booster. These are not putting testosterone into your system but signaling for you testicles to make more, and doing so in a very holistic and natural way. If it makes you feel better and perform better then you’re golden.
#7 - Have You Considered Hormone Replacement?
Now we are talking about more serious, pharmaceutical Testosterone Replacement approaches. There have been many strides and advances in bio-identical testosterone replacement for men. But unlike natural T-boosting there can be serious side effects and complications here (including increased cancer risk and heart-health considerations) that deserve more thought. Your current T-Level is really a much more important factor now. It really should be low before you consider hormone replacement. Giving your body testosterone that it doesn't have to work to produce ultimately makes you dependent on the artificial source. Your testicles get lazy and forget how to make their own T-juice. That’s okay if your nuts are already doing a terrible job. In that case you need hormone replacement, however, if that’s not the case you may be creating a problem where there wasn’t one, and a dependency. You should talk to your urologist thoroughly before considering this, but if you really need it, it can do wonders.

#8 - Do You Know How To Move Your Ass In Bed?
Yes we are talking about technique, knowing how to get the right motion going in your ocean, knowing how to move your ass between the sheets, knowing how to really thrust and grind your fuck the right way. It’s a serious question we’re asking, and if you find yourself saying something like “What Technique? There’s nothing to it, you stick your thing in and you move it in and out.” If you think along these lines you almost certainly do not know how to maximize your impact in bed. Any woman can tell you, boys... sexual technique is real, extremely diverse from man to man, and it matters a lot. Lesser endowed men absolutely need to focus on movement, skill, and knowhow, and it can make the difference between rocking your partner’s world (and your own) and your partner not feeling a thing and being very disappointed. A skilled skinny D can do much better than an unskilled one. A full discussion is beyond the scope of this article, but lucky for you we have an entire DVD Master Class dedicated to the topic.
#9 - Get a Cock Stretcher, Start a Stretching Routine.
Guys interested in more length are probably on the stretching bandwagon already, but you might not be aware that using a stretching device can increase your girth as well. It can and it does. All male size workouts have overlap, so a focussed girth workout like with the Jelqing Rings also has the secondary benefit of length. And a focussed length workout like with the awesome Soldier Boy Stretcher will have the secondary benefit of making a boys junk wider and juicier even as it’s making it longer.
#10 - Surgery and other Invasive Medical Procedures
As a last resort because now we are talking about serious medical maneuvers that either involve cutting your male organ open and inserting implants, or injecting it with soft tissue fillers, such as hyaluronic acid, to increase girth. In the latter case, which is essentially an offshoot from the plastic surgery industry, like facial fillers, butt fillers etc, the procedure can be handled on an outpatient basis, and carries all the risks associated with plastic surgery. Like for example, complications that might leave your genitalia deformed… you’ve seen facial deaging gone wrong, you’ve heard of girls getting their butts done and then some months later their “butt drops.” Do you want to find out if your dick can drop… (laugh)... probably you don’t. These extreme fixes might be just the thing for you, but if you haven’t tried at least 6 other approaches on this list first, it doesn’t make sense to jump to the most invasive (and expensive) options.
Final Thought
Having taken a deep dive into how you can fix your skinny dick problems, regardless of where you fall statistically and what type of pencil D you have, it should be clear to you now that as a man of the modern age you have options. You do not have to accept being small, thin, or any other descriptor that might apply to male endowment. We would add that even if you’ve got average girth not every man wants to be average and that’s okay. Maybe even you’ve got a wide enough one-eyed monster that many men would already be enviable but you want more. As long as you are willing to do the work to get where you want to be, there is nothing wrong with aiming to be better than you are today or even exceptional tomorrow.
Not every guy is aiming simply for satisfactory performance. It’s okay to want to be “The Bomb” in bed... to want to flex your love muscle, fill your partner’s love tunel, and feel the undulating walls inside her\him. It’s okay to say “I’m not going to live with this problem, or pretend it’s not there, I’m going to fix it.” And it’s okay to be an overachiever in life, in sex, and wherever, because in truth it’s the guys who are fixers that get things done. It’s the determined overachiever who ultimately achieves the most… who reaches and perhaps even excels beyond his goals. And in the end these are the happiest people, because selfimprovement always feels good.

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Want your dick thicker, longer, harder, and stronger? Improved erections, awesome size, orgasm control and mind-blowing ejaculation are also standard with this gear. Explore our 40+ genuine Hardwear Enhancing Ring designs and unleash your inner porn star tonight.

Shop by Goal - New Goal
Get A Thicker Penis
Don’t be labeled a pencil dick, not when the technology exists to shatter your skinny pecker geneticsThis new goal page is dedicated to gear from our arsenal, that should surely be part of your arsenal, aimed at increasing girth.

Male Enhancement DVDs
Advanced Pelvic Thrusting Master Class DVD
All guys, but especially guys with small yangs need to know how to squeeze every drop of power out of thier endowment. How to move their asses in bed, maximize thier inches, and make the experience amazing? In this DVD your favorite male enhancement coaches teach you how to be an awesome fucker. Learn to hump stronger. Don’t just satisfy your partner, blow her mind.