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ON THIS PAGE: Penis Stretchers  - Penis Pumps  - Penis Exercise Rings  - Ball Stretcers - PE DVDs 

Not only is a longer penis more visually exciting, but obviously the more length there is on your probe, the more skin there is sliding in and out, and generating friction. This equals more pleasure for yourself and your lady A long penis can reach places, sexual hot spots that a very short one can not. Sure there are erogenous zones that a short penis can reach. For example, the clitoris is immediately accessible in the female; if also up-angled so that only skilled thrusters can actually strike it while thrusting.


With the most ad­vanced penis lengthen­ing gear known to man, ar­rayed here all in one place. You’re not going to have any pro­blem at all fin­d­ing the equip­ment you need to pack on the in­ches. From our weighted glans rings and all day stretch­ers which are per­fect under clot­hes, to our more in­dustri­al weight han­g­ing sys­tems that are per­fect for set-based wor­kouts, every­th­ing a boy needs to get hung like a horse is right here.

FEATURED SALE!  Soldier Boy Free-Swinging Ring Stack Stretcher This amazing new penile stretching technology uses weighted rings in ...

Soldier Boy Free-Swinging Ring Stack Stretcher

This amazing new penile stretching technology uses weighted rings in an expandable free-swinging stack to grow you the huge meat your after. Combining the principles of extension, stretching, and hanging with weights, into a single amazing system.
NEW!  Colossus Mega Hanger Weight System The ultimate modular weight system for growing a bigger dick. Based o...

Colossus Mega Hanger Weight System

The ultimate modular weight system for growing a bigger dick. Based on our Pendulum Weights principal the Colossus rig adjusts from .5 to 8lbs on the fly by adding or subtracting weight plates. Hanger ring supports up to 30lbs and can go even heavier - Male Genital Stretching and Extension - All Day and Set Based.

BRAND NEW! + SALE!  Power Grip Stacking Pendulum (Weight Stack + 180 Degree) This awesome weighted hybrid metal auto "grip" ring rides behind your...

Power Grip Stacking Pendulum
(Weight Stack + 180 Degree)

This awesome weighted hybrid metal auto "grip" ring rides behind your full package and lets you stack on however much weight you want. So sleek that it fits right in your slacks for a fantastic ADR (All Day\Extended Wear) experience, this gear is the most versatile weighted c-ring available. Grow your junk! Stoke your Mojo! Defeat sexual dysfunction! And have a blast with the world’s most advanced weighted male enhancer.

SALE!  Hardwear Samurai Single-Rod Stretcher (Straightener and Exerciser) Discover the amazing new single-rod rod based stretcher and straighte...

Hardwear Samurai Single-Rod Stretcher
(Straightener and Exerciser)

Discover the amazing new single-rod rod based stretcher and straightener that grows your junk with traction and weight combined. The samurai can even be outfitted with a slope morph to stretch your dick against an arched plane... for amplified enlarging and straightening.

NEW + SALE!  Magnetic Pay Load: Glans Ring Enlarger Sexy, super magnetic, and deliciously heavy… this gear boasts almost ...

Magnetic Pay Load: Glans Ring Enlarger

Sexy, super magnetic, and deliciously heavy… this gear boasts almost a full pound of weight along with our state-of-the-art male enhancing (NdFeb) Neodymium magnetics. Easily the world’s most advanced weighted glans rings and all-day stretcher (with the second and third most advanced glans rings also being invented by us), this amazing hybrid metal glans ring + shaft Ring delivers auto latching and auto "GRIP", with all the power a boy needs to grow his junk.

SALE!  Power Grip Pay Load 3/4 lbs (almost a full pound) Weighted Hybrid Metal Glans Ring + Shaf...

Power Grip Pay Load

3/4 lbs (almost a full pound) Weighted Hybrid Metal Glans Ring + Shaft Ring with Auto "GRIP". Featuring a suspended load and 2 awesome styles for the angling of the load. One of the world's two most advanced weighted glans rings, both of them being invented by us...

SALE!  Python Heavy Hanger Weight System Awesome Pendulum based hanger weights are available individually in h...

Python Heavy Hanger Weight System

Awesome Pendulum based hanger weights are available individually in half pound, one pound, and two pound increments. Hanger supports up to (.5lbs to 30lbs) - Male Genital Stretching and Extension - All Day and Set Based

NEW! + SALE!  Power Grip Front Pendulum Weighted Glans Ring, Erection Exerciser and Enlarger .5lbs, 1lbs, 2lbs, Awesome Weighted Hybrid Metal Glans Ring \ Shaft R...

Power Grip Front Pendulum Weighted Glans Ring, Erection Exerciser and Enlarger

.5lbs, 1lbs, 2lbs, Awesome Weighted Hybrid Metal Glans Ring \ Shaft Ring with Auto "GRIP". One of the world's two most advanced weighted glans rings, both of them being invented by Hardwear.

NEW + SALE!  Magnetic Load Ring Ready to be huge, soft and hard? Then it’s time to put some weight be...

Magnetic Load Ring

Ready to be huge, soft and hard? Then it’s time to put some weight between your legs and some magnetism, in the form our brand-new Magnetic Load Ring. This awesome enhancer combines 4 supercharging forces to super-erect you when you need to be hard, to pump up your big softy under your clothes, to amplify all your fluids, and to grow your junk. And of course, as a bonus, the ring looks totally badass.
The Power Grip Load Ring  3/4 lbs (almost a full pound) Weighted Hybrid Metal Dick and Balls R...

The Power Grip Load Ring

3/4 lbs (almost a full pound) Weighted Hybrid Metal Dick and Balls Ring with Auto "GRIP". Featuring a raised load, positioned to stimulate the male balls and P-Spot while growing your manhood.

NEW! + SALE!  The Spider Loaded: Weighted Combo with Built-in Shaft Ring (2-in-1 and More!) How many ways can we enhance you at once? The Spider Loaded features ...

The Spider Loaded: Weighted Combo with Built-in Shaft Ring (2-in-1 and More!)

How many ways can we enhance you at once? The Spider Loaded features two auto “grip” enhancers in one: with service direct on your shaft and a bracelet for your dick and balls too. Perfect for super powerful erections and extended wear. Weighing nearly a full pound, The Spider Loaded features a built-in load weight to grow your manhood. And beyond just growing a boy’s junk, the weight has been positioned and angled to stimulate the prostate for souped up arousal and amazing ejaculations.
SALE!  Tandem Loaded Twin Band Weighted Donut Ring Want an amazing Bulge, an unstoppable Boner, and an onboard load weig...

Tandem Loaded Twin Band Weighted Donut Ring

Want an amazing Bulge, an unstoppable Boner, and an onboard load weight to grow your sausage too? This awesome two-band Donut Ring has it all. Fantastic in bed and also under clothes for extended wear (All Day Ring - ADR use), the Tandem Loaded features two Elliptical Hybrid Metal rings and your choice of either 1 (for ¾ LBS) or 2 (for 1.5LBS) integrated male enhancing weights. Get this hot gear now.


Penis Pumps have many male en­hanc­ing be­nefits, not least of all their much tal­ked about ab­ilit­ies for size in­crease. With over­lapp­ing be­nefits in the di­mens­ions of girth (dick thick­ness) and raw in­ches (how long your dick is), a penis pump­ing routine done pro­per­ly is a great way to pack on size. Ideal­ly com­bined with other tech­nolog­ies such as penis stretch­ing, slid­ing your­self into a vacuum chamb­er, evacuat­ing the air, and watch­ing your sausage swell to fill the chamb­er, can be a great way to size up your dick as well as a fun pas­time.

Bad-Ass Male Enlarger Bad-Ass Male Enlarger

Bad-Ass Male Enlarger

by Hardwear
Products : :

 Sale (24)


All our cock rings are based on the prin­cip­als of super en­gor­ge­ment, that is to say that our rings pro­duce, in the male, a state of con­stric­tion that al­lows him to have an erec­tion that is hard­er, long­er, and thick­er than his body can pro­duce on its own. This is great for on-the-spot if you want to be bi­gg­er right now, right this minute, just pop on one of rings and un­lock your inner porn star. In fact our rings are fam­ous for tak­ing guys well be­yond the maxi­mum erec­tion qual­ity their bod­ies can pro­duce un­aided. Ad­ditional­ly, over time, super en­gor­ge­ment ex­pands the penis per­manent­ly. So hav­ing sex wear­ing our rings ac­tual­ly grows a guys cock over time. Last­ly some of our rings are specifical­ly de­sig­ned to create vari­ous wor­kout con­di­tions, such as our jelq­ing rings and oth­ers cap­able of creat­ing a 100% clamp. These tie right into penis en­lar­ge­ment train­ing routines ex­cel­lent­ly.

NEW! + SALE!  Auto GRIP Hybrid Metal Shaft Ring Super High Pressure Direct On-Penis Ring: Super Engorging, Super Erec...

Auto GRIP Hybrid Metal Shaft Ring

Super High Pressure Direct On-Penis Ring: Super Engorging, Super Erection Ring. Capable of generating the force of 3-5 standard Penis Jelqing Rings in a single Power Grip Shaft Ring!
by Hardwear

NEW! + SALE!  H60 Full Flex 2-Piece Horseshoe Cock Ring Auto Grip and Adjustable: Super Engorging Cock and Balls Ring.  Capab...

H60 Full Flex 2-Piece Horseshoe Cock Ring

Auto Grip and Adjustable: Super Engorging Cock and Balls Ring. Capable of an extremely exact fit, for however much pressure you desire, the rope design of the amazing Version 6 Horseshoe Cock Ring combines the 2-piece adjustability of our famous Horseshoe rings with the powerful auto “grip” of our hybrid metal\elastomer Power Grip line. Delivers instant amazing size for sex and grows your penis over time.
by Hardwear


In an in­direct fash­ion, be­cause there are shared skin zones bet­ween the penis and your scrotum, wear­ing ball stretch­ers may in fact grow your penis. But rea­l­ly ball stretch­ers are about gett­ing a big low han­g­ing nut sack. Sure, you’re not going to fuck an­ybody with your big low swing­ing balls, but they look super hot (and a pair of big at­ten­tion gett­ing cajones are de­finate­ly suc­k­able). At the end of the day, while your build­ing a bi­gg­er bet­t­er dick, you might as well go for the fully balan­ced big genit­al look. Your trained-up balls are sure to look great hover­ing be­hind your new bi­gg­er schlong. As a bonus your ball sack is a much eas­i­er zone to train than the penis it­self, and you can eas­i­ly train your balls in com­bina­tion with train­ing your penis.

NEW! + SALE!  The Baller Pendulum (1-Ring) - Pendulum Weighted Ladder  Ball Stretcher NEW! + SALE!  The Baller Pendulum (1-Ring) - Pendulum Weighted Ladder  Ball Stretcher

The Baller Pendulum (1-Ring) - Pendulum Weighted Ladder Ball Stretcher

by Hardwear
NEW! + SALE!  The Baller (Single-Ring) - Asymmetric  Ball Stretcher Hybrid Metal\Elastomer Balls Rings... Stackable, Expandable, and Amaz...

The Baller (Single-Ring) - Asymmetric Ball Stretcher

Hybrid Metal\Elastomer Balls Rings... Stackable, Expandable, and Amazing!


Our team knows all the tri­cks for super­siz­ing your male fac­tors. Want a long­er penis? A thick­er penis? Want to build-up size in re­gards to every­th­ing about you that’s sexu­al... even down to your semen load, so you can stun your partn­ers with your amaz­ing sexu­al skill and end­ow­ment. Look no farth­er, educa­tion is king and your penis coach budd­ies here at al­lknight.com have col­lec­ted their know­ledge into DVD mast­er clas­ses to teach you every­th­ing you need to know.

SALE!  DVD: Advanced Penis Enlargement with Jelqing Rings (2 Hours 7 Minutes - 4 Sessions - Multiple Workouts!) This awesome DV...

DVD: Advanced Penis Enlargement with Jelqing Rings

(2 Hours 7 Minutes - 4 Sessions - Multiple Workouts!) This awesome DVD instructional video goes far beyond the basic "how to use your rings" information that comes free with every Jelqing Ring Set. This step by step master class video looks at advanced topics for taking your penis enlargement routine to the next level, and also at advanced concepts and usage scenarios. Some of the concepts that will be discussed include.

DVD: Advanced Sex And Penis Enlargement for Horseshoe Cockring Wearers (2 Disk Set) (2 Hours 7 Minutes - 4 Sessions - Multiple Workouts!) This awesome DV...

DVD: Advanced Sex And Penis Enlargement for Horseshoe Cockring Wearers (2 Disk Set)

(2 Hours 7 Minutes - 4 Sessions - Multiple Workouts!) This awesome DVD instructional video goes far beyond the basic "how to use your rings" information that comes free with every Jelqing Ring Set. This step by step master class video looks at advanced topics for taking your penis enlargement routine to the next level, and also at advanced concepts and usage scenarios. Some of the concepts that will be discussed include.