Did you get a 6 Inch Penis when they were assigning inches to the baby boys in Heaven? Do you feel lucky or shortchanged? Are you itching to ask if six inches is big or small? We have the answer… it’s neither one, it’s smack-dab in the middle of average (give or take, depending on which study you decide to reference). If you’re smaller than a size six, you’re likely aspiring to climb the penis enlargement ladder, leaving behind the ranks of the four and five inchers, to emerge into the “big D club” with all the six-inch dudes. On the other hand, if you’re rocking seven or eight inches then you may be saying to yourself, “those guys with six inches have little pinky-sized dicks.” And yet, you’re probably hanging weights off your junk daily, chasing a nine- or ten-inch stature, because we boys always want to be bigger.
6 Inch Dick: Average 6 Inch Penis Owners Guide
In this, our freshest entry into our popular series of Penis Owners Guides, we’ll answer all your questions about life in the size six lane. It’s not exactly driving with the small guys and it’s not pushing the pedal to the floor with the giants of cock either (laugh). It’s right in the middle, a size a lot of guys have landed with, and in this write-up, we’ll be diving into what that experience is all about. Along the way we’ll show you how to wear your average endowment with style and even how to shatter your size limits too.
If you’re new to this series, which seeks to provide males with the missing owners instructions for the dangly bits between their legs (the absence of which is clearly a grand oversight), you’ll be surprised and thrilled to come along as we look at the world from the perspective of our third-eye—yes, men, the one between our legs)—taking a rock hard look at the particulars, circumstances, and realities of the ways in which a guy’s penis impacts his life.
With the right male enhancement gear, shattering average is easy! Are you aiming for 8", 9", even 10 inches... The Soldier Boy Stretcher is just one of the amazing technologies at allknight.com that can get a guy super hung.
On The Cover: Just because you were born with a standard 6, doesn’t mean you can’t pump out the long stroke with porn star inches tonight? Want to be instantly bigger for your lover? With regard to your erection size, 70% of the equation is blood flow. Hardwear rings instantly amplify blood flow to your cock, for the biggest, hardest, super-engorged boner you’ve ever seen on your body.
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While sporting six inches doesn’t at all line you up for the porn-star awards, the six incher is indeed the star of the show for this installment. As always there’s something for everyone to be found here: whether you’re a straight boy who wants to rock his lady’s world harder than ever before, or a gay guy that loves cocks in general, either looking forward to unleashing some new tricks on your favorite bottom-boy, or you are the bottom-boy looking forward to having those tricks unleashed on your own hungry hole. Even if you’re hung like a horse, you’d be mistaken to think there’s nothing you can learn from an average joe—think about it for a second—a penis that’s had to work much harder to impress than yours. And then again, maybe you’re just an average guy who needs to learn how to use his average dick better, or else you’re a PE (Penis Enlargement) Warrior... on a size quest to transform your 6 inches into a 7, 8, 9 or larger. Maybe you’re a girl who loves a guy with a size six, and you can’t understand why he feels it isn’t enough; or maybe you’re a different young woman who's been craving more for a long time... and you wish your man’s unit was bigger indeed.
When it comes to what’s going on between a guy’s legs, there’s validity to every view, something to be learned in every case, and always an interesting discussion waiting to be had. This is allknight.com of course, and in this guide, we’ll be talking dick. It’s a topic of interest to just about everyone. And one that our worldwide mission of helping guys with the mastery of their boy parts has taught us quite a bit about. So, let's do it...
Q&A1: Do I really have a 6 Inch Dick?
Jumping right into the long-and-short of things this is the most logical place to begin, with a little bit of a fact check. It seems there’s a rumor out there, that tons of guys who really have five Inch-plus size but don’t quite make it over the line to be true size sixers, have been claiming ownership of six-inch penises since… forever. A ruler can answer this question rather quickly of course, but even if you don’t have one of those trusty man measurers, a U.S. dollar bill (any green U.S. paper money, they’re all the same size) can also provide you with a reliable answer.
That’s right, the ever-common green paper leaflet that we use for currency measures 6.16 inches from left to right (basically 6 and 1\8th inches). So, if you put your money where your cock is (laugh), stretching your erect inches out side-by-side against Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, Franklin, or whichever deceased president you have on hand… if you’re basically the same length as the paper money then you’re officially in the size six club.
If you’re bigger you can brag to your friends that you had a cock showdown with George Washington and you won. It’ll take your buddies forever to figure out what in the world you’re talking about, and it’ll be great for laughs. On the other hand, if you lose that cock measuring contest, don’t worry we won’t tell. Hell, we’re cock coaches not the cock police. It is useful though, as men, for our own education, as we’re evaluating the route, we will take toward personal male improvement (and potentially male enhancement)—it’s useful for us to stand in our own size-truth. It’s the only way we can make informed choices.
Defining Average:
Q&A2: What is The Average Penis Size?
Okay, so you know you’re officially in the club, you went root-to-tip against one of the dead presidents and you were pretty much right on the line, same length as the money. You also have some awareness, perhaps by the name of this guide, that schlongs of this measurement are considered average. But what is average? How is this determined? Well, that’s a very good question. One we’ll answer, and one we’ll even give you our full philosophy on.
The average penis size has been a moving target for decades. Basically, a group of researchers will perform a study and each new study that catches on with the masses will become the new baseline against which the standard male package is judged.
In 1948 Professor Alfred Kinsey published a set of findings based on data from 3500 men, showing that 65.7% of them had an erect length between 5.5” and 6.5”. This is how we arrive at the classic 6” average, which is obviously the average of these bookend sizes, assuming an even distribution. The actual official tabulation (since distribution wasn’t exactly even) placed average size between 6.2” and 6.5”.
Many other studies performed through the decades have tended to arrive at similar findings, with some reporting a results range between 5” and 7”, allowing the bookends of average size to be more expanded, but still ultimately arriving at a 6” median.
Most recently in 2015 a new study of 15,000 men was synthesized from 17 separate previously running papers. Skipping all the scientific jargon, this latest study found that men have shrunk (laugh), and that the average penis is 5.16 inches long. So, an inch shorter than required to win the dollar bill challenge. Unlike the other studies this one was not self-measured but was based on measurements taken by the researchers, which marked an improvement. Also just like the other studies, this one was not particularly diverse in terms of male sampling, being primarily based on Caucasian men.
Penis Worldview and Our Opinion…
Your buddies here at allknight.com use the classic 6” definition of average because it has been the most accepted for the longest period of time. We were using this measurement before the 2015 study, and while we don’t feel it’s truly accurate, we definitely feel it’s closer to our “worldview” in terms of what average appears to be. When we say “worldview” we’re talking about the cocks we’ve seen... and being a male enhancement focused organization for fourteen years, we’ve seen a lot. The newer, smaller stats (5.16”) are currently en vogue on the web, but feel to us like they are being pushed with a “feel good” aim. It is not in any way our observation that men are shrinking (laugh); actually, if anything, with technology as well as better information and awareness around male sexual fitness, we feel the opposite.
At the end of the day, we believe each man needs to normalize the things he’s told against the things he’s seen and experienced in his own life (his worldview). For straight guys who don’t work either in medical, male enhancement, condoms, or porn, and who aren’t in a swinger or other lifestyle that involves a lot of group nudity, there may not be a lot of naked cocks (flaccid or erect) to formulate an opinion against. For gay guys there is much more opportunity to have seen the endowment of a number of other men. We’d encourage each man to use his own experiences, and in the absence of that, we think the classic 6” finding remains a fairly good shot at what average really is.
Do we think the average male size shifts based on race? Yes, we do, to some degree, but A) that’s a topic for a different article, and B) we believe, even though there is variance between different cultural backgrounds, using six inches as the baseline for average falls within the realm of reasonability for most men regardless of race. Again, use your own worldview. You know who you are, if you feel your demographic runs smaller bump it down a half inch (5.5”), if you feel your demographic runs larger bump it up a half inch (6.5”).
PERSPECTIVES: Being Six Inches
(Str8 White Male - 6”)
What do I think about having a 6” cock? {He shrugs} I think I want to be bigger. I’m into the whole swinging and sex party crowd, and like they say blondes have more fun, I don’t really know if that’s true or not, but guys with big dicks definitely have more fun. I mean, mine works, and I feel like I’m good at sex, though I also feel like I have to do more than guys who are better hung. That mental piece is maybe even bigger than the physical piece, and I’m not talking about some deep emotional connection. I’m talking about being at a sweat soaked sex party and fucking a bunch of hot swinger chicks, and not really standing much chance of making an awesome impression when the big bone is so exciting.
I’m not into guys, so I don’t know what it feels like, but it’s even exciting to me seeing a guy with a really big one, watching him pound a girl. I guess that’s why the dicks in porn are all way above average. And the thing I’m telling you is, even if I’ve got all the motion there is in the ocean, even if I’m fucking like a pro and the guy with the huge cock is bumping around like he’s almost too drunk to find what hole the peg fits into. At these parties, the girls flock to the really hung dudes, and they moan, and their eyes roll up in their heads. I mean it’s all good right, I’m not really pissed. We’re all swapping and sharing and it’s great, but once a 9” cock has been in a lady, my thunder, the thunder of the 6” stud is kind of stolen.

Adding inches isn’t just about length, the thickness of your pole is just as important. In fact, for the 6” cock, girth often makes all the difference. It has never been easier to get a nice fat cock than with the Hardwear Jelqing Rings. These amazing high-pressure rings can auto “jelq”, auto “clamp”, and take all a guy’s manual male pressure exercises (and your size) to new levels. Click to learn more...
(Gay Latino Male - 5.9”)
So, I’m okay with my size… I guess. I mean, if I could snap my fingers and be bigger I would, but I feel like average is good enough for me. Kind of boring but good enough. Now, personally, I like big dicks. I’m gay. I’m versatile so I can top or bottom. I can take a big one and I tend to end up with guys bigger than me. Honestly, it seems like there are a lot of hung boys these days. I end up bottoming mostly, which is okay by me since I like getting fucked. And yeah, it’s true that in a lot of gay hookups\relationships the bigger D takes the top role. It often happens that way, and like I said, I’m good with it.
You know what else—and I think this matters a lot—I’m only 5’ 5”. Being a short, compact, and fit guy, I think my dick, which is just a hair under six inches (but pretty thick with a circumference of 5.75”) fits my smaller stature well. If I was taller, I’m pretty sure I’d feel in need of another inch or two. Whenever I see bigger guys body-wise who are hung similar to me, I’m always like ‘it looks better on me.’ I don’t know, I never really thought being short had too many silver linings, but it really does make a modest cock look better.
(Sexually Fluid Black Male - 6.125”)
Yeah, you can believe I measured down to the millimeter, trying to squeeze every little bit out of it. {He smiles} Am I satisfied? No… I don’t know… maybe… {He shakes his head}. How about definitely not. Let’s see, how can I best say this? It really doesn’t matter if being six inches equates to the accepted average, ‘cause for a black dude it’s small. That’s how I’m perceived, as the black guy with the smallish dick. No, I’m not tiny, I know that. But it’s not big either and that’s what everybody is looking for. And you know, I have twice the opportunities, ‘cause I get down with guys and girls, I’m fluid like that. But either way, man, I don’t stand a chance… not at wowing anyone. Not when everybody I get with is hoping I’ll drop my drawers and what pops out will be so big it darkens the whole room. {He laughs and we laugh. Before we can challenge him, he confesses to paraphrasing that joke from the late great Bernie Mac—Def Comedy Jam All Stars Vol 2, 1993}
See, but Bernie was bragging about how awesome his cock reveal was, I’m talkin’ about what all my hookups are hoping for, only to be disappointed. And I’ve been with guys, right, I’ve seen a few ding-a-lings. I don’t think six inches is average at all. Not for brothers. Man, please, I’ve been fucked by brothers so big it hits you in the stomach like a punch (but one you like). So big that if they whip that shit out on a Monday, it can reach your ass in the future, and be fucking you already on Friday. {He grins and we tell him he’s hilarious, he should do his own standup. He gives a smug little nod.} See, maybe I am impressive, just not between the legs {He says}. And you know, I’m just keeping it real. I don’t believe six inches is average for anybody really, I’ve been with plenty white guys bigger than me too. The one’s I’ve been with, maybe their dicks couldn’t quite warp time all the way to Friday, but hell, some could reach Wednesday. And me... my little dick—my average dick, as it’s being called—is clearly stuck right here in the present. When I drop my drawers, I gotta crease my brow, get my determined face on, and be ready to put my everything into fucking. I gotta swivel these hips and use my tongue and all that. These big dicks be reaching into the future and the one I got… shit, I have to break major sweat to keep from rolling backward to the past {He laughs again}. I’m being extra illustrative, but it’s all to let you know how I feel, why I’m totally jumping on the penis enlargement train with you guys… so I can have a sword like you “knights” are swinging. Short answer: No, I’m not satisfied being “average”. I want to be hung. I’m hoping to get there soon and then I’ll be satisfied.
Q&A3: How Many Guys Have 6 Inches?
It’s actually tricky to find statistics that speak plainly and clearly to this. While it’s easy to discover that 5% of men have an 8-inch organ and 1% have a 10-inch, as we dive into the more populated waters of average size, we get reports such as 65.7% of men are somewhere between 5.5” and 6.5” (or sometimes 5.0” and 7.0” again depending on the data being referenced). The short answer is, a lot of guys are in the six-inch range, but if we’re looking for something more precise, we can break this data into quadrants. Doing so will give us an estimate that 33% of men land pretty much where you’re sitting, on the size six squad. That’s a third of all men. So, in a locker room with a hundred guys, you and 32 other men would essentially be the same length erect. In that same crowded changing area, 5 guys would be rocking 8 inchers and 1 dude would be boasting a 10-inch cock. Yes, as with all things statistical, we can find another study that will pull the numbers out differently, but again, we like to run with stats that have been “trusted” the longest.
Q&A4: Does it Take More Knowhow\Work to Fuck With An Average 6 Inch Dick?
The size six boys who shared their comments with us, seemed to share a common concept that it takes more work with an average or smaller penis to get the job of sex done right. We would argue that it takes knowhow to fuck (and fuck well) with every kind of dick. If you think guys hung like horses are never sexual klutzes, you would be mistaken. Big organs need training as well as smaller ones do. Different training, but training nonetheless. Now, there are some considerations about being “average” compared to being "large"... and some conclusions we can make, assuming we are talking about a man’s ability to be an orgasm machine (call it an orgasmatron) for his partner. Specifically, there are some fairly strong indications that it does indeed require more work for the modest penis to trigger the female orgasm. Likewise, in anal sex (gay or otherwise) it's fairly well known that a larger insertable will much more easily produce a very intense experience.
Looking again at a few broad statistics, more than 50% of women do not have orgasms with their men based on penetrative sex. More than 50% of men are some shade of average sized, with, based on our own calculation, 33% falling pretty much right at 6 inches. Finally, in a recent study reported in the Psychology of Men and Masculinity journal (yes, this is one of the newer studies that found schlong sizes to be shrinking compared to older studies), of the 52000 participants (male and female) 45% were unhappy with the size they landed with. 45 as a number rounds up to 50 pretty easily, and if we do round the numbers, we end up with the percentile of women who do not have penetrative orgasms matching the percentile of average size men, also matching the percentile of men who are unhappy with their size. Sure, we’ve nudged these numbers a little to shave all the edges off, but the observation is obvious. It seems relatively clear that average penises and smaller might need to work harder to give a woman an orgasm. (Continue reading below...)
Do you know how to use your six-incher like a pro? You need to. Hell, if you’ve got 7, 8, 9 or more inches… you still need to know how to use that thing right. The Sexxxtrainer Sex Simulator for men gives guys an on-the-spot sex coach and sex partner to master every real sex position, to master your staying power, your thrusting style and all your techniques. See how much fun Ray-Ray is having. Just click the animation if you want to be an awesome fucker too!
Now, of course, the thickness of your organ will play a role as well. male members have a tendency (but by no means are they guaranteed) to be proportionate. In other words, a penis of average length will more often than not have an average girth as well, though, as with everything about sexual anatomy, there will be more than just a few outliers. Some will be skinny. Some will be thick. We would argue that thicker average-length pleasure poles have an easier time generating powerful\orgasmic sensations than thinner ones, and that longer\thicker\bigger more hung guys overall have an easier time generating powerful\orgasmic sensations in general.
So, it’s long been PC (politically correct) to say “it’s not that size that counts but the motion in a guy’s ocean.” Uhm, we’d adjust that slightly to say: size counts (c’mon, let’s not even pretend we don’t know this is true) and obviously the motion in your ocean counts too. Motion can be the great equalizer for the more modest penis when it comes to making sex awesome. Ingenuity. Knowing how to fuck well. All that… all of it counts. Sex is about friction and a bigger unit will logically and predictably produce more friction with less effort. That said, isn’t sexual effort supposed to be fun anyway? If a guy knows how to move his ass well, shifting what he has and using his entire body to fuck, he can absoltuely rock his partner’s world even with a modest member.

Ready to grow your inches, build stamina, boost testosterone, be rock hard, and even pack on more lean body mass? OptiMale TNT XL is here, and they don’t call it “Big Dick in a Bottle with a Side of Muscles” for nothing. Click to learn why...
Q&A 5: So, My Dick is Small...
What’s The Potential For Me to Grow a 6 Inch Penis?
If you’re in the 4- or 5-inch club and you're reading this, you’re undoubtedly saying to yourself 6 inches would be great, although few PEers really target a goal of stopping at the standard 6. In terms of natural enlargement (I.E. non-surgical) this is a target, if only a “passing through” target, every man who begins his journey with less than a size six must visit. The great news is that, starting at 4 inches, reaching 6 inches is a very realistic pitstop on your journey. With penis weight hanging, stretching, pumping, etc… a little determination and a good supplementation plan you can definitely thrust your way to this size and even on up to a 7 incher.
In terms of surgical enlargement, it’s rare to find a guy targeting the size 6. Enlargement surgeries are very expensive (in the neighborhood of $15,000) and a tad invasive. Men are generally aiming for the big 7 club at least, because once you’ve committed to spending that much and allowing sharp objects into the vicinity of your manhood, you’re generally looking for a bigger payoff than the classic average penis (or by a more flattering name: the smallest big penis (laugh)). When a dude is going under the knife, he’s generally aiming to come out the other side with an indisputable big cock. The latest phallic surgeries can add about 2.5 inches to a man’s start size. So, if you’re at least at 4.5” you can land at 7”.
Q&A6: Hey, Hey, Hey… Never Mind The Smaller Guys...
Back To Us 6-inch Dudes. What Size Can We Grow Our Cocks Too?
Through natural enlargement means it is very realistic that you could cock-build your way into the eight-inch club… even, with great diligence, the nine-inch club. Surgically speaking, you could expect to end up with an 8.5” augmented schlong.
Q&A7: Do Average Vagina’s Like Average Penises?
The easy answer is one size does not fit every preference. In general, it’s safe to say that your penis size alone, if it’s in the six-inch range, will not be the be-all end-all decider in whether your special lady enjoys having sex with you or not. You’ve got fingers and a tongue, perhaps even a little motion in your ocean; so, at your (6”) size, the length of your pipe will not be the deciding factor in how well you lay down the pipe. It will be a factor—on the topic of sex, size is always relevant.. Isn’t the looseness or tightness of the vagina\anus you are entering a factor in your experience? Obviously, it is. Equally obvious, the length and girth of your love muscle will be a factor in your lover’s sexual experiences with you.
We asked two of our trainees if we could hear from their significant others, the fiancée in the first case and the girlfriend in the second case. We spoke to the women about their men’s penis size without the guys being present, and the feedback was both fascinating, very illuminating, and very different. So, if you think every woman thinks the same thing on this subject matter you would be very far off the mark.
Jessica in Montreal CA
said this about her 6” fiancé…
Yes, Dave is average, and yes I’ve been with bigger guys. He tries extra hard though and I enjoy sex with him. What’s his best sexual trick? {She makes a goofy face} I suppose it’s being into me; whatever size-intensity may be lacking, his emotional-intensity is on point. Do I have penetrative orgasms with him? Sometimes… but I wouldn’t say it happens that way most of the time. He’s great with his tongue though, and I get off that way all the time. Do I feel like there is a difference between sex with guys who are “average” Vs. “more well-endowed” men? I guess I have to say I do. Sex with those big guys is very physically intense. There’s a little sense of danger, kind of like a rollercoaster ride… it might hurt if they don’t know what the heck they’re doing… but if they do… well… ooh la la. No, I don’t wish Dave was bigger. He wishes he was; he thinks about it a lot. I’m engaged to all of him, in love with all of him. Besides, we have a 9” dildo in our sex toy box that we play with. How will I feel if Dave is successful in his penis enlargement work that he’s doing with you guys? Well, I won’t complain or be upset if he gets bigger {she giggles} ... I mean, I’ll just say it again, we do have a 9” dildo in our toy box.

How would you like to come to bed harder than ever, with more staying power? A Hardwear Cock Ring is a perfect way to shatter your average joe genetics and lay down the pipe like a superstar instantly...
Gina in Phoenix AZ
said this about her 6” boyfriend…
Can you guys change my name when you print this? If you can, then I can answer your questions honestly. {We tell her that we will change her name, so obviously Gina isn’t her actual name.} Okay, so yeah, my boyfriend Todd {also not his actual name} is average, and I feel like there shouldn’t be anything wrong with that. And I suppose there isn’t but I also feel like it’s boring. I’ve been with big guys before, really big, or at least I think so. One guy I was with for about two years was 8 and half inches. Another guy I dated for a while was 9 and a half. Not that I asked them too, but yes, they both measured for me. I think big guys like showing off like that. And they were thick too, but we never broke out a tape measure on that part. Both of them were so thick though… and people talk about the vagina having its most sensitive parts up toward the front within the first 3 inches. But I think that’s bullshit. My lady tunnel enjoys being mined deep and filled up with a big hard stretch of man.
Yeah, okay, the clit is up front, the G-spot too, but the A-spot is in the back, so’s the cervix which a lot of girls are scared of, but it feels amazing when the guy goes at it right. The 8.5-inch guy I was with was in medical school and that man knew where everything was {she chuckles}.
Sex with Todd is okay; but, no, I don’t have orgasms from his penis. Yes, bigger units are better for giving orgasms—I don’t think this, I know it. Todd is really good with his hands and his mouth, yes. He’s great with everything, but I’m glad he’s working with you guys. I hope it works and he gets bigger, ‘cause I really miss the feeling… the depth… the fullness. {She shrugs, looking as though she wishes she had something kinder to say. We tell her it’s okay, we’re glad she’s being so honest.} I feel like I’m being a B saying these things, and no I wouldn’t tell him this, not as bluntly, no, never, that’s why you had to change my name. But there is a difference between riding a large one and riding the standard model. It’s a big difference.
Pretty interesting, right? If you’re like us, we got the vibe that Todd and Gina’s relationship was in a certain degree of trouble. That’s not throwing shade on Gina’s honesty, not at all. But It was clear she really wasn’t being sexually satisfied and that size was, in her eyes, a major concern. It was clear in conversations with Todd, that he was aware even though she never told him. Since this interview we’ve given him a number of pointers on things he can do to use his six-incher more effectively while continuing his enlargement journey, and it’s been going well on both fronts. He’s fucking her better (smirk) and seven months into his penis enlargement and he’s up from 6” length to 6.60”.
Regarding things average or smaller boys can do to feel bigger (and really big cock guys can do them too), check out our Masters Class DVD: Advanced Pelvic Thrusting - How To Move Your Ass In Bed.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Having Six Inches
Having the classic average cock size means that you’re in the same figurative boat with a bunch of other guys (1 out of 3 at least). You’re not alone in your phallic stature, but you’re also hard-pressed to stand out. Instead of average, another way of describing the six-incher might be to call it the smallest of the big penises. That one kind of has a nice ring, but we could just as accurately call it the biggest of the small ones. It all comes down to saying the same thing, you, Mr. 6”, are in the middle... standard aka average aka it’s a good thing it takes more than just inches, any amount of them to satisfy a woman (or a man). Understanding what rocks about your size and what doesn’t can help you be a master in your own domain. So, let's check it out. Let’s make sure you’re walking the path of the stud and not the dud...
(The whistle blows and we’re up...)
(ADVANTAGE) Psychological: A size six is not going to scream to everyone who sees it that you should be a porn star. No, your size is not going to mystify (and some sizes do) but the point we’re driving at is that your size is not going to terrify either and that’s important. There should be no overt expectations of painful sex with you. If your partner has previously had a negative experience with large members, your average but respectable endowment should seat you in the safe zone—and it should accomplish this without sacrificing all the virtues of size. While 20% smaller (having less volume) than a big 8”, your six-inch sword is itself 20% bigger (having more volume) than a fun-sized four incher (and yes fun-sized is a nice way of saying small).
(DISADVANTAGE) Psychological: Okay, having a 6” cock is rarely going to soup up your partner’s head on the basis of size alone. And some men do have penises so impressive on viewing that partners are instantly convinced the sex will be amazing. That will not be the case in the size six club. It typically takes at least a 7” to wow someone solely on the merit of inches sighted, and even then, if what you’re going for in your cock reveal is the “damn, you’ve got such a big one” type of wow factor, you’d be better served to have an 8” or larger. At the same time, with most partners, your six-incher is not apt to disappoint on sight either (and unfortunately some men have this experience too) so even if you want more, be appreciative of where you’re at. Ultimately, the six-incher is psychologically neutral, it’s up to you to bring the wow with what you do with it.
*A slight addendum to this point is that men of certain racial\cultural groups, black guys being the most obvious, may have a different experience in which, with certain partners, the 6 incher is not psychologically neutral but leans more toward a factor of disappointment. This was the experience Andre communicated to us earlier in this guide. In cases like these the issue isn’t you, the issue is that your partner wasn’t psychologically neutral regarding sex with you to begin with, they were expecting the Big Black Dick… or the Big Cuban Dick... or the Big whatever kind of Dick even without ever having seen your dick (laugh). It’s outside the scope of this article to go into this topic in any detail. Never fear though, we have an entire article roasting in our creative oven that deals with this subject—so keep a watchful eye for that. For now, it is what it is. As with any disadvantage you’ll just need to play up your advantages and bring the wow by laying down an awesome fuck.
UPDATE: That article we mentioned being in the slow cooker is ready... and it's actually the first of 4 planned write-ups that will look at how men can best deal with the sexual stereotypes that are assigned to them, and the expectations (benefits and challenges) these bring. For each of the following ethnocultural groups (Black, Latino, White, and Asian) we have an article in the works, with the possibility of more to follow. Of course we started with the granddaddy of all the male sexual stereotypes, the BBD, which ties-in perfectly to Andre’s experience. You can read it now... Big Black Dick: Balls Deep Into The Stereotype
(ADVANTAGE) Physical: We’ve talked about bigger cocks having to do “less work,” but let’s be clear. Longer and wider cocks create a level of intensity, depth, fullness, and friction that more easily triggers orgasm in a man’s partners, and yet the orgasm is only a piece of what goes on during sex. On the just getting into the sex end of things, where you’ve just slid yourself into whichever pocket—on this side of the sexual game having an average sized penis (average length and probably an average girth too) actually requires less work for you. More modestly sized men don’t have to work as hard on the foreplay piece, with getting things super slippery and wet, in order to make sure the experience won’t be painful. Don’t get us wrong, Mr. 6”, you still need to warm up your partner's engine (laugh), but not nearly as much as big guys do. What is a major topic for them in order to ensure a pleasurable experience, you can kind of just skate through.
You can also fuck with more abandon, again because your size doesn’t need to be such a consideration. You can go balls deep with very little chance of a six-incher bumping a woman’s cervix or interacting with a man’s sigmoid colon—both of these in the way back regions of the vagina\anus are pretty much beyond the reach of the average sized erection.
(DISADVANTAGE) Physical: Just as every coin has two sides, the fact that your size allows more abandon and less worry about causing discomfort, also means it is less likely to generate intense sensations. You probably can’t reach the cervix or the sigmoid colon, which was flagged as a good thing above, however, sexual interaction in these areas produces powerful sometimes shocking sensations—and while a big dong klutz usually gets a pain response, the skilled sword swinger dazzles his lover with just the right touch delivered to these hard-to-reach hot buttons. Being able to reach these zones can certainly be an asset.
In all likelihood, using your penis alone, you will need to work harder to generate an orgasm response in your partners than if your size was bigger. If your sexual thrusting is robotic and\or 1-dimensional, as tends to be the default of many men, you run the risk of delivering a somewhat boring fuck that may feel frictionless.
*Tip: Don’t be an in and out robot; roll your hips, tilt your pelvis, and stir that thing like you’re cooking up a pot of super-hot Jumbo. Don’t just be a spelunker, dropping into a hole, neither reaching the bottom nor touching the sides. To make your size a pro and not a con you need to stimulate the walls of the tunnel you’re mining.
(ADVANTAGE) Physical: See the tip above and recognize that you have a clear advantage over smaller men in the 5”, 4” and so on range. Your man-missile is compact but still long enough to be fully used like a lever, like a spoon in the stirring scenario we gave above. Like we said in the first point of this section, while your cock is not likely to win you any AVN (Adult Video) awards, it’s still big enough to be fully effective when used properly, this while being small enough as to not be scary. Most sex positions and techniques will be open to you, where smaller guys will begin to run into positional challenges.
(ADVANTAGE) Physical: The size 6 can unlock most of the wonders of the Kamasutra. It will perform well enough in a wide variety of sexual positions that smaller men may not be able to pull off. Sure, as guys get bigger… 7”, 8”, 9” and so on… the ability to perform Standing sex and other various formats involving pretzel like body angling are easier because those big schlongs can reach halfway across the room (laugh). But your six-incher is very capable of executing most positions without excessive slip outs and other problems that smaller guys encounter. Grinding styles are also available to you without much thought. While the gods of cock with really long organs have to think about how much dick to use, you can pretty much go all in.
(DISADVANTAGE) Phycological: Throw a stone and if it hits another dude there’s a one in three chance that his junk is sized very similarly to your own. As Gina intimated to us, some people may equate this to boring. This means you will not be the subject of penis fetishes, fantasies, worship, and objectification. The points you earn in the sex game will be hard-won and you’ll know you worked for and deserve them.
(DISADVANTAGE) Public Nudity: You are likely to have a modest showing in public strip-down settings. Sure, you could be a shower (show-er) Vs being a grower, in which case you can just cross this disadvantage off your list. It’s kind of rare, however, for a guy who shows 5” flaccid to only grow to 6” hard. We’ve seen it happen, but in our experience the locker room stud is usually a stud in erect settings as well. That said, more men are growers than showers in general. The average soft cock is roughly 3.5 inches long and 3.5 inches in girth (circumference). Given a little length of pubic hair the wiggly worm can easily be obscured. All this is to say, in public nudity settings, shower rooms, locker rooms, saunas, etc... you are not likely to be the one making the other boys jealous and getting ogled over, if that kind of attention appeals to you.
Tip: Trim or shave your pubes and let every millimeter of your big softy be seen. Also, wear a stylish cock ring. If you’re into attention anyway, not only will this cause your softy to hang bigger, you’ll also get the occasional guy asking where you got the awesome gear. A little stack of glans rings (cock head rings), or a kick-ass ball stretcher are also great options.
Final Thought
So, is 6 inches a good size? Given that 33% of the male population ends up this way, it had better be (laugh). At the end of the day a good length of cock is more than its measure, it’s what you do with it. Do guys come built bigger than the boys on your team—Team Six? Absolutely they do. Though rare, there are dudes out there who are on Team Twelve, with monster cocks twice as big as your own. Do you need to be bigger than you are? That’s a personal question that only you can answer, but one thing that’s nice is that the information, exercises, equipment, supplements, and as a last ditch, even surgical means are available to the modern man. Most of these options didn’t exist for your dad (depending on your age) and definitely not for your grandad.
In summary we would simply say that being average isn’t always the most exciting designation, but it’s certainly never lonely… you’ve got tons of company on Team Six. Should you be happy, or should you be looking for a transfer? Well, one does not need to negate the other. You can be happy with yourself today and still want to be an even more improved man tomorrow. A thing doesn’t have to be broken to be upgraded… and not everything that’s standard needs an upgrade. You know your performance, what you feel, where you are and where you need to go. What is certain is that standing in your present you should aim to use the inches you have, even if you’re working on reaching more—you should always strive to use what you’ve got to the best of your ability. Never go half-ass on anything, go whole-ass. Never forget that effort builds character; hard work pays off; and tomorrow can always be a bigger, badder, better day in which you’ll love your penis even more.
Check back frequently to catch updates to this article. Also, be on the lookout for our next Penis Owners Guide… where we’ll be stripping the skivvies off of and unlocking the secrets of the nine inch penis. Yes, (assuming the same girth) a nine-incher has 50% more volume than the classic six incher… and next time we’ll be learning all about life when your cock rocket is a big nine.

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